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    Icons For Medicines海报/平面广告营销案例




    案例简介:背景 在巴西,有51% 的患者报告在服用药物之前未阅读药品包装说明书。因此,药物滥用是该国中毒的主要原因也就不足为奇了,每小时影响3人。包装插入很复杂,用复杂的科学语言编写,不能清楚地回答疑问。但这即将改变。介绍医学图标: 一个应用程序,从包装插入翻译复杂的信息,并将其与患者的病史交叉,以获得个性化的推荐。在一个拥有2.2亿手机的国家,服药从未如此安全。 描述创意 在每个人的手掌中拥有有关正确使用某些药物的关键信息应该很容易且容易获得,从而避免可能致命的事故。这正是医学图标的全部内容。患者只需要填写一些个人信息,然后将相机的手机对准药盒即可。使用增强现实,包装经过重新设计,通过任何人都能理解的通用语言显示有关该药物的主要信息: 图标。每个用户根据他们的年龄、体重、性别、以前的手术等获得一组不同的图标。如果不建议患者使用该药,他们将收到一条警报消息,警告该药物对他们的危害。已经创建了一个完整的图标词典,使患者更好地了解他们的药物。简单、成本低、通用。 描述策略 为了理解如何执行如此复杂的项目,我们研究了数百个包插入。经过大量研究,我们提出了一系列重要信息,这些信息可以避免因滥用药物而中毒。然后,我们将包插入的每个方向转换为尽可能简单地表示它的视觉图标。所以,我们创建了一个完整的新图标词典。带有正确使用药物建议的图标与患者提供的医疗数据交叉。其结果是一个简单的系统,通过增强现实将复杂的包插入翻译成通用语言。尽管交叉数据很复杂,但医学图标非常易于使用。只需将手机上的相机对准药盒,即可获得有关如何使用它的个性化和安全信息。 描述执行情况 该申请首先针对HCOR患者发布,并被纳入住院治疗方案,以确保正确使用出院后药物。在病历中,患者拥有所有必要的信息,可以在智能手机上下载并安装该应用程序。由于使用通用语言,因此 “药物图标” 具有在全球范围内扩展的潜力,从而使药物使用比以往任何时候都更安全,更简单。最后,人们将能够更安全地服药,并在他们的手掌中获得快速而清晰的信息。 列出结果 药品图标为医生和患者的处方药安全提供了新的视角。一个重要的平台,不仅适用于普通大众,也适用于不讲葡萄牙语的外国人、文盲和阅读困难的人。通过一种简单的方式,现在人们可以获得有关所服用药物的个性化,准确和直观的信息。几周后,App Store和Google Play将提供药品图标,使服药行为变得安全。除此之外,通过其通用语言,药品图标有潜力在全球范围内扩展,使药物使用比以往任何时候都更安全,更简单。


    案例简介:Background In Brazil, 51% of patients report not reading the package insert of the medicines before taking them. So, it's no surprise that misuse of medicines is the main cause of intoxication in the country, affecting 3 people every hour. Package inserts are complicated, written in complex scientific language and not answering doubts clearly. But this is about to change. Introducing Icons for Medicine: an app that translates complex information from the package inserts and crosses it with the patient's medical history for a personalized recommendation. In a country with 220 million cell phones, taking medicine has never been safer. Describe the creative idea Having key information about the proper use of some medications in the palm of everyone’s hand should be easy and accessible, avoiding accidents that can be fatal. And that's exactly what Icons for Medicine is all about. The patient just needs to fill out some personal information and point their camera’s phone at the box of the medicine. Using augmented reality, the packaging goes through a redesign, which shows the main information about that drug through a universal language that anyone can understand: icons. Each user gets a different set of icons according to their age, weight, gender, previous surgeries, etc. And if the medicine is not recommended for the patient, they will receive an alert message, warning about the dangers of that medication to them. A complete dictionary of icons has been created, making the patient better informed about their medication. Simple, low cost and universal. Describe the strategy In order to understand how to execute such a complex project, we studied hundreds of package inserts. After much research, we came up with a list of the crucial information that could avoid intoxication due to misuse of medications. Then, we translated each orientation of the package insert into a visual icon that represents it as simply as possible. So, we created an entire dictionary of new icons. The icons with the recommendations for the correct use of the medicine were crossed with the medical data provided by the patient. The result is a simple system to translate complex package inserts into a universal language through augmented reality. Despite the complexity of the cross-data, Icons for Medicine is extremely easy to use. Just point the camera from the phone at the medicine box to get personalized and safe information on how to use it. Describe the execution The application was released first for HCOR patients and was included in the hospital admission protocol to ensure the correct use of post-discharge medication. In the medical record, the patient has all the necessary information to download and install the app on their smartphone. Because it uses a universal language, Icons for Medicines has the potential to expand globally, making medicine use safer and simpler than ever before. Finally, people will be able to take their medicine more safely, with access to quick and clear information in the palm of their hand. List the results Icons for Medicines has given a new perspective to the safety of doctors and patients regarding prescription drugs. An important platform not only for the general public but also for foreigners who are not Portuguese speakers, people who are illiterate and people with reading difficulties. In a simple way, now people can have personalized, accurate, and visually available information about the medications that are taken. In a few weeks, Icons for Medicines will be available in the App Store and Google Play, making the act of taking medicine safe. Besides this, through its universal language, Icons for Medicines has the potential to expand globally, making drug use safer and simpler than ever before.

    Icons For Medicines

    案例简介:背景 在巴西,有51% 的患者报告在服用药物之前未阅读药品包装说明书。因此,药物滥用是该国中毒的主要原因也就不足为奇了,每小时影响3人。包装插入很复杂,用复杂的科学语言编写,不能清楚地回答疑问。但这即将改变。介绍医学图标: 一个应用程序,从包装插入翻译复杂的信息,并将其与患者的病史交叉,以获得个性化的推荐。在一个拥有2.2亿手机的国家,服药从未如此安全。 描述创意 在每个人的手掌中拥有有关正确使用某些药物的关键信息应该很容易且容易获得,从而避免可能致命的事故。这正是医学图标的全部内容。患者只需要填写一些个人信息,然后将相机的手机对准药盒即可。使用增强现实,包装经过重新设计,通过任何人都能理解的通用语言显示有关该药物的主要信息: 图标。每个用户根据他们的年龄、体重、性别、以前的手术等获得一组不同的图标。如果不建议患者使用该药,他们将收到一条警报消息,警告该药物对他们的危害。已经创建了一个完整的图标词典,使患者更好地了解他们的药物。简单、成本低、通用。 描述策略 为了理解如何执行如此复杂的项目,我们研究了数百个包插入。经过大量研究,我们提出了一系列重要信息,这些信息可以避免因滥用药物而中毒。然后,我们将包插入的每个方向转换为尽可能简单地表示它的视觉图标。所以,我们创建了一个完整的新图标词典。带有正确使用药物建议的图标与患者提供的医疗数据交叉。其结果是一个简单的系统,通过增强现实将复杂的包插入翻译成通用语言。尽管交叉数据很复杂,但医学图标非常易于使用。只需将手机上的相机对准药盒,即可获得有关如何使用它的个性化和安全信息。 描述执行情况 该申请首先针对HCOR患者发布,并被纳入住院治疗方案,以确保正确使用出院后药物。在病历中,患者拥有所有必要的信息,可以在智能手机上下载并安装该应用程序。由于使用通用语言,因此 “药物图标” 具有在全球范围内扩展的潜力,从而使药物使用比以往任何时候都更安全,更简单。最后,人们将能够更安全地服药,并在他们的手掌中获得快速而清晰的信息。 列出结果 药品图标为医生和患者的处方药安全提供了新的视角。一个重要的平台,不仅适用于普通大众,也适用于不讲葡萄牙语的外国人、文盲和阅读困难的人。通过一种简单的方式,现在人们可以获得有关所服用药物的个性化,准确和直观的信息。几周后,App Store和Google Play将提供药品图标,使服药行为变得安全。除此之外,通过其通用语言,药品图标有潜力在全球范围内扩展,使药物使用比以往任何时候都更安全,更简单。

    Icons For Medicines

    案例简介:Background In Brazil, 51% of patients report not reading the package insert of the medicines before taking them. So, it's no surprise that misuse of medicines is the main cause of intoxication in the country, affecting 3 people every hour. Package inserts are complicated, written in complex scientific language and not answering doubts clearly. But this is about to change. Introducing Icons for Medicine: an app that translates complex information from the package inserts and crosses it with the patient's medical history for a personalized recommendation. In a country with 220 million cell phones, taking medicine has never been safer. Describe the creative idea Having key information about the proper use of some medications in the palm of everyone’s hand should be easy and accessible, avoiding accidents that can be fatal. And that's exactly what Icons for Medicine is all about. The patient just needs to fill out some personal information and point their camera’s phone at the box of the medicine. Using augmented reality, the packaging goes through a redesign, which shows the main information about that drug through a universal language that anyone can understand: icons. Each user gets a different set of icons according to their age, weight, gender, previous surgeries, etc. And if the medicine is not recommended for the patient, they will receive an alert message, warning about the dangers of that medication to them. A complete dictionary of icons has been created, making the patient better informed about their medication. Simple, low cost and universal. Describe the strategy In order to understand how to execute such a complex project, we studied hundreds of package inserts. After much research, we came up with a list of the crucial information that could avoid intoxication due to misuse of medications. Then, we translated each orientation of the package insert into a visual icon that represents it as simply as possible. So, we created an entire dictionary of new icons. The icons with the recommendations for the correct use of the medicine were crossed with the medical data provided by the patient. The result is a simple system to translate complex package inserts into a universal language through augmented reality. Despite the complexity of the cross-data, Icons for Medicine is extremely easy to use. Just point the camera from the phone at the medicine box to get personalized and safe information on how to use it. Describe the execution The application was released first for HCOR patients and was included in the hospital admission protocol to ensure the correct use of post-discharge medication. In the medical record, the patient has all the necessary information to download and install the app on their smartphone. Because it uses a universal language, Icons for Medicines has the potential to expand globally, making medicine use safer and simpler than ever before. Finally, people will be able to take their medicine more safely, with access to quick and clear information in the palm of their hand. List the results Icons for Medicines has given a new perspective to the safety of doctors and patients regarding prescription drugs. An important platform not only for the general public but also for foreigners who are not Portuguese speakers, people who are illiterate and people with reading difficulties. In a simple way, now people can have personalized, accurate, and visually available information about the medications that are taken. In a few weeks, Icons for Medicines will be available in the App Store and Google Play, making the act of taking medicine safe. Besides this, through its universal language, Icons for Medicines has the potential to expand globally, making drug use safer and simpler than ever before.



    Icons For Medicines






    广告公司: 葛瑞 (美国 纽约) 制作公司: 葛瑞




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