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    # DefyTheName

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与公关相关? 公关狮子庆祝战略和创造性沟通的工艺。# DefyTheName针对年轻人,因为欺凌而感到绝望,孤立和无助。我们希望他们通过建立社区意识来知道他们并不孤单。过去的反欺凌努力集中在制止欺凌行为上,但我们希望通过鼓励受害者 # DefyTheName,将其添加到社交媒体上的显示名称中,从而赋予受害者权力。由于媒体预算为零美元,该活动获得了10亿多个印象,并被430多个出版物和新闻媒体报道。 描述有关您所在国家/地区的健康与健康通信的任何限制或法规,包括: 不适用 健康与保健工作必须证明它如何满足 “改变生活的创造力” 的标准。为什么你的工作与健康相关? 网络欺凌在美国是一种流行病。CDC估计这是青少年自杀20% 的根本原因。因此,反欺凌活动家莫妮卡·莱温斯基 (Monica Lewinsky) 和12个反欺凌非营利组织的联盟希望建立一种社区意识,以便那些被欺负的人知道自己不是 背景 网络欺凌在美国是一种流行病。CDC估计这是青少年自杀20% 的根本原因。因此,反欺凌活动家莫妮卡·莱温斯基 (Monica Lewinsky) 和12个反欺凌非营利组织的联盟希望建立一种社区意识,以便那些被欺负的人知道他们并不孤单。 不幸的是,我们不能改变欺凌者对他们的目标说的话,但是我们可以改变他们的感觉。因此,我们发起了一项运动,以解除欺凌者最常见的策略: 叫名字。 描述创意 (投票20%) # DefyTheName以一部电影拉开序幕,该电影显示那里一些最成功的人也被称为名字,但他们并没有定义他们成为谁。这部电影仅仅是个开始,因为这场运动发展成一场在线运动,鼓励人们在社交媒体上的展示名字中添加被欺负的名字。莱温斯基通过在直播电视上更改她的Twitter名称开始了这一点。不久之后,超过350位有影响力的人和成千上万的人做了同样的事情,分享了他们的故事并强化了我们的信息: 您并不孤单,您的名字并不能定义您。 描述策略 (投票30%) 欺凌是一个全球性问题-联合国儿童基金会指出,世界各地一半的学生 (1.5亿13至15岁) 经历了点对点的暴力/欺凌。通过利用来自不同领域的鼓舞人心/成功的名人展示他们对良好事业的脆弱性,我们为媒体创造了一个不可磨灭的故事。 你被称为的名字并不能定义你是谁。许多鼓舞人心的成功人士也面临过类似的骚扰。无视这个名字 (例如莫妮卡·莱温斯基 (Monica Lewinsky) 和PSA星光熠熠的演员) 任何在网上和场外都遭受欺凌的人,以及那些热爱欺凌受害者的人。对于年轻人和少数民族/被剥夺权利的人来说,这尤其重要,他们更有可能被欺负。因为这是一个普遍的问题,我们的目标是全国广播和印刷。 与该机构合作创建,通过与顶级心理学家联系来确保消息传递的安全。越过国家线,通过老式的投球/禁运。 描述执行 (投票20%) 我们安排了几次针对不同市场的印刷/在线禁运采访,并在ABC的《早安美国》上独家播出了早间节目。 外联活动在启动前一个多月就开始了,确保并促进了面试。为了保持11月1日的势头,我们在莫妮卡的推特上播放了一段视频,突出了她被称为的更多名字 (超过4,000个赞和557个转发,导致更多的报道)。 这场运动的规模很大。我们要求世界上一些最著名的人分享关于自己的令人难以置信的个人细节 (免费),通常只是在善意的宣传上,我们必须确保最终的信息反映了所有人才的既定愿望。 列出结果 (投票30%),必须至少包括以下两个层: 由于故事中的437 + 皮卡,公关达到了全球4.45亿人。赚取的媒体价值为 $ 400万。禁运的故事也出现在纽约杂志的The Cut,People,Glamour,Refinary29和InStyle中。我们确保信息传递留在竞选活动的重要工作上,不会被克林顿弹劾20周年劫持。 第一周: 5.12亿Twitter印象 (发布日在Twitter上的趋势)。290 + Twitter/Instagram名人,有影响力的人,有关该活动的出版物。名人/出版物产生了Twitter总印象的64%。受人尊敬和有影响力的人物帮助传播了社区和爱的信息。 而A & E的纪录片轶事,克林顿的婚外情在竞选结束后仅一个月就出现了,莫妮卡最坦率地讲述了20年前的事件。她已经成为 # MeToo运动的冠军,该系列受到了积极的欢迎。

    # DefyTheName

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for PR? The PR Lions celebrate the craft of strategic and creative communication. #DefyTheName targeted young people feeling hopeless, isolated and defenseless because of bullying. We wanted them to know they’re not alone by creating a sense of community. Past anti-bullying efforts have focused on stopping the bully, but we wanted to empower the victim by encouraging them to #DefyTheName they were called by bullies by adding it to their display name on social media. With a media budget that consisted of zero dollars, the campaign achieved over 1 billion impressions and was covered by over 430 publications and news outlets. Describe any restrictions or regulations regarding Health & Wellness communications in your country/region including: N/A Health & Wellness work must demonstrate how it meets the criteria 'life-changing creativity'. Why is your work relevant for Health & Wellness? Online bullying is an epidemic in the US. The CDC estimates that it’s the root cause of 20% of teen suicides. For this reason, anti-bullying activist Monica Lewinsky and a coalition of 12 anti-bullying nonprofits wanted to create a sense of community so those being bullied know that they’re not Background Online bullying is an epidemic in the US. The CDC estimates that it’s the root cause of 20% of teen suicides. For this reason, anti-bullying activist Monica Lewinsky and a coalition of 12 anti-bullying nonprofits wanted to create a sense of community so those being bullied know that they’re not alone. Unfortunately, we can’t change what bullies say to their targets, but we can change the way it makes them feel. So we created a movement to disarm bullies of their most common tactic: name calling. Describe the creative idea (20% of vote) #DefyTheName kicked off with a film showing that some of the most successful people out there were also called names, but they didn’t let that define who they became. The film was only the beginning, as the campaign grew into an online movement that encouraged people to add their bullied names to their display names on social media. Lewinsky started this by changing her Twitter name on live television. Soon after, over 350 influencers and thousands of people did the same, sharing their stories and reinforcing our message: you're not alone and the names you’re called don’t define you. Describe the strategy (30% of vote) Bullying is a global issue – The United Nation's Children's Fund states that half of students (150 million 13- to 15-year-olds) around the world experience peer-to-peer violence/bullying. By leveraging inspiring/successful celebrities from different fields showing their vulnerability for a good cause we created an indelible story for the media. The names you’re called do not define who you are. Many inspirational and successful people have faced similar harassment. Defy the name (like Monica Lewinsky and the PSA’s star-studded cast) Anyone who experiences bullying, both online and off – and those who love victims of bullying. It’s especially relevant for young people and minorities/the disenfranchised who are more likely to be bullied. Because it’s a universal issue we targeted national broadcast and print. Created in partnership with the agency, ensuring messaging was safe by liaising with top psychologists. Went out over the national wire and through old fashioned pitching/embargo. Describe the execution (20% of vote) We lined up several print/online embargoed interviews for launch aimed at diverse markets and a morning show exclusive on ABC’s Good Morning America. Outreach started more than a month before launch, securing and facilitating interviews. To keep up momentum on Nov. 1 we buttoned the campaign with a video on Monica’s Twitter highlighting even more names she had been called (over 4,000 likes and 557 retweets, resulting in more coverage). The scale of this campaign was massive. We asked some of the most famous people in the world to share incredibly personal details about themselves (for free) often just on goodwill outreach and we had to ensure that final messaging reflected all talent’s stated desires. List the results (30% of vote) – must include at least two of the following tiers: PR reached 445 million people globally thanks to 437+ pickups on the story. Earned media value was $4 million. Embargoed stories also ran in New York Magazine’s The Cut, People, Glamour, Refinary29, and InStyle. We ensured that messaging stayed on the campaign’s important work and wasn’t hijacked by the 20th anniversary of the Clinton impeachment. In first week: 512 million Twitter impressions (trending on Twitter on launch day). 290+ Twitter/Instagram celebrities, Influencers, publications posted about the campaign. Celebrities/publications generated 64% of total Twitter impressions. Respected and influential figures helped spread a message of community and love. While anecdotal, A&E’s documentary, The Clinton Affair, came out just a month after this campaign and featured Monica at her most candid about the events of 20 years ago. She has emerged as a champion of the #MeToo movement and the series enjoys a positive reception.


    案例简介:为什么这项工作与公关相关? 公关狮子庆祝战略和创造性沟通的工艺。# DefyTheName针对年轻人,因为欺凌而感到绝望,孤立和无助。我们希望他们通过建立社区意识来知道他们并不孤单。过去的反欺凌努力集中在制止欺凌行为上,但我们希望通过鼓励受害者 # DefyTheName,将其添加到社交媒体上的显示名称中,从而赋予受害者权力。由于媒体预算为零美元,该活动获得了10亿多个印象,并被430多个出版物和新闻媒体报道。 描述有关您所在国家/地区的健康与健康通信的任何限制或法规,包括: 不适用 健康与保健工作必须证明它如何满足 “改变生活的创造力” 的标准。为什么你的工作与健康相关? 网络欺凌在美国是一种流行病。CDC估计这是青少年自杀20% 的根本原因。因此,反欺凌活动家莫妮卡·莱温斯基 (Monica Lewinsky) 和12个反欺凌非营利组织的联盟希望建立一种社区意识,以便那些被欺负的人知道自己不是 背景 网络欺凌在美国是一种流行病。CDC估计这是青少年自杀20% 的根本原因。因此,反欺凌活动家莫妮卡·莱温斯基 (Monica Lewinsky) 和12个反欺凌非营利组织的联盟希望建立一种社区意识,以便那些被欺负的人知道他们并不孤单。 不幸的是,我们不能改变欺凌者对他们的目标说的话,但是我们可以改变他们的感觉。因此,我们发起了一项运动,以解除欺凌者最常见的策略: 叫名字。 描述创意 (投票20%) # DefyTheName以一部电影拉开序幕,该电影显示那里一些最成功的人也被称为名字,但他们并没有定义他们成为谁。这部电影仅仅是个开始,因为这场运动发展成一场在线运动,鼓励人们在社交媒体上的展示名字中添加被欺负的名字。莱温斯基通过在直播电视上更改她的Twitter名称开始了这一点。不久之后,超过350位有影响力的人和成千上万的人做了同样的事情,分享了他们的故事并强化了我们的信息: 您并不孤单,您的名字并不能定义您。 描述策略 (投票30%) 欺凌是一个全球性问题-联合国儿童基金会指出,世界各地一半的学生 (1.5亿13至15岁) 经历了点对点的暴力/欺凌。通过利用来自不同领域的鼓舞人心/成功的名人展示他们对良好事业的脆弱性,我们为媒体创造了一个不可磨灭的故事。 你被称为的名字并不能定义你是谁。许多鼓舞人心的成功人士也面临过类似的骚扰。无视这个名字 (例如莫妮卡·莱温斯基 (Monica Lewinsky) 和PSA星光熠熠的演员) 任何在网上和场外都遭受欺凌的人,以及那些热爱欺凌受害者的人。对于年轻人和少数民族/被剥夺权利的人来说,这尤其重要,他们更有可能被欺负。因为这是一个普遍的问题,我们的目标是全国广播和印刷。 与该机构合作创建,通过与顶级心理学家联系来确保消息传递的安全。越过国家线,通过老式的投球/禁运。 描述执行 (投票20%) 我们安排了几次针对不同市场的印刷/在线禁运采访,并在ABC的《早安美国》上独家播出了早间节目。 外联活动在启动前一个多月就开始了,确保并促进了面试。为了保持11月1日的势头,我们在莫妮卡的推特上播放了一段视频,突出了她被称为的更多名字 (超过4,000个赞和557个转发,导致更多的报道)。 这场运动的规模很大。我们要求世界上一些最著名的人分享关于自己的令人难以置信的个人细节 (免费),通常只是在善意的宣传上,我们必须确保最终的信息反映了所有人才的既定愿望。 列出结果 (投票30%),必须至少包括以下两个层: 由于故事中的437 + 皮卡,公关达到了全球4.45亿人。赚取的媒体价值为 $ 400万。禁运的故事也出现在纽约杂志的The Cut,People,Glamour,Refinary29和InStyle中。我们确保信息传递留在竞选活动的重要工作上,不会被克林顿弹劾20周年劫持。 第一周: 5.12亿Twitter印象 (发布日在Twitter上的趋势)。290 + Twitter/Instagram名人,有影响力的人,有关该活动的出版物。名人/出版物产生了Twitter总印象的64%。受人尊敬和有影响力的人物帮助传播了社区和爱的信息。 而A & E的纪录片轶事,克林顿的婚外情在竞选结束后仅一个月就出现了,莫妮卡最坦率地讲述了20年前的事件。她已经成为 # MeToo运动的冠军,该系列受到了积极的欢迎。


    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for PR? The PR Lions celebrate the craft of strategic and creative communication. #DefyTheName targeted young people feeling hopeless, isolated and defenseless because of bullying. We wanted them to know they’re not alone by creating a sense of community. Past anti-bullying efforts have focused on stopping the bully, but we wanted to empower the victim by encouraging them to #DefyTheName they were called by bullies by adding it to their display name on social media. With a media budget that consisted of zero dollars, the campaign achieved over 1 billion impressions and was covered by over 430 publications and news outlets. Describe any restrictions or regulations regarding Health & Wellness communications in your country/region including: N/A Health & Wellness work must demonstrate how it meets the criteria 'life-changing creativity'. Why is your work relevant for Health & Wellness? Online bullying is an epidemic in the US. The CDC estimates that it’s the root cause of 20% of teen suicides. For this reason, anti-bullying activist Monica Lewinsky and a coalition of 12 anti-bullying nonprofits wanted to create a sense of community so those being bullied know that they’re not Background Online bullying is an epidemic in the US. The CDC estimates that it’s the root cause of 20% of teen suicides. For this reason, anti-bullying activist Monica Lewinsky and a coalition of 12 anti-bullying nonprofits wanted to create a sense of community so those being bullied know that they’re not alone. Unfortunately, we can’t change what bullies say to their targets, but we can change the way it makes them feel. So we created a movement to disarm bullies of their most common tactic: name calling. Describe the creative idea (20% of vote) #DefyTheName kicked off with a film showing that some of the most successful people out there were also called names, but they didn’t let that define who they became. The film was only the beginning, as the campaign grew into an online movement that encouraged people to add their bullied names to their display names on social media. Lewinsky started this by changing her Twitter name on live television. Soon after, over 350 influencers and thousands of people did the same, sharing their stories and reinforcing our message: you're not alone and the names you’re called don’t define you. Describe the strategy (30% of vote) Bullying is a global issue – The United Nation's Children's Fund states that half of students (150 million 13- to 15-year-olds) around the world experience peer-to-peer violence/bullying. By leveraging inspiring/successful celebrities from different fields showing their vulnerability for a good cause we created an indelible story for the media. The names you’re called do not define who you are. Many inspirational and successful people have faced similar harassment. Defy the name (like Monica Lewinsky and the PSA’s star-studded cast) Anyone who experiences bullying, both online and off – and those who love victims of bullying. It’s especially relevant for young people and minorities/the disenfranchised who are more likely to be bullied. Because it’s a universal issue we targeted national broadcast and print. Created in partnership with the agency, ensuring messaging was safe by liaising with top psychologists. Went out over the national wire and through old fashioned pitching/embargo. Describe the execution (20% of vote) We lined up several print/online embargoed interviews for launch aimed at diverse markets and a morning show exclusive on ABC’s Good Morning America. Outreach started more than a month before launch, securing and facilitating interviews. To keep up momentum on Nov. 1 we buttoned the campaign with a video on Monica’s Twitter highlighting even more names she had been called (over 4,000 likes and 557 retweets, resulting in more coverage). The scale of this campaign was massive. We asked some of the most famous people in the world to share incredibly personal details about themselves (for free) often just on goodwill outreach and we had to ensure that final messaging reflected all talent’s stated desires. List the results (30% of vote) – must include at least two of the following tiers: PR reached 445 million people globally thanks to 437+ pickups on the story. Earned media value was $4 million. Embargoed stories also ran in New York Magazine’s The Cut, People, Glamour, Refinary29, and InStyle. We ensured that messaging stayed on the campaign’s important work and wasn’t hijacked by the 20th anniversary of the Clinton impeachment. In first week: 512 million Twitter impressions (trending on Twitter on launch day). 290+ Twitter/Instagram celebrities, Influencers, publications posted about the campaign. Celebrities/publications generated 64% of total Twitter impressions. Respected and influential figures helped spread a message of community and love. While anecdotal, A&E’s documentary, The Clinton Affair, came out just a month after this campaign and featured Monica at her most candid about the events of 20 years ago. She has emerged as a champion of the #MeToo movement and the series enjoys a positive reception.

    # DefyTheName








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