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    案例简介:背景 VOO Telecom是比利时最大的电信挑战者。由于互联网已成为我们日常生活的一部分,因此切换提供商的主要战场和原因之一就是互联网的速度。VOO Telecom投资了现代技术,因此,他们现在能够为客户提供比最大竞争对手比利时电信市场领导者快4倍的互联网速度。 简介: 在快速增长的游戏社区中获得市场份额 (和心脏份额)。更具体地说,在观看其他人在线观看他们的游戏的社区中。一个比人们在电视上观看体育赛事更大的怪物产业。显然,对于这个社区来说,无论是流媒体还是观察者,快速的互联网都是关键。 描述创意 (投票30%) 愤怒的横幅。第一个实时,语音激活的横幅,我们观看游戏的玩家在线播放他们的游戏,只有当这些游戏玩家开始对他们缓慢的互联网感到愤怒时才会看到。 他们的愤怒甚至被转录在动画横幅中。 为此,我们与20多个不同的法国游戏玩家 (影响者) 合作,平均拥有100K订户。 描述策略 (投票20%) 人们看着别人在网上玩游戏已经成为一个怪物产业。现在,在Twitch和YouTube上观看游戏玩家的人数比在电视上观看体育比赛的人数还多。显然,对于流媒体和观看的人来说,快速的互联网和快速的下载都是至关重要的。从比利时最大的电信挑战者VOO出售比利时最快的互联网 (速度高达4倍) 的确切权利和非常大的社区。因此,目的是通过前所未有的 “语音激活” 技术特技吸引游戏观众的注意力,并通过这样做说服他们,打破他们的惯性并使他们切换到VOO。 描述执行情况 (投票20%) 首先,我们编写了一个OBS插件。重要提示: OBS是用于流媒体在线游戏的最受欢迎的软件。此OBS插件将自身附加到麦克风音频,并使用Microsoft认知服务根据关键字实时转录语音数据。然后我们编程了所有可能的 “慢速互联网” 关键字,诅咒和愤怒 (到目前为止只有法语)。之后,一旦检测到 “由于互联网缓慢而肆虐”,就会自动在实时流的顶部显示带有动画横幅的叠加层。这种技术 “特技” 在Youtube上-live à ndtwitch (最大的游戏流媒体平台) 上都有效。导致横幅出现在Twitch上,这也是第一次。然后,我们与一大群游戏玩家合作-大约20个不同的法国游戏玩家,平均有超过100的用户-谁下载了插件。我们等待他们的互联网落后…… 列出结果 (投票30%) 仅在最初的5天内,“狂怒的横幅” 就出现在78个不同的流中,覆盖了380万多名观众,并在正确的时间传达了正确的信息。数以百计的积极评论。网站访问量上升了60% %。导致销售额20% 增长。


    案例简介:Background VOO Telecom is Belgium’s biggest Telecom Challenger. Since the internet has become so much part of our daily life, one of the main battlefields and reasons to switch provider is the speed of the internet. VOO Telecom has invested in modern technology and because of that, they are now able to offer their clients an internet speed that can be up to 4 times faster than their biggest competitor, the Belgian Telco market leader. Brief: gain market share (and share of heart) within the fast-growing gaming community. More specifically within the community of people watching other people stream their games online. A monster industry which has become bigger than people watching sports on television. Obviously for this community, both for the streamers and the watchers, a speedy internet is key. Describe the creative idea (30% of vote) Raging banners. The first real-time, voice-activated banners that people that our watching gamers stream their game online, will only see when those gamers start raging about their slow internet. Their rage even being transcribed in the animated banner. To do so we partnered with over 20 different French gamers (influencers), with an average of 100K subscribers. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) People watching other people playing games online has become a monster industry. There are now more people watching gamers play on Twitch and YouTube Live than there are people watching sports on television. Obviously, both for the streamers and the ones watching, a speedy internet and fast downloads are critical. The exact right and very big community to sell Belgium’s fastest internet (up to 4 times faster) from Belgium’s biggest Telco challenger VOO. So, the aim was to grab the attention of that gaming audience with a never seen before ‘voice-activated’ technical stunt and by doing so, convince them, break their inertia and make them switch to VOO. Describe the execution (20% of vote) First, we programed an OBS plug-in. Important: OBS is the most popular software used for streaming online games. This OBS plug-in attaches itself to the Microphone Audio and uses Microsoft Cognitive Services to transcribe speech data, in real-time, based on keywords. Then we programed all possible ‘slow internet’ keywords, cursing and raging (in French only so far). Afterwards, once ‘raging because of slow internet’ is detected, an overlay with an animated banner, is automatically shown on top of the live stream. This technical ‘stunt’ worked both on Youtube-live ànd Twitch (biggest game-streaming platforms). Resulting in banners appearing on Twitch, which is also a first. Then we partnered with a whole bunch of gamers – about 20 different French gamers with an average of over 100k subscribers - who downloaded the plug-in. And we waited for their internet to lag… . List the results (30% of vote) In only the first 5 days, the ‘raging banner’ appeared on 78 different streams, reaching over 3.8 million viewers, with the right message at exactly the right time. Engaging hundreds of positive comments. Website visits went up by 60%. Leading to a 20% increase in sales.

    Raging Banners

    案例简介:背景 VOO Telecom是比利时最大的电信挑战者。由于互联网已成为我们日常生活的一部分,因此切换提供商的主要战场和原因之一就是互联网的速度。VOO Telecom投资了现代技术,因此,他们现在能够为客户提供比最大竞争对手比利时电信市场领导者快4倍的互联网速度。 简介: 在快速增长的游戏社区中获得市场份额 (和心脏份额)。更具体地说,在观看其他人在线观看他们的游戏的社区中。一个比人们在电视上观看体育赛事更大的怪物产业。显然,对于这个社区来说,无论是流媒体还是观察者,快速的互联网都是关键。 描述创意 (投票30%) 愤怒的横幅。第一个实时,语音激活的横幅,我们观看游戏的玩家在线播放他们的游戏,只有当这些游戏玩家开始对他们缓慢的互联网感到愤怒时才会看到。 他们的愤怒甚至被转录在动画横幅中。 为此,我们与20多个不同的法国游戏玩家 (影响者) 合作,平均拥有100K订户。 描述策略 (投票20%) 人们看着别人在网上玩游戏已经成为一个怪物产业。现在,在Twitch和YouTube上观看游戏玩家的人数比在电视上观看体育比赛的人数还多。显然,对于流媒体和观看的人来说,快速的互联网和快速的下载都是至关重要的。从比利时最大的电信挑战者VOO出售比利时最快的互联网 (速度高达4倍) 的确切权利和非常大的社区。因此,目的是通过前所未有的 “语音激活” 技术特技吸引游戏观众的注意力,并通过这样做说服他们,打破他们的惯性并使他们切换到VOO。 描述执行情况 (投票20%) 首先,我们编写了一个OBS插件。重要提示: OBS是用于流媒体在线游戏的最受欢迎的软件。此OBS插件将自身附加到麦克风音频,并使用Microsoft认知服务根据关键字实时转录语音数据。然后我们编程了所有可能的 “慢速互联网” 关键字,诅咒和愤怒 (到目前为止只有法语)。之后,一旦检测到 “由于互联网缓慢而肆虐”,就会自动在实时流的顶部显示带有动画横幅的叠加层。这种技术 “特技” 在Youtube上-live à ndtwitch (最大的游戏流媒体平台) 上都有效。导致横幅出现在Twitch上,这也是第一次。然后,我们与一大群游戏玩家合作-大约20个不同的法国游戏玩家,平均有超过100的用户-谁下载了插件。我们等待他们的互联网落后…… 列出结果 (投票30%) 仅在最初的5天内,“狂怒的横幅” 就出现在78个不同的流中,覆盖了380万多名观众,并在正确的时间传达了正确的信息。数以百计的积极评论。网站访问量上升了60% %。导致销售额20% 增长。

    Raging Banners

    案例简介:Background VOO Telecom is Belgium’s biggest Telecom Challenger. Since the internet has become so much part of our daily life, one of the main battlefields and reasons to switch provider is the speed of the internet. VOO Telecom has invested in modern technology and because of that, they are now able to offer their clients an internet speed that can be up to 4 times faster than their biggest competitor, the Belgian Telco market leader. Brief: gain market share (and share of heart) within the fast-growing gaming community. More specifically within the community of people watching other people stream their games online. A monster industry which has become bigger than people watching sports on television. Obviously for this community, both for the streamers and the watchers, a speedy internet is key. Describe the creative idea (30% of vote) Raging banners. The first real-time, voice-activated banners that people that our watching gamers stream their game online, will only see when those gamers start raging about their slow internet. Their rage even being transcribed in the animated banner. To do so we partnered with over 20 different French gamers (influencers), with an average of 100K subscribers. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) People watching other people playing games online has become a monster industry. There are now more people watching gamers play on Twitch and YouTube Live than there are people watching sports on television. Obviously, both for the streamers and the ones watching, a speedy internet and fast downloads are critical. The exact right and very big community to sell Belgium’s fastest internet (up to 4 times faster) from Belgium’s biggest Telco challenger VOO. So, the aim was to grab the attention of that gaming audience with a never seen before ‘voice-activated’ technical stunt and by doing so, convince them, break their inertia and make them switch to VOO. Describe the execution (20% of vote) First, we programed an OBS plug-in. Important: OBS is the most popular software used for streaming online games. This OBS plug-in attaches itself to the Microphone Audio and uses Microsoft Cognitive Services to transcribe speech data, in real-time, based on keywords. Then we programed all possible ‘slow internet’ keywords, cursing and raging (in French only so far). Afterwards, once ‘raging because of slow internet’ is detected, an overlay with an animated banner, is automatically shown on top of the live stream. This technical ‘stunt’ worked both on Youtube-live ànd Twitch (biggest game-streaming platforms). Resulting in banners appearing on Twitch, which is also a first. Then we partnered with a whole bunch of gamers – about 20 different French gamers with an average of over 100k subscribers - who downloaded the plug-in. And we waited for their internet to lag… . List the results (30% of vote) In only the first 5 days, the ‘raging banner’ appeared on 78 different streams, reaching over 3.8 million viewers, with the right message at exactly the right time. Engaging hundreds of positive comments. Website visits went up by 60%. Leading to a 20% increase in sales.



    Raging Banners










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