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    # 平等运动

    案例简介:背景 教科文组织的包容性和可持续城市国际联盟 (ICCAR) 是一个城市网络,目的是打击日常生活中的种族主义,歧视,仇外心理和排斥。 他们需要一场运动,让人们参与正在进行的、有待解决的不平等斗争。没有其他日期比3月21日消除种族歧视国际日更合适。 主要目标是以非常低的预算发出强烈的信息。 这意味着非常方便移动。 描述创意 联合国教科文组织ICCAR招募了国际象棋影响者马格努斯·卡尔森 (Magnus Carlsen) 和阿尼什·吉里 (Anish Giri) 进行象征性游戏,但规则被打破: 他们不是从白色开始,而是从黑色开始。 描述策略 这场运动最初是为了激怒国际象棋界。接触点是经过精心选择的,以预期的方式放大信息-通过社交媒体 (世界上最大的国际象棋应用程序之一) 和Twitch上的实时流。 所有这些工具最终将使运动打破国际象棋界的障碍并变得更大,因为有机份额可以使与这项运动无关但仍然对该主题敏感的人们获得信息。 描述执行情况 这一切都始于马格努斯·卡尔森 (Magnus Carlsen) 和阿尼什·吉里 (Anish Giri) 的社交媒体。他们发布了一段视频,展示了他们打破规则,将国际象棋视为生活的隐喻。 足以在社交媒体上的 # moveforequality标签下引起大量讨论。 用户在www.moveforequality.com上找到了更多信息,而在最大的国际象棋应用程序之一PlayMagnus上,世界各地的用户都可以从黑色开始玩。12小时的直播节目中,其他专业玩家以黑色开始与随机用户竞争。 受该信息的启发并受到该主题的参与,越来越多的人在Facebook,Twitter,Instagram和国际媒体上分享了我们的信息。 在24小时内,这些帖子已经收集了超过1,000股。通过国际媒体的报道而增加。 列出结果 一周内超过500万次观看。 • 3100万人受到影响。 • 8,8万美元的媒体收入。 • 211国际媒体报道。数数。 • 1个黑色棋子被要求在阿姆斯特丹的Max Euwe国际象棋博物馆永久展示,作为 “国际象棋的历史性举动” 的工具。

    # 平等运动

    案例简介:Background The International Coalition of Inclusive and Sustainable Cities (ICCAR) by UNESCO is a network of cities in order to fight racism, discrimination, xenophobia and exclusion in daily life. They needed a campaign to engage people on the on-going and far-to-be-over fight against inequality. No other date could be a better fit than March 21st, the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. The main goal was to send a strong message with very low budget. Which meant to be extremely mobile-friendly. Describe the creative idea UNESCO ICCAR recruited chess influencers Magnus Carlsen and Anish Giri to do a symbolic game with one rule broken: instead of starting with white, they started with black. Describe the strategy The campaign was made to provoke, at first, the international chess community. The touching points were carefully chosen to amplify the message in the expected way - via social media, one of the biggest chess apps in the world, and a live stream on Twitch. All these tools would eventually make the movement break the barriers of the chess community and go bigger, since organic shares could make the message reach out for people who are not related to the sport but that were still sensitive for the topic. Describe the execution It all started on Magnus Carlsen’s and Anish Giri’s Social Media. They posted a video featuring them breaking the rule and treating chess as a metaphor for life. Enough to generate plenty of discussion under the hashtag #moveforequality on social media. Users found more information on www.moveforequality.com, while also on PlayMagnus, one of the biggest chess apps, users around the world could play with black starting. A 12-hour live stream featured other professional players competing with random users with black starting. Inspired by the message and engaged by the subject, more and more people on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and international media shared our message. Within 24 hours the posts already gathered over one thousand shares. Increased by reporting of international media. List the results • Over 500k views within a week. • 31 Million people impacted. • 8,8 Million US$ in earned media. • 211 international media reports. And counting. • 1 black pawn requested to be displayed permanently at Amsterdam’s Max Euwe Chess Museum as the instrument of “a historic move for chess”.


    案例简介:背景 教科文组织的包容性和可持续城市国际联盟 (ICCAR) 是一个城市网络,目的是打击日常生活中的种族主义,歧视,仇外心理和排斥。 他们需要一场运动,让人们参与正在进行的、有待解决的不平等斗争。没有其他日期比3月21日消除种族歧视国际日更合适。 主要目标是以非常低的预算发出强烈的信息。 这意味着非常方便移动。 描述创意 联合国教科文组织ICCAR招募了国际象棋影响者马格努斯·卡尔森 (Magnus Carlsen) 和阿尼什·吉里 (Anish Giri) 进行象征性游戏,但规则被打破: 他们不是从白色开始,而是从黑色开始。 描述策略 这场运动最初是为了激怒国际象棋界。接触点是经过精心选择的,以预期的方式放大信息-通过社交媒体 (世界上最大的国际象棋应用程序之一) 和Twitch上的实时流。 所有这些工具最终将使运动打破国际象棋界的障碍并变得更大,因为有机份额可以使与这项运动无关但仍然对该主题敏感的人们获得信息。 描述执行情况 这一切都始于马格努斯·卡尔森 (Magnus Carlsen) 和阿尼什·吉里 (Anish Giri) 的社交媒体。他们发布了一段视频,展示了他们打破规则,将国际象棋视为生活的隐喻。 足以在社交媒体上的 # moveforequality标签下引起大量讨论。 用户在www.moveforequality.com上找到了更多信息,而在最大的国际象棋应用程序之一PlayMagnus上,世界各地的用户都可以从黑色开始玩。12小时的直播节目中,其他专业玩家以黑色开始与随机用户竞争。 受该信息的启发并受到该主题的参与,越来越多的人在Facebook,Twitter,Instagram和国际媒体上分享了我们的信息。 在24小时内,这些帖子已经收集了超过1,000股。通过国际媒体的报道而增加。 列出结果 一周内超过500万次观看。 • 3100万人受到影响。 • 8,8万美元的媒体收入。 • 211国际媒体报道。数数。 • 1个黑色棋子被要求在阿姆斯特丹的Max Euwe国际象棋博物馆永久展示,作为 “国际象棋的历史性举动” 的工具。


    案例简介:Background The International Coalition of Inclusive and Sustainable Cities (ICCAR) by UNESCO is a network of cities in order to fight racism, discrimination, xenophobia and exclusion in daily life. They needed a campaign to engage people on the on-going and far-to-be-over fight against inequality. No other date could be a better fit than March 21st, the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. The main goal was to send a strong message with very low budget. Which meant to be extremely mobile-friendly. Describe the creative idea UNESCO ICCAR recruited chess influencers Magnus Carlsen and Anish Giri to do a symbolic game with one rule broken: instead of starting with white, they started with black. Describe the strategy The campaign was made to provoke, at first, the international chess community. The touching points were carefully chosen to amplify the message in the expected way - via social media, one of the biggest chess apps in the world, and a live stream on Twitch. All these tools would eventually make the movement break the barriers of the chess community and go bigger, since organic shares could make the message reach out for people who are not related to the sport but that were still sensitive for the topic. Describe the execution It all started on Magnus Carlsen’s and Anish Giri’s Social Media. They posted a video featuring them breaking the rule and treating chess as a metaphor for life. Enough to generate plenty of discussion under the hashtag #moveforequality on social media. Users found more information on www.moveforequality.com, while also on PlayMagnus, one of the biggest chess apps, users around the world could play with black starting. A 12-hour live stream featured other professional players competing with random users with black starting. Inspired by the message and engaged by the subject, more and more people on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and international media shared our message. Within 24 hours the posts already gathered over one thousand shares. Increased by reporting of international media. List the results • Over 500k views within a week. • 31 Million people impacted. • 8,8 Million US$ in earned media. • 211 international media reports. And counting. • 1 black pawn requested to be displayed permanently at Amsterdam’s Max Euwe Chess Museum as the instrument of “a historic move for chess”.

    # 平等运动








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