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    Netto - Easter Surprise短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:媒体花费; 我们的电影是一个复杂的成年故事,压缩在不到 2 分钟的时间里。这对我们来说意味着: 它不是任何带有行动重量的对话。相反,音乐占据了舞台的中心。为了强调我们英雄的情感旅程,我们选择了一个不完美的、无辜的和脆弱的儿童的声音,唱着根据别人的判断质疑自己。它应该感觉像一个在学校戏剧中的小孩,在整个学校面前表演 -- 带着颤抖的声音和不安全感,感觉和我们的英雄一样脆弱。考虑到这一点,我们创作了我们的原创曲目,并录制了一个现场弦乐部分。结果是一首歌平静了 “在需要的地方编辑,并在需要的时候添加了戏剧。从第一天起,它就得到了观众的热烈响应,成为我们成功的主要原因之一。; 条目摘要; 实际上,德国的每个人都知道复活节兔子: 一只兔子,在复活节带来彩蛋,并把它们藏在你的花园里。然而,奇怪的是: 没有人知道这方面的任何背景。这只兔子是谁?他为什么这么做?这是德国和欧洲文化的重要组成部分。奇怪的是,几个世纪以来,它一直是个谜。这就是为什么在我们的电影中,我们最终揭示了复活节兔子的起源故事。这是一件感人的成人作品,它对儿童和我们所有人的儿童都尽可能多的交谈。; 简短的解释; 我们揭示了复活节兔子的起源,一只野兔和一只母鸡在树林里的派对上坠入爱河,结婚, 生下一只产卵的特殊兔子。我们看到他在一个充满爱的环境中长大,却在学校里被其他孩子嘲笑和欺负,因为他看起来像一只兔子,但做了一些只有鸡做的事情: 产卵。他感到孤独和被排斥,决定逃跑,在森林里遇到一个人类女孩。然后,他通过风暴把人类世界变成了一颗明星,最终被称为复活节兔子。尽管他声名鹊起,但没有家人,他感到孤独。所以他在复活节回家,因为他意识到没有什么比家庭的温暖。


    案例简介:Media Spend;Our film is a complex coming-of-age story compressed in just under 2 minutes.That meant for us: it was not any dialogue carrying the weight of the action. Instead the music took the center stage. To underline our hero’s emotional journey we chose an imperfect, innocent and vulnerable children’s voice, singing about questioning yourself in the light of other people’s judgement. It was supposed to feel like a little child in a schoolplay, perfoming in front of the whole school – with a trembling voice and insecurity in its eyes that felt just as vulnerable as our hero. With that in mind we composed our original track and recorded with a live string section.The result was a song that „calmed“ the edit where needed and added drama when required. It got a big response from the audience right from day one and became one of the main reasons of our success.;Entry Summary;Literally everybody in Germany knows the easter bunny: a rabbit that brings colored eggs on easter and hides them in your garden. The weird thing is, though: nobody knows any background for this. Who is this bunny? Why does he do that? It’s a big part of German and European culture. And oddly enough, it’s been a mystery for many centuries. That’s why in our film we finally reveal the origin story of the easter bunny. A touching coming-of-age-piece that talks to children as much as it reaches adults – and the child in all of us.;Brief Explanation;We reveal the origins of the Easter bunny, as a hare and a hen fall in love at a party in the woods, get married, and give birth to a special rabbit that lays eggs. We see him grow up in a loving environment, only to be mocked and bullied at school by other children, because he looks like a rabbit, but does something only chickens do: laying eggs. Feeling alone and outcast, he decides to run away and meets a human girl in the forest. He then takes the human world by storm and becomes a star, ultimately known as the easter bunny. Despite his fame and success, he feels lonely without his family. So he returns home on easter, as he realizes that nothing is compared to the warmth of family.

    Netto - Easter Surprise

    案例简介:媒体花费; 我们的电影是一个复杂的成年故事,压缩在不到 2 分钟的时间里。这对我们来说意味着: 它不是任何带有行动重量的对话。相反,音乐占据了舞台的中心。为了强调我们英雄的情感旅程,我们选择了一个不完美的、无辜的和脆弱的儿童的声音,唱着根据别人的判断质疑自己。它应该感觉像一个在学校戏剧中的小孩,在整个学校面前表演 -- 带着颤抖的声音和不安全感,感觉和我们的英雄一样脆弱。考虑到这一点,我们创作了我们的原创曲目,并录制了一个现场弦乐部分。结果是一首歌平静了 “在需要的地方编辑,并在需要的时候添加了戏剧。从第一天起,它就得到了观众的热烈响应,成为我们成功的主要原因之一。; 条目摘要; 实际上,德国的每个人都知道复活节兔子: 一只兔子,在复活节带来彩蛋,并把它们藏在你的花园里。然而,奇怪的是: 没有人知道这方面的任何背景。这只兔子是谁?他为什么这么做?这是德国和欧洲文化的重要组成部分。奇怪的是,几个世纪以来,它一直是个谜。这就是为什么在我们的电影中,我们最终揭示了复活节兔子的起源故事。这是一件感人的成人作品,它对儿童和我们所有人的儿童都尽可能多的交谈。; 简短的解释; 我们揭示了复活节兔子的起源,一只野兔和一只母鸡在树林里的派对上坠入爱河,结婚, 生下一只产卵的特殊兔子。我们看到他在一个充满爱的环境中长大,却在学校里被其他孩子嘲笑和欺负,因为他看起来像一只兔子,但做了一些只有鸡做的事情: 产卵。他感到孤独和被排斥,决定逃跑,在森林里遇到一个人类女孩。然后,他通过风暴把人类世界变成了一颗明星,最终被称为复活节兔子。尽管他声名鹊起,但没有家人,他感到孤独。所以他在复活节回家,因为他意识到没有什么比家庭的温暖。

    Netto - Easter Surprise

    案例简介:Media Spend;Our film is a complex coming-of-age story compressed in just under 2 minutes.That meant for us: it was not any dialogue carrying the weight of the action. Instead the music took the center stage. To underline our hero’s emotional journey we chose an imperfect, innocent and vulnerable children’s voice, singing about questioning yourself in the light of other people’s judgement. It was supposed to feel like a little child in a schoolplay, perfoming in front of the whole school – with a trembling voice and insecurity in its eyes that felt just as vulnerable as our hero. With that in mind we composed our original track and recorded with a live string section.The result was a song that „calmed“ the edit where needed and added drama when required. It got a big response from the audience right from day one and became one of the main reasons of our success.;Entry Summary;Literally everybody in Germany knows the easter bunny: a rabbit that brings colored eggs on easter and hides them in your garden. The weird thing is, though: nobody knows any background for this. Who is this bunny? Why does he do that? It’s a big part of German and European culture. And oddly enough, it’s been a mystery for many centuries. That’s why in our film we finally reveal the origin story of the easter bunny. A touching coming-of-age-piece that talks to children as much as it reaches adults – and the child in all of us.;Brief Explanation;We reveal the origins of the Easter bunny, as a hare and a hen fall in love at a party in the woods, get married, and give birth to a special rabbit that lays eggs. We see him grow up in a loving environment, only to be mocked and bullied at school by other children, because he looks like a rabbit, but does something only chickens do: laying eggs. Feeling alone and outcast, he decides to run away and meets a human girl in the forest. He then takes the human world by storm and becomes a star, ultimately known as the easter bunny. Despite his fame and success, he feels lonely without his family. So he returns home on easter, as he realizes that nothing is compared to the warmth of family.



    Netto - Easter Surprise










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