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    SAPEURS 纪录片

    案例简介:描述活动/条目: 在过去的几年里,英国和爱尔兰的品牌娱乐/内容激增。对电视上品牌娱乐的形式有严格的限制,但是在线媒体环境已经成熟,确保现在有更多的机会在英国和爱尔兰。 然而,尽管品牌娱乐是成群结队生产的,但公平的观察是,并不是所有的娱乐都是用工艺和注意力生产的,以确保它被观看、喜爱, 享受和分享。在英国和爱尔兰,很少有品牌娱乐活动可以被认为是成功登陆文化的伟大内容的典范。 结果: 目标与挑战 该活动的目的是为英国和爱尔兰市场创建吉尼斯 “更多制造” 活动的下一轮工作。 战略 吉尼斯庆祝那些表现出非凡的正直和个性,拒绝被他们的环境所定义的人。 执行 在现有的 “更多制造” 运动的基础上,吉尼斯继续以正直和品格来庆祝人们,因为我们介绍了一群来自刚果-布拉柴维尔的非凡人物: sapeurs (环境和人格社会 -- 优雅的人的社会)。 这些男人穿着与周围环境形成鲜明对比的不可思议的西装,体现了一个普遍的真理。在生活中,我们都有选择。我们可以让环境来定义我们,或者我们可以挑战它。 在这部纪录片中,西班牙摄影师 h é ctor Mediavilla 展示了色彩鲜艳的社会事务,将 “sapeurs” 聚集在一起。他们大胆地选择过一种意想不到的生活方式是著名的独创性和积极性的来源。札幌人的生活不是由职业或财富来定义的,而是由尊重、道德准则以及天赋和创造力的鼓舞人心的表现来定义的。 整部纪录片是在刚果-布拉柴维尔拍摄的,这个饱受战争蹂躏的国家经历了几十年的内战, 所以当制作需要 “刚果街头表演” 时,你知道这是一个挑战。 尤其是当专家警告我们应该在 48 小时内进出时。但是我们想要真实,使用真正的 Sapuers。我们派了一个游击队去和 Sapeurs 住在一起。在街头演出后,我们在雷达下拍摄了我们的纪录片,在布拉柴维尔的街道上拍摄了真正的 Sapeurs 观众以多种方式被吉尼斯派的纪录片所吸引。 首先,它聚焦于一群真正的来自饱受战争蹂躏的刚果的非凡男人,他们穿着不可思议的西装,与周围的环境形成鲜明对比。这些鼓舞人心的人激起了我们目标的兴趣,因此吸引了大量观众来了解更多内容。 其次,这部纪录片是在大电影开始前在电影院播放的。在主要活动之前,它被作为 “电影短片” 播放。 最后,人们被以各种方式吸引到 YouTube 上的内容,包括电视广告、付费广告、公关和与《卫报》和《石板》杂志等媒体的合作。 虽然这场运动还为时过早,但指示性的结果表明,西普人的纪录片和运动取得了巨大成功。 -到目前为止,这部纪录片已经被 200万人 (160万人在线) 欣赏。 -吉尼斯销售和营销团队被爱尔兰和英国各地的酒吧老板打来的电话淹没,要求允许他们举行自己的 “公共安全之夜”。 -包括都柏林城市大学时尚协会在内的众多团体模仿了这场运动。 -这部纪录片创造性地赢得了英国箭奖和纽约电影节品牌娱乐部分的大奖。 -早期的结果显示吉尼斯啤酒的份额增长了 1.2% (啤酒类别是一个巨大的数字)

    SAPEURS 纪录片

    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry: There has been an explosion of branded entertainment/content in the UK and Ireland over the last number of years. There are heavy restrictions on what can be done in the form of branded entertainment on television but the online media environment has matured ensuring that there are now many more opportunities to drive branded content at scale in the UK and Ireland. However, whilst branded entertainment is produced in its droves, it is a fair observation to make that not all of it is produced with the craft and attention to ensure that it is watched, loved, enjoyed and shared. There are few examples of branded entertainment campaigns in the UK and Ireland than can be held up as an exemplar of great content that can be truly considered to have successfully landed in culture. Results: Objective & Challenge The brief for the campaign was to create the next round of work in the Guinness ‘Made of More’ Campaign for the UK and Irish market. Strategy Guinness celebrates people who show exceptional integrity and character and who refuse to be defined by their circumstances. The Execution Building on the existing 'Made of More' campaign, Guinness continues to celebrate people with integrity and character as we introduce a group of extraordinary men from Congo-Brazzaville: The Sapeurs (La Société de Ambianceurs et des Personnes Élégantes - The Society of Elegant Persons). These men, who wear incredible suits in stark contrast to their surroundings, embody a universal truth. In life, we all have a choice. We can let circumstance define us, or we can defy it. In this documentary, Spanish photographer Héctor Mediavilla illustrates the brightly coloured and social affairs that bring the 'Sapeurs' together. Their bold choice to live an unexpected lifestyle is a source of celebrated originality and positivity. The Sapeurs’ life is not defined by occupation or wealth, but by respect, a moral code and an inspirational display of flair and creativity. The entire documentary was shot in Congo – Brazzaville, a war torn country emerging from a decades long civil war, so when the production requires “street casting in the Congo” you know it’s a challenge. Especially when experts warned we should be in and out in 48 hours. But we wanted to be authentic and use real Sapuers. We sent a guerilla crew to live with the Sapeurs. After street casting, we shot our documentary, under the radar, with real Sapeurs on the streets of Brazzaville The audience was drawn to the Guinness Sapeurs’ documentary in a number of ways. Firstly, it focuses on a real group of extraordinary men from war torn Congo, who wear incredible suits in stark contrast to their surroundings. These inspirational men piqued the interest of our target therefore drawing a large audience to the content to find out more. Secondly, the documentary was played in cinemas before the beginning of big movies. It was played as a ‘movie short’ before the main event. Finally, people were driven to the content on YouTube in various ways including a TV ad, paid for advertising, PR and media partnerships with the likes of the Guardian and Slate magazine. Whilst it is still very early days in the campaign, the indicative results indicate that the Sapeurs’ documentary and campaign has been a huge success. - Thus far, the documentary has been enjoyed by 2 million people (1.6 million people online). - Guinness sales and marketing teams were inundated with calls from pub owners across Ireland and the UK requesting permission to hold their very own ‘Sapeurs nights in pubs’. - Numerous groups including a Dublin City University’s fashion society have parodied the campaign. - Creatively the documentary has won awards at the British Arrows and the Grand Award in the Branded Entertainment section at the New York Festival. - Early results have seen Guinness grow their share by 1.2% (a huge amount for the beer category)


    案例简介:描述活动/条目: 在过去的几年里,英国和爱尔兰的品牌娱乐/内容激增。对电视上品牌娱乐的形式有严格的限制,但是在线媒体环境已经成熟,确保现在有更多的机会在英国和爱尔兰。 然而,尽管品牌娱乐是成群结队生产的,但公平的观察是,并不是所有的娱乐都是用工艺和注意力生产的,以确保它被观看、喜爱, 享受和分享。在英国和爱尔兰,很少有品牌娱乐活动可以被认为是成功登陆文化的伟大内容的典范。 结果: 目标与挑战 该活动的目的是为英国和爱尔兰市场创建吉尼斯 “更多制造” 活动的下一轮工作。 战略 吉尼斯庆祝那些表现出非凡的正直和个性,拒绝被他们的环境所定义的人。 执行 在现有的 “更多制造” 运动的基础上,吉尼斯继续以正直和品格来庆祝人们,因为我们介绍了一群来自刚果-布拉柴维尔的非凡人物: sapeurs (环境和人格社会 -- 优雅的人的社会)。 这些男人穿着与周围环境形成鲜明对比的不可思议的西装,体现了一个普遍的真理。在生活中,我们都有选择。我们可以让环境来定义我们,或者我们可以挑战它。 在这部纪录片中,西班牙摄影师 h é ctor Mediavilla 展示了色彩鲜艳的社会事务,将 “sapeurs” 聚集在一起。他们大胆地选择过一种意想不到的生活方式是著名的独创性和积极性的来源。札幌人的生活不是由职业或财富来定义的,而是由尊重、道德准则以及天赋和创造力的鼓舞人心的表现来定义的。 整部纪录片是在刚果-布拉柴维尔拍摄的,这个饱受战争蹂躏的国家经历了几十年的内战, 所以当制作需要 “刚果街头表演” 时,你知道这是一个挑战。 尤其是当专家警告我们应该在 48 小时内进出时。但是我们想要真实,使用真正的 Sapuers。我们派了一个游击队去和 Sapeurs 住在一起。在街头演出后,我们在雷达下拍摄了我们的纪录片,在布拉柴维尔的街道上拍摄了真正的 Sapeurs 观众以多种方式被吉尼斯派的纪录片所吸引。 首先,它聚焦于一群真正的来自饱受战争蹂躏的刚果的非凡男人,他们穿着不可思议的西装,与周围的环境形成鲜明对比。这些鼓舞人心的人激起了我们目标的兴趣,因此吸引了大量观众来了解更多内容。 其次,这部纪录片是在大电影开始前在电影院播放的。在主要活动之前,它被作为 “电影短片” 播放。 最后,人们被以各种方式吸引到 YouTube 上的内容,包括电视广告、付费广告、公关和与《卫报》和《石板》杂志等媒体的合作。 虽然这场运动还为时过早,但指示性的结果表明,西普人的纪录片和运动取得了巨大成功。 -到目前为止,这部纪录片已经被 200万人 (160万人在线) 欣赏。 -吉尼斯销售和营销团队被爱尔兰和英国各地的酒吧老板打来的电话淹没,要求允许他们举行自己的 “公共安全之夜”。 -包括都柏林城市大学时尚协会在内的众多团体模仿了这场运动。 -这部纪录片创造性地赢得了英国箭奖和纽约电影节品牌娱乐部分的大奖。 -早期的结果显示吉尼斯啤酒的份额增长了 1.2% (啤酒类别是一个巨大的数字)


    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry: There has been an explosion of branded entertainment/content in the UK and Ireland over the last number of years. There are heavy restrictions on what can be done in the form of branded entertainment on television but the online media environment has matured ensuring that there are now many more opportunities to drive branded content at scale in the UK and Ireland. However, whilst branded entertainment is produced in its droves, it is a fair observation to make that not all of it is produced with the craft and attention to ensure that it is watched, loved, enjoyed and shared. There are few examples of branded entertainment campaigns in the UK and Ireland than can be held up as an exemplar of great content that can be truly considered to have successfully landed in culture. Results: Objective & Challenge The brief for the campaign was to create the next round of work in the Guinness ‘Made of More’ Campaign for the UK and Irish market. Strategy Guinness celebrates people who show exceptional integrity and character and who refuse to be defined by their circumstances. The Execution Building on the existing 'Made of More' campaign, Guinness continues to celebrate people with integrity and character as we introduce a group of extraordinary men from Congo-Brazzaville: The Sapeurs (La Société de Ambianceurs et des Personnes Élégantes - The Society of Elegant Persons). These men, who wear incredible suits in stark contrast to their surroundings, embody a universal truth. In life, we all have a choice. We can let circumstance define us, or we can defy it. In this documentary, Spanish photographer Héctor Mediavilla illustrates the brightly coloured and social affairs that bring the 'Sapeurs' together. Their bold choice to live an unexpected lifestyle is a source of celebrated originality and positivity. The Sapeurs’ life is not defined by occupation or wealth, but by respect, a moral code and an inspirational display of flair and creativity. The entire documentary was shot in Congo – Brazzaville, a war torn country emerging from a decades long civil war, so when the production requires “street casting in the Congo” you know it’s a challenge. Especially when experts warned we should be in and out in 48 hours. But we wanted to be authentic and use real Sapuers. We sent a guerilla crew to live with the Sapeurs. After street casting, we shot our documentary, under the radar, with real Sapeurs on the streets of Brazzaville The audience was drawn to the Guinness Sapeurs’ documentary in a number of ways. Firstly, it focuses on a real group of extraordinary men from war torn Congo, who wear incredible suits in stark contrast to their surroundings. These inspirational men piqued the interest of our target therefore drawing a large audience to the content to find out more. Secondly, the documentary was played in cinemas before the beginning of big movies. It was played as a ‘movie short’ before the main event. Finally, people were driven to the content on YouTube in various ways including a TV ad, paid for advertising, PR and media partnerships with the likes of the Guardian and Slate magazine. Whilst it is still very early days in the campaign, the indicative results indicate that the Sapeurs’ documentary and campaign has been a huge success. - Thus far, the documentary has been enjoyed by 2 million people (1.6 million people online). - Guinness sales and marketing teams were inundated with calls from pub owners across Ireland and the UK requesting permission to hold their very own ‘Sapeurs nights in pubs’. - Numerous groups including a Dublin City University’s fashion society have parodied the campaign. - Creatively the documentary has won awards at the British Arrows and the Grand Award in the Branded Entertainment section at the New York Festival. - Early results have seen Guinness grow their share by 1.2% (a huge amount for the beer category)

    SAPEURS 纪录片








    广告公司: 天联 (英国 伦敦)




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