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    案例简介:描述有关您所在国家/地区的健康与健康通信的任何限制或法规,包括: 不适用 健康与保健工作必须证明它如何满足 “改变生活的创造力” 的标准。为什么你的工作与健康相关? 尽管医学在理解精神卫生条件方面的进步呈指数级增长,提高认识和减少社会污名的努力已被证明是富有成效的,但这些并没有转化为行动。全球精神卫生的团结是变革的催化剂,致力于给每个地方的每个人提供帮助。 写一个关于电影中发生的事情的简短总结 我们把这部电影放在阁楼上,以此来比喻精神卫生如何被污名化,资金不足,隐藏在全球卫生预算的凹处。然后-点击-我们照亮了这个主题。我们希望这部电影能帮助精神卫生走出黑暗,走向光明。 陪审团的文化/背景信息 尽管大多数精神卫生疾病是可以预防或治疗的,但三分之二的人不会因其精神疾病获得任何支持或治疗。 “新思维” 动画强调了这一全球性问题,强调四分之一的人在生活中的某个时候会有精神卫生的状况。 这部电影由伦敦泰特现代美术馆 (Tate Modern) 全球精神卫生联合会 (United for Global) 首映,展示了从《柳叶刀》全球精神卫生与可持续发展委员会的报告中得出的确凿事实。该报告详细说明了如何在全球范围内实现良好的精神卫生。 告诉陪审团有关使用的动画的视觉效果/类型,并总结任何相关的挑战或技术。 这部电影是一部真正的爱情劳动,非常关心和关注细节。使用诸如拥抱的木制人物,解开的烦恼娃娃和正宗的木制人体模型之类的微型模型是一个真正的挑战,但是快节奏的努力工作导致了一部非常丰富且令人心动的短片。 这部电影是现场表演的结合,是在布里斯托尔一家名为Indira Rose的美丽古董店拍摄的。然后,用CGI定制了饰品头,使其看起来完全像老式打印机块托盘。里面的小饰品和道具是精心手工制作的,然后由导演本人在工作室里进行定格动画制作。所有组件都巧妙地组合在一起,看起来好像整个小饰品头真的在阁楼里栩栩如生。


    案例简介:Describe any restrictions or regulations regarding Health & Wellness communications in your country/region including: N/A Health & Wellness work must demonstrate how it meets the criteria 'life-changing creativity'. Why is your work relevant for Health & Wellness? Although medical advances in understanding mental health conditions have grown exponentially and efforts to raise awareness and decrease stigma in society have proven fruitful, these have not translated into action. United for Global Mental Health is a catalyst for change, committed to giving everyone everywhere someone to turn to. Write a short summary of what happens in the film We set the film in an attic, as a metaphor for how mental health is stigmatised, underfunded, hidden away in the recesses of global health budget. And then - click- we shine much needed light on the subject. We hope the film can help to bring mental health out of the darkness and into the light. Cultural/Context information for the jury Two in three people won’t receive any support or treatment for their mental illness, despite most mental health conditions being preventable or treatable. The ‘New Mindset’ animation underlines this global issue, highlighting that one in four people will have a mental health condition at some point in their life. The film, which was premiered by United for Global Mental Health at the Tate Modern in London, presents hard-hitting facts that were drawn from a report by The Lancet Commission on global mental health and sustainable development. That particular report, details how good mental health can be achieved across the globe. Tell the jury about visual effects / type(s) of animation used and summarise any relevant challenges or techniques. This film was a real labour of love with a lot of care and attention to detail. Working with miniatures like the hugging wooden figures, the untangling worry dolls and the authentic wooden mannequin hand were a real challenge, but the fast-paced hard work resulted in a wonderfully rich, and heart-warming short film. The film is a combination of live action, which was filmed in a beautiful antiques shop in Bristol called Indira Rose. The trinket head was then bespoke made in CGI to look exactly like a vintage printers block tray. The trinkets and props inside were carefully handcrafted, then stop-motion animated in the studio by the director himself. All the components were cleverly composited together to appear as if the whole trinket head was truly coming to life inside an attic.

    New Mindset

    案例简介:描述有关您所在国家/地区的健康与健康通信的任何限制或法规,包括: 不适用 健康与保健工作必须证明它如何满足 “改变生活的创造力” 的标准。为什么你的工作与健康相关? 尽管医学在理解精神卫生条件方面的进步呈指数级增长,提高认识和减少社会污名的努力已被证明是富有成效的,但这些并没有转化为行动。全球精神卫生的团结是变革的催化剂,致力于给每个地方的每个人提供帮助。 写一个关于电影中发生的事情的简短总结 我们把这部电影放在阁楼上,以此来比喻精神卫生如何被污名化,资金不足,隐藏在全球卫生预算的凹处。然后-点击-我们照亮了这个主题。我们希望这部电影能帮助精神卫生走出黑暗,走向光明。 陪审团的文化/背景信息 尽管大多数精神卫生疾病是可以预防或治疗的,但三分之二的人不会因其精神疾病获得任何支持或治疗。 “新思维” 动画强调了这一全球性问题,强调四分之一的人在生活中的某个时候会有精神卫生的状况。 这部电影由伦敦泰特现代美术馆 (Tate Modern) 全球精神卫生联合会 (United for Global) 首映,展示了从《柳叶刀》全球精神卫生与可持续发展委员会的报告中得出的确凿事实。该报告详细说明了如何在全球范围内实现良好的精神卫生。 告诉陪审团有关使用的动画的视觉效果/类型,并总结任何相关的挑战或技术。 这部电影是一部真正的爱情劳动,非常关心和关注细节。使用诸如拥抱的木制人物,解开的烦恼娃娃和正宗的木制人体模型之类的微型模型是一个真正的挑战,但是快节奏的努力工作导致了一部非常丰富且令人心动的短片。 这部电影是现场表演的结合,是在布里斯托尔一家名为Indira Rose的美丽古董店拍摄的。然后,用CGI定制了饰品头,使其看起来完全像老式打印机块托盘。里面的小饰品和道具是精心手工制作的,然后由导演本人在工作室里进行定格动画制作。所有组件都巧妙地组合在一起,看起来好像整个小饰品头真的在阁楼里栩栩如生。

    New Mindset

    案例简介:Describe any restrictions or regulations regarding Health & Wellness communications in your country/region including: N/A Health & Wellness work must demonstrate how it meets the criteria 'life-changing creativity'. Why is your work relevant for Health & Wellness? Although medical advances in understanding mental health conditions have grown exponentially and efforts to raise awareness and decrease stigma in society have proven fruitful, these have not translated into action. United for Global Mental Health is a catalyst for change, committed to giving everyone everywhere someone to turn to. Write a short summary of what happens in the film We set the film in an attic, as a metaphor for how mental health is stigmatised, underfunded, hidden away in the recesses of global health budget. And then - click- we shine much needed light on the subject. We hope the film can help to bring mental health out of the darkness and into the light. Cultural/Context information for the jury Two in three people won’t receive any support or treatment for their mental illness, despite most mental health conditions being preventable or treatable. The ‘New Mindset’ animation underlines this global issue, highlighting that one in four people will have a mental health condition at some point in their life. The film, which was premiered by United for Global Mental Health at the Tate Modern in London, presents hard-hitting facts that were drawn from a report by The Lancet Commission on global mental health and sustainable development. That particular report, details how good mental health can be achieved across the globe. Tell the jury about visual effects / type(s) of animation used and summarise any relevant challenges or techniques. This film was a real labour of love with a lot of care and attention to detail. Working with miniatures like the hugging wooden figures, the untangling worry dolls and the authentic wooden mannequin hand were a real challenge, but the fast-paced hard work resulted in a wonderfully rich, and heart-warming short film. The film is a combination of live action, which was filmed in a beautiful antiques shop in Bristol called Indira Rose. The trinket head was then bespoke made in CGI to look exactly like a vintage printers block tray. The trinkets and props inside were carefully handcrafted, then stop-motion animated in the studio by the director himself. All the components were cleverly composited together to appear as if the whole trinket head was truly coming to life inside an attic.



    New Mindset










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