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    Young Bride海报/平面广告营销案例




    案例简介:为什么这项工作与公关相关? 有如此多的问题困扰着黎巴嫩,改变方式实际上需要震惊。 因此,我们决定震惊这个国家,但实际和法律的真相。由于没有禁止未成年婚姻的法律,我们开设了 Young 3arous,这是一家合法的未成年婚姻机构,住在网站上和商场的一个摊位上。 我们以如此令人震惊的方式处理了这场运动,以至于我们的信息有机地传播开来。每个人都在愤怒地谈论年轻人: 人民、警察、媒体。所有的愤怒都涉及 500万多人。 背景 RDFL 于 1976年运营,是首批在黎巴嫩争取妇女权利和平等的非政府组织之一。2017,RDFL 成为该国早婚的头号敌人,这种做法在黎巴嫩仍然合法,仅 3,000 就有 2018年多童养媳。直到今天,没有任何努力能够合法保护这些年轻受害者,作为一个为性别平等而战的非政府组织,RDFL 想请求政府实施一项法律,将法定结婚年龄定为 18 岁。RDFL 想把关于早婚的谈话带到政治、宗教和社会事务的最前沿。 描述创意 (20% 的选票) 在反对童婚两年后,RDFL 不得不使用一种新的言辞,因此也决定接受这一传统。为此,他们还采用了黎巴嫩古老的相亲传统,并进一步推出了第一家电子婚姻童养所,外籍人士和其他人可以在那里找到他们未成年的新娘。 描述公关策略 (30% 的选票) 我们的公关策略依赖于通过预告/揭示运动来解决一个非常社会化和敏感的问题。这种平台/机构存在的震惊因素点燃了大多数人要求关闭它的对话,以及其他人要求更多。我们通过强调允许未成年女孩结婚的法律的荒谬,说服人们相信一个假的机构,年轻的新娘。随着政府力量采取行动,我们已经与一个著名的黄金时段电视节目主持人合作,解决社会问题,并将通过实地努力收集的录音和镜头交给曝光。该节目有宗教人员和经历过这种经历的人来领导一场辩论,这场辩论也将成为一场在线辩论。曝光一直持续到我们让 3000 人抗议,并在 80 个新闻频道以及众多博客和社交媒体频道上登上头条。 描述 PR 执行 (20% 的选票) 未成年女孩的简介占据了 young3arous 的页面。竞选网站 com,并在专门的社交媒体页面上传播。对于那些不熟悉电子商务的人来说,在商场里设立了一个摊位来为童养媳提供服务。 大多数提供的女孩都是真正的年轻新娘,要么已经死亡,要么因为太小而无法生育而遭受身体和心理创伤。 就这样,我们有大约 5,000 个潜在的未来年轻新娘新郎。他们自然被引诱到网站上,进入一个专门的数据库。 然后,镇上最好的脱口秀邀请 RDFL 在黄金时段电视上主动公开。 最后,我们呼吁人们与我们一起 3月,并呼吁改变保护未成年女孩不早婚的法律。 列出结果 (30% 的选票) 您必须至少包括以下两层: 在不到一个月的时间里,该倡议吸引了 5,000 多人访问该网站,其中大部分是外籍人士,并在地面、电视和数字平台上吸引了 600万多人。 在当地,这个国家被激怒了。警察关闭了我们的社交媒体。操作摊位的人被带去审问。媒体被激怒了,镇上最好的脱口秀节目率先揭露了传统的真实面貌。到那时,RDFL 已经建立了它的数据库,签署了 2,942 个未来的年轻新娘新郎,保证停止这一丑陋的传统。 最后,成千上万的活动家,以及立法者和议员走上街头,要求通过早婚法。结果,该法律又回到了议会,即将按照即将到来的听证会的时间表进行。该倡议被 80 个公关和媒体媒体报道。 请告诉我们激发您的活动的社会行为和/或文化见解 谈到政治和宗教,黎巴嫩人民无法休息。由于该国不断的动荡,人们对不直接影响他们的童婚等问题变得麻木。此外,黎巴嫩法律已经制定并遵守宗教规范。最突出的两种宗教是基督教和伊斯兰教,在这两种宗教中,未成年人婚姻都不受谴责。因此,黎巴嫩没有法律保护年轻女孩不早婚。 在创建令人震惊的活动时,由于人们和政府的反应,我们被迫关闭了在线和离线活动,但没有从立法角度采取任何行动。


    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for PR? There are so many problems that plague Lebanon, it takes an actually shock to shake a change of ways. And so, we decided to shock the country but with the actual and legal truth. Since there is no law against underage marriage, we opened Young 3arous, a legal underage matrimonial agency that lives on a website and in malls on a booth. We tackled the campaign in such a shocking manner that our message organically spread. Everyone was talking about young 3arous with outrage: The people, The police, the media. All the outrage engaged over 5 million people. Background Operating since 1976, RDFL is one of the first NGOs to fight for women’s rights and equality in Lebanon. In 2017 RDFL became the number one enemy of early marriage in the country, a practice that is still legal in Lebanon, resulting in more than 3,000 child brides in 2018 alone. Up until this day no effort was able to legally protect these young victims and, as an NGO fighting for gender equality, RDFL wanted to petition the government to implement a law setting the legal age of marriage at 18. RDFL wanted to bring the conversation about early marriage to the forefront of political, religious and social matters. Describe the creative idea (20% of vote) After campaigning against child marriage for two years, RDFL had to use a new rhetoric and so, decided to embrace the tradition too. They did that by also adopting the old Lebanese tradition of matchmaking and taking it one step further by introducing the first ever e-matrimonial child bride agency, where expats and others could find their underage bride. Describe the PR strategy (30% of vote) Our PR strategy relied on the tackling a very societal and sensitive issue through a teaser/revealer campaign. The element of shock that such a platform/agency existed, ignited the conversation within the majority asking to shut it down, and others inquiring for more. We convinced people to believe in a fake agency, Young Bride, by highlighting the absurdness of the law allowing underage girl to be married. As governmental force took action, we had already partnered up with the host of a famous prime time tv show that tackles societal issues, and handed recordings and footage gathered through on-ground efforts to be exposed. The show had religious personnel and people that have lived such experiences to lead a debate that also went to become an online debate. The exposure continued until we got 3000 people to protest and made headlines on 80 news channels, and numerous blogs and social media channels. Describe the PR execution (20% of vote) Profiles of underage girls filled the pages of young3arous.com, the campaign website, and were spread on dedicated social media pages. For those unfamiliar with e-commerce, an in-mall booth was set up to offer the child brides. Most of the girls on offer were actual young brides, either dead or who had suffered traumatic injuries both physical and psychological because they were too young to bear children. And just like that, we had around 5,000 potential future grooms of young brides. They were naturally lured on the website and into a dedicated database. Then, the best talk show in town invited RDFL to go public with the initiative on prime-time TV. Finally, we called people to march with us and call out to change the law protecting underage girls from early marriage. List the results (30% of vote) – must include at least two of the following tiers: In less than a month, the initiative attracted over 5,000 people to the website, mostly expatriates, and engaged over 6 million people on-ground, on tv and on digital platforms. On the local scene, the country was outraged. The police shut down our social media. The people operating the booth were taken into questioning. Media was outraged, with the best talk show in town taking the lead in exposing the tradition for what it really is. By then, RDFL had built its database, with the signature of 2,942 future grooms of young brides, pledging to stop this ugly tradition. Finally, thousands of activists, alongside lawmakers and MPS took to the streets demanding for the early marriage law to pass. As a result, the law found its way back to parliament, about to be put on schedule of an upcoming hearing. The initiative was covered by 80 PR and Media resrouces. Please tell us about the social behaviour and/or cultural insights that inspired your campaign Lebanese people can’t catch a break when it comes to politics and religion. And due to the constant turmoil in the country, people have become numb regarding matters such as child marriage that do not affect them directly. Additionally, Lebanese laws are set and abide by religious norms. The most prominent two religions are Christianity and Islam, and in both religions underage marriage is not condemned. As a result, there is no law in Lebanon protecting young girls from early marriage. When creating the shocking campaign, we were forced to shut down both online and offline activities due to people and the government’s reaction, yet no action has been taken on a legislative standpoint.

    Young Bride

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与公关相关? 有如此多的问题困扰着黎巴嫩,改变方式实际上需要震惊。 因此,我们决定震惊这个国家,但实际和法律的真相。由于没有禁止未成年婚姻的法律,我们开设了 Young 3arous,这是一家合法的未成年婚姻机构,住在网站上和商场的一个摊位上。 我们以如此令人震惊的方式处理了这场运动,以至于我们的信息有机地传播开来。每个人都在愤怒地谈论年轻人: 人民、警察、媒体。所有的愤怒都涉及 500万多人。 背景 RDFL 于 1976年运营,是首批在黎巴嫩争取妇女权利和平等的非政府组织之一。2017,RDFL 成为该国早婚的头号敌人,这种做法在黎巴嫩仍然合法,仅 3,000 就有 2018年多童养媳。直到今天,没有任何努力能够合法保护这些年轻受害者,作为一个为性别平等而战的非政府组织,RDFL 想请求政府实施一项法律,将法定结婚年龄定为 18 岁。RDFL 想把关于早婚的谈话带到政治、宗教和社会事务的最前沿。 描述创意 (20% 的选票) 在反对童婚两年后,RDFL 不得不使用一种新的言辞,因此也决定接受这一传统。为此,他们还采用了黎巴嫩古老的相亲传统,并进一步推出了第一家电子婚姻童养所,外籍人士和其他人可以在那里找到他们未成年的新娘。 描述公关策略 (30% 的选票) 我们的公关策略依赖于通过预告/揭示运动来解决一个非常社会化和敏感的问题。这种平台/机构存在的震惊因素点燃了大多数人要求关闭它的对话,以及其他人要求更多。我们通过强调允许未成年女孩结婚的法律的荒谬,说服人们相信一个假的机构,年轻的新娘。随着政府力量采取行动,我们已经与一个著名的黄金时段电视节目主持人合作,解决社会问题,并将通过实地努力收集的录音和镜头交给曝光。该节目有宗教人员和经历过这种经历的人来领导一场辩论,这场辩论也将成为一场在线辩论。曝光一直持续到我们让 3000 人抗议,并在 80 个新闻频道以及众多博客和社交媒体频道上登上头条。 描述 PR 执行 (20% 的选票) 未成年女孩的简介占据了 young3arous 的页面。竞选网站 com,并在专门的社交媒体页面上传播。对于那些不熟悉电子商务的人来说,在商场里设立了一个摊位来为童养媳提供服务。 大多数提供的女孩都是真正的年轻新娘,要么已经死亡,要么因为太小而无法生育而遭受身体和心理创伤。 就这样,我们有大约 5,000 个潜在的未来年轻新娘新郎。他们自然被引诱到网站上,进入一个专门的数据库。 然后,镇上最好的脱口秀邀请 RDFL 在黄金时段电视上主动公开。 最后,我们呼吁人们与我们一起 3月,并呼吁改变保护未成年女孩不早婚的法律。 列出结果 (30% 的选票) 您必须至少包括以下两层: 在不到一个月的时间里,该倡议吸引了 5,000 多人访问该网站,其中大部分是外籍人士,并在地面、电视和数字平台上吸引了 600万多人。 在当地,这个国家被激怒了。警察关闭了我们的社交媒体。操作摊位的人被带去审问。媒体被激怒了,镇上最好的脱口秀节目率先揭露了传统的真实面貌。到那时,RDFL 已经建立了它的数据库,签署了 2,942 个未来的年轻新娘新郎,保证停止这一丑陋的传统。 最后,成千上万的活动家,以及立法者和议员走上街头,要求通过早婚法。结果,该法律又回到了议会,即将按照即将到来的听证会的时间表进行。该倡议被 80 个公关和媒体媒体报道。 请告诉我们激发您的活动的社会行为和/或文化见解 谈到政治和宗教,黎巴嫩人民无法休息。由于该国不断的动荡,人们对不直接影响他们的童婚等问题变得麻木。此外,黎巴嫩法律已经制定并遵守宗教规范。最突出的两种宗教是基督教和伊斯兰教,在这两种宗教中,未成年人婚姻都不受谴责。因此,黎巴嫩没有法律保护年轻女孩不早婚。 在创建令人震惊的活动时,由于人们和政府的反应,我们被迫关闭了在线和离线活动,但没有从立法角度采取任何行动。

    Young Bride

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for PR? There are so many problems that plague Lebanon, it takes an actually shock to shake a change of ways. And so, we decided to shock the country but with the actual and legal truth. Since there is no law against underage marriage, we opened Young 3arous, a legal underage matrimonial agency that lives on a website and in malls on a booth. We tackled the campaign in such a shocking manner that our message organically spread. Everyone was talking about young 3arous with outrage: The people, The police, the media. All the outrage engaged over 5 million people. Background Operating since 1976, RDFL is one of the first NGOs to fight for women’s rights and equality in Lebanon. In 2017 RDFL became the number one enemy of early marriage in the country, a practice that is still legal in Lebanon, resulting in more than 3,000 child brides in 2018 alone. Up until this day no effort was able to legally protect these young victims and, as an NGO fighting for gender equality, RDFL wanted to petition the government to implement a law setting the legal age of marriage at 18. RDFL wanted to bring the conversation about early marriage to the forefront of political, religious and social matters. Describe the creative idea (20% of vote) After campaigning against child marriage for two years, RDFL had to use a new rhetoric and so, decided to embrace the tradition too. They did that by also adopting the old Lebanese tradition of matchmaking and taking it one step further by introducing the first ever e-matrimonial child bride agency, where expats and others could find their underage bride. Describe the PR strategy (30% of vote) Our PR strategy relied on the tackling a very societal and sensitive issue through a teaser/revealer campaign. The element of shock that such a platform/agency existed, ignited the conversation within the majority asking to shut it down, and others inquiring for more. We convinced people to believe in a fake agency, Young Bride, by highlighting the absurdness of the law allowing underage girl to be married. As governmental force took action, we had already partnered up with the host of a famous prime time tv show that tackles societal issues, and handed recordings and footage gathered through on-ground efforts to be exposed. The show had religious personnel and people that have lived such experiences to lead a debate that also went to become an online debate. The exposure continued until we got 3000 people to protest and made headlines on 80 news channels, and numerous blogs and social media channels. Describe the PR execution (20% of vote) Profiles of underage girls filled the pages of young3arous.com, the campaign website, and were spread on dedicated social media pages. For those unfamiliar with e-commerce, an in-mall booth was set up to offer the child brides. Most of the girls on offer were actual young brides, either dead or who had suffered traumatic injuries both physical and psychological because they were too young to bear children. And just like that, we had around 5,000 potential future grooms of young brides. They were naturally lured on the website and into a dedicated database. Then, the best talk show in town invited RDFL to go public with the initiative on prime-time TV. Finally, we called people to march with us and call out to change the law protecting underage girls from early marriage. List the results (30% of vote) – must include at least two of the following tiers: In less than a month, the initiative attracted over 5,000 people to the website, mostly expatriates, and engaged over 6 million people on-ground, on tv and on digital platforms. On the local scene, the country was outraged. The police shut down our social media. The people operating the booth were taken into questioning. Media was outraged, with the best talk show in town taking the lead in exposing the tradition for what it really is. By then, RDFL had built its database, with the signature of 2,942 future grooms of young brides, pledging to stop this ugly tradition. Finally, thousands of activists, alongside lawmakers and MPS took to the streets demanding for the early marriage law to pass. As a result, the law found its way back to parliament, about to be put on schedule of an upcoming hearing. The initiative was covered by 80 PR and Media resrouces. Please tell us about the social behaviour and/or cultural insights that inspired your campaign Lebanese people can’t catch a break when it comes to politics and religion. And due to the constant turmoil in the country, people have become numb regarding matters such as child marriage that do not affect them directly. Additionally, Lebanese laws are set and abide by religious norms. The most prominent two religions are Christianity and Islam, and in both religions underage marriage is not condemned. As a result, there is no law in Lebanon protecting young girls from early marriage. When creating the shocking campaign, we were forced to shut down both online and offline activities due to people and the government’s reaction, yet no action has been taken on a legislative standpoint.



    Young Bride






    广告公司: J. Walter Thompson 制作公司: J. Walter Thompson




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