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    Road Rage Radio海报/平面,音频广告营销案例




    案例简介:为什么这项工作与媒体相关? 几十年来,中东地区一直对道路安全信息麻木。它们的影响相当于一包香烟上的警告标签。 但是如果你想影响道路安全信息,收音机是最有背景的频道 -- 当某人真的在开车时,你可以联系到他们。因此,雪佛兰利用无线电媒体本身,而不是用我们稀疏的媒体美元来推动另一台无线电PSA,而是用它作为改变司机在路上行为的工具。 背景 斋月期间,阿联酋人民每天参加斋戒,从日出到日落都不吃食物和水,但他们仍然要开车。加上沙漠的高温,人们感到饥饿、脱水和疲劳 -- 这导致了道路愤怒,并导致交通事故的增加。 作为一个致力于道路安全的品牌,雪佛兰希望提供帮助。但是,如果没有重大活动的预算,我们不只是想增加容易被忽视的道路安全信息的噪音,这些信息会在广播中乱扔垃圾。 因此,我们没有制作广播广告,只是专注于实现最广泛的覆盖面,而是努力推动最大的影响。 我们的目标: • 以有限的预算为斋月道路安全创造有意义且可衡量的影响 • 不要只是改变态度,而是直接影响行为和改善道路上的安全 描述创意/见解 (30% 的选票) 为了创造有意义的变化,我们关注的是我们能产生最大影响的时刻 -- 当交通最糟糕的时候。 《人体工程学杂志》上的一项研究的简单见解指导了我们的方法: 舒缓的音乐可以成为减少攻击性驾驶行为的有效工具。* * 因此,我们与阿联酋广播电台合作,按每分钟节拍 (BPM) 重组了他们的播放列表。然后,当交通不好,人们最容易受到公路暴怒的影响时,我们播放节奏较低的赛道来保持司机的冷静。 通过创建专有软件应用程序,我们能够实时分析路况,并动态调整电台的播放列表。所以当交通正常时,音乐也会正常。但是随着交通变得越来越糟糕,我们的软件会以更低、更放松的BPM激活和播放音乐 -- 帮助人们保持冷静,避免不必要的事故。 描述策略 (20% 的选票) 为了在路上联系禁食的司机,收音机是唯一的出路。但是我们不想创造人们不会听的安全信息,所以,我们使用他们会听的东西 -- 音乐。 但是我们没有为期一个月的广播赞助预算,所以我们必须明智地制定媒体计划。我们知道这场运动的有效性不依赖于观众、一天中的时间或任何传统的无线电指标 -- 它依赖于流量。 这就是为什么我们的媒体计划是由我们的专有软件决定的。只有在交通最糟糕的时候,我们的赞助才会激活。 知道空腹人口不仅仅是阿联酋,还包括来自中东、非洲和亚洲国家的外籍人士,我们与三个播放阿拉伯语和英语音乐的主要广播电台合作,使我们能够接触到数百万禁食的司机。 描述执行情况 (20% 的选票) 使用HERE technologies的映射API,我们创建了软件,可以在斋月期间每天识别,隔离和分析阿联酋选定的主要道路和交通区域的数据。 我们开发的软件将获取这些数据并对交通密度进行分类,并将其分配给四个道路愤怒排名之一。这就是我们如何能够知道什么时候最需要我们的反路怒播放列表。使用相同的软件来分析和分类每个广播电台播放列表中的歌曲,根据每个播放列表中最糟糕的流量与最舒缓的曲目的速度配对。 如果发现麻烦的流量,我们的赞助将在每个电台和播放较低BPM的音乐上触发。我们的活动在整个斋月期间在阿联酋都很活跃,影响了三个主要广播电台播放阿拉伯语和英语音乐的音乐。 列出结果 (30% 的选票) 只有在交通高峰期,我们才能动态运行我们的赞助,我们设法在预算很少的情况下影响重大变化。 仅在斋月的前两周: • 事故下降了29%,从2017年的157下降到2018年的111 * • 道路伤害下降了43%,从2017年的237下降到2018年的136 * • 道路死亡人数下降了38%,从2017年的26人下降到2018年的16人 *


    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Media? For decades now, the Middle East region has been numb to road safety messages. They have about as much impact as a warning label on a pack of cigarettes. But if you want to impact road safety message, radio is the most contextual channel to do it – allowing you to reach someone when they’re actually in their car, driving. So rather than use our sparse media dollars to push another radio PSA, Chevrolet leveraged radio media itself, using it as a tool to change driver behavior on the road. Background During Ramadan, people in the UAE take part in a daily fast, abstaining from food and water from sunrise to sunset, but they still have to drive. Compounded by intense desert heat, people are hungry, dehydrated and tired – which causes road rage and leads to a rise in traffic accidents. As a brand dedicated to road safety, Chevrolet wanted to help. But without the budget for a major campaign, we didn’t simply want to add to the noise of easily ignored road safety messages, that litter the airwaves. So instead of producing radio ads and simply focusing on achieving the widest reach, we honed our efforts on driving the greatest impact. Our objectives: • Create a meaningful & measurable impact on Ramadan road safety with a limited budget • Don’t just change attitudes, but directly affect behavior and improve safety on the roads Describe the creative idea/insights (30% of vote) To create meaningful change, we focused on the moments when we could have the biggest impact – when traffic was at its worst. A simple insight from a study in the Journal of Ergonomics guided our approach: Soothing music can be an effective tool in reducing aggressive driving behavior.** So we partnered with UAE radio stations and reorganized their playlists by Beats Per Minute (BPM). Then, when traffic was bad and people were most vulnerable to road rage, we played lower-tempo tracks to keep drivers calm. By creating a proprietary software application, we were able to analyze road conditions in real-time and adjust the radio stations' playlists dynamically. So when traffic was normal, the music would be normal. But as traffic got worse, our software would activate and play music with a lower, more relaxing BPM - helping people to stay calm avoid unnecessary accidents. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) To reach fasting drivers while they were on the road, radio was the only way to go. But we didn’t want to create safety messages that people wouldn’t listen to, so, we used what they would listen to – music. But we didn’t have the budget for a month-long radio sponsorship, so we had to be smart with our media plan. We knew the effectiveness of the campaign wasn’t dependent on audience, time of day or any conventional radio metrics – it was dependent on traffic. That’s why our media plan was determined by our proprietary software. Only when traffic was at its worst, would our sponsorship activate. Knowing that the fasting population was not just Emirati, but also included expats from Middle Eastern, African and Asian countries, we partnered with three major radio stations playing both Arabic and English music - enabling us to reach millions of fasting drivers. Describe the execution (20% of vote) Using HERE Technologies’ mapping API, we created software that could identify, isolate and analyze data across selected major roadways and traffic zones in the UAE each day during Ramadan. The software we developed would take this data and categorize the traffic density and assign it one of four road rage rankings. This is how we were able to know when our anti-road rage playlists were most needed. The same software was used to analyze and categorize the songs on each radio station’s playlists according to tempo - pairing the worst traffic with the most soothing tracks on each playlist. If troublesome traffic was identified, our sponsorship would be triggered on each station and music with a lower BPM played. Our campaign was active across the UAE for the entire month of Ramadan, impacting the music on three major radio stations playing both Arabic and English music. List the results (30% of vote) Dynamically running our sponsorship only during peak traffic times, we managed to affect significant change on a shoestring budget. In the first two weeks of Ramadan alone: • Accidents dropped by 29%, from 157 in 2017 to 111 in 2018 *** • Road injuries fell by 43%, from 237 in 2017 to 136 in 2018 *** • Road deaths decreased by 38%, from 26 in 2017 to 16 in 2018 ***

    Road Rage Radio

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与媒体相关? 几十年来,中东地区一直对道路安全信息麻木。它们的影响相当于一包香烟上的警告标签。 但是如果你想影响道路安全信息,收音机是最有背景的频道 -- 当某人真的在开车时,你可以联系到他们。因此,雪佛兰利用无线电媒体本身,而不是用我们稀疏的媒体美元来推动另一台无线电PSA,而是用它作为改变司机在路上行为的工具。 背景 斋月期间,阿联酋人民每天参加斋戒,从日出到日落都不吃食物和水,但他们仍然要开车。加上沙漠的高温,人们感到饥饿、脱水和疲劳 -- 这导致了道路愤怒,并导致交通事故的增加。 作为一个致力于道路安全的品牌,雪佛兰希望提供帮助。但是,如果没有重大活动的预算,我们不只是想增加容易被忽视的道路安全信息的噪音,这些信息会在广播中乱扔垃圾。 因此,我们没有制作广播广告,只是专注于实现最广泛的覆盖面,而是努力推动最大的影响。 我们的目标: • 以有限的预算为斋月道路安全创造有意义且可衡量的影响 • 不要只是改变态度,而是直接影响行为和改善道路上的安全 描述创意/见解 (30% 的选票) 为了创造有意义的变化,我们关注的是我们能产生最大影响的时刻 -- 当交通最糟糕的时候。 《人体工程学杂志》上的一项研究的简单见解指导了我们的方法: 舒缓的音乐可以成为减少攻击性驾驶行为的有效工具。* * 因此,我们与阿联酋广播电台合作,按每分钟节拍 (BPM) 重组了他们的播放列表。然后,当交通不好,人们最容易受到公路暴怒的影响时,我们播放节奏较低的赛道来保持司机的冷静。 通过创建专有软件应用程序,我们能够实时分析路况,并动态调整电台的播放列表。所以当交通正常时,音乐也会正常。但是随着交通变得越来越糟糕,我们的软件会以更低、更放松的BPM激活和播放音乐 -- 帮助人们保持冷静,避免不必要的事故。 描述策略 (20% 的选票) 为了在路上联系禁食的司机,收音机是唯一的出路。但是我们不想创造人们不会听的安全信息,所以,我们使用他们会听的东西 -- 音乐。 但是我们没有为期一个月的广播赞助预算,所以我们必须明智地制定媒体计划。我们知道这场运动的有效性不依赖于观众、一天中的时间或任何传统的无线电指标 -- 它依赖于流量。 这就是为什么我们的媒体计划是由我们的专有软件决定的。只有在交通最糟糕的时候,我们的赞助才会激活。 知道空腹人口不仅仅是阿联酋,还包括来自中东、非洲和亚洲国家的外籍人士,我们与三个播放阿拉伯语和英语音乐的主要广播电台合作,使我们能够接触到数百万禁食的司机。 描述执行情况 (20% 的选票) 使用HERE technologies的映射API,我们创建了软件,可以在斋月期间每天识别,隔离和分析阿联酋选定的主要道路和交通区域的数据。 我们开发的软件将获取这些数据并对交通密度进行分类,并将其分配给四个道路愤怒排名之一。这就是我们如何能够知道什么时候最需要我们的反路怒播放列表。使用相同的软件来分析和分类每个广播电台播放列表中的歌曲,根据每个播放列表中最糟糕的流量与最舒缓的曲目的速度配对。 如果发现麻烦的流量,我们的赞助将在每个电台和播放较低BPM的音乐上触发。我们的活动在整个斋月期间在阿联酋都很活跃,影响了三个主要广播电台播放阿拉伯语和英语音乐的音乐。 列出结果 (30% 的选票) 只有在交通高峰期,我们才能动态运行我们的赞助,我们设法在预算很少的情况下影响重大变化。 仅在斋月的前两周: • 事故下降了29%,从2017年的157下降到2018年的111 * • 道路伤害下降了43%,从2017年的237下降到2018年的136 * • 道路死亡人数下降了38%,从2017年的26人下降到2018年的16人 *

    Road Rage Radio

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Media? For decades now, the Middle East region has been numb to road safety messages. They have about as much impact as a warning label on a pack of cigarettes. But if you want to impact road safety message, radio is the most contextual channel to do it – allowing you to reach someone when they’re actually in their car, driving. So rather than use our sparse media dollars to push another radio PSA, Chevrolet leveraged radio media itself, using it as a tool to change driver behavior on the road. Background During Ramadan, people in the UAE take part in a daily fast, abstaining from food and water from sunrise to sunset, but they still have to drive. Compounded by intense desert heat, people are hungry, dehydrated and tired – which causes road rage and leads to a rise in traffic accidents. As a brand dedicated to road safety, Chevrolet wanted to help. But without the budget for a major campaign, we didn’t simply want to add to the noise of easily ignored road safety messages, that litter the airwaves. So instead of producing radio ads and simply focusing on achieving the widest reach, we honed our efforts on driving the greatest impact. Our objectives: • Create a meaningful & measurable impact on Ramadan road safety with a limited budget • Don’t just change attitudes, but directly affect behavior and improve safety on the roads Describe the creative idea/insights (30% of vote) To create meaningful change, we focused on the moments when we could have the biggest impact – when traffic was at its worst. A simple insight from a study in the Journal of Ergonomics guided our approach: Soothing music can be an effective tool in reducing aggressive driving behavior.** So we partnered with UAE radio stations and reorganized their playlists by Beats Per Minute (BPM). Then, when traffic was bad and people were most vulnerable to road rage, we played lower-tempo tracks to keep drivers calm. By creating a proprietary software application, we were able to analyze road conditions in real-time and adjust the radio stations' playlists dynamically. So when traffic was normal, the music would be normal. But as traffic got worse, our software would activate and play music with a lower, more relaxing BPM - helping people to stay calm avoid unnecessary accidents. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) To reach fasting drivers while they were on the road, radio was the only way to go. But we didn’t want to create safety messages that people wouldn’t listen to, so, we used what they would listen to – music. But we didn’t have the budget for a month-long radio sponsorship, so we had to be smart with our media plan. We knew the effectiveness of the campaign wasn’t dependent on audience, time of day or any conventional radio metrics – it was dependent on traffic. That’s why our media plan was determined by our proprietary software. Only when traffic was at its worst, would our sponsorship activate. Knowing that the fasting population was not just Emirati, but also included expats from Middle Eastern, African and Asian countries, we partnered with three major radio stations playing both Arabic and English music - enabling us to reach millions of fasting drivers. Describe the execution (20% of vote) Using HERE Technologies’ mapping API, we created software that could identify, isolate and analyze data across selected major roadways and traffic zones in the UAE each day during Ramadan. The software we developed would take this data and categorize the traffic density and assign it one of four road rage rankings. This is how we were able to know when our anti-road rage playlists were most needed. The same software was used to analyze and categorize the songs on each radio station’s playlists according to tempo - pairing the worst traffic with the most soothing tracks on each playlist. If troublesome traffic was identified, our sponsorship would be triggered on each station and music with a lower BPM played. Our campaign was active across the UAE for the entire month of Ramadan, impacting the music on three major radio stations playing both Arabic and English music. List the results (30% of vote) Dynamically running our sponsorship only during peak traffic times, we managed to affect significant change on a shoestring budget. In the first two weeks of Ramadan alone: • Accidents dropped by 29%, from 157 in 2017 to 111 in 2018 *** • Road injuries fell by 43%, from 237 in 2017 to 136 in 2018 *** • Road deaths decreased by 38%, from 26 in 2017 to 16 in 2018 ***



    Road Rage Radio










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