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    Arnott's Tim Tam短视频广告营销案例



    阿诺特的蒂姆 · 谭

    案例简介:DDB 集团悉尼和阿诺特的蒂姆 · 谭推出新的真正的,疯狂的蒂姆 · 谭 TVC 澳大利亚悉尼 (2012年5月21日) -- DDB Group Sydney 和 Arnott 的 Tim Tam 昨天推出了一项新的 TVC 执行,作为新的 “真正、疯狂的蒂姆 · 塔姆” 活动第一章的一部分, 灵感来自热情的蒂姆 · 谭粉丝的想象力。 TVC 抓住了澳大利亚人的喜悦和兴奋,因为他们发现了 “真正的、疯狂的蒂姆 · 谭先生”。这个果园是在粉丝希望蒂姆 · 谭饼干能通过蒂姆 · 谭的 Facebook 页面在树上生长后在本月早些时候创建的。 在由 DDB Sydney 和 Mango 创建并在悉尼马丁广场举行的激活活动中,“真正疯狂的蒂姆 · 谭 · 奥查” 开了 100,000 多块蒂姆 · 谭饼干, 采摘的时机已经成熟。 作为活动的一部分,蒂姆 · 谭的粉丝也将能够通过 Facebook 应用程序将他们的名字添加到 TVC 中,该应用程序使粉丝能够个性化广告,为社交网络创建可共享的内容。 悉尼 DDB 集团战略与创新董事总经理雷夫 · 斯特罗姆尼斯评论道: “第一次执行 true 的背后的想法, 疯狂的蒂姆 · 谭直接来自我们的 Facebook 社区,我们真的很想回馈给我们这么好的想法一起工作的粉丝。还有什么比制作个性化广告更好的方法来全面宣传,这些广告以蒂姆 · 谭个人粉丝的名字为特色,实际上贯穿电视和在线频道。 阿诺特最近决定将其整个品牌组合带到 DDB Sydney,这证明了真正疯狂的蒂姆 · 谭运动的力量。我们期待着在 Arnott 团队的所有未来活动中产生同样质量的社会创造性工作。" Arnott 营销总监苏珊 · 马萨索评论道: “真正的、疯狂的蒂姆 · 谭 · 奥查” 展示了消费者对蒂姆 · 谭品牌的热情。我们很高兴我们现在可以通过 TVC 将这种激情带入生活,并与所有澳大利亚人分享真正的、疯狂的蒂姆 · 塔姆运动 ”.. 30 岁的 TVC 将从 5月20日星期日开始播出,并计划在 Facebook 页面上播放更激动人心的内容和活动

    阿诺特的蒂姆 · 谭

    案例简介:DDB Group Sydney and Arnott’s Tim Tam launch new Truly, Madly Tim Tam TVC Sydney, Australia (21 May 2012) – DDB Group Sydney and Arnott’s Tim Tam yesterday launched a new TVC execution as part of the first chapter of the new ‘Truly, Madly Tim Tam’ campaign, which was inspired by the imaginations of passionate Tim Tam fans. The TVC captures the joy and excitement of Australians as they discover ‘The Truly, Madly Tim Tam Orchard’. The orchard was created earlier this month after fans wished that Tim Tam biscuits would grow on trees via the Tim Tam Facebook page. During the activation, which was created by DDB Sydney and Mango, and held in Sydney’s Martin Place, ‘The Truly, Madly Tim Tam Orchard’ blossomed more than 100,000 Tim Tam biscuits, ripe for the picking. As part of the campaign, Tim Tam fans will also be able to add their name to the TVC via a Facebook app that enables fans to personalise the advertisements, creating sharable content for social networks. Leif Stromnes, Managing Director Strategy and Innovation at DDB Group Sydney comments: “The idea behind this first execution of Truly, Madly Tim Tam came straight from our Facebook community and we really wanted to give back to these fans who gave us such a great idea to work with. What better way to come full circle than to create personalised ads which feature the names of individual Tim Tam fans and actually run across both TV and online channels. Arnott’s recent decision to bring its entire brand portfolio to DDB Sydney is testament to the strength of the Truly Madly Tim Tam campaign. We’re looking forward to producing the same quality of socially creative work in all of our future activity with the Arnott’s team.” Susan Massasso, Marketing Director, Arnott’s comments: “The Truly, Madly Tim Tam Orchard’ demonstrated just how passionate consumers are about the Tim Tam brand. We’re thrilled we can now bring this passion to life through the TVC, and share the Truly,Madly Tim Tam campaign with all Australians”.. The 30’ TVC will air from Sunday, 20th May with more exciting content and activity planned for the Facebook page www.facebook.com/timtams

    Arnott's Tim Tam

    案例简介:DDB 集团悉尼和阿诺特的蒂姆 · 谭推出新的真正的,疯狂的蒂姆 · 谭 TVC 澳大利亚悉尼 (2012年5月21日) -- DDB Group Sydney 和 Arnott 的 Tim Tam 昨天推出了一项新的 TVC 执行,作为新的 “真正、疯狂的蒂姆 · 塔姆” 活动第一章的一部分, 灵感来自热情的蒂姆 · 谭粉丝的想象力。 TVC 抓住了澳大利亚人的喜悦和兴奋,因为他们发现了 “真正的、疯狂的蒂姆 · 谭先生”。这个果园是在粉丝希望蒂姆 · 谭饼干能通过蒂姆 · 谭的 Facebook 页面在树上生长后在本月早些时候创建的。 在由 DDB Sydney 和 Mango 创建并在悉尼马丁广场举行的激活活动中,“真正疯狂的蒂姆 · 谭 · 奥查” 开了 100,000 多块蒂姆 · 谭饼干, 采摘的时机已经成熟。 作为活动的一部分,蒂姆 · 谭的粉丝也将能够通过 Facebook 应用程序将他们的名字添加到 TVC 中,该应用程序使粉丝能够个性化广告,为社交网络创建可共享的内容。 悉尼 DDB 集团战略与创新董事总经理雷夫 · 斯特罗姆尼斯评论道: “第一次执行 true 的背后的想法, 疯狂的蒂姆 · 谭直接来自我们的 Facebook 社区,我们真的很想回馈给我们这么好的想法一起工作的粉丝。还有什么比制作个性化广告更好的方法来全面宣传,这些广告以蒂姆 · 谭个人粉丝的名字为特色,实际上贯穿电视和在线频道。 阿诺特最近决定将其整个品牌组合带到 DDB Sydney,这证明了真正疯狂的蒂姆 · 谭运动的力量。我们期待着在 Arnott 团队的所有未来活动中产生同样质量的社会创造性工作。" Arnott 营销总监苏珊 · 马萨索评论道: “真正的、疯狂的蒂姆 · 谭 · 奥查” 展示了消费者对蒂姆 · 谭品牌的热情。我们很高兴我们现在可以通过 TVC 将这种激情带入生活,并与所有澳大利亚人分享真正的、疯狂的蒂姆 · 塔姆运动 ”.. 30 岁的 TVC 将从 5月20日星期日开始播出,并计划在 Facebook 页面上播放更激动人心的内容和活动

    Arnott's Tim Tam

    案例简介:DDB Group Sydney and Arnott’s Tim Tam launch new Truly, Madly Tim Tam TVC Sydney, Australia (21 May 2012) – DDB Group Sydney and Arnott’s Tim Tam yesterday launched a new TVC execution as part of the first chapter of the new ‘Truly, Madly Tim Tam’ campaign, which was inspired by the imaginations of passionate Tim Tam fans. The TVC captures the joy and excitement of Australians as they discover ‘The Truly, Madly Tim Tam Orchard’. The orchard was created earlier this month after fans wished that Tim Tam biscuits would grow on trees via the Tim Tam Facebook page. During the activation, which was created by DDB Sydney and Mango, and held in Sydney’s Martin Place, ‘The Truly, Madly Tim Tam Orchard’ blossomed more than 100,000 Tim Tam biscuits, ripe for the picking. As part of the campaign, Tim Tam fans will also be able to add their name to the TVC via a Facebook app that enables fans to personalise the advertisements, creating sharable content for social networks. Leif Stromnes, Managing Director Strategy and Innovation at DDB Group Sydney comments: “The idea behind this first execution of Truly, Madly Tim Tam came straight from our Facebook community and we really wanted to give back to these fans who gave us such a great idea to work with. What better way to come full circle than to create personalised ads which feature the names of individual Tim Tam fans and actually run across both TV and online channels. Arnott’s recent decision to bring its entire brand portfolio to DDB Sydney is testament to the strength of the Truly Madly Tim Tam campaign. We’re looking forward to producing the same quality of socially creative work in all of our future activity with the Arnott’s team.” Susan Massasso, Marketing Director, Arnott’s comments: “The Truly, Madly Tim Tam Orchard’ demonstrated just how passionate consumers are about the Tim Tam brand. We’re thrilled we can now bring this passion to life through the TVC, and share the Truly,Madly Tim Tam campaign with all Australians”.. The 30’ TVC will air from Sunday, 20th May with more exciting content and activity planned for the Facebook page www.facebook.com/timtams

    阿诺特的蒂姆 · 谭


    Arnott's Tim Tam










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