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    # ShaveToRemember

    案例简介:世界不需要另一个纳尔逊·曼德拉。它需要一代曼德拉。# ShaveToRemember: 一个标志性的发型是如何激励一代人将曼德拉的价值观带到一个分裂的世界,你不能忽视它。每一个新闻周期都证实了世界正朝着一个令人不安的新方向前进。独裁主义、仇外心理、偏见和腐败威胁着新常态。当我们的领导人忙于在社交媒体上发泄他们仇恨的尖酸刻薄之时,讲述不同类型的领导人的故事变得越来越重要。一个在残酷的种族隔离政权手中被判入狱 27 年的监狱,出现时只选择爱和宽恕而不是仇恨。一个将他的国家从压迫引向和平民主的国家,在那里每个种族、宗教和信仰都是自由和平等的。他的名字叫纳尔逊·曼德拉,世界现在比以往任何时候都更需要他。但是正如巴拉克 · 奥巴马在最近纪念这位前总统百年庆典的演讲中所说,“我们再也见不到纳尔逊·曼德拉这样的人了。但是让我对非洲的年轻人和世界各地的年轻人说 -- 你也可以让他的生活成为你自己的工作。“这就是为什么奥美 · 约翰内斯堡,与飞利浦和纳尔逊·曼德拉基金会合作,设想了一种将曼德拉的遗产转化为任何人都可以自己采取的具体行动的方法。# ShavetoRemember 呼吁南非和其他地方的所有人采取行动,通过理发找到曼德拉。但这不仅仅是一个发型。将马迪巴线剃光到你的头发上是一个发自内心的承诺,将他的自由、和平、宽恕和平等价值观带到一个分裂的世界。因为不管我们是谁,我们来自哪里,或者我们的势力范围有多小, 我们都有能力成为我们希望在世界上看到的那种领导人。纳尔逊·曼德拉基金会首席执行官塞尔洛 · 哈坦说,“马迪巴头发上的道路代表了他走过的一条漫长的道路,但更重要的是, 这标志着我们所有被抛在后面继续自由、和平与平等之旅的人面前的距离。这就是为什么我们邀请每个人和我们一起穿着他标志性的剪裁,自豪地纪念他,也是为什么我们呼吁每个南非人和其他人通过实践他的价值观来寻找个人灵感,创造我们未来的绝对最佳版本。“当谈到寻找合作伙伴来实现将理发作为变革工具的愿景时,飞利浦是完美的选择。一个多世纪以来,飞利浦一直致力于创造解决方案,通过在整个欧洲大陆灌输对男人和女人的信心,让人们的生活变得更好,成为他们自己的最佳版本, 飞利浦总经理 Ntutule Tshenye 说。“被马迪巴的遗产迷住了,作为纳尔逊·曼德拉基金会的骄傲伙伴,我们相信这场运动将通过团结、反思、还有一种深刻的个人反省感,”他说。关于这场运动,这场运动始于一个强烈的行动呼吁,其中包括一些南非最有影响力的名人。这些大使播种了发型,这一点被金 · 格尔登胡斯拍摄的 0307 部电影放大了。 https://youtu.be/53DZTiHv-V8 ) 这部电影以前总统就职演说的录音开始。这使得他的话语被真实的南非人的不同演员传达。广告中的每一个字都是曼德拉自己的。这些人物都把著名的曼德拉线剃光了头发,在他们的日常生活和斗争中,用曼德拉的智慧作为灵感和指导, 潜在的叙述是每个人都有一个马迪巴。把理发带给人们,这项运动的一个重要部分是通过激活和一个特殊的移动理发店让大众可以接触到理发, 由一支经过特殊训练的飞利浦理发师和飞利浦快船组成的军队。限量版飞利浦 # shavetorember 快船正在全国各大零售商销售,其收益捐赠给纳尔逊·曼德拉基金会。每天都有越来越多的人在社交媒体上分享他们自己的 Madiba 理发。他没有死,他成倍增加。只要我们记住,我们每天的新闻周期向我们展示的东西还有一个替代方案,他的遗产就会继续存在。

    # ShaveToRemember

    案例简介:The world doesn’t need another Nelson Mandela. It needs a generation of Mandelas. #ShaveToRemember: How an iconic hairstyle is inspiring a generation to bring Mandela’s values to a divided worldYou can’t ignore it. Every news cycle confirms that the world’s heading in a disturbing new direction. One where authoritarianism, xenophobia, bigotry and corruption threatens to be the new normal. While our leaders are busy spewing their hateful vitriol all over social media, it’s become increasingly important to tell the story of different kind of leader. One that was condemned to a prison cell for 27 years at the hands of a brutal Apartheid regime, and emerged only to choose love and forgiveness over hate. One that led his country from oppression to a peaceful democracy where every race, religion and creed would be free and equal. His name was Nelson Mandela and the world needs him now more than ever. But as Barack Obama remarked in his recent speech marking the former president’s centenary celebration, “We will never see the likes of Nelson Mandela again. But let me say to the young people of Africa and the young people around the world -- you, too, can make his life’s work your own.” This is why Ogilvy Johannesburg, in partnership with Philips and The Nelson Mandela Foundation conceived a way to turn Mandela’s legacy into a tangible action that anyone can make their own. #ShavetoRemember is a call to action for all people in South Africa and beyond, to find the Mandela within them by getting his iconic haircut. But it’s more than a hairstyle. Getting the Madiba line shaved into your hair is a visceral pledge to bring his values of freedom, peace, forgiveness and equality to a divided world. Because it doesn’t matter who we are, where we come from or how small our sphere of influence is, we all have the ability to be the kind of leaders we wish to see in the world. Says Sello Hatang, Chief Executive of the Nelson Mandela Foundation, “The path that Madiba wore on his hair represents a long road that he walked, but more importantly, signifies the distance that still lies ahead for all of us that are left behind to continue the journey of freedom, peace and equality. That is why we are inviting everyone to join us in wearing his iconic cut with pride in remembrance, and why we call on each South African and beyond to find personal inspiration by living his values, and creating the absolute best version of our future.” When it came to finding a partner to realise the vision of using a haircut as a tool for change, Philips was the perfect fit. For over a century, Philips has been dedicated to creating solutions that make people’s lives better by instilling confidence in men and women, across the continent to be the best version of themselves,” says Ntutule Tshenye, General Manager, Philips. “Captivated by Madiba’s legacy, and as a proud partner of the Nelson Mandela Foundation, we believed that the campaign would bring his values to life through solidarity, reflection, and a deep sense of personal introspection,” he says. About the campaign The campaign started with a strong call to action featuring some of South Africa’s most influential celebrities. These ambassadors seeded the haircut and this was amplified by an emotive film shot by Kim Geldenhuys of 0307 Films. (https://youtu.be/53DZTiHv-V8) The film opens with a recording from the former President’s inaugural speech. This sets the scene as his words are delivered by a diverse cast of real South Africans. Every word in the ad is Mandela’s own. The characters, all with the famous Mandela line shaved into their hair, use Mandela’s wisdom as inspiration and guidance in their everyday lives and struggles, The underlying narrative being that everyone has a Madiba in them. Taking the haircut to the people A significant part of the campaign was to make the haircut accessible to the masses by means of activations and a special mobile barbershop, manned by an army of specially-trained Philips barbers and Philips clippers. Limited edition Philips #ShavetoRemember clippers are being sold at major retailers across the country - the proceeds of which is donated to The Nelson Mandela Foundation. Every day more people are sharing their own Madiba haircuts on social media. He didn’t die, he multiplied. And his legacy will live on for as long as we remember to remember that there is an alternative to what our daily news cycles are showing us.


    案例简介:世界不需要另一个纳尔逊·曼德拉。它需要一代曼德拉。# ShaveToRemember: 一个标志性的发型是如何激励一代人将曼德拉的价值观带到一个分裂的世界,你不能忽视它。每一个新闻周期都证实了世界正朝着一个令人不安的新方向前进。独裁主义、仇外心理、偏见和腐败威胁着新常态。当我们的领导人忙于在社交媒体上发泄他们仇恨的尖酸刻薄之时,讲述不同类型的领导人的故事变得越来越重要。一个在残酷的种族隔离政权手中被判入狱 27 年的监狱,出现时只选择爱和宽恕而不是仇恨。一个将他的国家从压迫引向和平民主的国家,在那里每个种族、宗教和信仰都是自由和平等的。他的名字叫纳尔逊·曼德拉,世界现在比以往任何时候都更需要他。但是正如巴拉克 · 奥巴马在最近纪念这位前总统百年庆典的演讲中所说,“我们再也见不到纳尔逊·曼德拉这样的人了。但是让我对非洲的年轻人和世界各地的年轻人说 -- 你也可以让他的生活成为你自己的工作。“这就是为什么奥美 · 约翰内斯堡,与飞利浦和纳尔逊·曼德拉基金会合作,设想了一种将曼德拉的遗产转化为任何人都可以自己采取的具体行动的方法。# ShavetoRemember 呼吁南非和其他地方的所有人采取行动,通过理发找到曼德拉。但这不仅仅是一个发型。将马迪巴线剃光到你的头发上是一个发自内心的承诺,将他的自由、和平、宽恕和平等价值观带到一个分裂的世界。因为不管我们是谁,我们来自哪里,或者我们的势力范围有多小, 我们都有能力成为我们希望在世界上看到的那种领导人。纳尔逊·曼德拉基金会首席执行官塞尔洛 · 哈坦说,“马迪巴头发上的道路代表了他走过的一条漫长的道路,但更重要的是, 这标志着我们所有被抛在后面继续自由、和平与平等之旅的人面前的距离。这就是为什么我们邀请每个人和我们一起穿着他标志性的剪裁,自豪地纪念他,也是为什么我们呼吁每个南非人和其他人通过实践他的价值观来寻找个人灵感,创造我们未来的绝对最佳版本。“当谈到寻找合作伙伴来实现将理发作为变革工具的愿景时,飞利浦是完美的选择。一个多世纪以来,飞利浦一直致力于创造解决方案,通过在整个欧洲大陆灌输对男人和女人的信心,让人们的生活变得更好,成为他们自己的最佳版本, 飞利浦总经理 Ntutule Tshenye 说。“被马迪巴的遗产迷住了,作为纳尔逊·曼德拉基金会的骄傲伙伴,我们相信这场运动将通过团结、反思、还有一种深刻的个人反省感,”他说。关于这场运动,这场运动始于一个强烈的行动呼吁,其中包括一些南非最有影响力的名人。这些大使播种了发型,这一点被金 · 格尔登胡斯拍摄的 0307 部电影放大了。 https://youtu.be/53DZTiHv-V8 ) 这部电影以前总统就职演说的录音开始。这使得他的话语被真实的南非人的不同演员传达。广告中的每一个字都是曼德拉自己的。这些人物都把著名的曼德拉线剃光了头发,在他们的日常生活和斗争中,用曼德拉的智慧作为灵感和指导, 潜在的叙述是每个人都有一个马迪巴。把理发带给人们,这项运动的一个重要部分是通过激活和一个特殊的移动理发店让大众可以接触到理发, 由一支经过特殊训练的飞利浦理发师和飞利浦快船组成的军队。限量版飞利浦 # shavetorember 快船正在全国各大零售商销售,其收益捐赠给纳尔逊·曼德拉基金会。每天都有越来越多的人在社交媒体上分享他们自己的 Madiba 理发。他没有死,他成倍增加。只要我们记住,我们每天的新闻周期向我们展示的东西还有一个替代方案,他的遗产就会继续存在。


    案例简介:The world doesn’t need another Nelson Mandela. It needs a generation of Mandelas. #ShaveToRemember: How an iconic hairstyle is inspiring a generation to bring Mandela’s values to a divided worldYou can’t ignore it. Every news cycle confirms that the world’s heading in a disturbing new direction. One where authoritarianism, xenophobia, bigotry and corruption threatens to be the new normal. While our leaders are busy spewing their hateful vitriol all over social media, it’s become increasingly important to tell the story of different kind of leader. One that was condemned to a prison cell for 27 years at the hands of a brutal Apartheid regime, and emerged only to choose love and forgiveness over hate. One that led his country from oppression to a peaceful democracy where every race, religion and creed would be free and equal. His name was Nelson Mandela and the world needs him now more than ever. But as Barack Obama remarked in his recent speech marking the former president’s centenary celebration, “We will never see the likes of Nelson Mandela again. But let me say to the young people of Africa and the young people around the world -- you, too, can make his life’s work your own.” This is why Ogilvy Johannesburg, in partnership with Philips and The Nelson Mandela Foundation conceived a way to turn Mandela’s legacy into a tangible action that anyone can make their own. #ShavetoRemember is a call to action for all people in South Africa and beyond, to find the Mandela within them by getting his iconic haircut. But it’s more than a hairstyle. Getting the Madiba line shaved into your hair is a visceral pledge to bring his values of freedom, peace, forgiveness and equality to a divided world. Because it doesn’t matter who we are, where we come from or how small our sphere of influence is, we all have the ability to be the kind of leaders we wish to see in the world. Says Sello Hatang, Chief Executive of the Nelson Mandela Foundation, “The path that Madiba wore on his hair represents a long road that he walked, but more importantly, signifies the distance that still lies ahead for all of us that are left behind to continue the journey of freedom, peace and equality. That is why we are inviting everyone to join us in wearing his iconic cut with pride in remembrance, and why we call on each South African and beyond to find personal inspiration by living his values, and creating the absolute best version of our future.” When it came to finding a partner to realise the vision of using a haircut as a tool for change, Philips was the perfect fit. For over a century, Philips has been dedicated to creating solutions that make people’s lives better by instilling confidence in men and women, across the continent to be the best version of themselves,” says Ntutule Tshenye, General Manager, Philips. “Captivated by Madiba’s legacy, and as a proud partner of the Nelson Mandela Foundation, we believed that the campaign would bring his values to life through solidarity, reflection, and a deep sense of personal introspection,” he says. About the campaign The campaign started with a strong call to action featuring some of South Africa’s most influential celebrities. These ambassadors seeded the haircut and this was amplified by an emotive film shot by Kim Geldenhuys of 0307 Films. (https://youtu.be/53DZTiHv-V8) The film opens with a recording from the former President’s inaugural speech. This sets the scene as his words are delivered by a diverse cast of real South Africans. Every word in the ad is Mandela’s own. The characters, all with the famous Mandela line shaved into their hair, use Mandela’s wisdom as inspiration and guidance in their everyday lives and struggles, The underlying narrative being that everyone has a Madiba in them. Taking the haircut to the people A significant part of the campaign was to make the haircut accessible to the masses by means of activations and a special mobile barbershop, manned by an army of specially-trained Philips barbers and Philips clippers. Limited edition Philips #ShavetoRemember clippers are being sold at major retailers across the country - the proceeds of which is donated to The Nelson Mandela Foundation. Every day more people are sharing their own Madiba haircuts on social media. He didn’t die, he multiplied. And his legacy will live on for as long as we remember to remember that there is an alternative to what our daily news cycles are showing us.

    # ShaveToRemember












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