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    案例简介:执行 在开始吹口哨前 15 分钟,我们通过体育场的大屏幕将受害者和他背叛的朋友联系起来。他们似乎在通常的客厅里,在那里他们经常观看每一场冠军联赛。他们直接和他说话,指责他的决定,向整个体育场展示他的背叛,并迫使他回到属于他的地方: 在他们身边。怎么做?使用喜力提供的直升机,在体育场外,准备离开。在 60.000 名证人的压力下,西蒙最终决定离开,护送前往最近的出口。他打开的门没有带他出去,而是在一个天空盒子里,我们在那里重新创建了朋友的客厅,直到最后一个细节,实际上,这个组织打电话给他加入他们。该小组终于团聚了,能够现场观看比赛。当然,享受冰冷的喜力 结果 结果令人印象深刻。仅仅几天,这部电影就获得了国内和国际公关曝光。它在 Facebook 的意大利部分获得了超过 120万的浏览量,在没有媒体预算的 YouTube 上获得了 100万的浏览量,并在高能见度的新闻媒体上出现,包括意大利、丹麦的主要体育报纸, 英国、瑞典、日本、韩国和中国。它还出现在荷兰的电视新闻节目和 9gag 的头版。Youtube 自发视图 (无媒体付费): 1.096.968Facebook 和 Twitter 视图: 6.185.475Facebook reach: 6.779.252Facebook 交互: 2.590.561 通过所有激活的网络频道的总印象: 13.514.549Video 在 3 周内自发地在世界各地的 300 多个网站上分享和发布。 活动描述 我们决定对热情的罗马支持者西蒙尼进行恶作剧。多年来,他一直和他的朋友们一起观看冠军联赛 -- 那天晚上也不例外。直到我们给他一个不可抗拒的提议 -- 一张观看他的球队与皇家马德里比赛的贵宾票。自然,他决定离开他的朋友。但是在比赛前接到朋友不寻常的电话,面对整个体育场挑战他的选择的巨大压力后,西蒙尼改变了主意。这导致了事件的意想不到的转变。 概要 2016 为我们提供了一个巨大的机会来利用喜力对冠军联赛的赞助。足球疯狂的意大利是欧洲最重要的市场之一,五月份,冠军联赛决赛将在米兰举行。在这里一起看比赛是一个经过时间磨练的传统,尤其是神圣的冠军联赛。然而,风险越来越大 -- 数据显示,多达 72% 的人独自在家观看冠军联赛。对喜力来说,这既是一个实际的商业问题 (更少的啤酒销售),也是一个品牌问题。喜力肯斯的 “比赛冠军” 策略是让比赛之夜尽可能做到最好 -- 这也意味着和队友一起观看。在这个关键时期,我们的工作是鼓励人们一起观看 UCL,并推出我们的 “冠军比赛” 宣传片。 战略 72% 的人独自在家观看冠军联赛。但是为什么呢?2016 对意大利足球来说也不是一个好年头 -- 只有罗马和尤文图斯进入了小组赛,两人都面临着强大的对手。其他大球队,如那不勒斯、 ac米兰和国际米兰都没有晋级。这意味着许多冠军联赛的观众都是看娱乐节目的中立者。加上越来越多的意大利人工作到很晚,冠军联赛在周二或周三安排得很尴尬,这意味着许多人忘记了它已经开始了…… 直到为时已晚。我们必须激励男人准备和伴侣一起观看,向他们展示额外的思考和努力是值得的。 简要解释 活动于 2月17日在罗马奥林匹克体育场进行,就在罗马和皇家马德里的比赛之前。我们用两个体育场屏幕播放西蒙尼朋友的现场视频信息。大约有 60 000 人目睹了这一特技表演,当他意识到自己被暴露在外时,他几乎心脏病发作 (如果你担心我们的西蒙妮,他做得很好: ( https://www.facebook.com/simone.elleppi?fref=nf ),我们只有一次机会完成它 -- 这使得激活对观众来说非常有趣。


    案例简介:Execution 15 minutes before the starting whistle, we connected our victim with the friends he betrayed through the big screen of the stadium. They seemed to be in the usual living-room in which they use to watch every Champions League match. They talked directly to him, blaming him for his decision, showing the whole stadium his betrayal and pushing him to get back where he belongs: next to them.How? Using an helicopter provided by Heineken, outside the stadium, ready to leave.Under the pressure of 60.000 witnesses, Simone finally decided to leave, escorted towards the nearest exit.The door he opened didn’t led him outside but in a sky box where we recreated the friends’ livingroom down to the last detail, from where actually the group was calling him to join them. The group, finally reunited, was able to follow the match live. Enjoying an ice cold Heineken, of course Outcome The results were impressive. In just a few days the film gained national and international PR exposure. It racked up over 1.2 million views on the Italian section of Facebook, 1 million views on YouTube with no media budget and was featured on high visibility news outlets, including the main sports papers of Italy, Denmark, the UK, Sweden, Japan, Korea, and China. It also featured on a Netherland’s TV news program and the front page of 9gag. Youtube spontaneous views (no media paid): 1.096.968Facebook and Twitter views: 6.185.475Facebook reach: 6.779.252Facebook interactions: 2.590.561Total impressions through all web channel activated : 13.514.549Video shared and posted spontaneously on more than 300 websites all over the world in 3 weeks. Campaign Description We decided to play a prank on Simone, an ardent Roma supporter. He has been watching the Champions League with his friends for many years – and that night wasn’t going to be an exception. Until we presented him with an irresistible offer – a VIP ticket to watch his team play Real Madrid. Naturally, he decides to leave his buddies. But after receiving an unusual call from his friends before the match and facing the enormous pressure of an entire stadium challenging his choice, Simone changes his mind. This leads to an unexpected turn of events. Synopsis 2016 presented a huge opportunity for us to leverage Heineken’s sponsorship of the Champions League. Football-crazy Italy is one of Heinekens most important markets in Europe and, in May, the Champions League Final will be hosted here in Milan.Watching matches together here is a time-honed tradition, especially the sacred Champions League. However, it’s increasingly at risk – figures suggest that as many as 72% of guys watch the Champions League at home alone. For Heineken, this was both a practical business problem (less beer sold) and a brand problem. Heinekens “Champion the Match” strategy is about making match night the best it can be – which also means watching with mates.It was our job to drive penetration during this key period by encouraging guys to watch the UCL together, as well as launch our “Champion the Match” promo. Strategy 72% of guys watch the Champions League at home, on their own. But why?2016 was also not looking like a good year for Italian football – only Roma and Juventus had made it through to the group stages, and both faced strong opponents. Other big teams, like Napoli, AC Milan and Inter Milan hadn’t qualified. This meant that many Champions League viewers were neutrals who were watching for entertainment.This, paired with the fact that more and more Italians are working late and that the Champions League is awkwardly scheduled on a Tuesday or Wednesday meant that many forgot it was on…until it was too late.We had to inspire guys to prepare to watch with mates by showing them that the extra thought and effort is worth it. Brief Explanation The activation took place on the 17th of February at the Olympic Stadium in Rome, right before the UCL match between Roma and Real Madrid. We used two stadium screens to broadcast the live video message from Simone’s friends. With approximately 60 000 people witnessing the stunt and the unsuspecting victim who nearly had a heart attack when he realised he was being exposed (if you’re worried about our Simone, he’s doing fine: (https://www.facebook.com/simone.elleppi?fref=nf), we had only one chance to pull it off - and this made the activation so entertaining for the audience.

    The Dilemma

    案例简介:执行 在开始吹口哨前 15 分钟,我们通过体育场的大屏幕将受害者和他背叛的朋友联系起来。他们似乎在通常的客厅里,在那里他们经常观看每一场冠军联赛。他们直接和他说话,指责他的决定,向整个体育场展示他的背叛,并迫使他回到属于他的地方: 在他们身边。怎么做?使用喜力提供的直升机,在体育场外,准备离开。在 60.000 名证人的压力下,西蒙最终决定离开,护送前往最近的出口。他打开的门没有带他出去,而是在一个天空盒子里,我们在那里重新创建了朋友的客厅,直到最后一个细节,实际上,这个组织打电话给他加入他们。该小组终于团聚了,能够现场观看比赛。当然,享受冰冷的喜力 结果 结果令人印象深刻。仅仅几天,这部电影就获得了国内和国际公关曝光。它在 Facebook 的意大利部分获得了超过 120万的浏览量,在没有媒体预算的 YouTube 上获得了 100万的浏览量,并在高能见度的新闻媒体上出现,包括意大利、丹麦的主要体育报纸, 英国、瑞典、日本、韩国和中国。它还出现在荷兰的电视新闻节目和 9gag 的头版。Youtube 自发视图 (无媒体付费): 1.096.968Facebook 和 Twitter 视图: 6.185.475Facebook reach: 6.779.252Facebook 交互: 2.590.561 通过所有激活的网络频道的总印象: 13.514.549Video 在 3 周内自发地在世界各地的 300 多个网站上分享和发布。 活动描述 我们决定对热情的罗马支持者西蒙尼进行恶作剧。多年来,他一直和他的朋友们一起观看冠军联赛 -- 那天晚上也不例外。直到我们给他一个不可抗拒的提议 -- 一张观看他的球队与皇家马德里比赛的贵宾票。自然,他决定离开他的朋友。但是在比赛前接到朋友不寻常的电话,面对整个体育场挑战他的选择的巨大压力后,西蒙尼改变了主意。这导致了事件的意想不到的转变。 概要 2016 为我们提供了一个巨大的机会来利用喜力对冠军联赛的赞助。足球疯狂的意大利是欧洲最重要的市场之一,五月份,冠军联赛决赛将在米兰举行。在这里一起看比赛是一个经过时间磨练的传统,尤其是神圣的冠军联赛。然而,风险越来越大 -- 数据显示,多达 72% 的人独自在家观看冠军联赛。对喜力来说,这既是一个实际的商业问题 (更少的啤酒销售),也是一个品牌问题。喜力肯斯的 “比赛冠军” 策略是让比赛之夜尽可能做到最好 -- 这也意味着和队友一起观看。在这个关键时期,我们的工作是鼓励人们一起观看 UCL,并推出我们的 “冠军比赛” 宣传片。 战略 72% 的人独自在家观看冠军联赛。但是为什么呢?2016 对意大利足球来说也不是一个好年头 -- 只有罗马和尤文图斯进入了小组赛,两人都面临着强大的对手。其他大球队,如那不勒斯、 ac米兰和国际米兰都没有晋级。这意味着许多冠军联赛的观众都是看娱乐节目的中立者。加上越来越多的意大利人工作到很晚,冠军联赛在周二或周三安排得很尴尬,这意味着许多人忘记了它已经开始了…… 直到为时已晚。我们必须激励男人准备和伴侣一起观看,向他们展示额外的思考和努力是值得的。 简要解释 活动于 2月17日在罗马奥林匹克体育场进行,就在罗马和皇家马德里的比赛之前。我们用两个体育场屏幕播放西蒙尼朋友的现场视频信息。大约有 60 000 人目睹了这一特技表演,当他意识到自己被暴露在外时,他几乎心脏病发作 (如果你担心我们的西蒙妮,他做得很好: ( https://www.facebook.com/simone.elleppi?fref=nf ),我们只有一次机会完成它 -- 这使得激活对观众来说非常有趣。

    The Dilemma

    案例简介:Execution 15 minutes before the starting whistle, we connected our victim with the friends he betrayed through the big screen of the stadium. They seemed to be in the usual living-room in which they use to watch every Champions League match. They talked directly to him, blaming him for his decision, showing the whole stadium his betrayal and pushing him to get back where he belongs: next to them.How? Using an helicopter provided by Heineken, outside the stadium, ready to leave.Under the pressure of 60.000 witnesses, Simone finally decided to leave, escorted towards the nearest exit.The door he opened didn’t led him outside but in a sky box where we recreated the friends’ livingroom down to the last detail, from where actually the group was calling him to join them. The group, finally reunited, was able to follow the match live. Enjoying an ice cold Heineken, of course Outcome The results were impressive. In just a few days the film gained national and international PR exposure. It racked up over 1.2 million views on the Italian section of Facebook, 1 million views on YouTube with no media budget and was featured on high visibility news outlets, including the main sports papers of Italy, Denmark, the UK, Sweden, Japan, Korea, and China. It also featured on a Netherland’s TV news program and the front page of 9gag. Youtube spontaneous views (no media paid): 1.096.968Facebook and Twitter views: 6.185.475Facebook reach: 6.779.252Facebook interactions: 2.590.561Total impressions through all web channel activated : 13.514.549Video shared and posted spontaneously on more than 300 websites all over the world in 3 weeks. Campaign Description We decided to play a prank on Simone, an ardent Roma supporter. He has been watching the Champions League with his friends for many years – and that night wasn’t going to be an exception. Until we presented him with an irresistible offer – a VIP ticket to watch his team play Real Madrid. Naturally, he decides to leave his buddies. But after receiving an unusual call from his friends before the match and facing the enormous pressure of an entire stadium challenging his choice, Simone changes his mind. This leads to an unexpected turn of events. Synopsis 2016 presented a huge opportunity for us to leverage Heineken’s sponsorship of the Champions League. Football-crazy Italy is one of Heinekens most important markets in Europe and, in May, the Champions League Final will be hosted here in Milan.Watching matches together here is a time-honed tradition, especially the sacred Champions League. However, it’s increasingly at risk – figures suggest that as many as 72% of guys watch the Champions League at home alone. For Heineken, this was both a practical business problem (less beer sold) and a brand problem. Heinekens “Champion the Match” strategy is about making match night the best it can be – which also means watching with mates.It was our job to drive penetration during this key period by encouraging guys to watch the UCL together, as well as launch our “Champion the Match” promo. Strategy 72% of guys watch the Champions League at home, on their own. But why?2016 was also not looking like a good year for Italian football – only Roma and Juventus had made it through to the group stages, and both faced strong opponents. Other big teams, like Napoli, AC Milan and Inter Milan hadn’t qualified. This meant that many Champions League viewers were neutrals who were watching for entertainment.This, paired with the fact that more and more Italians are working late and that the Champions League is awkwardly scheduled on a Tuesday or Wednesday meant that many forgot it was on…until it was too late.We had to inspire guys to prepare to watch with mates by showing them that the extra thought and effort is worth it. Brief Explanation The activation took place on the 17th of February at the Olympic Stadium in Rome, right before the UCL match between Roma and Real Madrid. We used two stadium screens to broadcast the live video message from Simone’s friends. With approximately 60 000 people witnessing the stunt and the unsuspecting victim who nearly had a heart attack when he realised he was being exposed (if you’re worried about our Simone, he’s doing fine: (https://www.facebook.com/simone.elleppi?fref=nf), we had only one chance to pull it off - and this made the activation so entertaining for the audience.



    The Dilemma










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