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    Sonon, Technology to End The Walk装置,活动广告营销案例




    案例简介:背景 根据世卫组织 (2015),99% 的孕产妇死亡发生在全球南部。这主要是由于缺乏产前护理,因为生活在偏远地区的孕妇获得保健设施的机会有限。当地医疗中心买不起昂贵的超声波设备,由于交通费用和健康问题,长途旅行到城市地区的大医院对孕妇来说是不可行的。 SONON是Healcerion制造的一款无线移动超声波设备,旨在成为生活在全球南方偏远地区的人们负担得起的便捷选择。其便携性和移动技术允许卫生工作者通过Android和iOS平板电脑监测超声波扫描。这项创新技术比以前的超声波设备轻100倍,便宜16倍,使偏远地区的医疗机构能够识别有妊娠并发症风险的妇女。 然而,SONON设备在全球南方的使用率比发达国家低35倍。因此,提高对生活在偏远地区的孕妇使用SONON的重要性的认识,以减少产妇死亡率,被视为一项至关重要和紧迫的任务。 描述您所在地区的文化/社会/政治/环境气候,以及您在此背景下的竞选活动的重要性 全球南方的文化环境远不如发达国家先进。卫生工作者是偏远地区的盲点,他们表示,昂贵的成本是使用SONON的障碍,即使它比医院超声设备便宜16倍。这就是为什么我们创建和开发了适合全球南方的 “预付” 系统。 免费提供设备本身,同时鼓励在当地杂货店购买优惠券是一种创新策略,反映了卫生工作者的当地文化。此外,这为偏远地区的孕妇提供了更多机会,让她们与当地卫生工作者见面,这些卫生工作者受过良好的教育。在SONON的帮助下,母亲们也可以在母亲的子宫里看到她们的孩子。一张小小的代金券就可以做出所有这些改变,而Healcerion的这个 “预付” 系统将使更多的人在全球南方过上更高质量的生活。SONON的产前护理不仅仅是医疗器械治疗,而是影响他们的生活质量。 描述创意 (30% 的选票) SONON,一种便携式超声波设备,可以通过展示母亲子宫内的新生命来分享普遍人类的基本价值,无论母亲的社会经济地位如何,都必须重视。这种创新的设备使世界各地的每个人都有可能获得超声波的个人医疗保健。 然而,由于SONON的初始购买成本,其在全球南方的使用量不到发达国家使用量的10%。因此,为了增加SONON在全球南方的使用,我们引入了一个 “prepaid” 系统,我们可以自由提供设备,卫生工作者只需通过在当地杂货中购买代金券来支付每笔一次性费用。这一系统使卫生工作者能够从最初阶段免费租用SONON,并很容易地向偏远地区的孕妇提供护理。 描述策略 (20% 的选票) 通过当地卫生工作者的声音,SONON的使用率在全球南方仍然非常低,尽管突破性的设备已经出现在我们面前。卫生工作者是医疗环境的盲点,声明该设备的昂贵成本及其难以使用成为首次购买的高障碍,即使它比医院超声设备便宜16倍。 为了消除最初的购买障碍并鼓励超声波测试,Healcerion提出了一个名为 “prepaid” 系统的解决方案。通过这种解决方案,Healcerion免费向卫生工作者提供该设备,并允许他们在当地市场购买超声波凭证。这使他们能够方便地使用SONON和测试患者。“Prepaid” 系统允许全球南方的孕妇持续接受医疗,同时保持最低成本。 描述执行情况 (20% 的选票) 在加纳Volta地区,当地医生在地区保健中心进行了为期三天的超声检查。Healcerion将SONON设备捐赠给KOICA的合作伙伴Keta South city Hospital。Healcerion首席执行官Jung-won Rue博士为当地卫生工作者提供了关于产前诊断SONON器械手术的培训。在加纳KOICA医疗保健专家Hoon-sang Lee博士的指导下,竞选团队访问了三个医疗保健中心,并目睹了Kwaku Appiagye博士及其医疗团队诊断50多名孕妇。 描述结果/影响 (30% 的选票) 这项创新技术引起了韩国政府的注意,并被韩国国际协力团 (KOICA) 正式指定为 “创新技术解决方案”。此外,SONON正逐渐被全球南方的卫生设施收购,目的是使用该设备帮助减少产妇死亡率。 到目前为止,SONON已经在40个国家广泛使用,包括来自全球南方的20个国家,并为越南的20个公社健康中心提供了KOICA。通过项目厅 (联合国项目服务办公室),加纳已经供应了14台SONON设备,Healcerion设定了一个目标,在全球南方供应SONON设备,到2020年总共2,500台。这大约是今天供应的7.5倍。Healcerion像比尔和梅琳达 · 盖茨基金会一样,一直联系着全世界的各种非政府组织。


    案例简介:Background According to WHO (2015), 99% of maternal deaths occur in the global south. This is mainly due to lack of antenatal care since pregnant women living in remote areas have limited access to healthcare facilities. Local healthcare centers cannot afford expensive ultrasound devices, and traveling long distances to big hospitals in urban areas is infeasible to pregnant women due to transportation costs and health issues. SONON, a wireless mobiles ultrasound device created by Healcerion, is designed to be the affordable and accessible option for people living in the remote areas of the global south. Its portability and mobile technology allow health workers to monitor ultrasound scans through Android and iOS tablets. This innovative technology, 100 times lighter and 16 times cheaper than former ultrasound devices, enables healthcare facilities in remote areas to identify women at risk of pregnancy complications. However, the usage rate of SONON devices in the global souths is 35 times lower than in the developed countries. Therefore, raising awareness of the importance of using SONON for pregnant women living in remote areas in order to reduce the maternal mortality rate was seen as a vital and urgent mission. Describe the cultural/social/political/environmental climate in your region and the significance of your campaign within this context The cultural environment in the global south is far less advanced than the developed countries. Health workers, who are the blind spot of the remote area, stated that expensive cost serves as a barrier in using SONON even when it is 16 times cheaper than the hospital-based ultrasound devices. This is why we created and developed ‘Prepaid’ system appropriate for the global south. Free provision of the device itself while encouraging the purchase of voucher at local grocery stores is an innovative strategy that reflects the local culture of the health workers. Furthermore, this provides pregnant women in remote area more opportunities to meet local health workers who are well-educated from Healcerion. The mothers could also see their baby inside the mother’s womb with the SONON’s help. One small voucher could make all of these changes, and this ‘Prepaid’ system by Healcerion will make more people live a higher quality lifestyle in the global south. SONON’s antenatal care is not just medical-device treatment but impacts their quality of life. Describe the creative idea (30% of vote) SONON, a portable ultrasound device, can share the essential values of universal humanity by demonstrating new life within a mother’s womb must be valued no matter the mother’s socioeconomic status. This innovative device made it possible for every people across the world to have access to receive personal medical care of ultrasound. However, the usage of the SONON in the global south makes up less than 10% of the developed countries’ usage because of its initial purchase cost. Thus, in order to increase the SONON usage in the global south, we introduced a ‘Prepaid’ system where we freely provide the device and health workers only need to pay for each one-time fee by purchasing a voucher in local groceries. This system makes it possible for health workers to rent SONON free-of-charge from the initial stages and easily give a point-of-care to pregnant women in remote areas. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) Through the voice of the local health workers, the usage rate of SONON is still severely low in the global south even though the groundbreaking device has come upon us. The health workers, who are the blind spot of the medical environment, stated that the expensive cost of the device and its difficult usage serve as high barriers for the initial purchase even when it is 16 times cheaper than the hospital-based ultrasound device. In order to eliminate the initial purchase barrier and encourage ultrasound testing, Healcerion came up with a solution called ‘Prepaid’ system. Through this solution, Healcerion freely provides the device to health workers and allows them to purchase the ultrasound vouchers at local markets. This allows them to conveniently use SONON and test the patients. ‘Prepaid’ system allows pregnant women in the global south to receive medical treatments consistently while maintaining the minimum cost. Describe the execution (20% of vote) In the Volta region of Ghana, local doctors performed ultrasound tests in district health centers for three days. Healcerion donated the SONON device to Keta South Municipal Hospital, a partner of KOICA. Dr. Jung-won Rue, CEO of Healcerion provided training to the local health workers regarding the SONON device operation for antenatal diagnosis. Under the guidance of Dr. Hoon-sang Lee, a KOICA healthcare specialist in Ghana, the campaign team visited three healthcare centers and witnessed Dr. Kwaku Appiagye and his medical team diagnose over 50 pregnant women. Describe the results/impact (30% of vote) This innovative technology drew the Korean government’s attention and was officially designated a ‘Creative Technology Solution’ by KOICA (Korea International Cooperation Agency). Furthermore, SONON is gradually being acquired by health facilities in the global south with the aim of using the device to help reduce the maternal mortality rate. As of now, SONON has come into wide use in 40 countries including 20 countries from the global south and supplied 20 commune Health Center in Vietnam with KOICA. Through UNOPS(United Nations Office for Project Service), 14 SONON devices were supplied in Ghana already and Healcerion set a goal to supply SONON devices in the global south which total 2,500 until 2020. This is approximately 7.5 times more than today’s supplies. Healcerion consistently contacted various NGO’s in the whole world just like Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

    Sonon, Technology to End The Walk

    案例简介:背景 根据世卫组织 (2015),99% 的孕产妇死亡发生在全球南部。这主要是由于缺乏产前护理,因为生活在偏远地区的孕妇获得保健设施的机会有限。当地医疗中心买不起昂贵的超声波设备,由于交通费用和健康问题,长途旅行到城市地区的大医院对孕妇来说是不可行的。 SONON是Healcerion制造的一款无线移动超声波设备,旨在成为生活在全球南方偏远地区的人们负担得起的便捷选择。其便携性和移动技术允许卫生工作者通过Android和iOS平板电脑监测超声波扫描。这项创新技术比以前的超声波设备轻100倍,便宜16倍,使偏远地区的医疗机构能够识别有妊娠并发症风险的妇女。 然而,SONON设备在全球南方的使用率比发达国家低35倍。因此,提高对生活在偏远地区的孕妇使用SONON的重要性的认识,以减少产妇死亡率,被视为一项至关重要和紧迫的任务。 描述您所在地区的文化/社会/政治/环境气候,以及您在此背景下的竞选活动的重要性 全球南方的文化环境远不如发达国家先进。卫生工作者是偏远地区的盲点,他们表示,昂贵的成本是使用SONON的障碍,即使它比医院超声设备便宜16倍。这就是为什么我们创建和开发了适合全球南方的 “预付” 系统。 免费提供设备本身,同时鼓励在当地杂货店购买优惠券是一种创新策略,反映了卫生工作者的当地文化。此外,这为偏远地区的孕妇提供了更多机会,让她们与当地卫生工作者见面,这些卫生工作者受过良好的教育。在SONON的帮助下,母亲们也可以在母亲的子宫里看到她们的孩子。一张小小的代金券就可以做出所有这些改变,而Healcerion的这个 “预付” 系统将使更多的人在全球南方过上更高质量的生活。SONON的产前护理不仅仅是医疗器械治疗,而是影响他们的生活质量。 描述创意 (30% 的选票) SONON,一种便携式超声波设备,可以通过展示母亲子宫内的新生命来分享普遍人类的基本价值,无论母亲的社会经济地位如何,都必须重视。这种创新的设备使世界各地的每个人都有可能获得超声波的个人医疗保健。 然而,由于SONON的初始购买成本,其在全球南方的使用量不到发达国家使用量的10%。因此,为了增加SONON在全球南方的使用,我们引入了一个 “prepaid” 系统,我们可以自由提供设备,卫生工作者只需通过在当地杂货中购买代金券来支付每笔一次性费用。这一系统使卫生工作者能够从最初阶段免费租用SONON,并很容易地向偏远地区的孕妇提供护理。 描述策略 (20% 的选票) 通过当地卫生工作者的声音,SONON的使用率在全球南方仍然非常低,尽管突破性的设备已经出现在我们面前。卫生工作者是医疗环境的盲点,声明该设备的昂贵成本及其难以使用成为首次购买的高障碍,即使它比医院超声设备便宜16倍。 为了消除最初的购买障碍并鼓励超声波测试,Healcerion提出了一个名为 “prepaid” 系统的解决方案。通过这种解决方案,Healcerion免费向卫生工作者提供该设备,并允许他们在当地市场购买超声波凭证。这使他们能够方便地使用SONON和测试患者。“Prepaid” 系统允许全球南方的孕妇持续接受医疗,同时保持最低成本。 描述执行情况 (20% 的选票) 在加纳Volta地区,当地医生在地区保健中心进行了为期三天的超声检查。Healcerion将SONON设备捐赠给KOICA的合作伙伴Keta South city Hospital。Healcerion首席执行官Jung-won Rue博士为当地卫生工作者提供了关于产前诊断SONON器械手术的培训。在加纳KOICA医疗保健专家Hoon-sang Lee博士的指导下,竞选团队访问了三个医疗保健中心,并目睹了Kwaku Appiagye博士及其医疗团队诊断50多名孕妇。 描述结果/影响 (30% 的选票) 这项创新技术引起了韩国政府的注意,并被韩国国际协力团 (KOICA) 正式指定为 “创新技术解决方案”。此外,SONON正逐渐被全球南方的卫生设施收购,目的是使用该设备帮助减少产妇死亡率。 到目前为止,SONON已经在40个国家广泛使用,包括来自全球南方的20个国家,并为越南的20个公社健康中心提供了KOICA。通过项目厅 (联合国项目服务办公室),加纳已经供应了14台SONON设备,Healcerion设定了一个目标,在全球南方供应SONON设备,到2020年总共2,500台。这大约是今天供应的7.5倍。Healcerion像比尔和梅琳达 · 盖茨基金会一样,一直联系着全世界的各种非政府组织。

    Sonon, Technology to End The Walk

    案例简介:Background According to WHO (2015), 99% of maternal deaths occur in the global south. This is mainly due to lack of antenatal care since pregnant women living in remote areas have limited access to healthcare facilities. Local healthcare centers cannot afford expensive ultrasound devices, and traveling long distances to big hospitals in urban areas is infeasible to pregnant women due to transportation costs and health issues. SONON, a wireless mobiles ultrasound device created by Healcerion, is designed to be the affordable and accessible option for people living in the remote areas of the global south. Its portability and mobile technology allow health workers to monitor ultrasound scans through Android and iOS tablets. This innovative technology, 100 times lighter and 16 times cheaper than former ultrasound devices, enables healthcare facilities in remote areas to identify women at risk of pregnancy complications. However, the usage rate of SONON devices in the global souths is 35 times lower than in the developed countries. Therefore, raising awareness of the importance of using SONON for pregnant women living in remote areas in order to reduce the maternal mortality rate was seen as a vital and urgent mission. Describe the cultural/social/political/environmental climate in your region and the significance of your campaign within this context The cultural environment in the global south is far less advanced than the developed countries. Health workers, who are the blind spot of the remote area, stated that expensive cost serves as a barrier in using SONON even when it is 16 times cheaper than the hospital-based ultrasound devices. This is why we created and developed ‘Prepaid’ system appropriate for the global south. Free provision of the device itself while encouraging the purchase of voucher at local grocery stores is an innovative strategy that reflects the local culture of the health workers. Furthermore, this provides pregnant women in remote area more opportunities to meet local health workers who are well-educated from Healcerion. The mothers could also see their baby inside the mother’s womb with the SONON’s help. One small voucher could make all of these changes, and this ‘Prepaid’ system by Healcerion will make more people live a higher quality lifestyle in the global south. SONON’s antenatal care is not just medical-device treatment but impacts their quality of life. Describe the creative idea (30% of vote) SONON, a portable ultrasound device, can share the essential values of universal humanity by demonstrating new life within a mother’s womb must be valued no matter the mother’s socioeconomic status. This innovative device made it possible for every people across the world to have access to receive personal medical care of ultrasound. However, the usage of the SONON in the global south makes up less than 10% of the developed countries’ usage because of its initial purchase cost. Thus, in order to increase the SONON usage in the global south, we introduced a ‘Prepaid’ system where we freely provide the device and health workers only need to pay for each one-time fee by purchasing a voucher in local groceries. This system makes it possible for health workers to rent SONON free-of-charge from the initial stages and easily give a point-of-care to pregnant women in remote areas. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) Through the voice of the local health workers, the usage rate of SONON is still severely low in the global south even though the groundbreaking device has come upon us. The health workers, who are the blind spot of the medical environment, stated that the expensive cost of the device and its difficult usage serve as high barriers for the initial purchase even when it is 16 times cheaper than the hospital-based ultrasound device. In order to eliminate the initial purchase barrier and encourage ultrasound testing, Healcerion came up with a solution called ‘Prepaid’ system. Through this solution, Healcerion freely provides the device to health workers and allows them to purchase the ultrasound vouchers at local markets. This allows them to conveniently use SONON and test the patients. ‘Prepaid’ system allows pregnant women in the global south to receive medical treatments consistently while maintaining the minimum cost. Describe the execution (20% of vote) In the Volta region of Ghana, local doctors performed ultrasound tests in district health centers for three days. Healcerion donated the SONON device to Keta South Municipal Hospital, a partner of KOICA. Dr. Jung-won Rue, CEO of Healcerion provided training to the local health workers regarding the SONON device operation for antenatal diagnosis. Under the guidance of Dr. Hoon-sang Lee, a KOICA healthcare specialist in Ghana, the campaign team visited three healthcare centers and witnessed Dr. Kwaku Appiagye and his medical team diagnose over 50 pregnant women. Describe the results/impact (30% of vote) This innovative technology drew the Korean government’s attention and was officially designated a ‘Creative Technology Solution’ by KOICA (Korea International Cooperation Agency). Furthermore, SONON is gradually being acquired by health facilities in the global south with the aim of using the device to help reduce the maternal mortality rate. As of now, SONON has come into wide use in 40 countries including 20 countries from the global south and supplied 20 commune Health Center in Vietnam with KOICA. Through UNOPS(United Nations Office for Project Service), 14 SONON devices were supplied in Ghana already and Healcerion set a goal to supply SONON devices in the global south which total 2,500 until 2020. This is approximately 7.5 times more than today’s supplies. Healcerion consistently contacted various NGO’s in the whole world just like Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.



    Sonon, Technology to End The Walk






    广告公司: INNORED (韩国 汉城) 制作公司: PAULUS.CO




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