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    I'm With The Banned微电影广告营销案例




    案例简介:大纲 2017年,特朗普政府出台了 “旅行禁令”,限制六个穆斯林占多数的国家的公民进入美国。在这场争论之后,Spotify 决定伸出援手,提升这些社区音乐家的声音 -- 并专注于一直处于抵抗中心的音乐,赋权与变革。 策略 为了与我们作为音乐公司的角色保持一致,“我与被禁者同在” 旨在将艺术家和音乐置于叙事的中心。这些艺术家是根据他们独特的故事挑选出来的,包括来自索马里的嘻哈集体 Waayaha Cusub 和第一个在也门公开演奏的女音乐家之一 Methal。我们将这些 “被禁止” 的艺术家与著名的美国艺术家配对,以扩大活动的范围,使我们能够用新材料瞄准现有的美国艺术家粉丝。我们在 2017年的新闻周期中发布了与旅行禁令同步的内容,以确保影响和相关性。 相关性 在每个时代和每个国家,群体都因其身份和信仰而被排除在外。2017 也不例外。但是纵观历史,这些不公正不可避免地在音乐中找到了表现。因此,当 2017年提出美国旅行禁令时,Spotify 创建了我与被禁者在一起。在多伦多,该项目将来自 “被禁止” 国家的六位崭露头角的艺术家与六位老牌美国艺术家聚集在一起,创作了六首新的合作歌曲。这些歌曲随一系列记录每位艺术家旅程的电影一起发行,已经流传了 1000万多次。 结果 这些歌曲已经流传了 1000万多次,4 在全球病毒 50 排行榜 (Spotify 上的一张图表标志着平台上最流行的病毒歌曲) 上排名前 10 位。纪录片内容被浏览了 520万多次。《我与被禁者》也出现在联合国的 “媒体促进社会影响” 峰会上,并作为联合国大会期间全球人民峰会的一部分。这项工作得到了该领域领先组织穆斯林倡导者的认可。最重要的是,该活动对艺术家的生活产生了真正的影响,像 Moh Flow 和 Ahmed Fakroun 这样的艺术家在发布后看到了 145-270% 的增加。这个节目将 Sufyvn 从一个甚至没有在 Spotify 上的艺术家变成了一个拥有超过 4m 流的艺术家,放置在领先的播放列表上,比如 Are & Be,以及每月超过 300 的听众。 执行 音乐家们在多伦多相遇,因为去美国的旅行太不确定了,歌曲在不到三天的时间里被录制下来。我们拍摄了六部原创电影的合作,每部电影都记录了艺术家的合作以及 “被禁止” 艺术家在那里经历的情感之旅。歌曲和电影在 Spotify 的多媒体播放列表中发布。我们在最高法院预定的旅行禁令听证会的那一周发布了播放列表。几个月后,我们在纽约洛杉矶的特别放映活动中跟随了一部长篇纪录片,距离华盛顿特区的白宫不到一英里 C.-以及在电视频道 Viceland。我们在全国 OOH 活动中宣传艺术家,通常是为超级巨星保留的位置,以及机场等战略位置。 活动描述 “我和被禁的人在一起” 是一个将六个 “被禁” 国家的艺术家与多伦多的美国艺术家聚集在一起创作六首原创合作歌曲的节目。我们将这些歌曲与讲述每位艺术家故事的视频内容配对。我们通过标题为 “当人们不能旅行时,音乐会旅行” 的全国性营销活动来支持这一切这个想法是为了在这项政策上树立一张人性的面孔,向世界各地的人们展示当人们被禁止时,我们真正会失去什么。


    案例简介:Synopsis In early 2017 the Trump administration introduced the “Travel Ban,” restricting citizens from six majority-Muslim nations from entering the United States. In the wake of this controversy, Spotify decided to lend its hand by elevating the voices of musicians from these communities—and by focusing on music, which has always been at the center of resistance, empowerment, and change. Strategy In keeping with our role as a music company, “I’m With the Banned” aimed to put artists and music at the centre of the narrative. The artists were selected based on their unique stories, and included Waayaha Cusub, a hip-hop collective from Somalia, and Methal, one of the first female musician to play publicly in Yemen. We paired these “banned” artists with big-name U.S. artists in order to extend the reach of the campaign, allowing us to target existing fans of the U.S. artists with new material. And we released the content in sync with the Travel Ban’s path through the news cycle in 2017, to ensure impact and relevance. Relevancy In every era and in every country groups of people have been excluded for their identities and beliefs. 2017 was no exception. But throughout history, these injustices inevitably find an expression in music. So when the U.S. Travel Ban was proposed in early 2017, Spotify created I’m With the Banned. In Toronto, the program brought together six up-and-coming artists from the “banned” nations with six established American artists to create six new collaborative songs. The songs were released with a series of films chronicling each artist’s journey, and have already been streamed over 10 million times. Outcome The songs have been streamed over 10 million times, and 4 landed among the Top 10 most-streamed songs on the Global Viral 50 Chart (a chart on Spotify marking the most viral songs on the platform). The documentary content was viewed over 5.2 million times. I’m With the Banned was also featured at the United Nations’ “Media for Social Impact” summit, and as part of the Global People’s Summit during the UN’s General Assembly. The work was recognized by Muslim Advocates, a leading organization in the space. Most importantly, the campaign made a real impact in the artists’ lives, with artists like Moh Flow and Ahmed Fakroun seeing a 145-270% increase in streams after the launch. This program took Sufyvn from being an artist who wasn’t even on Spotify to an artist with over 4M streams, placement on leading playlists like Are & Be, and over 300K monthly listeners. Execution The musicians met in Toronto, as travel to the U.S. was too uncertain, and the songs were recorded in less than three days. We captured the collaborations for six original films, each of which chronicled the artists’ collaborations as well as the emotional journeys the “banned” artists experienced in getting there. The songs and films were released in multimedia playlists on Spotify. We released the playlists the week of the Supreme Court’s scheduled hearing of arguments on the Travel Ban. Months later, we followed with a long-form documentary at special screening events in LA, New York, and less than one mile from the White House in Washington, D.C.—as well as on the TV channel Viceland. And we promoted the artists in a national OOH campaign, in placements usually reserved for superstars, as well as strategic locations such as airports. CampaignDescription “I’m With the Banned,” was a program that brought artists from each of the six “banned” nations together with American artists—in Toronto—to create six original, collaborative songs. We paired these songs with video content that told each artist’s story. And we supported it all with a nationwide marketing campaign under the headline, “When people can’t travel, music will.” The idea was to put a human face on this policy, and show people around the world what we truly stand to lose when people are banned.

    I'm With The Banned

    案例简介:大纲 2017年,特朗普政府出台了 “旅行禁令”,限制六个穆斯林占多数的国家的公民进入美国。在这场争论之后,Spotify 决定伸出援手,提升这些社区音乐家的声音 -- 并专注于一直处于抵抗中心的音乐,赋权与变革。 策略 为了与我们作为音乐公司的角色保持一致,“我与被禁者同在” 旨在将艺术家和音乐置于叙事的中心。这些艺术家是根据他们独特的故事挑选出来的,包括来自索马里的嘻哈集体 Waayaha Cusub 和第一个在也门公开演奏的女音乐家之一 Methal。我们将这些 “被禁止” 的艺术家与著名的美国艺术家配对,以扩大活动的范围,使我们能够用新材料瞄准现有的美国艺术家粉丝。我们在 2017年的新闻周期中发布了与旅行禁令同步的内容,以确保影响和相关性。 相关性 在每个时代和每个国家,群体都因其身份和信仰而被排除在外。2017 也不例外。但是纵观历史,这些不公正不可避免地在音乐中找到了表现。因此,当 2017年提出美国旅行禁令时,Spotify 创建了我与被禁者在一起。在多伦多,该项目将来自 “被禁止” 国家的六位崭露头角的艺术家与六位老牌美国艺术家聚集在一起,创作了六首新的合作歌曲。这些歌曲随一系列记录每位艺术家旅程的电影一起发行,已经流传了 1000万多次。 结果 这些歌曲已经流传了 1000万多次,4 在全球病毒 50 排行榜 (Spotify 上的一张图表标志着平台上最流行的病毒歌曲) 上排名前 10 位。纪录片内容被浏览了 520万多次。《我与被禁者》也出现在联合国的 “媒体促进社会影响” 峰会上,并作为联合国大会期间全球人民峰会的一部分。这项工作得到了该领域领先组织穆斯林倡导者的认可。最重要的是,该活动对艺术家的生活产生了真正的影响,像 Moh Flow 和 Ahmed Fakroun 这样的艺术家在发布后看到了 145-270% 的增加。这个节目将 Sufyvn 从一个甚至没有在 Spotify 上的艺术家变成了一个拥有超过 4m 流的艺术家,放置在领先的播放列表上,比如 Are & Be,以及每月超过 300 的听众。 执行 音乐家们在多伦多相遇,因为去美国的旅行太不确定了,歌曲在不到三天的时间里被录制下来。我们拍摄了六部原创电影的合作,每部电影都记录了艺术家的合作以及 “被禁止” 艺术家在那里经历的情感之旅。歌曲和电影在 Spotify 的多媒体播放列表中发布。我们在最高法院预定的旅行禁令听证会的那一周发布了播放列表。几个月后,我们在纽约洛杉矶的特别放映活动中跟随了一部长篇纪录片,距离华盛顿特区的白宫不到一英里 C.-以及在电视频道 Viceland。我们在全国 OOH 活动中宣传艺术家,通常是为超级巨星保留的位置,以及机场等战略位置。 活动描述 “我和被禁的人在一起” 是一个将六个 “被禁” 国家的艺术家与多伦多的美国艺术家聚集在一起创作六首原创合作歌曲的节目。我们将这些歌曲与讲述每位艺术家故事的视频内容配对。我们通过标题为 “当人们不能旅行时,音乐会旅行” 的全国性营销活动来支持这一切这个想法是为了在这项政策上树立一张人性的面孔,向世界各地的人们展示当人们被禁止时,我们真正会失去什么。

    I'm With The Banned

    案例简介:Synopsis In early 2017 the Trump administration introduced the “Travel Ban,” restricting citizens from six majority-Muslim nations from entering the United States. In the wake of this controversy, Spotify decided to lend its hand by elevating the voices of musicians from these communities—and by focusing on music, which has always been at the center of resistance, empowerment, and change. Strategy In keeping with our role as a music company, “I’m With the Banned” aimed to put artists and music at the centre of the narrative. The artists were selected based on their unique stories, and included Waayaha Cusub, a hip-hop collective from Somalia, and Methal, one of the first female musician to play publicly in Yemen. We paired these “banned” artists with big-name U.S. artists in order to extend the reach of the campaign, allowing us to target existing fans of the U.S. artists with new material. And we released the content in sync with the Travel Ban’s path through the news cycle in 2017, to ensure impact and relevance. Relevancy In every era and in every country groups of people have been excluded for their identities and beliefs. 2017 was no exception. But throughout history, these injustices inevitably find an expression in music. So when the U.S. Travel Ban was proposed in early 2017, Spotify created I’m With the Banned. In Toronto, the program brought together six up-and-coming artists from the “banned” nations with six established American artists to create six new collaborative songs. The songs were released with a series of films chronicling each artist’s journey, and have already been streamed over 10 million times. Outcome The songs have been streamed over 10 million times, and 4 landed among the Top 10 most-streamed songs on the Global Viral 50 Chart (a chart on Spotify marking the most viral songs on the platform). The documentary content was viewed over 5.2 million times. I’m With the Banned was also featured at the United Nations’ “Media for Social Impact” summit, and as part of the Global People’s Summit during the UN’s General Assembly. The work was recognized by Muslim Advocates, a leading organization in the space. Most importantly, the campaign made a real impact in the artists’ lives, with artists like Moh Flow and Ahmed Fakroun seeing a 145-270% increase in streams after the launch. This program took Sufyvn from being an artist who wasn’t even on Spotify to an artist with over 4M streams, placement on leading playlists like Are & Be, and over 300K monthly listeners. Execution The musicians met in Toronto, as travel to the U.S. was too uncertain, and the songs were recorded in less than three days. We captured the collaborations for six original films, each of which chronicled the artists’ collaborations as well as the emotional journeys the “banned” artists experienced in getting there. The songs and films were released in multimedia playlists on Spotify. We released the playlists the week of the Supreme Court’s scheduled hearing of arguments on the Travel Ban. Months later, we followed with a long-form documentary at special screening events in LA, New York, and less than one mile from the White House in Washington, D.C.—as well as on the TV channel Viceland. And we promoted the artists in a national OOH campaign, in placements usually reserved for superstars, as well as strategic locations such as airports. CampaignDescription “I’m With the Banned,” was a program that brought artists from each of the six “banned” nations together with American artists—in Toronto—to create six original, collaborative songs. We paired these songs with video content that told each artist’s story. And we supported it all with a nationwide marketing campaign under the headline, “When people can’t travel, music will.” The idea was to put a human face on this policy, and show people around the world what we truly stand to lose when people are banned.



    I'm With The Banned










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