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    Armistice Day户外广告营销案例




    案例简介:写一个简短的摘要,介绍数字或环境执行或活动中发生的情况。 在周五11月9日的傍晚高峰时段,我们接管了皮卡迪利广场 (Piccadilly Circus) 的广告屏幕,这是100年前伦敦人自发聚集的地方,当时他们听说第一次世界大战终于结束了。 在一个小时的时间里,我们在通常无声的屏幕上充满了行进靴的景象和声音-每对代表一名死亡的士兵。当他们穿过屏幕时,一个柜台显示死亡人数在增加。 镜头的无情,重复的性质为新一代带来了可怕的冲突规模。在关键时刻,我们还讲述了在战争中服役的人们的真实人类故事。 当最后一双靴子离开屏幕,代表1,119名,第193名英国和英联邦士兵被杀时,屏幕逐渐变黑,一个孤独的号角在皮卡迪利广场上响起了最后的哨所。 陪审团的文化/背景信息 第一次世界大战是人类历史上最血腥的冲突之一。但是,随着时间的流逝,死亡的规模变得更加抽象和难以想象-尤其是对于从未真正了解战争的英国年轻一代。 和平宣言-停战协定-每年在离11月11日最近的周末在英国标记。2018是停战一百周年,全国各地发生了许多事件。 随着数百万服务人员在1914-18年间穿越伦敦的威斯敏斯特,威斯敏斯特市议会希望以一种敏感但有影响力的方式纪念百年诞辰。威斯敏斯特的皮卡迪利广场 (Piccadilly Circus) 是伦敦人聚集在1918年庆祝和平的地方。因此,100年后我们使用这个位置来提醒人们像他们这样的普通人所做的牺牲是对的。 告诉评审团有关作品的动画/互动/动态组件。 这是著名的皮卡迪利 (Piccadilly) 银幕第一次被全部接管-这是真正的世界,阻止了普通伦敦人的路过。 这也是第一次将屏幕与声音一起使用。为了实现这一目标,我们在皮卡迪利广场周围建立了一个复杂的临时音响系统,行进靴的声音在地铁站回荡,并从周围的街道吸引人们。 我们的行进靴被11个在战争中服役的人的个人故事所打断,这些故事来自威斯敏斯特档案馆,并以来自该地区或与该地区有密切联系的人们为特色。 随着时间的临近,我们使用了几乎完全黑色的屏幕的力量 (这些屏幕通常显示广告24/7的马赛克) 来促进两分钟的沉默-以号角器在怪异的仍然皮卡迪利 (Piccadilly) 上的最后一篇文章响起。


    案例简介:Write a short summary of what happens in the digital or ambient execution or campaign. During evening rush hour on Friday 9th November, we took over the advertising screens at Piccadilly Circus –a place where Londoners had spontaneously gathered 100 years ago when they heard the First World War was finally over. For one hour we filled the normally silent screens with the sights and sounds of marching boots – each pair representing a soldier who died. As they marched through the screen, a counter showed the death toll increasing. The relentless, repetitive nature of the footage brought home, for a new generation, the horrific scale of the conflict. At key points in the hour we also told the real human stories of people who served in the war. As the last pair of boots marched off screen, representing the 1,119,193rd British and Commonwealth soldier to be killed, the screens faded to black, and a lone bugler sounded the last post across Piccadilly Circus. Cultural/Context information for the jury The First World War was one of the bloodiest conflicts in human history. But, with every passing year, the scale of death feels more abstract and unimaginable – especially to younger generations in Britain who have never really known war. The declaration of peace – the Armistice – is marked in Britain each year on the weekend closest to 11th November. 2018 was the centenary of the Armistice with lots of events taking place across the country. As millions of service people passed through Westminster in London on their way to war between 1914-18, Westminster City Council wanted to mark the centenary in a sensitive but impactful way. Piccadilly Circus – in Westminster – was a place Londoners gathered in 1918 to celebrate peace. So it felt right that we use this location 100 years later to remind people of the sacrifices made by ordinary people like them. Tell the jury about the animated/interactive/dynamic component of the work. This was the first time that the famous Piccadilly screens had been taken over in their entirety – a genuine world first that stopped ordinary Londoners passing by. This was also the first time the screens had been used with sound. We set up a complex temporary sound system around Piccadilly Circus to achieve this, with the sound of marching boots echoing down through the Underground station and drawing people in from surrounding streets. Our marching boots were punctuated by 11 personal stories of people who served in the war, drawn from the Westminster archives, and featuring people from, or with strong connections to, the area. As the hour drew to a close, we used the power of an almost totally black screen (these screens usually display a mosaic of ads 24/7) to promote a two-minute silence –ending with a bugler sounding the last post across an eerily still Piccadilly.

    Armistice Day

    案例简介:写一个简短的摘要,介绍数字或环境执行或活动中发生的情况。 在周五11月9日的傍晚高峰时段,我们接管了皮卡迪利广场 (Piccadilly Circus) 的广告屏幕,这是100年前伦敦人自发聚集的地方,当时他们听说第一次世界大战终于结束了。 在一个小时的时间里,我们在通常无声的屏幕上充满了行进靴的景象和声音-每对代表一名死亡的士兵。当他们穿过屏幕时,一个柜台显示死亡人数在增加。 镜头的无情,重复的性质为新一代带来了可怕的冲突规模。在关键时刻,我们还讲述了在战争中服役的人们的真实人类故事。 当最后一双靴子离开屏幕,代表1,119名,第193名英国和英联邦士兵被杀时,屏幕逐渐变黑,一个孤独的号角在皮卡迪利广场上响起了最后的哨所。 陪审团的文化/背景信息 第一次世界大战是人类历史上最血腥的冲突之一。但是,随着时间的流逝,死亡的规模变得更加抽象和难以想象-尤其是对于从未真正了解战争的英国年轻一代。 和平宣言-停战协定-每年在离11月11日最近的周末在英国标记。2018是停战一百周年,全国各地发生了许多事件。 随着数百万服务人员在1914-18年间穿越伦敦的威斯敏斯特,威斯敏斯特市议会希望以一种敏感但有影响力的方式纪念百年诞辰。威斯敏斯特的皮卡迪利广场 (Piccadilly Circus) 是伦敦人聚集在1918年庆祝和平的地方。因此,100年后我们使用这个位置来提醒人们像他们这样的普通人所做的牺牲是对的。 告诉评审团有关作品的动画/互动/动态组件。 这是著名的皮卡迪利 (Piccadilly) 银幕第一次被全部接管-这是真正的世界,阻止了普通伦敦人的路过。 这也是第一次将屏幕与声音一起使用。为了实现这一目标,我们在皮卡迪利广场周围建立了一个复杂的临时音响系统,行进靴的声音在地铁站回荡,并从周围的街道吸引人们。 我们的行进靴被11个在战争中服役的人的个人故事所打断,这些故事来自威斯敏斯特档案馆,并以来自该地区或与该地区有密切联系的人们为特色。 随着时间的临近,我们使用了几乎完全黑色的屏幕的力量 (这些屏幕通常显示广告24/7的马赛克) 来促进两分钟的沉默-以号角器在怪异的仍然皮卡迪利 (Piccadilly) 上的最后一篇文章响起。

    Armistice Day

    案例简介:Write a short summary of what happens in the digital or ambient execution or campaign. During evening rush hour on Friday 9th November, we took over the advertising screens at Piccadilly Circus –a place where Londoners had spontaneously gathered 100 years ago when they heard the First World War was finally over. For one hour we filled the normally silent screens with the sights and sounds of marching boots – each pair representing a soldier who died. As they marched through the screen, a counter showed the death toll increasing. The relentless, repetitive nature of the footage brought home, for a new generation, the horrific scale of the conflict. At key points in the hour we also told the real human stories of people who served in the war. As the last pair of boots marched off screen, representing the 1,119,193rd British and Commonwealth soldier to be killed, the screens faded to black, and a lone bugler sounded the last post across Piccadilly Circus. Cultural/Context information for the jury The First World War was one of the bloodiest conflicts in human history. But, with every passing year, the scale of death feels more abstract and unimaginable – especially to younger generations in Britain who have never really known war. The declaration of peace – the Armistice – is marked in Britain each year on the weekend closest to 11th November. 2018 was the centenary of the Armistice with lots of events taking place across the country. As millions of service people passed through Westminster in London on their way to war between 1914-18, Westminster City Council wanted to mark the centenary in a sensitive but impactful way. Piccadilly Circus – in Westminster – was a place Londoners gathered in 1918 to celebrate peace. So it felt right that we use this location 100 years later to remind people of the sacrifices made by ordinary people like them. Tell the jury about the animated/interactive/dynamic component of the work. This was the first time that the famous Piccadilly screens had been taken over in their entirety – a genuine world first that stopped ordinary Londoners passing by. This was also the first time the screens had been used with sound. We set up a complex temporary sound system around Piccadilly Circus to achieve this, with the sound of marching boots echoing down through the Underground station and drawing people in from surrounding streets. Our marching boots were punctuated by 11 personal stories of people who served in the war, drawn from the Westminster archives, and featuring people from, or with strong connections to, the area. As the hour drew to a close, we used the power of an almost totally black screen (these screens usually display a mosaic of ads 24/7) to promote a two-minute silence –ending with a bugler sounding the last post across an eerily still Piccadilly.



    Armistice Day






    广告公司: TMW (英国 伦敦) 制作公司: TMW




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