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    The DEVK Selfiescarf

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与媒体相关? 为了将广告预算非常有限的小型保险公司纳入我们目标群体的相关群体,我们开发了一种新的风扇介质。并将其宣传为 “突破性” 创新,眼睛一亮。但实际上,这是我们创造的一种全新的广告媒介,远远超出了足球围巾的最初用途。作为科隆足球俱乐部第2分区的赞助商,我们还必须解决一个特殊的目标群体: 科隆足球俱乐部的球迷。使它成为一个非常集中的活动,需要使用非常特殊的音调进行精确的在线定位。 背景 科隆足球俱乐部正在努力重返第一联赛。曾经是一个非常成功和骄傲的俱乐部,现在他们被埋在乙级联赛。然而,他们的粉丝从未失去他们典型的科隆风格的幽默感,并以活力支持他们的团队,但也闪烁着眼睛。这就是为什么德夫克如此自豪地成为他们的赞助商。然而,这确实是一个世界性的问题,越来越多的球迷在比赛中忙于手机,而不是支持他们的球队。由于我们的竞选座右铭是 “我们把你的问题变成我们的”,我们的目标是在目标群体中推广这一座右铭。并开发了一个解决方案,帮助球迷以一种有趣的方式成为更好的球迷,这样球队就能得到最好的支持。 描述创意/见解 (30% 的选票) DEVK是第2分区足球俱乐部科隆FC的赞助商。我们的竞选座右铭是: “我们把你的问题变成我们的”。为了在科隆足球俱乐部球迷的特定目标群体中推广这一座右铭,并给予球员最好的支持,我们开发、设计并构建了一款创新的球迷产品: DEVK Selfiescarf。第一个在你欢呼的时候拍照的足球围巾。在前面有一个典型的140厘米科隆FC足球围巾来支持球队。背面配有内置蓝牙按钮和专门设计的智能手机支架,适合所有常见手机型号自拍。起初,这一切都是从愉快开始的。但是后来,它收到了很多要求投入批量生产的请求,我们决定为它申请专利 描述策略 (20% 的选票) 为了宣传德夫克的竞选座右铭,我们必须牢记一个重要方面: 目标群体非常具体,是地方性的,地理上仅限于西德。我们还想为我们的赞助增加目的,并将自己定位为一个关爱品牌。我们与科隆FC fanclub成员讨论了数字化带来的挑战。然后,我们开发了围巾作为这些对话的结果。我们使用围巾作为媒介,因为它是每个粉丝都知道的商品类型。知道这是一个有争议的话题,我们使用了这个城市典型的音调: 有趣、迷人但充满激情,并且有正确的紧迫感。然后,我们将我们的在线内容锁定在Facebook和德国最重要的足球网站上的科隆FC球迷。CTA要求粉丝告诉我们他们是否希望围巾投入批量生产。 描述执行情况 (20% 的选票) 从初稿到实际原型,Selfiescarf都是在内部开发、设计和建造的。然后与合作伙伴合作生产限量版围巾。带着特别设计的包装,我们把围巾送给了目标群体的真正核心: 粉丝俱乐部的成员。然后他们可以在一场重要的主场比赛中在体育场测试自拍。为了推广该产品,我们通过社交媒体传播在线电影,并将其定位于Facebook和德国最重要的足球网站上的所有科隆足球俱乐部球迷。活动结束后,我们决定将围巾投入批量生产。 列出结果 (30% 的选票) 最初是一个有趣的小特技,不仅成为有史以来最受关注、分享和评论的作品冯 · 德夫克的内容,但也成为德国保险公司有史以来最成功的活动-仅在7天内。我们的目标战略只关注科隆足球俱乐部的球迷,一个非常具体的目标群体,我们设法获得了700万次印象,超过100万次观看和近52 000次互动。意味着我们几乎联系到了他们所有人。此外,我们的品牌价值达到了新的高度 -- 导致购买意向增加了40%,品牌偏好增加了49%,独立品牌认知度增加了1033%。都有39% 的点击率。此外,“DEVK是一个问题解决者” 这一声明的支持率增加了39%,证明了这场运动对宣传我们的座右铭有多大帮助。 请告诉我们与产品/服务分销的地区或市场相关的品牌 DEVK是一家来自科隆的本地消费者保险公司。多年来他们一直是俱乐部的赞助商。然而,他们远非顶级赞助商,因此没有作为游戏中的大玩家得到关注。这就是为什么他们用他们长期的竞选格言 “我们把你的问题变成我们的” 作为解决俱乐部和球迷每天处理的问题的跳板。这意味着: 他们不仅局限于足球环境,也局限于科隆足球俱乐部球迷的特殊目标群体。由于整个城市的科隆只有100万名居民,我们的活动是一个重大的成功品牌。

    The DEVK Selfiescarf

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Media? To bring our small insurance company with a very limited ad budget into the relevant set of our target group, we developed a new fan medium. And promoted it as a „groundbreaking“ innovation with a twinkle in the eye. But actually, it’s a totally new advertising medium we’ve created that goes far beyond of the original use of a football scarf. As a sponsor of 2nd division football club Cologne FC, we also had to address one special target group: Cologne FC fans. Making it a very focussed campaign that required precise online targeting using a very specific tonality. Background Cologne FC is battling to return to the first league. Once a very successful and proud club, they’re now buried in the second division. However, their fans have never lost their typical Cologne-style sense of humour and support their team with vigour, but also with a twinkle in the eye. That’s why DEVK is so proud of being their sponsor. However it’s indeed a worldwide problem that more and more fans are rather busy with their phones during games than supporting their team. Since our campaign motto is „We turn your problem into ours “, our goal was to promote this motto within the target group. And developed a solution that helps the fans to become better fans in a fun way – so that the team gets the best support possible. Describe the creative idea/insights (30% of vote) DEVK is a sponsor of 2nd division football club Cologne FC. Our campaign motto is: „We turn your problem into ours“. To promote this motto within the very specific target group of Cologne FC fans and to give the players the best support they can get, we’ve developed, designed and built an innovative fan product: The DEVK Selfiescarf. The first football scarf that takes pictures while you cheer. On the front side a typical 140cm Cologne FC football scarf to support the team. On the back side with a built-in bluetooth button and a specially designed smartphone holder that fits all common phone models to take selfies. At first it all started in good fun. But then, it received so many requests to be put into series production, we decided to file a patent for it Describe the strategy (20% of vote) To promote DEVK’S campaign motto, we had to keep one important aspect in mind: The target group is very specific, local and geographically limited to Western Germany. We also wanted to add purpose to our sponsoring and position ourselves as a caring brand. We talked to Cologne FC fanclub members about the challenges digitalization brings with it. Then, we developed the scarf as a result of these conversations. We used the scarf as a medium, because it’s the type of merchandising item every fan knows. Knowing that this is a controversial topic, we used a tonality that is typical for the city: funny, charming but passionate and with the right sense of urgency. Then, we targeted our online content at Cologne FC fans on Facebook and Germany’s most important football websites. A CTA asked the fans to tell us if they want the scarf to be put into serial production. Describe the execution (20% of vote) From the first draft to the actual prototype, the Selfiescarf was developed, designed and built in house. A limited edition of scarves was then produced in cooperation with partners. Coming with a specially designed packaging, we gave the scarves to the true core of the target group: members of fanclubs. They could then test the Selfiescarf in the stadium at an important home game. To promote the product, we spread an online film via social media and targeted it at all Cologne FC fans on Facebook and Germany’s most important football websites. After the end of the campaign, we decided to put the scarf into serial production. List the results (30% of vote) What started as a funny little stunt, not only became the most watched, shared and commented piece von DEVK content ever, but also became the most successful campaign by a German insurance company ever – within only 7 days. With our targeting strategy that solely focussed on Cologne FC fans, a very specific target group, we managed to gain 1,7 million impressions, more than 1 million views and almost 52 000 interactions. Means that we nearly reached all of them. Also, our brand values reached new heights – resulting in a 40% increase in purchase intent, a 49% percent increase in brand favourability and a 1033% increase in unaided brand awareness. All with a CTR of 4,39%. Additionally, an increase of 39% of approval to the statement „DEVK is a problem solver“, proves how much the campaign helped to promote our motto. Please tell us about the brand in relation to the locality or market where the product/service is distributed DEVK is a local consumer insurance company from Cologne. They have been the club’s sponsor for years. However, they’re far from being in the top sponsor category and therefore don’t get the attention as the big players in the game. That’s why they use their longtime campaign motto „We turn your problem into ours“ as a springboard to solve every-day problems the club and the fans deal with. That means: they’re not only limited to a football surrounding but also to the very specific target group of Cologne FC Fans. Since the whole city of Cologne only has 1 million inhabitants, our campaign was a major success for the brand.

    The DEVK Selfiescarf

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与媒体相关? 为了将广告预算非常有限的小型保险公司纳入我们目标群体的相关群体,我们开发了一种新的风扇介质。并将其宣传为 “突破性” 创新,眼睛一亮。但实际上,这是我们创造的一种全新的广告媒介,远远超出了足球围巾的最初用途。作为科隆足球俱乐部第2分区的赞助商,我们还必须解决一个特殊的目标群体: 科隆足球俱乐部的球迷。使它成为一个非常集中的活动,需要使用非常特殊的音调进行精确的在线定位。 背景 科隆足球俱乐部正在努力重返第一联赛。曾经是一个非常成功和骄傲的俱乐部,现在他们被埋在乙级联赛。然而,他们的粉丝从未失去他们典型的科隆风格的幽默感,并以活力支持他们的团队,但也闪烁着眼睛。这就是为什么德夫克如此自豪地成为他们的赞助商。然而,这确实是一个世界性的问题,越来越多的球迷在比赛中忙于手机,而不是支持他们的球队。由于我们的竞选座右铭是 “我们把你的问题变成我们的”,我们的目标是在目标群体中推广这一座右铭。并开发了一个解决方案,帮助球迷以一种有趣的方式成为更好的球迷,这样球队就能得到最好的支持。 描述创意/见解 (30% 的选票) DEVK是第2分区足球俱乐部科隆FC的赞助商。我们的竞选座右铭是: “我们把你的问题变成我们的”。为了在科隆足球俱乐部球迷的特定目标群体中推广这一座右铭,并给予球员最好的支持,我们开发、设计并构建了一款创新的球迷产品: DEVK Selfiescarf。第一个在你欢呼的时候拍照的足球围巾。在前面有一个典型的140厘米科隆FC足球围巾来支持球队。背面配有内置蓝牙按钮和专门设计的智能手机支架,适合所有常见手机型号自拍。起初,这一切都是从愉快开始的。但是后来,它收到了很多要求投入批量生产的请求,我们决定为它申请专利 描述策略 (20% 的选票) 为了宣传德夫克的竞选座右铭,我们必须牢记一个重要方面: 目标群体非常具体,是地方性的,地理上仅限于西德。我们还想为我们的赞助增加目的,并将自己定位为一个关爱品牌。我们与科隆FC fanclub成员讨论了数字化带来的挑战。然后,我们开发了围巾作为这些对话的结果。我们使用围巾作为媒介,因为它是每个粉丝都知道的商品类型。知道这是一个有争议的话题,我们使用了这个城市典型的音调: 有趣、迷人但充满激情,并且有正确的紧迫感。然后,我们将我们的在线内容锁定在Facebook和德国最重要的足球网站上的科隆FC球迷。CTA要求粉丝告诉我们他们是否希望围巾投入批量生产。 描述执行情况 (20% 的选票) 从初稿到实际原型,Selfiescarf都是在内部开发、设计和建造的。然后与合作伙伴合作生产限量版围巾。带着特别设计的包装,我们把围巾送给了目标群体的真正核心: 粉丝俱乐部的成员。然后他们可以在一场重要的主场比赛中在体育场测试自拍。为了推广该产品,我们通过社交媒体传播在线电影,并将其定位于Facebook和德国最重要的足球网站上的所有科隆足球俱乐部球迷。活动结束后,我们决定将围巾投入批量生产。 列出结果 (30% 的选票) 最初是一个有趣的小特技,不仅成为有史以来最受关注、分享和评论的作品冯 · 德夫克的内容,但也成为德国保险公司有史以来最成功的活动-仅在7天内。我们的目标战略只关注科隆足球俱乐部的球迷,一个非常具体的目标群体,我们设法获得了700万次印象,超过100万次观看和近52 000次互动。意味着我们几乎联系到了他们所有人。此外,我们的品牌价值达到了新的高度 -- 导致购买意向增加了40%,品牌偏好增加了49%,独立品牌认知度增加了1033%。都有39% 的点击率。此外,“DEVK是一个问题解决者” 这一声明的支持率增加了39%,证明了这场运动对宣传我们的座右铭有多大帮助。 请告诉我们与产品/服务分销的地区或市场相关的品牌 DEVK是一家来自科隆的本地消费者保险公司。多年来他们一直是俱乐部的赞助商。然而,他们远非顶级赞助商,因此没有作为游戏中的大玩家得到关注。这就是为什么他们用他们长期的竞选格言 “我们把你的问题变成我们的” 作为解决俱乐部和球迷每天处理的问题的跳板。这意味着: 他们不仅局限于足球环境,也局限于科隆足球俱乐部球迷的特殊目标群体。由于整个城市的科隆只有100万名居民,我们的活动是一个重大的成功品牌。

    The DEVK Selfiescarf

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Media? To bring our small insurance company with a very limited ad budget into the relevant set of our target group, we developed a new fan medium. And promoted it as a „groundbreaking“ innovation with a twinkle in the eye. But actually, it’s a totally new advertising medium we’ve created that goes far beyond of the original use of a football scarf. As a sponsor of 2nd division football club Cologne FC, we also had to address one special target group: Cologne FC fans. Making it a very focussed campaign that required precise online targeting using a very specific tonality. Background Cologne FC is battling to return to the first league. Once a very successful and proud club, they’re now buried in the second division. However, their fans have never lost their typical Cologne-style sense of humour and support their team with vigour, but also with a twinkle in the eye. That’s why DEVK is so proud of being their sponsor. However it’s indeed a worldwide problem that more and more fans are rather busy with their phones during games than supporting their team. Since our campaign motto is „We turn your problem into ours “, our goal was to promote this motto within the target group. And developed a solution that helps the fans to become better fans in a fun way – so that the team gets the best support possible. Describe the creative idea/insights (30% of vote) DEVK is a sponsor of 2nd division football club Cologne FC. Our campaign motto is: „We turn your problem into ours“. To promote this motto within the very specific target group of Cologne FC fans and to give the players the best support they can get, we’ve developed, designed and built an innovative fan product: The DEVK Selfiescarf. The first football scarf that takes pictures while you cheer. On the front side a typical 140cm Cologne FC football scarf to support the team. On the back side with a built-in bluetooth button and a specially designed smartphone holder that fits all common phone models to take selfies. At first it all started in good fun. But then, it received so many requests to be put into series production, we decided to file a patent for it Describe the strategy (20% of vote) To promote DEVK’S campaign motto, we had to keep one important aspect in mind: The target group is very specific, local and geographically limited to Western Germany. We also wanted to add purpose to our sponsoring and position ourselves as a caring brand. We talked to Cologne FC fanclub members about the challenges digitalization brings with it. Then, we developed the scarf as a result of these conversations. We used the scarf as a medium, because it’s the type of merchandising item every fan knows. Knowing that this is a controversial topic, we used a tonality that is typical for the city: funny, charming but passionate and with the right sense of urgency. Then, we targeted our online content at Cologne FC fans on Facebook and Germany’s most important football websites. A CTA asked the fans to tell us if they want the scarf to be put into serial production. Describe the execution (20% of vote) From the first draft to the actual prototype, the Selfiescarf was developed, designed and built in house. A limited edition of scarves was then produced in cooperation with partners. Coming with a specially designed packaging, we gave the scarves to the true core of the target group: members of fanclubs. They could then test the Selfiescarf in the stadium at an important home game. To promote the product, we spread an online film via social media and targeted it at all Cologne FC fans on Facebook and Germany’s most important football websites. After the end of the campaign, we decided to put the scarf into serial production. List the results (30% of vote) What started as a funny little stunt, not only became the most watched, shared and commented piece von DEVK content ever, but also became the most successful campaign by a German insurance company ever – within only 7 days. With our targeting strategy that solely focussed on Cologne FC fans, a very specific target group, we managed to gain 1,7 million impressions, more than 1 million views and almost 52 000 interactions. Means that we nearly reached all of them. Also, our brand values reached new heights – resulting in a 40% increase in purchase intent, a 49% percent increase in brand favourability and a 1033% increase in unaided brand awareness. All with a CTR of 4,39%. Additionally, an increase of 39% of approval to the statement „DEVK is a problem solver“, proves how much the campaign helped to promote our motto. Please tell us about the brand in relation to the locality or market where the product/service is distributed DEVK is a local consumer insurance company from Cologne. They have been the club’s sponsor for years. However, they’re far from being in the top sponsor category and therefore don’t get the attention as the big players in the game. That’s why they use their longtime campaign motto „We turn your problem into ours“ as a springboard to solve every-day problems the club and the fans deal with. That means: they’re not only limited to a football surrounding but also to the very specific target group of Cologne FC Fans. Since the whole city of Cologne only has 1 million inhabitants, our campaign was a major success for the brand.

    The DEVK Selfiescarf


    The DEVK Selfiescarf










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