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    案例简介:为什么这项工作与公关相关? 公关是这场运动的核心。毕竟,要达到我们的目标群体,Z世代和千禧一代,我们需要的不仅仅是另一场广告活动。强大的洞察力,议程设置,具有新闻价值的头条新闻,可以帮助目标受众的服务-所有这些都有助于确保以PR为中心的广告系列的消费者相关性。 背景 在许多城市,宜必思酒店提供负担得起的住宿选择,物有所值,使其成为预算有限的年轻人的理想选择。尽管如此,宜必思酒店不再是他们年轻的目标群体的关注对象。现在是时候改变这一点,使ibis再次受到年轻目标群体的欢迎。 我们的洞察力?千禧一代没有智能手机就无法生存-这会造成压力,尤其是在度假时。“照片还是没有发生,” 是他们的口头禅。为了让宜必思酒店对他们年轻的目标群体更感兴趣,我们开发了数字排毒服务。 目标: 让宜必思酒店对他们年轻的目标群体更感兴趣; 在社交媒体博客、影响者和在线媒体等渠道中产生影响; 并在目标群体中获得更多的房间预订。 描述创意 (投票20%) ibis旨在帮助其年轻的目标群体解决度假时的数字压力问题。这就是ibis推出数字排毒服务 “放松我们发帖” 的原因。瑞士最受欢迎的16位影响者接管了酒店客人的Instagram个人资料,并在住宿期间代表他们发布。这使客人可以在没有数字压力的情况下享受轻松的城市休息。 描述公关策略 (投票30%) 公关是这场运动的症结所在。毕竟,要达到我们的目标群体,Z世代和千禧一代,我们需要的不仅仅是另一场广告活动。强大的洞察力,议程设置,具有新闻价值的头条新闻,可以帮助目标受众的服务-所有这些都有助于以PR为中心的广告系列的消费者相关性。 策略?千禧一代在没有社交媒体的情况下无法运作-这在科学上被证明会造成很大的压力。难怪数字排毒正在流行。宜必思酒店不得不利用这一事实在他们年轻的目标群体 (Z世代和千禧一代) 中获得认可。解决方案?开发了数字排毒服务。选择了公关方法,与旅行杂志,博客和影响者进行故事宣传是该广告系列的工具。 Ibis的新数字排毒服务在旅游业中像野火一样蔓延,赢得了国际关注,并成为旅行领域中使用最多的单词。 描述PR执行 (投票20%) 通过以下方式推广的服务: -媒体工作: 个人故事宣传和媒体发布宣传新的数字排毒服务的推出。 -有影响力的营销: 有影响力的人代表ibis宣布他们作为社交媒体保姆的新角色,并在周末接管客人的Instagram个人资料。 -社交广告: 该视频与 “Relax we post” 预订平台的链接一起进行宣传。 该服务的可预订试用阶段: -公共关系: 由于数字排毒等问题的高度社会相关性,有影响力的人和社交媒体激发了媒体对该服务的兴趣,该活动已在世界各地进行。 -参与自己的沟通渠道并使用AccorHotels网络进一步宣传该服务。 -有影响力的营销: 16位社交媒体管理员会产生有关该服务的其他内容 (抽奖,在Instagram故事中提供推送),因此,由于真实和目标群体相关,因此可以产生影响 列出结果 (投票30%),必须至少包括以下两个层: -“Relax we post” 在瑞士吸引了超过1400万个联系人 (印刷,在线,广播/电视),在全球范围内超过10亿个联系人,引起了媒体的广泛关注。 -在旅行博客和社交媒体渠道中,有700多个剪报和150万多个提及。 -我们产生了价值1100万瑞士法郎的媒体。 -通过让影响者参与,目标群体内实现了200,000多个相关接触,参与率为4.79%。 -在活动期间,房间预订量总体上增加了15.1%,目标人群中增加了528%。 《每日邮报》,《今日美国》,《赫芬顿邮报》,《今日中国》,《GEO》,《名利场》和《孤独星球》等国际媒体报道了这个故事。“Relax we post” 利用了当今时代的时代精神,这个时代以社交媒体和社交压力为主导,通过Instagram散发出令人兴奋、酷的形象。“Relax we post” 解决了数字排毒的话题,这是对上述社交媒体现象的反趋势,并提供了有关社交媒体问题的话题。 剪报: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/ 旅行 _ 新闻/文章-6392791/Hotel-chain-offers-guests-Instagram-sitter-accounts-date.html https:// 同意.Yahoo.com/collectconsent?sessionid = 3_cc-session_a9be83ef-2f73-4ca5-956c-7505b28207a0 & lang = en-gb & inline = false https://eu.usatoday.com/story/travel/ 2018/11/15/宜必思酒店-社交媒体-压力-instagram-保姆/2011201002/ https://www.lonelyplanet.com/news/ 2018/11/19/instagram-sitter-ibis/ https://www.watson.ch/schweiz/instagram/ 683314199-digital-detox-noetig-jetzt-gibts-den-huetedienst-fuer-dein-instagram-konto https://qz.com/1475378/瑞士酒店正在为您租用instagram保姆到照片后/ https://www.vanityfair.fr/actualites/articles/-酒店-russes-emploient-des-instagram-保姆-收费-de-海报-vos-照片-pour-vous/70832


    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for PR? PR was central to this campaign. After all, to reach our target groups, Gen Z and Millennials, we needed more than just another advertising campaign. A strong insight, agenda setting, newsworthy headlines, a service that helps the target audience – all this contributed to ensuring the consumer relevance of this PR-centered campaign. Background In many cities, ibis hotels provide affordable accommodation options that offer excellent value for money, making them the perfect choice for young people on a budget. Nevertheless, ibis hotels were no longer on the radar of their young target group. The time had come to change this and make ibis popular with its young target group again. Our insight? Millennials cannot survive without their smartphones – something that causes stress, particularly on vacation. “Pics or it didn’t happen,” is their mantra. To make ibis hotels more interesting for their young target group, we developed a digital detox service. Objectives: to make ibis hotels more interesting for their young target group; to generate reach in their channels such as social media blogs, influencers and in the online press; and to get more room bookings in the target group. Describe the creative idea (20% of vote) ibis was aiming to help its young target group address the problem of digital stress while on vacation. That’s why ibis launched digital detox service “Relax we post”. The 16 most popular influencers in Switzerland took over hotel guests’ Instagram profiles and posted on their behalf during their stay. This allowed guests to enjoy a relaxing city break free of digital stress. Describe the PR strategy (30% of vote) PR formed the crux of this campaign. After all, to reach our target groups, Gen Z and Millennials, we needed more than just another advertising campaign. A strong insight, agenda setting, newsworthy headlines, a service that helps the target audience – all this contributed to the consumer relevance of this PR-centered campaign. The strategy? Millennials can’t function without social media – something which is scientifically proven to cause a lot of stress. No wonder digital detoxes are trending. ibis hotels had to use this fact to gain recognition among their young target group (Gen Z and Millennials). The solution? A digital detox service was developed. A PR approach was chosen, story pitching with travel magazines, blogs and influencers were tools integrated into this campaign. ibis’ new digital detox service spread like wildfire within the travel industry, gaining international traction and becoming the most used words within the travel segment. Describe the PR execution (20% of vote) Service promoted via: –Media work: personal story pitching and a media release publicize the launch of the new digital detox service. –Influencer marketing: influencers announce their new roles as social media sitters on behalf of ibis and take over guests’ Instagram profiles for a weekend. –Social ads: the video is promoted along with links to the “Relax we post” booking platform. Bookable trial phase for the service: –Public relations: due to the high social relevance of issues such as digital detox, influencers and social media fueled the media interest in the service and the campaign has gone around the world. –Involvement of own communication channels and use of the AccorHotels network to further publicize the service. –Influencer marketing: the 16 social media sitters produce additional content about the service (prize draws, offer pushes in Instagram stories), thus generating reach thanks to the authentic and target group-relevant List the results (30% of vote) – must include at least two of the following tiers: – “Relax we post” garnered enormous media attention with over 14 million contacts (print, online, radio/TV) in Switzerland and more than a billion contacts worldwide. – More than 700 clippings and more than 1.5 million mentions in travel blogs and on social media channels. – We generated earned media worth CHF 11 million. – By involving influencers, over 200,000 relevant contacts were achieved within the target group, with an engagement rate of 4.79%. – During the campaign, room bookings rose by 15.1% in general and by 528% within the target group. International media such as the Daily Mail, USA Today, Huffington Post, China Today, GEO, Vanity Fair, and Lonely Planet picked up on the story. “Relax we post” taps into the current zeitgeist of an era that is dominated by social media and social pressure to exude an exciting, cool image via Instagram. “Relax we post” addresses the topical issue of digital detox, the countertrend to the aforementioned social media phenomenon, and provides a talking point on the issue of social media. Clippings: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/travel_news/article-6392791/Hotel-chain-offers-guests-Instagram-sitter-accounts-date.html https://consent.yahoo.com/collectConsent?sessionId=3_cc-session_a9be83ef-2f73-4ca5-956c-7505b28207a0&lang=en-gb&inline=false https://eu.usatoday.com/story/travel/2018/11/15/ibis-hotel-social-media-stress-instagram-sitter/2011201002/ https://www.lonelyplanet.com/news/2018/11/19/instagram-sitter-ibis/ https://www.watson.ch/schweiz/instagram/683314199-digital-detox-noetig-jetzt-gibts-den-huetedienst-fuer-dein-instagram-konto https://qz.com/1475378/swiss-hotels-are-hiring-instagram-sitters-to-post-photos-for-you/ https://www.vanityfair.fr/actualites/articles/des-hotels-russes-emploient-des-instagram-sitters-charges-de-poster-vos-photos-pour-vous/70832

    The Social Media Sitter

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与公关相关? 公关是这场运动的核心。毕竟,要达到我们的目标群体,Z世代和千禧一代,我们需要的不仅仅是另一场广告活动。强大的洞察力,议程设置,具有新闻价值的头条新闻,可以帮助目标受众的服务-所有这些都有助于确保以PR为中心的广告系列的消费者相关性。 背景 在许多城市,宜必思酒店提供负担得起的住宿选择,物有所值,使其成为预算有限的年轻人的理想选择。尽管如此,宜必思酒店不再是他们年轻的目标群体的关注对象。现在是时候改变这一点,使ibis再次受到年轻目标群体的欢迎。 我们的洞察力?千禧一代没有智能手机就无法生存-这会造成压力,尤其是在度假时。“照片还是没有发生,” 是他们的口头禅。为了让宜必思酒店对他们年轻的目标群体更感兴趣,我们开发了数字排毒服务。 目标: 让宜必思酒店对他们年轻的目标群体更感兴趣; 在社交媒体博客、影响者和在线媒体等渠道中产生影响; 并在目标群体中获得更多的房间预订。 描述创意 (投票20%) ibis旨在帮助其年轻的目标群体解决度假时的数字压力问题。这就是ibis推出数字排毒服务 “放松我们发帖” 的原因。瑞士最受欢迎的16位影响者接管了酒店客人的Instagram个人资料,并在住宿期间代表他们发布。这使客人可以在没有数字压力的情况下享受轻松的城市休息。 描述公关策略 (投票30%) 公关是这场运动的症结所在。毕竟,要达到我们的目标群体,Z世代和千禧一代,我们需要的不仅仅是另一场广告活动。强大的洞察力,议程设置,具有新闻价值的头条新闻,可以帮助目标受众的服务-所有这些都有助于以PR为中心的广告系列的消费者相关性。 策略?千禧一代在没有社交媒体的情况下无法运作-这在科学上被证明会造成很大的压力。难怪数字排毒正在流行。宜必思酒店不得不利用这一事实在他们年轻的目标群体 (Z世代和千禧一代) 中获得认可。解决方案?开发了数字排毒服务。选择了公关方法,与旅行杂志,博客和影响者进行故事宣传是该广告系列的工具。 Ibis的新数字排毒服务在旅游业中像野火一样蔓延,赢得了国际关注,并成为旅行领域中使用最多的单词。 描述PR执行 (投票20%) 通过以下方式推广的服务: -媒体工作: 个人故事宣传和媒体发布宣传新的数字排毒服务的推出。 -有影响力的营销: 有影响力的人代表ibis宣布他们作为社交媒体保姆的新角色,并在周末接管客人的Instagram个人资料。 -社交广告: 该视频与 “Relax we post” 预订平台的链接一起进行宣传。 该服务的可预订试用阶段: -公共关系: 由于数字排毒等问题的高度社会相关性,有影响力的人和社交媒体激发了媒体对该服务的兴趣,该活动已在世界各地进行。 -参与自己的沟通渠道并使用AccorHotels网络进一步宣传该服务。 -有影响力的营销: 16位社交媒体管理员会产生有关该服务的其他内容 (抽奖,在Instagram故事中提供推送),因此,由于真实和目标群体相关,因此可以产生影响 列出结果 (投票30%),必须至少包括以下两个层: -“Relax we post” 在瑞士吸引了超过1400万个联系人 (印刷,在线,广播/电视),在全球范围内超过10亿个联系人,引起了媒体的广泛关注。 -在旅行博客和社交媒体渠道中,有700多个剪报和150万多个提及。 -我们产生了价值1100万瑞士法郎的媒体。 -通过让影响者参与,目标群体内实现了200,000多个相关接触,参与率为4.79%。 -在活动期间,房间预订量总体上增加了15.1%,目标人群中增加了528%。 《每日邮报》,《今日美国》,《赫芬顿邮报》,《今日中国》,《GEO》,《名利场》和《孤独星球》等国际媒体报道了这个故事。“Relax we post” 利用了当今时代的时代精神,这个时代以社交媒体和社交压力为主导,通过Instagram散发出令人兴奋、酷的形象。“Relax we post” 解决了数字排毒的话题,这是对上述社交媒体现象的反趋势,并提供了有关社交媒体问题的话题。 剪报: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/ 旅行 _ 新闻/文章-6392791/Hotel-chain-offers-guests-Instagram-sitter-accounts-date.html https:// 同意.Yahoo.com/collectconsent?sessionid = 3_cc-session_a9be83ef-2f73-4ca5-956c-7505b28207a0 & lang = en-gb & inline = false https://eu.usatoday.com/story/travel/ 2018/11/15/宜必思酒店-社交媒体-压力-instagram-保姆/2011201002/ https://www.lonelyplanet.com/news/ 2018/11/19/instagram-sitter-ibis/ https://www.watson.ch/schweiz/instagram/ 683314199-digital-detox-noetig-jetzt-gibts-den-huetedienst-fuer-dein-instagram-konto https://qz.com/1475378/瑞士酒店正在为您租用instagram保姆到照片后/ https://www.vanityfair.fr/actualites/articles/-酒店-russes-emploient-des-instagram-保姆-收费-de-海报-vos-照片-pour-vous/70832

    The Social Media Sitter

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for PR? PR was central to this campaign. After all, to reach our target groups, Gen Z and Millennials, we needed more than just another advertising campaign. A strong insight, agenda setting, newsworthy headlines, a service that helps the target audience – all this contributed to ensuring the consumer relevance of this PR-centered campaign. Background In many cities, ibis hotels provide affordable accommodation options that offer excellent value for money, making them the perfect choice for young people on a budget. Nevertheless, ibis hotels were no longer on the radar of their young target group. The time had come to change this and make ibis popular with its young target group again. Our insight? Millennials cannot survive without their smartphones – something that causes stress, particularly on vacation. “Pics or it didn’t happen,” is their mantra. To make ibis hotels more interesting for their young target group, we developed a digital detox service. Objectives: to make ibis hotels more interesting for their young target group; to generate reach in their channels such as social media blogs, influencers and in the online press; and to get more room bookings in the target group. Describe the creative idea (20% of vote) ibis was aiming to help its young target group address the problem of digital stress while on vacation. That’s why ibis launched digital detox service “Relax we post”. The 16 most popular influencers in Switzerland took over hotel guests’ Instagram profiles and posted on their behalf during their stay. This allowed guests to enjoy a relaxing city break free of digital stress. Describe the PR strategy (30% of vote) PR formed the crux of this campaign. After all, to reach our target groups, Gen Z and Millennials, we needed more than just another advertising campaign. A strong insight, agenda setting, newsworthy headlines, a service that helps the target audience – all this contributed to the consumer relevance of this PR-centered campaign. The strategy? Millennials can’t function without social media – something which is scientifically proven to cause a lot of stress. No wonder digital detoxes are trending. ibis hotels had to use this fact to gain recognition among their young target group (Gen Z and Millennials). The solution? A digital detox service was developed. A PR approach was chosen, story pitching with travel magazines, blogs and influencers were tools integrated into this campaign. ibis’ new digital detox service spread like wildfire within the travel industry, gaining international traction and becoming the most used words within the travel segment. Describe the PR execution (20% of vote) Service promoted via: –Media work: personal story pitching and a media release publicize the launch of the new digital detox service. –Influencer marketing: influencers announce their new roles as social media sitters on behalf of ibis and take over guests’ Instagram profiles for a weekend. –Social ads: the video is promoted along with links to the “Relax we post” booking platform. Bookable trial phase for the service: –Public relations: due to the high social relevance of issues such as digital detox, influencers and social media fueled the media interest in the service and the campaign has gone around the world. –Involvement of own communication channels and use of the AccorHotels network to further publicize the service. –Influencer marketing: the 16 social media sitters produce additional content about the service (prize draws, offer pushes in Instagram stories), thus generating reach thanks to the authentic and target group-relevant List the results (30% of vote) – must include at least two of the following tiers: – “Relax we post” garnered enormous media attention with over 14 million contacts (print, online, radio/TV) in Switzerland and more than a billion contacts worldwide. – More than 700 clippings and more than 1.5 million mentions in travel blogs and on social media channels. – We generated earned media worth CHF 11 million. – By involving influencers, over 200,000 relevant contacts were achieved within the target group, with an engagement rate of 4.79%. – During the campaign, room bookings rose by 15.1% in general and by 528% within the target group. International media such as the Daily Mail, USA Today, Huffington Post, China Today, GEO, Vanity Fair, and Lonely Planet picked up on the story. “Relax we post” taps into the current zeitgeist of an era that is dominated by social media and social pressure to exude an exciting, cool image via Instagram. “Relax we post” addresses the topical issue of digital detox, the countertrend to the aforementioned social media phenomenon, and provides a talking point on the issue of social media. Clippings: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/travel_news/article-6392791/Hotel-chain-offers-guests-Instagram-sitter-accounts-date.html https://consent.yahoo.com/collectConsent?sessionId=3_cc-session_a9be83ef-2f73-4ca5-956c-7505b28207a0&lang=en-gb&inline=false https://eu.usatoday.com/story/travel/2018/11/15/ibis-hotel-social-media-stress-instagram-sitter/2011201002/ https://www.lonelyplanet.com/news/2018/11/19/instagram-sitter-ibis/ https://www.watson.ch/schweiz/instagram/683314199-digital-detox-noetig-jetzt-gibts-den-huetedienst-fuer-dein-instagram-konto https://qz.com/1475378/swiss-hotels-are-hiring-instagram-sitters-to-post-photos-for-you/ https://www.vanityfair.fr/actualites/articles/des-hotels-russes-emploient-des-instagram-sitters-charges-de-poster-vos-photos-pour-vous/70832



    The Social Media Sitter










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