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    斯嘉丽 · 约翰逊

    案例简介:关于盖蒂图像: Getty Images 是全球视觉传播领域的领导者,通过其优质内容网站 www.gettyimages.com 和领先的股票内容网站 www.istock.com,可获得 1.7亿多份资产。凭借其先进的搜索和图像识别技术,Getty Images 为 100 多个国家的商业客户提供服务,是创意和媒体专业人士首先发现的地方, 购买和管理图像和其他数字内容。其屡获殊荣的摄影师和内容创作者帮助客户创作鼓舞人心的作品,每天都出现在世界上最有影响力的报纸、杂志、广告活动、电影、电视节目、书籍和在线媒体上。访问 www.gettyimages.com 的 Getty Images,了解更多关于公司如何推进数字媒体在通信和商业中的独特作用,并使创意得以实现。对于公司新闻和公告,请访问 press.gettyimages.com,对于我们内容背后的故事、创新和灵感,请访问故事和趋势 http://stories.gettyimages.com 。在 Instagram 上找到我们 https://instagram.com/gettyimages/ ,脸谱网在 www.facebook.com/gettyimages,推特在 https://twitter.com/GettyImages ,或下载流,我们的免费消费者应用程序,查看和分享世界上最好的图像。 独特的 AlmapBBDO 运动用 20 年的著名面孔庆祝盖蒂图片社 20 周年 伦敦,2015年5月12日 -- 全球视觉传播领导者盖蒂图片社推出了一场新的广告活动,庆祝其 20 周年。该活动由巴西机构 AlmapBBDO 创建,展示了过去 20 年高调人物的变化面貌,包括美国前总统比尔·克林顿、网球运动员塞雷娜 · 威廉姆斯, 女演员斯嘉丽 · 约翰逊和威廉王子,剑桥公爵。 AlmapBBDO 潜入 Getty images 获奖的超过 1.7亿张图片库,策划这个描绘 20 年变化的独特视觉时间线。这些图像按时间顺序排列,允许观众多年来跟踪每个个性的变化。每个选择的人物在盖蒂图片库中有大量的图像 -- 例如,有超过 32,000 张克林顿的图像。 Getty Images 创意内容高级副总裁安德鲁 · 桑德斯评论道: “世界经历了惊人的 20 年,盖蒂图像公司一直在那里捕捉这一时期定义世界的每一刻。对我们来说,展示知名人物的发展让我们看到他们经历的变化,但也向我们展示了我们作为一个品牌已经走了多远。我们期待戛纳狮子会创意社区的回应!" 该活动强调了 Getty images 在视觉传播方面的持续领导地位、其高质量内容以及其档案的广度和深度,庆祝其 20 周年里程碑。

    斯嘉丽 · 约翰逊

    案例简介:About Getty Images: Getty Images is the world’s leader in visual communication, with over 170 million assets available through its premium content site www.gettyimages.com and its leading stock content site www.istock.com. With its advanced search and image recognition technology, Getty Images serves business customers in more than 100 countries and is the first place creative and media professionals turn to discover, purchase and manage images and other digital content. Its award-winning photographers and content creators help customers produce inspiring work which appears every day in the world’s most influential newspapers, magazines, advertising campaigns, films, television programs, books and online media. Visit Getty Images at www.gettyimages.com to learn more about how the company is advancing the unique role of digital media in communications and business, and enabling creative ideas to come to life. For company news and announcements, visit press.gettyimages.com, and for the stories, innovation and inspiration behind our content, visit Stories & Trends http://stories.gettyimages.com. Find us on Instagram at https://instagram.com/gettyimages/, Facebook at www.facebook.com/gettyimages, Twitter at https://twitter.com/GettyImages, or download Stream, our free consumer app, to view and share the world’s best imagery. Unique AlmapBBDO campaign celebrates Getty Images 20th anniversary with 20 years of famous faces LONDON, May 12, 2015—Getty Images, the global leader in visual communication, has unveiled a new advertising campaign in celebration of its 20th anniversary. Created by Brazilian agency AlmapBBDO, the campaign shows the changing face of high profile personalities over the past 20 years, featuring former U.S. president Bill Clinton, tennis player Serena Williams, actress Scarlett Johansson and Prince William, Duke of Cambridge. AlmapBBDO dove into Getty Images’ award-winning library of over 170 million images to curate this unique visual timeline portraying 20 years of change. The images are arranged chronologically, allowing the viewer to follow the transformation of each personality over the years. Each personality selected has a large number of images in the Getty Images library – for example, there are over 32,000 images of Clinton. Andrew Saunders, Senior Vice President, Creative Content, Getty Images commented: “The world has experienced a phenomenal 20 years and Getty Images has been there to capture every moment that has defined the world over this period. For us, showcasing the development of well-known personalities allows us to see the changes they have been through, but also shows us how far we have come as a brand. We look forward to the response from the creative community at Cannes Lions!” The campaign highlights Getty Images’ continued leadership in visual communications, its quality content and the sheer breadth and depth of its archive, as it celebrates its significant 20th anniversary milestone.


    案例简介:关于盖蒂图像: Getty Images 是全球视觉传播领域的领导者,通过其优质内容网站 www.gettyimages.com 和领先的股票内容网站 www.istock.com,可获得 1.7亿多份资产。凭借其先进的搜索和图像识别技术,Getty Images 为 100 多个国家的商业客户提供服务,是创意和媒体专业人士首先发现的地方, 购买和管理图像和其他数字内容。其屡获殊荣的摄影师和内容创作者帮助客户创作鼓舞人心的作品,每天都出现在世界上最有影响力的报纸、杂志、广告活动、电影、电视节目、书籍和在线媒体上。访问 www.gettyimages.com 的 Getty Images,了解更多关于公司如何推进数字媒体在通信和商业中的独特作用,并使创意得以实现。对于公司新闻和公告,请访问 press.gettyimages.com,对于我们内容背后的故事、创新和灵感,请访问故事和趋势 http://stories.gettyimages.com 。在 Instagram 上找到我们 https://instagram.com/gettyimages/ ,脸谱网在 www.facebook.com/gettyimages,推特在 https://twitter.com/GettyImages ,或下载流,我们的免费消费者应用程序,查看和分享世界上最好的图像。 独特的 AlmapBBDO 运动用 20 年的著名面孔庆祝盖蒂图片社 20 周年 伦敦,2015年5月12日 -- 全球视觉传播领导者盖蒂图片社推出了一场新的广告活动,庆祝其 20 周年。该活动由巴西机构 AlmapBBDO 创建,展示了过去 20 年高调人物的变化面貌,包括美国前总统比尔·克林顿、网球运动员塞雷娜 · 威廉姆斯, 女演员斯嘉丽 · 约翰逊和威廉王子,剑桥公爵。 AlmapBBDO 潜入 Getty images 获奖的超过 1.7亿张图片库,策划这个描绘 20 年变化的独特视觉时间线。这些图像按时间顺序排列,允许观众多年来跟踪每个个性的变化。每个选择的人物在盖蒂图片库中有大量的图像 -- 例如,有超过 32,000 张克林顿的图像。 Getty Images 创意内容高级副总裁安德鲁 · 桑德斯评论道: “世界经历了惊人的 20 年,盖蒂图像公司一直在那里捕捉这一时期定义世界的每一刻。对我们来说,展示知名人物的发展让我们看到他们经历的变化,但也向我们展示了我们作为一个品牌已经走了多远。我们期待戛纳狮子会创意社区的回应!" 该活动强调了 Getty images 在视觉传播方面的持续领导地位、其高质量内容以及其档案的广度和深度,庆祝其 20 周年里程碑。


    案例简介:About Getty Images: Getty Images is the world’s leader in visual communication, with over 170 million assets available through its premium content site www.gettyimages.com and its leading stock content site www.istock.com. With its advanced search and image recognition technology, Getty Images serves business customers in more than 100 countries and is the first place creative and media professionals turn to discover, purchase and manage images and other digital content. Its award-winning photographers and content creators help customers produce inspiring work which appears every day in the world’s most influential newspapers, magazines, advertising campaigns, films, television programs, books and online media. Visit Getty Images at www.gettyimages.com to learn more about how the company is advancing the unique role of digital media in communications and business, and enabling creative ideas to come to life. For company news and announcements, visit press.gettyimages.com, and for the stories, innovation and inspiration behind our content, visit Stories & Trends http://stories.gettyimages.com. Find us on Instagram at https://instagram.com/gettyimages/, Facebook at www.facebook.com/gettyimages, Twitter at https://twitter.com/GettyImages, or download Stream, our free consumer app, to view and share the world’s best imagery. Unique AlmapBBDO campaign celebrates Getty Images 20th anniversary with 20 years of famous faces LONDON, May 12, 2015—Getty Images, the global leader in visual communication, has unveiled a new advertising campaign in celebration of its 20th anniversary. Created by Brazilian agency AlmapBBDO, the campaign shows the changing face of high profile personalities over the past 20 years, featuring former U.S. president Bill Clinton, tennis player Serena Williams, actress Scarlett Johansson and Prince William, Duke of Cambridge. AlmapBBDO dove into Getty Images’ award-winning library of over 170 million images to curate this unique visual timeline portraying 20 years of change. The images are arranged chronologically, allowing the viewer to follow the transformation of each personality over the years. Each personality selected has a large number of images in the Getty Images library – for example, there are over 32,000 images of Clinton. Andrew Saunders, Senior Vice President, Creative Content, Getty Images commented: “The world has experienced a phenomenal 20 years and Getty Images has been there to capture every moment that has defined the world over this period. For us, showcasing the development of well-known personalities allows us to see the changes they have been through, but also shows us how far we have come as a brand. We look forward to the response from the creative community at Cannes Lions!” The campaign highlights Getty Images’ continued leadership in visual communications, its quality content and the sheer breadth and depth of its archive, as it celebrates its significant 20th anniversary milestone.

    斯嘉丽 · 约翰逊










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