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    案例简介:描述您所在国家/地区有关健康和健康通讯的任何限制或规定,包括: 英国对女性卫生广告相当害羞。广播公司和出版商试图将广告 “隐藏” 在不太受欢迎的地方 (没有这类的黄金时段电视或早餐广播),或者杂志背面覆盖其他 “私人” 主题。 健康和健康工作必须证明它如何符合 “改变生活的创造力” 的标准。为什么你的工作与健康相关? 审查和女性生殖器的色情化迫使女性相信她们的外阴应该看起来有一定的样子: 引起焦虑、羞耻和对阴唇成形术日益增长的需求。 外阴万岁庆祝外阴的辉煌多样性,以炸毁这个神话,并向女性展示只有一个完美的外阴: 你的。 写一个关于电影中发生的事情的简短总结 阴户万岁是我们中没有得到足够爱的一部分的情歌。 以卡米尔 · 雅布罗 (Camille Yarbrough) 的标志性曲目 “take yo 'praise” 为背景,这是一个带有扭曲的唇同步音乐视频,具有各种形状和颜色的外阴的美丽多样性,所有人都大声歌唱,为同样不同的爱她们的女性感到自豪。 这部电影颠覆了路上的多种禁忌: 牡蛎、海螺贝壳、多汁水果、纸杯蛋糕、臭名昭著的骆驼脚趾,女性经常为此感到羞耻,我们甚至看到芭比娃娃出现,焦急地寻找她的生殖器。 这部电影以演员的现场采访结束,公开了这个问题、羞耻、无知和回收他们的身体。 陪审团的文化/背景信息 一种关于女性生殖器的历史谨慎和审查的有毒混合物,以及最近色情的激增,迫使年轻女性相信她们的生殖器应该看起来有某种方式: “完美” 外阴的神话 亲密护理类别在历史上是如此的临床和委婉,以至于它强化了这些禁忌 -- 许多女性羞愧地购买和使用这些产品,就像一个肮脏的秘密。 其结果是,几乎一半的女性 (44%) 承认他们感到尴尬自己的外阴,许多妇女忽视了什么正常的样子 (7/10),要求一个 “设计师阴道” (阴唇成形术是世界上发展最快的整容手术),数百万人因为尴尬而避免宫颈癌测试,危及他们的健康。 我们开始拆除这一类别的惯例,并炸毁完美外阴的神话。所有这些都是为了表明只有一个完美的外阴: 你的。 告诉评审团所使用的动画的视觉效果/类型,并总结任何相关的挑战或技术。 阴户万岁是我们中没有得到足够爱的一部分的情歌,以各种形状、颜色和形式的 450 个动画 vulvas 为特色,为爱她们的女性大声而自豪地歌唱。将唇同步音乐视频带到一个全新的地方,视觉效果是赋予每个外阴自己个性的关键,而不仅仅是通过及时打开/关闭来同步 “唇”,但是为每个外阴创造一个令人信服的表演。 技术包括真人动作板的停止动作 (纸杯蛋糕,葡萄柚,折纸,刺绣,木瓜,黑板,桃子),操纵木偶 (骆驼脚趾,纽扣,产品),表演木偶 (算命师、钱包、木偶、纸外阴),甚至喷气式飞机让牡蛎同步歌唱。

    案例简介:Describe any restrictions or regulations regarding Health & Wellness communications in your country/region including: The UK is rather shy about feminine hygiene advertising. Broadcasters and publishers try to ‘hide’ the ads in the less popular spots (no primetime TV or breakfast radio for this category), or the back of the magazine where the other ‘private’ topics are covered. Health & Wellness work must demonstrate how it meets the criteria 'life-changing creativity'. Why is your work relevant for Health & Wellness? Censorship and pornification of female genitals have pressurised women to believe their vulva should look a certain way: causing anxiety, shame and growing demand for labiaplasty. Viva La Vulva celebrates vulvas in all their glorious diversity to dynamite this myth, and show women there’s only one perfect vulva: yours. Write a short summary of what happens in the film Viva La Vulva is a love song to a part of us that doesn’t get enough love. Set to the iconic track ‘Take Yo’ Praise’ by Camille Yarbrough, it’s a lip-sync music video with a twist, featuring a beautiful diversity of vulvas of every shape and colour, all singing loud and proud to the equally diverse women who love them back. The film subverts multiple taboos on the way: oysters, conch shells, juicy fruits, cupcakes, the infamous camel-toe that women get regularly shamed for, and we even see Barbie popping up, anxiously looking for her genitals. The film ends on behind the scene interviews of the cast, opening up about the issue, the shame, the ignorance and reclaiming their bodies. Cultural/Context information for the jury A toxic cocktail of historical prudery and censorship around women’s genitals, and the recent explosion of porn, have pressurised young women to believe their genitals should look a certain way: the myth of the ‘perfect’ vulva The intimate care category had historically been so clinical and euphemistic that it enforced these taboos - many women bought and used the products in shame, like a dirty secret. As a result, almost half of women (44%) admit they feel embarrassed by their vulva, many women ignore what normal looks like (7/10), demand a ‘designer vagina’ (labioplasty is the fastest growing cosmetic surgery in the world), and millions avoid cervical cancer tests over embarrassment, putting their health at stake. We set out to demolish the conventions of the category and dynamite the myth of the perfect vulva. All to show that there’s only one perfect vulva: Yours. Tell the jury about visual effects / type(s) of animation used and summarise any relevant challenges or techniques. Viva La Vulva is a love song to a part of us that doesn’t get enough love, featuring 450 animated vulvas in all shapes sizes colours and forms singing loud and proud to the women who love them back. Taking the lip-sync music video to a whole new place, visual effects were key to giving each vulva a personality of their own, not just getting the ‘lips’ to sync by opening / closing in time, but creating a convincing performance for each vulva. Techniques included stop motion with live-action plates (cupcakes, grapefruit, origami, embroidery, papaya, chalkboard, peach), rigged puppeteering (camel toe, buttons, products), performance puppeteering (fortune tellers, purses, puppets, paper vulvas), and even air jets to make the oysters sing in sync.

    外阴万岁 | Viva La Vulva

    案例简介:描述您所在国家/地区有关健康和健康通讯的任何限制或规定,包括: 英国对女性卫生广告相当害羞。广播公司和出版商试图将广告 “隐藏” 在不太受欢迎的地方 (没有这类的黄金时段电视或早餐广播),或者杂志背面覆盖其他 “私人” 主题。 健康和健康工作必须证明它如何符合 “改变生活的创造力” 的标准。为什么你的工作与健康相关? 审查和女性生殖器的色情化迫使女性相信她们的外阴应该看起来有一定的样子: 引起焦虑、羞耻和对阴唇成形术日益增长的需求。 外阴万岁庆祝外阴的辉煌多样性,以炸毁这个神话,并向女性展示只有一个完美的外阴: 你的。 写一个关于电影中发生的事情的简短总结 阴户万岁是我们中没有得到足够爱的一部分的情歌。 以卡米尔 · 雅布罗 (Camille Yarbrough) 的标志性曲目 “take yo 'praise” 为背景,这是一个带有扭曲的唇同步音乐视频,具有各种形状和颜色的外阴的美丽多样性,所有人都大声歌唱,为同样不同的爱她们的女性感到自豪。 这部电影颠覆了路上的多种禁忌: 牡蛎、海螺贝壳、多汁水果、纸杯蛋糕、臭名昭著的骆驼脚趾,女性经常为此感到羞耻,我们甚至看到芭比娃娃出现,焦急地寻找她的生殖器。 这部电影以演员的现场采访结束,公开了这个问题、羞耻、无知和回收他们的身体。 陪审团的文化/背景信息 一种关于女性生殖器的历史谨慎和审查的有毒混合物,以及最近色情的激增,迫使年轻女性相信她们的生殖器应该看起来有某种方式: “完美” 外阴的神话 亲密护理类别在历史上是如此的临床和委婉,以至于它强化了这些禁忌 -- 许多女性羞愧地购买和使用这些产品,就像一个肮脏的秘密。 其结果是,几乎一半的女性 (44%) 承认他们感到尴尬自己的外阴,许多妇女忽视了什么正常的样子 (7/10),要求一个 “设计师阴道” (阴唇成形术是世界上发展最快的整容手术),数百万人因为尴尬而避免宫颈癌测试,危及他们的健康。 我们开始拆除这一类别的惯例,并炸毁完美外阴的神话。所有这些都是为了表明只有一个完美的外阴: 你的。 告诉评审团所使用的动画的视觉效果/类型,并总结任何相关的挑战或技术。 阴户万岁是我们中没有得到足够爱的一部分的情歌,以各种形状、颜色和形式的 450 个动画 vulvas 为特色,为爱她们的女性大声而自豪地歌唱。将唇同步音乐视频带到一个全新的地方,视觉效果是赋予每个外阴自己个性的关键,而不仅仅是通过及时打开/关闭来同步 “唇”,但是为每个外阴创造一个令人信服的表演。 技术包括真人动作板的停止动作 (纸杯蛋糕,葡萄柚,折纸,刺绣,木瓜,黑板,桃子),操纵木偶 (骆驼脚趾,纽扣,产品),表演木偶 (算命师、钱包、木偶、纸外阴),甚至喷气式飞机让牡蛎同步歌唱。

    外阴万岁 | Viva La Vulva

    案例简介:Describe any restrictions or regulations regarding Health & Wellness communications in your country/region including: The UK is rather shy about feminine hygiene advertising. Broadcasters and publishers try to ‘hide’ the ads in the less popular spots (no primetime TV or breakfast radio for this category), or the back of the magazine where the other ‘private’ topics are covered. Health & Wellness work must demonstrate how it meets the criteria 'life-changing creativity'. Why is your work relevant for Health & Wellness? Censorship and pornification of female genitals have pressurised women to believe their vulva should look a certain way: causing anxiety, shame and growing demand for labiaplasty. Viva La Vulva celebrates vulvas in all their glorious diversity to dynamite this myth, and show women there’s only one perfect vulva: yours. Write a short summary of what happens in the film Viva La Vulva is a love song to a part of us that doesn’t get enough love. Set to the iconic track ‘Take Yo’ Praise’ by Camille Yarbrough, it’s a lip-sync music video with a twist, featuring a beautiful diversity of vulvas of every shape and colour, all singing loud and proud to the equally diverse women who love them back. The film subverts multiple taboos on the way: oysters, conch shells, juicy fruits, cupcakes, the infamous camel-toe that women get regularly shamed for, and we even see Barbie popping up, anxiously looking for her genitals. The film ends on behind the scene interviews of the cast, opening up about the issue, the shame, the ignorance and reclaiming their bodies. Cultural/Context information for the jury A toxic cocktail of historical prudery and censorship around women’s genitals, and the recent explosion of porn, have pressurised young women to believe their genitals should look a certain way: the myth of the ‘perfect’ vulva The intimate care category had historically been so clinical and euphemistic that it enforced these taboos - many women bought and used the products in shame, like a dirty secret. As a result, almost half of women (44%) admit they feel embarrassed by their vulva, many women ignore what normal looks like (7/10), demand a ‘designer vagina’ (labioplasty is the fastest growing cosmetic surgery in the world), and millions avoid cervical cancer tests over embarrassment, putting their health at stake. We set out to demolish the conventions of the category and dynamite the myth of the perfect vulva. All to show that there’s only one perfect vulva: Yours. Tell the jury about visual effects / type(s) of animation used and summarise any relevant challenges or techniques. Viva La Vulva is a love song to a part of us that doesn’t get enough love, featuring 450 animated vulvas in all shapes sizes colours and forms singing loud and proud to the women who love them back. Taking the lip-sync music video to a whole new place, visual effects were key to giving each vulva a personality of their own, not just getting the ‘lips’ to sync by opening / closing in time, but creating a convincing performance for each vulva. Techniques included stop motion with live-action plates (cupcakes, grapefruit, origami, embroidery, papaya, chalkboard, peach), rigged puppeteering (camel toe, buttons, products), performance puppeteering (fortune tellers, purses, puppets, paper vulvas), and even air jets to make the oysters sing in sync.


    外阴万岁 | Viva La Vulva






    广告公司: 天联 (英国 伦敦) 制作公司: Somesuch




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