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    案例简介:Humanaut正在帮助推出新的清洁购物应用程序Merryfield,该应用程序通过新的数字视频活动来奖励购买 “清洁” 产品的消费者。这标志着Merryfield的第一个广告活动,该活动于上个月在App Store中首次亮相。 在90秒的嘲讽广告中,梅里菲尔德 (Merryfield) 自找了点乐子,在对您更好的食品和家庭用品领域中串烧了典型的俗气,做得更好的营销,最终选择了一个简单的,脚踏实地地解释应用程序的实际工作方式。 大卫·梅耶 (David Mayer) 表示: “现在,许多人比以往任何时候都更希望投资于自己的健康和保健,但他们没有时间进行研究,而且预算也受到限制。” merryfield创始人兼首席执行官。“Merryfield为购物者做功课,并在他们每次购买没有所有人造垃圾和有害化学物质的产品时给予奖励。” Merryfield应用程序允许用户从任何商店拍摄收据的照片; 当购买的商品与应用程序中精选的清洁标签品牌之一匹配时,用户会累积积分,可以在Whole Foods,Sephora,Panera Bread和REI等零售店兑换礼品卡。 在Facebook,Instagram,Twitter,Hulu和YouTube上播放的长视频和短视频被删减,其中一个男人唱着关于Merryfield的热情但陈词滥调的歌曲,以及各种购物者打断他的问题和评论。正如一个无聊的孩子和他妈妈一起购物所描述的那样,梅里菲尔德是 “无垃圾清洁购物应用程序”。 消费者可以通过购买诸如Applegate,Beyond Meat,Califia Farms,Country Archer,Hello Bello,LesserEvil,Nadamoo,Nellie's Free Range,Once A Farm,Orgain,Pete & Gerry's,纯伊丽莎白,Stonyfield Organic,Thinkbaby,Thinksport和重要蛋白质,仅举几例。 梅里菲尔德 (Merryfield) 的联合创始人兼质量标准与政策主管乔·迪克森 (Joe Dickson) 表示: “我们仔细研究每种成分,询问它是否安全、必要或你希望在 '干净' 产品中找到的东西。”“我们已经为杂货店的所有类别制定了标准,包括美容产品和宠物食品。我们还认真研究标签声明和可能会产生误导的语言,以帮助确保您获得标签上的承诺。” Merryfield的清洁行业专家委员会仔细检查了成千上万种日常产品的标签,并确定哪些产品符合 “清洁” 的标准。成员包括Dickson; Beautycounter前环境,健康与安全主管Mia Davis; Kim McDevitt,R.D.,MPH,专门研究家庭营养的注册营养师; 以及全食超市杂货前副总裁Errol Schweizer。 “Humanaut的专长之一是解释复杂或高尚的想法,从颠覆性的、更适合你的品牌到更主流的受众。对于需要超越传统全食领域才能成长的品牌,我们帮助他们在泡沫之外思考,以达到目标或沃尔玛购物者。这是一个越来越关心所有这些好东西的团体,但没有耐心进行有关可持续性或高果糖玉米糖浆的弊端的演讲,”克拉克说。 Humanaut与Splenda Stevia,organic Valley,Nutribullet,Hello口腔护理和Suja等公司合作,建立了可靠的天然和有机食品品牌类别的客户列表。该机构获得了Merryfield在4月的数字项目作品的称号。 代理商/客户关系的发展得益于另一个Humanaut客户Only Organic的介绍。只有Organic向Merryfield提供了 “跳过化学品” 视频,以在应用程序中使用,以帮助应用程序用户了解有关有机产品的更多信息。 “我们想制作一件具有里程碑意义的作品来帮助我们成立新公司。我不知道那应该是什么。而且我甚至不知道在大流行期间是否有可能,David Mayer解释说,创始人兼首席执行官,梅里菲尔德。“ Humanaut很快就提出了一个比我想象的要强大得多的概念和执行力。” 该广告针对的是想要做出更健康饮食选择的主流受众,而不仅仅是顽固的有机购买者,这是Humanaut的典型讲故事形式。这也标志着人类自新型冠状病毒肺炎以来最大的产量。 Merryfield是No Kid Hungry的合作伙伴,并捐赠了1% 销售来结束童年的饥饿。


    案例简介:Humanaut is helping launch the new clean-shopping app Merryfield, an app that rewards consumers who buy “clean” products, with a new digital video campaign. This marks the first ad campaign for Merryfield, which debuted last month in the App Store. In the 90-second tongue-in-cheek ad Merryfield pokes a bit of fun at itself, skewering the typical cheesy, do-gooder marketing in the better-for-you food and household goods sectors, ultimately opting for a simple, down-to-earth explanation of how the app actually works. "Now more than ever, many people want to invest in their own health and wellness but they don't have time to do the research and they also have budget constraints,” said David Mayer, Merryfield Founder and CEO. ”Merryfield does the homework for shoppers and rewards them every time they buy products without all the artificial junk and unwanted chemicals." The Merryfield app allows users to take a photo of their receipt from any store; when an item purchased matches one of the curated clean-label brands in the app, users accumulate points that can be redeemed for gift cards at Whole Foods, Sephora, Panera Bread, and REI, among other retail outlets. The long form video and short-form cut down running on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Hulu and YouTube, feature a man singing a passionate but cliched song about Merryfield, and various shoppers interrupting him with questions and commentary. As one bored kid shopping with his mom describes it, Merryfield is the “No-crap clean shopping app.” Consumers can accrue points by purchasing brands like Applegate, Beyond Meat, Califia Farms, Country Archer, Hello Bello, LesserEvil, Nadamoo, Nellie’s Free Range, Once Upon A Farm, Orgain, Pete & Gerry’s, Purely Elizabeth, Stonyfield Organic, Thinkbaby, Thinksport and Vital Proteins, to name a few. “We look carefully at every ingredient and ask whether it’s safe, necessary or something you’d expect to find in a ‘clean’ product,” said Joe Dickson, Co-Founder and Head of Quality Standards & Policy at Merryfield. “We’ve created standards for all categories in the grocery store, including beauty products and pet food. We also look hard at label claims and language that could be misleading to help make sure you get what you’re promised on the label.” Merryfield’s Clean Council of industry experts scrutinize the labels of thousands of everyday products and identify which ones meet their criteria to be “clean.” Members include Dickson; Mia Davis, former Head of Environment, Health and Safety at Beautycounter; Kim McDevitt, R.D., MPH, a registered dietitian specializing in family nutrition; and Errol Schweizer, former vice president of Grocery for Whole Foods Market. “One of Humanaut’s specialties is explaining complicated or high-minded ideas from disruptive, better-for-you brands to a more mainstream audience. For brands that need to reach beyond the traditional Whole Foods scene in order to grow, we help them think outside that bubble to reach the Target or Walmart shopper. This is a group that increasingly cares about all that good stuff, but doesn’t have the patience for a lecture about sustainability or the evils of high fructose corn syrup,” said Clark. Humanaut has built a solid client list of natural and organic food brand categories, working with the likes of Splenda Stevia, Organic Valley, Nutribullet, Hello Oral Care and Suja. The agency was awarded Merryfield’s digital project work in April without a pitch. The agency/client relationship evolved thanks to an introduction from Only Organic, another Humanaut client. Only Organic provided its “Skip the Chemicals” video to Merryfield for use in the app to help app users learn more about Organic products. "We wanted to produce a landmark piece of work to help us launch our new company. I didn't know what that should be. And I didn't know if it was even possible in the middle of a pandemic, explained David Mayer, Founder and CEO, Merryfield. “Humanaut quickly delivered a concept and execution far greater than I could have imagined." The ad targets a mainstream audience who wants to make healthier eating choices, rather than just die-hard organic buyers, a typical storytelling format for Humanaut. It also marks Humanaut’s largest production since COVID-19. Merryfield is a partner of No Kid Hungry and donates 1% of its sales to end childhood hunger.

    Not a Field

    案例简介:Humanaut正在帮助推出新的清洁购物应用程序Merryfield,该应用程序通过新的数字视频活动来奖励购买 “清洁” 产品的消费者。这标志着Merryfield的第一个广告活动,该活动于上个月在App Store中首次亮相。 在90秒的嘲讽广告中,梅里菲尔德 (Merryfield) 自找了点乐子,在对您更好的食品和家庭用品领域中串烧了典型的俗气,做得更好的营销,最终选择了一个简单的,脚踏实地地解释应用程序的实际工作方式。 大卫·梅耶 (David Mayer) 表示: “现在,许多人比以往任何时候都更希望投资于自己的健康和保健,但他们没有时间进行研究,而且预算也受到限制。” merryfield创始人兼首席执行官。“Merryfield为购物者做功课,并在他们每次购买没有所有人造垃圾和有害化学物质的产品时给予奖励。” Merryfield应用程序允许用户从任何商店拍摄收据的照片; 当购买的商品与应用程序中精选的清洁标签品牌之一匹配时,用户会累积积分,可以在Whole Foods,Sephora,Panera Bread和REI等零售店兑换礼品卡。 在Facebook,Instagram,Twitter,Hulu和YouTube上播放的长视频和短视频被删减,其中一个男人唱着关于Merryfield的热情但陈词滥调的歌曲,以及各种购物者打断他的问题和评论。正如一个无聊的孩子和他妈妈一起购物所描述的那样,梅里菲尔德是 “无垃圾清洁购物应用程序”。 消费者可以通过购买诸如Applegate,Beyond Meat,Califia Farms,Country Archer,Hello Bello,LesserEvil,Nadamoo,Nellie's Free Range,Once A Farm,Orgain,Pete & Gerry's,纯伊丽莎白,Stonyfield Organic,Thinkbaby,Thinksport和重要蛋白质,仅举几例。 梅里菲尔德 (Merryfield) 的联合创始人兼质量标准与政策主管乔·迪克森 (Joe Dickson) 表示: “我们仔细研究每种成分,询问它是否安全、必要或你希望在 '干净' 产品中找到的东西。”“我们已经为杂货店的所有类别制定了标准,包括美容产品和宠物食品。我们还认真研究标签声明和可能会产生误导的语言,以帮助确保您获得标签上的承诺。” Merryfield的清洁行业专家委员会仔细检查了成千上万种日常产品的标签,并确定哪些产品符合 “清洁” 的标准。成员包括Dickson; Beautycounter前环境,健康与安全主管Mia Davis; Kim McDevitt,R.D.,MPH,专门研究家庭营养的注册营养师; 以及全食超市杂货前副总裁Errol Schweizer。 “Humanaut的专长之一是解释复杂或高尚的想法,从颠覆性的、更适合你的品牌到更主流的受众。对于需要超越传统全食领域才能成长的品牌,我们帮助他们在泡沫之外思考,以达到目标或沃尔玛购物者。这是一个越来越关心所有这些好东西的团体,但没有耐心进行有关可持续性或高果糖玉米糖浆的弊端的演讲,”克拉克说。 Humanaut与Splenda Stevia,organic Valley,Nutribullet,Hello口腔护理和Suja等公司合作,建立了可靠的天然和有机食品品牌类别的客户列表。该机构获得了Merryfield在4月的数字项目作品的称号。 代理商/客户关系的发展得益于另一个Humanaut客户Only Organic的介绍。只有Organic向Merryfield提供了 “跳过化学品” 视频,以在应用程序中使用,以帮助应用程序用户了解有关有机产品的更多信息。 “我们想制作一件具有里程碑意义的作品来帮助我们成立新公司。我不知道那应该是什么。而且我甚至不知道在大流行期间是否有可能,David Mayer解释说,创始人兼首席执行官,梅里菲尔德。“ Humanaut很快就提出了一个比我想象的要强大得多的概念和执行力。” 该广告针对的是想要做出更健康饮食选择的主流受众,而不仅仅是顽固的有机购买者,这是Humanaut的典型讲故事形式。这也标志着人类自新型冠状病毒肺炎以来最大的产量。 Merryfield是No Kid Hungry的合作伙伴,并捐赠了1% 销售来结束童年的饥饿。

    Not a Field

    案例简介:Humanaut is helping launch the new clean-shopping app Merryfield, an app that rewards consumers who buy “clean” products, with a new digital video campaign. This marks the first ad campaign for Merryfield, which debuted last month in the App Store. In the 90-second tongue-in-cheek ad Merryfield pokes a bit of fun at itself, skewering the typical cheesy, do-gooder marketing in the better-for-you food and household goods sectors, ultimately opting for a simple, down-to-earth explanation of how the app actually works. "Now more than ever, many people want to invest in their own health and wellness but they don't have time to do the research and they also have budget constraints,” said David Mayer, Merryfield Founder and CEO. ”Merryfield does the homework for shoppers and rewards them every time they buy products without all the artificial junk and unwanted chemicals." The Merryfield app allows users to take a photo of their receipt from any store; when an item purchased matches one of the curated clean-label brands in the app, users accumulate points that can be redeemed for gift cards at Whole Foods, Sephora, Panera Bread, and REI, among other retail outlets. The long form video and short-form cut down running on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Hulu and YouTube, feature a man singing a passionate but cliched song about Merryfield, and various shoppers interrupting him with questions and commentary. As one bored kid shopping with his mom describes it, Merryfield is the “No-crap clean shopping app.” Consumers can accrue points by purchasing brands like Applegate, Beyond Meat, Califia Farms, Country Archer, Hello Bello, LesserEvil, Nadamoo, Nellie’s Free Range, Once Upon A Farm, Orgain, Pete & Gerry’s, Purely Elizabeth, Stonyfield Organic, Thinkbaby, Thinksport and Vital Proteins, to name a few. “We look carefully at every ingredient and ask whether it’s safe, necessary or something you’d expect to find in a ‘clean’ product,” said Joe Dickson, Co-Founder and Head of Quality Standards & Policy at Merryfield. “We’ve created standards for all categories in the grocery store, including beauty products and pet food. We also look hard at label claims and language that could be misleading to help make sure you get what you’re promised on the label.” Merryfield’s Clean Council of industry experts scrutinize the labels of thousands of everyday products and identify which ones meet their criteria to be “clean.” Members include Dickson; Mia Davis, former Head of Environment, Health and Safety at Beautycounter; Kim McDevitt, R.D., MPH, a registered dietitian specializing in family nutrition; and Errol Schweizer, former vice president of Grocery for Whole Foods Market. “One of Humanaut’s specialties is explaining complicated or high-minded ideas from disruptive, better-for-you brands to a more mainstream audience. For brands that need to reach beyond the traditional Whole Foods scene in order to grow, we help them think outside that bubble to reach the Target or Walmart shopper. This is a group that increasingly cares about all that good stuff, but doesn’t have the patience for a lecture about sustainability or the evils of high fructose corn syrup,” said Clark. Humanaut has built a solid client list of natural and organic food brand categories, working with the likes of Splenda Stevia, Organic Valley, Nutribullet, Hello Oral Care and Suja. The agency was awarded Merryfield’s digital project work in April without a pitch. The agency/client relationship evolved thanks to an introduction from Only Organic, another Humanaut client. Only Organic provided its “Skip the Chemicals” video to Merryfield for use in the app to help app users learn more about Organic products. "We wanted to produce a landmark piece of work to help us launch our new company. I didn't know what that should be. And I didn't know if it was even possible in the middle of a pandemic, explained David Mayer, Founder and CEO, Merryfield. “Humanaut quickly delivered a concept and execution far greater than I could have imagined." The ad targets a mainstream audience who wants to make healthier eating choices, rather than just die-hard organic buyers, a typical storytelling format for Humanaut. It also marks Humanaut’s largest production since COVID-19. Merryfield is a partner of No Kid Hungry and donates 1% of its sales to end childhood hunger.



    Not a Field






    广告公司: Humanaut (美国 Chattanooga) 制作公司: Humanaut




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