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    Invisible Pop-Up Store短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:当 Airwalk 决定重新推出他们经典运动鞋吉姆的限量版时,我们想出了一个新的方法: 世界上第一个看不见的弹出式商店。将手机、全球定位系统技术和增强现实技术结合在一起,顾客只有下载了应用程序,去了预定的位置,举起手机,才能购买吉姆, 拍了一张 AR Jim 漂浮在那里的照片。这让他们不时在那里购买运动鞋。独家产品出售给独家观众,以获得全新的零售体验。 描述客户的简报: 在经典 90s Airwalk 运动鞋《吉姆》的限量版重新发布中引起轰动。也重新建立 Airwalk 与街头文化的声誉,针对运动鞋爱好者。 创意执行: 吉姆是一种反运动鞋,最初是为不参加学校足球队的孩子设计的,而是在滑板公园和海滩上闲逛。这就是我们的商店所在 -- 洛杉矶威尼斯海滩和纽约华盛顿广场。限量版运动鞋都是关于排他性和嗡嗡声的,所以我们知道将它融入实际的购买过程将有助于 Airwalk 实现他们的目标。Airwalk 应用程序通过 Airwalk 博客以及流行的运动鞋、科技、服装和文化博客发布新闻。然后,它很快被其他博客和网站收录,并通过口碑传播。 描述简短/目标的创造性解决方案。 我们想创造大量的嗡嗡声,并向鞋子的遗产表达我们的敬意。因此,我们创造了世界上第一个与目标受众相关的隐形弹出式商店。将手机、 GPS 技术和增强现实技术结合在一起,顾客只有下载了应用程序,去了预定的位置,举起手机,才能购买吉姆, 拍了一张 AR Jim 漂浮在那里的照片。这让他们不时在那里购买运动鞋。 尽可能详细地描述结果。 我们创造了一种全新的零售方式。Airwalk 的电子商店有史以来最繁忙的一天。我们在新闻、网络和电视上获得了 500万美元的媒体收入。我们重新建立了 Airwalk 与街头文化的联系,并使它们再次相关。


    案例简介:When Airwalk decided on a limited edition relaunch of their classic sneaker, the Jim, we came up with a new way to do it: the world's first invisible pop-up stores. Bringing together cell phones, GPS technology and Augmented Reality, customers could only buy the Jim if they downloaded the app, went to a pre-determined location, held up their phones, and took a photo of the AR Jim floating there. That allowed them to purchase the sneaker there and then. An exclusive product sold to an exclusive audience for an entirely new retail experience. Describe the brief from the client: Create buzz around the limited edition re-launch of the classic 90s Airwalk sneaker, the Jim. Also re-establish Airwalk’s reputation with street culture, targeting sneaker fans. Creative Execution: The Jim is an anti-gym shoe, originally designed for kids that don’t try out for the school football team, but hang out in skate parks and beaches instead. So that’s where we located the stores – Venice Beach, LA, and Washington Square, NYC. And limited edition sneakers are all about exclusivity, and buzz, so we knew that incorporating that into the actual buying process would help Airwalk achieve their goal. The Airwalk app was publicized through the Airwalk blog, and through press releases to popular sneaker, tech, apparel, and culture blogs. It was then quickly picked up by other blogs and sites, and passed on via word of mouth as well. Describe the creative solution to the brief/objective. We wanted to create a lot of buzz, as well as pay our respects to the shoe’s heritage. So we made the world’s first-ever Invisible Pop Up Stores, in locations relevant to the target audience. Coupling together cell phones, GPS technology, and Augmented Reality, customers could only buy the Jim if they downloaded the app, went to a pre-determined location, held up their phones, and took a photo of the AR Jim floating there. That allowed them to purchase the sneaker there and then. Describe the results in as much detail as possible. We created an entirely new method of retail. Airwalk’s e-store had its busiest day ever. We generated $5 million of earned media in press, online and TV. We re-established Airwalk’s link with street culture, and made them relevant again.

    Invisible Pop-Up Store

    案例简介:当 Airwalk 决定重新推出他们经典运动鞋吉姆的限量版时,我们想出了一个新的方法: 世界上第一个看不见的弹出式商店。将手机、全球定位系统技术和增强现实技术结合在一起,顾客只有下载了应用程序,去了预定的位置,举起手机,才能购买吉姆, 拍了一张 AR Jim 漂浮在那里的照片。这让他们不时在那里购买运动鞋。独家产品出售给独家观众,以获得全新的零售体验。 描述客户的简报: 在经典 90s Airwalk 运动鞋《吉姆》的限量版重新发布中引起轰动。也重新建立 Airwalk 与街头文化的声誉,针对运动鞋爱好者。 创意执行: 吉姆是一种反运动鞋,最初是为不参加学校足球队的孩子设计的,而是在滑板公园和海滩上闲逛。这就是我们的商店所在 -- 洛杉矶威尼斯海滩和纽约华盛顿广场。限量版运动鞋都是关于排他性和嗡嗡声的,所以我们知道将它融入实际的购买过程将有助于 Airwalk 实现他们的目标。Airwalk 应用程序通过 Airwalk 博客以及流行的运动鞋、科技、服装和文化博客发布新闻。然后,它很快被其他博客和网站收录,并通过口碑传播。 描述简短/目标的创造性解决方案。 我们想创造大量的嗡嗡声,并向鞋子的遗产表达我们的敬意。因此,我们创造了世界上第一个与目标受众相关的隐形弹出式商店。将手机、 GPS 技术和增强现实技术结合在一起,顾客只有下载了应用程序,去了预定的位置,举起手机,才能购买吉姆, 拍了一张 AR Jim 漂浮在那里的照片。这让他们不时在那里购买运动鞋。 尽可能详细地描述结果。 我们创造了一种全新的零售方式。Airwalk 的电子商店有史以来最繁忙的一天。我们在新闻、网络和电视上获得了 500万美元的媒体收入。我们重新建立了 Airwalk 与街头文化的联系,并使它们再次相关。

    Invisible Pop-Up Store

    案例简介:When Airwalk decided on a limited edition relaunch of their classic sneaker, the Jim, we came up with a new way to do it: the world's first invisible pop-up stores. Bringing together cell phones, GPS technology and Augmented Reality, customers could only buy the Jim if they downloaded the app, went to a pre-determined location, held up their phones, and took a photo of the AR Jim floating there. That allowed them to purchase the sneaker there and then. An exclusive product sold to an exclusive audience for an entirely new retail experience. Describe the brief from the client: Create buzz around the limited edition re-launch of the classic 90s Airwalk sneaker, the Jim. Also re-establish Airwalk’s reputation with street culture, targeting sneaker fans. Creative Execution: The Jim is an anti-gym shoe, originally designed for kids that don’t try out for the school football team, but hang out in skate parks and beaches instead. So that’s where we located the stores – Venice Beach, LA, and Washington Square, NYC. And limited edition sneakers are all about exclusivity, and buzz, so we knew that incorporating that into the actual buying process would help Airwalk achieve their goal. The Airwalk app was publicized through the Airwalk blog, and through press releases to popular sneaker, tech, apparel, and culture blogs. It was then quickly picked up by other blogs and sites, and passed on via word of mouth as well. Describe the creative solution to the brief/objective. We wanted to create a lot of buzz, as well as pay our respects to the shoe’s heritage. So we made the world’s first-ever Invisible Pop Up Stores, in locations relevant to the target audience. Coupling together cell phones, GPS technology, and Augmented Reality, customers could only buy the Jim if they downloaded the app, went to a pre-determined location, held up their phones, and took a photo of the AR Jim floating there. That allowed them to purchase the sneaker there and then. Describe the results in as much detail as possible. We created an entirely new method of retail. Airwalk’s e-store had its busiest day ever. We generated $5 million of earned media in press, online and TV. We re-established Airwalk’s link with street culture, and made them relevant again.



    Invisible Pop-Up Store










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