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    Go Roam短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:Wieden + Kennedy London 漫游动物王国参加新的三次竞选 伦敦,2017年5月23日: Wieden + Kennedy London 和三家手机公司在动物王国进行了一场全新的 ATL 运动, 鼓励客户 “漫游”,因为网络继续将客户从不公平的漫游费中解救出来。 Wieden + Kennedy London 创造了一个全新的品种,以体现三人的行业领先的居家感觉,它允许客户在全球 60 个目的地免费使用手机。 视觉上令人惊叹的 30 ”CGI 点以一只紧张、摇晃的长颈鹿宝宝打开,它被一只火烈鸟骄傲自信的羽毛神奇地取代。结果是一个在屏幕上支撑、摇摆和翱翔的生物。这种转变旨在描绘自由和快乐的感觉,这种感觉伴随着能够自由漫游,提醒观众他们可以自信地使用数据, 在国外时不支付罚款的短信和电话。 视觉效果工作室,工厂,制作神经长颈鹿和长颈鹿/火烈鸟混合完全在 CG,从早期的概念图纸发展到广告中的最终模型。该团队还致力于改善沙漠环境,增加大气效果,以补充动物鲜艳的色彩,让它成为舞台的中心。 这部电影与 Mindshare 设计的媒体计划一起推出了广泛的户外、数字、社交和印刷广告。 三公司的品牌和传播总监莉安 · 诺里 (Lianne Norry) 说: “在三家公司,我们知道客户想要从他们的手机中得到什么,更重要的是,这让他们感觉如何。我们的 “长颈鹿-阿明戈” 体现了我们的客户在国外免费漫游时的自由和信心。这就是为什么我们的使命是让他们能够按照他们想要的方式使用他们的手机。这不是普通的感觉。这是一种特殊的三种感觉。" Wieden + Kennedy London 创意总监 Dave Day 和 Larry Seftel 说: “这是我们为三个人推出的一系列动物混搭中的第一个, 每个人都代表着三种不同的感觉 -- 在这种情况下,是自由。这是一个令人难以置信的团队努力进入我们的最后一场比赛,我们对我们创造的新视觉世界非常兴奋。" Mindshare 的客户总监 Dominic Honess 评论道: “我们的目标是以最具创新性和影响力的方式,最大限度地提高对三人独特的“ 在家感觉 ”主张的认识。为了实现这一目标,这个想法的核心是在度假者为夏季度假做准备时吸引他们的注意力。我们希望通过传统媒体和数字媒体的战略融合,以及在英国两个最受欢迎的购物目的地 -- 韦斯特菲尔德和斗牛场 -- 实现这一目标。" 根据品牌的新策略,三个客户是第一个在任何人之前收到三个新 Go Roam 产品的消息的。当三位首席执行官戴夫 · 戴森首次通过脸谱网直播宣布这一消息时,传统的媒体优先模式开始颠覆。 Cow PR 还帮助三人在 5月12日为三名客户提供了品牌第一、独家活动,领先于上线活动。周六夜电视最受欢迎的 Paddy McGuinness 主持的 gameshow 风格活动,“带着三个人来飞翔, 看到 50 个幸运的三个顾客和他们的加号被邀请到一个绝密的伦敦场地,他们的手提箱装满了与 Kiss FM 合作赢得拉斯维加斯五个假期中的一个的希望。 十对夫妇在一系列欢闹的节日挑战中奋战,五对获胜的夫妇在当晚的大惊喜到来之前,直接带着手提箱去了拉斯维加斯。帕迪在舞台上欢迎三位首席执行官戴夫 · 戴森发表特别声明 -- 事实上,每一位观众都会在三个人的节日里享受自由漫步的感觉不需要来自全球各地的额外费用。


    案例简介:Wieden+Kennedy London roams the animal kingdom for new Three campaign London, May 23 2017: Wieden+Kennedy London and Three mobile have mashed up the animal kingdom for a brand new ATL campaign, to encourage customers to ‘Go Roam’ as the network continues to free its customers from unfair roaming charges. Wieden+Kennedy London has created an entirely new breed to embody Three’s industry-leading Feel At Home proposition, which allows customers to use their phone in 60 destinations worldwide at no extra cost. The visually stunning, 30” CGI spot opens with a nervous, wobbly baby giraffe, which is magically replaced with the proud and confident feathers of a flamingo. The result is a creature that struts, sways and soars across the screen. The transformation is designed to portray the sense of freedom and joy that comes with being able to roam for free, reminding viewers they can be confident using data, texts and calls without paying a penalty when abroad. Visual effects studio, The Mill, crafted both the nervous giraffe and the giraffe/flamingo hybrid entirely in CG, developing from early concept drawings to the final models featured in the ad. The team also worked to enhance the desert environment, adding atmospheric effects to compliment the vibrant colours of the animal, allowing it to take centre stage. The film has launched alongside extensive out-of-home, digital, social and print advertising in a media plan devised by Mindshare. Lianne Norry, director of brand and communications at Three, said: “At Three we know what our customers want from their phone and, more importantly, how this makes them feel. Our “giraffe-amingo” embodies the sense of freedom and confidence that our customers feel when they roam abroad at no extra cost. That’s why we’re on a mission to make it right by giving them the power to use their mobile exactly how they want. This is no-ordinary feeling. This is a special kind of Three feeling.” Dave Day and Larry Seftel, creative directors at Wieden+Kennedy London, said: “This is the first in a string of animal mash-ups we're launching for Three, with each one representing a different feeling of being on Three – in this case, freedom. It’s been an incredible team effort to get to our final campaign and we're really excited by the new visual world we've created.” Dominic Honess, account director at Mindshare, commented: “Our objective is to maximise awareness of Three’s unique ‘Feel At Home’ proposition in the most innovative and impactful way possible. To bring this to life, the idea is centred on capturing the attention of holiday-makers as they prepare for their summer getaways. We look to achieve this through a strategic blend of traditional and digital media, as well as an exciting VR experience in two of the UK’s most popular shopping destinations – Westfield and the Bullring.” In a first for Three and in line with the brand’s new strategy, Three customers were the first to receive the news of Three’s new Go Roam offering before anyone else, turning the traditional media-first model on its head, when Three CEO Dave Dyson announced the news via Facebook Live for the first time. Cow PR also helped Three deliver a brand first, exclusive event for Three customers on May 12, ahead of the above the line campaign going live. The gameshow style event hosted by Saturday night TV favourite Paddy McGuinness, ‘Come Fly With Three,’ saw 50 lucky Three customers and their plus ones invited to a top-secret London venue with their suitcases packed with the hope of winning one of five holidays to Las Vegas in partnership with Kiss FM. Ten couples battled it out in a series of hilarious holiday challenges with the five winning couples sent straight off with their suitcases to Vegas, before the big surprise of the night. Paddy welcomed Three CEO Dave Dyson on stage to make a special announcement - that in fact every member of the audience would be going on holiday courtesy of Three to enjoy the feeling of being able to roam free at no extra cost from across the globe.

    Go Roam

    案例简介:Wieden + Kennedy London 漫游动物王国参加新的三次竞选 伦敦,2017年5月23日: Wieden + Kennedy London 和三家手机公司在动物王国进行了一场全新的 ATL 运动, 鼓励客户 “漫游”,因为网络继续将客户从不公平的漫游费中解救出来。 Wieden + Kennedy London 创造了一个全新的品种,以体现三人的行业领先的居家感觉,它允许客户在全球 60 个目的地免费使用手机。 视觉上令人惊叹的 30 ”CGI 点以一只紧张、摇晃的长颈鹿宝宝打开,它被一只火烈鸟骄傲自信的羽毛神奇地取代。结果是一个在屏幕上支撑、摇摆和翱翔的生物。这种转变旨在描绘自由和快乐的感觉,这种感觉伴随着能够自由漫游,提醒观众他们可以自信地使用数据, 在国外时不支付罚款的短信和电话。 视觉效果工作室,工厂,制作神经长颈鹿和长颈鹿/火烈鸟混合完全在 CG,从早期的概念图纸发展到广告中的最终模型。该团队还致力于改善沙漠环境,增加大气效果,以补充动物鲜艳的色彩,让它成为舞台的中心。 这部电影与 Mindshare 设计的媒体计划一起推出了广泛的户外、数字、社交和印刷广告。 三公司的品牌和传播总监莉安 · 诺里 (Lianne Norry) 说: “在三家公司,我们知道客户想要从他们的手机中得到什么,更重要的是,这让他们感觉如何。我们的 “长颈鹿-阿明戈” 体现了我们的客户在国外免费漫游时的自由和信心。这就是为什么我们的使命是让他们能够按照他们想要的方式使用他们的手机。这不是普通的感觉。这是一种特殊的三种感觉。" Wieden + Kennedy London 创意总监 Dave Day 和 Larry Seftel 说: “这是我们为三个人推出的一系列动物混搭中的第一个, 每个人都代表着三种不同的感觉 -- 在这种情况下,是自由。这是一个令人难以置信的团队努力进入我们的最后一场比赛,我们对我们创造的新视觉世界非常兴奋。" Mindshare 的客户总监 Dominic Honess 评论道: “我们的目标是以最具创新性和影响力的方式,最大限度地提高对三人独特的“ 在家感觉 ”主张的认识。为了实现这一目标,这个想法的核心是在度假者为夏季度假做准备时吸引他们的注意力。我们希望通过传统媒体和数字媒体的战略融合,以及在英国两个最受欢迎的购物目的地 -- 韦斯特菲尔德和斗牛场 -- 实现这一目标。" 根据品牌的新策略,三个客户是第一个在任何人之前收到三个新 Go Roam 产品的消息的。当三位首席执行官戴夫 · 戴森首次通过脸谱网直播宣布这一消息时,传统的媒体优先模式开始颠覆。 Cow PR 还帮助三人在 5月12日为三名客户提供了品牌第一、独家活动,领先于上线活动。周六夜电视最受欢迎的 Paddy McGuinness 主持的 gameshow 风格活动,“带着三个人来飞翔, 看到 50 个幸运的三个顾客和他们的加号被邀请到一个绝密的伦敦场地,他们的手提箱装满了与 Kiss FM 合作赢得拉斯维加斯五个假期中的一个的希望。 十对夫妇在一系列欢闹的节日挑战中奋战,五对获胜的夫妇在当晚的大惊喜到来之前,直接带着手提箱去了拉斯维加斯。帕迪在舞台上欢迎三位首席执行官戴夫 · 戴森发表特别声明 -- 事实上,每一位观众都会在三个人的节日里享受自由漫步的感觉不需要来自全球各地的额外费用。

    Go Roam

    案例简介:Wieden+Kennedy London roams the animal kingdom for new Three campaign London, May 23 2017: Wieden+Kennedy London and Three mobile have mashed up the animal kingdom for a brand new ATL campaign, to encourage customers to ‘Go Roam’ as the network continues to free its customers from unfair roaming charges. Wieden+Kennedy London has created an entirely new breed to embody Three’s industry-leading Feel At Home proposition, which allows customers to use their phone in 60 destinations worldwide at no extra cost. The visually stunning, 30” CGI spot opens with a nervous, wobbly baby giraffe, which is magically replaced with the proud and confident feathers of a flamingo. The result is a creature that struts, sways and soars across the screen. The transformation is designed to portray the sense of freedom and joy that comes with being able to roam for free, reminding viewers they can be confident using data, texts and calls without paying a penalty when abroad. Visual effects studio, The Mill, crafted both the nervous giraffe and the giraffe/flamingo hybrid entirely in CG, developing from early concept drawings to the final models featured in the ad. The team also worked to enhance the desert environment, adding atmospheric effects to compliment the vibrant colours of the animal, allowing it to take centre stage. The film has launched alongside extensive out-of-home, digital, social and print advertising in a media plan devised by Mindshare. Lianne Norry, director of brand and communications at Three, said: “At Three we know what our customers want from their phone and, more importantly, how this makes them feel. Our “giraffe-amingo” embodies the sense of freedom and confidence that our customers feel when they roam abroad at no extra cost. That’s why we’re on a mission to make it right by giving them the power to use their mobile exactly how they want. This is no-ordinary feeling. This is a special kind of Three feeling.” Dave Day and Larry Seftel, creative directors at Wieden+Kennedy London, said: “This is the first in a string of animal mash-ups we're launching for Three, with each one representing a different feeling of being on Three – in this case, freedom. It’s been an incredible team effort to get to our final campaign and we're really excited by the new visual world we've created.” Dominic Honess, account director at Mindshare, commented: “Our objective is to maximise awareness of Three’s unique ‘Feel At Home’ proposition in the most innovative and impactful way possible. To bring this to life, the idea is centred on capturing the attention of holiday-makers as they prepare for their summer getaways. We look to achieve this through a strategic blend of traditional and digital media, as well as an exciting VR experience in two of the UK’s most popular shopping destinations – Westfield and the Bullring.” In a first for Three and in line with the brand’s new strategy, Three customers were the first to receive the news of Three’s new Go Roam offering before anyone else, turning the traditional media-first model on its head, when Three CEO Dave Dyson announced the news via Facebook Live for the first time. Cow PR also helped Three deliver a brand first, exclusive event for Three customers on May 12, ahead of the above the line campaign going live. The gameshow style event hosted by Saturday night TV favourite Paddy McGuinness, ‘Come Fly With Three,’ saw 50 lucky Three customers and their plus ones invited to a top-secret London venue with their suitcases packed with the hope of winning one of five holidays to Las Vegas in partnership with Kiss FM. Ten couples battled it out in a series of hilarious holiday challenges with the five winning couples sent straight off with their suitcases to Vegas, before the big surprise of the night. Paddy welcomed Three CEO Dave Dyson on stage to make a special announcement - that in fact every member of the audience would be going on holiday courtesy of Three to enjoy the feeling of being able to roam free at no extra cost from across the globe.



    Go Roam






    广告公司: 韦柯 (英国 伦敦) 制作公司: MJZ




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