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    Stop HB2短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:Relevancy Unfortunately, House Bill 2 was the story in North Carolina last year, pushing the state into the national spotlight for all the wrong reasons. A bill passed under cover of darkness that discriminated against the LGBTQ community, HB2 had businesses, entertainers, and athletic events avoiding and boycotting the state, which ultimately cost billions. The only recourse North Carolinians had was to get the man who signed the bill, Governor Pat McCrory, voted out of office. To help make this happen, we worked to keep the bill’s negative effects top of mind until Election Day. Outcome The CEO letter garnered national media attention as it represented the first groundswell of corporate opposition to the bill. It netted 352 million PR impressions, including coverage on CNN, NBC, CBS, Fortune and Huffington Post and in major dailies nationwide. Our HB2 toilet paper earned 82 million PR impressions and dozens of calls to the agency requesting large orders. Things 2 Love about NC garnered 39 million impressions and a spot on the Popular on YouTube page. And our boycott band scored 59 million PR impressions, landing on Funny or Die, the pages of Huffington Post and Adweek, and the cover of a nationally awarded Independent Weekly. That’s over half a billion impressions without the benefit of any paid media. But the truest measure of our campaign was felt on Election Day, when our governor was the only Republican governor not to be re-elected. Furthermore, his continued attachment to this ill-conceived bill was viewed as the reason for his defeat. Synopsis On March 23, 2016, North Carolina’s HB2 greatly limited the ability of local government to enact anti-discrimination ordinances and required people to use the single-sex public restroom corresponding with the gender identified on their birth certificate. Uproar over HB2 ensued. National acts like Bruce Springsteen and Pearl Jam canceled their performances, sporting organizations like the NBA and the NCAA moved their events out of the state, PayPal withdrew its plan to expand in Charlotte, and supporters of the transgender community vowed to fight. From day one, Equality NC stood firm: HB2 was bad for people and bad for business. So how could we help their efforts to repeal the bill?Instead of turning to paid media, we turned to the most effective means of change we know: creativity. CampaignDescription Each leg of our campaign served to keep the bill, and its negative impact on the state, top of mind during the eight months between the bill’s passage and the election.First, we wrote and published a letter, signed by over 100 CEOs, strongly urging a repeal. When the governor wasn’t swayed, we wrote on a different kind of paper, putting the “bathroom bill” where it belongs: on toilet paper. We took our two-ply symbol of resistance to protests and sent it to local businesses, chambers of commerce, universities, and media outlets. Amid increasing boycotts, we launched Things 2 Love About NC, a YouTube channel featuring videos that, thanks to HB2, didn’t exist. When real bands refused to play, we reunited a fake one to fill in. Our fake band starred in a real documentary, had real really bad songs, and landed on the real cover of a real publication. Execution First, we crafted and released the letter urging the governor to repeal, including signatures from Mark Zuckerberg, Tim Cook, the heads of Google and Starbuck’s, and 96 other CEOs. We sent HB2 toilet paper to journalists and bloggers nationwide, urging them to flush HB2 (after writing about it, of course). We wrapped protestors “mummy-style” in the toilet paper, and sent rolls to universities and businesses so they could join the protest. With Things 2 Love about NC, click-bait headlines (“Triple Rainbow!”) landed the videos on the Popular on YouTube section. And PR for the boycott band was appropriately absurd. We went old school, hand-typing a release on an IBM Selectric, snail-mailed to reporters with a Tiger Beat-like publicity shot. “Real” interviews were held with incredulous reporters who were eventually brought “under the tent.” The stories were as ridiculous as the band itself, inviting thousands of readers in on the joke. Strategy Our campaign reacted to whatever negative impact the bill was having on our state. With no paid media, we needed to draft off of news about the bill as it occurred. We wrote the letter that gave over a hundred businesses the first platform with which to express opposition to the bill, making national news in the process. Then we put the bill on toilet paper, making an attention-grabbing statement against the “bathroom bill.” We countered the torrent of bad news about the state with Things 2 Love about NC, featuring click-bait headlines, which helped the site, and our anti-HB2 message, land on the Popular on YouTube page. As boycotts continued, we created an absurd narrative that would only make sense in 2016 North Carolina. Our boycott band made Funny or Die and the cover of Indy Week, inviting thousands to meet the band that never should have been.

    Stop HB2


    Stop HB2

    案例简介:Relevancy Unfortunately, House Bill 2 was the story in North Carolina last year, pushing the state into the national spotlight for all the wrong reasons. A bill passed under cover of darkness that discriminated against the LGBTQ community, HB2 had businesses, entertainers, and athletic events avoiding and boycotting the state, which ultimately cost billions. The only recourse North Carolinians had was to get the man who signed the bill, Governor Pat McCrory, voted out of office. To help make this happen, we worked to keep the bill’s negative effects top of mind until Election Day. Outcome The CEO letter garnered national media attention as it represented the first groundswell of corporate opposition to the bill. It netted 352 million PR impressions, including coverage on CNN, NBC, CBS, Fortune and Huffington Post and in major dailies nationwide. Our HB2 toilet paper earned 82 million PR impressions and dozens of calls to the agency requesting large orders. Things 2 Love about NC garnered 39 million impressions and a spot on the Popular on YouTube page. And our boycott band scored 59 million PR impressions, landing on Funny or Die, the pages of Huffington Post and Adweek, and the cover of a nationally awarded Independent Weekly. That’s over half a billion impressions without the benefit of any paid media. But the truest measure of our campaign was felt on Election Day, when our governor was the only Republican governor not to be re-elected. Furthermore, his continued attachment to this ill-conceived bill was viewed as the reason for his defeat. Synopsis On March 23, 2016, North Carolina’s HB2 greatly limited the ability of local government to enact anti-discrimination ordinances and required people to use the single-sex public restroom corresponding with the gender identified on their birth certificate. Uproar over HB2 ensued. National acts like Bruce Springsteen and Pearl Jam canceled their performances, sporting organizations like the NBA and the NCAA moved their events out of the state, PayPal withdrew its plan to expand in Charlotte, and supporters of the transgender community vowed to fight. From day one, Equality NC stood firm: HB2 was bad for people and bad for business. So how could we help their efforts to repeal the bill?Instead of turning to paid media, we turned to the most effective means of change we know: creativity. CampaignDescription Each leg of our campaign served to keep the bill, and its negative impact on the state, top of mind during the eight months between the bill’s passage and the election.First, we wrote and published a letter, signed by over 100 CEOs, strongly urging a repeal. When the governor wasn’t swayed, we wrote on a different kind of paper, putting the “bathroom bill” where it belongs: on toilet paper. We took our two-ply symbol of resistance to protests and sent it to local businesses, chambers of commerce, universities, and media outlets. Amid increasing boycotts, we launched Things 2 Love About NC, a YouTube channel featuring videos that, thanks to HB2, didn’t exist. When real bands refused to play, we reunited a fake one to fill in. Our fake band starred in a real documentary, had real really bad songs, and landed on the real cover of a real publication. Execution First, we crafted and released the letter urging the governor to repeal, including signatures from Mark Zuckerberg, Tim Cook, the heads of Google and Starbuck’s, and 96 other CEOs. We sent HB2 toilet paper to journalists and bloggers nationwide, urging them to flush HB2 (after writing about it, of course). We wrapped protestors “mummy-style” in the toilet paper, and sent rolls to universities and businesses so they could join the protest. With Things 2 Love about NC, click-bait headlines (“Triple Rainbow!”) landed the videos on the Popular on YouTube section. And PR for the boycott band was appropriately absurd. We went old school, hand-typing a release on an IBM Selectric, snail-mailed to reporters with a Tiger Beat-like publicity shot. “Real” interviews were held with incredulous reporters who were eventually brought “under the tent.” The stories were as ridiculous as the band itself, inviting thousands of readers in on the joke. Strategy Our campaign reacted to whatever negative impact the bill was having on our state. With no paid media, we needed to draft off of news about the bill as it occurred. We wrote the letter that gave over a hundred businesses the first platform with which to express opposition to the bill, making national news in the process. Then we put the bill on toilet paper, making an attention-grabbing statement against the “bathroom bill.” We countered the torrent of bad news about the state with Things 2 Love about NC, featuring click-bait headlines, which helped the site, and our anti-HB2 message, land on the Popular on YouTube page. As boycotts continued, we created an absurd narrative that would only make sense in 2016 North Carolina. Our boycott band made Funny or Die and the cover of Indy Week, inviting thousands to meet the band that never should have been.


    Stop HB2










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