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    Brand Identity微电影广告营销案例




    案例简介:屡获殊荣的品牌和广告代理商Circus Maximus为本月推出的数字安全品牌科技公司Aura创建了鲜明的人类品牌标识。Aura的产品将智能扫描防病毒软件与先进的数据支持技术相结合,该技术使用人工智能来监视,管理和保护敏感信息。 Aura是提供企业级安全解决方案的一站式集成产品。Intrusta和Identity Guard的网络安全和身份盗窃产品为消费者提供了保护的光环,因此他们可以无所畏惧地享受技术带来的好处。Aura是由iSubscribed和Intersections Inc与合作伙伴WndrCo和General Catalyst组成的合并业务实体。 虽然大多数网络安全品牌都喜欢黑暗、可怕的愿景和高科技的矩阵信息,但Aura却像对待…… 人一样对待人。该公司的使命是为所有人开辟数字自由,使人们能够简单而无恐惧地享受技术的好处。Aura的品牌原则包括 “关怀” 、 “人性” 、 “坦率” 和 “警惕”。 Circus Maximus创建了命名,品牌,网站和其他材料-从版式,调色板,徽标,在公司网站的 “品牌风格指南” 中详细介绍了图像和其他资产,消费者可以在其中查看Aura的安全服务-以补充该品牌 “简化现代生活的数字安全” 的目标。 配色方案 (日出,茄,桃色和渐变) 温暖,自然,易于使用专业但友好的清晰字体。网站的页面很通风-有很多空白,而且语言也不太崇高。图像显示快乐,安全和多样化的家庭享受数字世界,Aura办公室成员致力于保护消费者免受网络安全漏洞的威胁。 Aura使用自适应技术,因此其易于使用的界面向用户学习,以不断提高安全性和体验。它近乎实时的警报会通知客户,因此如果客户的个人信息被泄露,他们可以迅速采取行动。 马戏团马克西姆斯还为光环创造了标语: “你的数字光环。” Circus Maximus创始人兼首席创意官Ryan Kutscher说: “我们知道,找到并表达品牌的同理心是其消费者吸引力和长期成功的关键。”“光环代表了我们如何在一个非常容易陷入恐惧策略的类别中实施这一过程。我们为Aura出色的团队推出这个独特的品牌感到兴奋。“ Aura提供了一系列个人身份保护服务,包括每月信用评分和年度信用报告,其中包含来自Equifax,Experian和tranunion的信息,社交媒体见解,暗网络监控,银行帐户接管警报,网络欺凌警报和智能防病毒扫描。 “技术已经成为我们生活中日益增长的存在,” Aura首席执行官兼创始人Hari Ravichandran说。“Aura是数字光环,它为人们提供工具、数据、通知、知识和无情的客户服务,帮助他们自由使用他们的技术和设备。”


    案例简介:Award-winning branding and advertising agency Circus Maximus has created a distinctly human brand identity for tech company Aura, a digital-security brand that launched this month. Aura’s offering pairs intelligent-scanning antivirus software with an advanced data-enabled technology that uses artificial intelligence to monitor, manage and protect sensitive information. Aura is a one-stop shop of integrated products that provides enterprise-grade security solutions. Intrusta and Identity Guard’s cybersecurity and identity-theft products give consumers a halo of protection, so they can enjoy the benefits of technology without fear. Aura is a combined business entity formed by iSubscribed and Intersections Inc with partners WndrCo and General Catalyst. While most cyber-security brands favor a dark, scary vision and a high-tech Matrix message, Aura is treating people like...people. The company’s mission is to pioneer digital freedom for all and enable people to enjoy the benefits of technology simply and without fear. Aura’s brand principles include “caring,” “human,” “candid” and “vigilant.” Circus Maximus created the naming, branding, website, and other materials—from the typography, color palette, logos, imagery and other assets detailed in the brand style guide to the corporate website where consumers can view Aura’s security services—to complement the brand’s goal of “simplifying digital security for our modern lives.” The color scheme (Sunrise, Nightshade, Peach and Gradient) is warm, natural and accessible with crisp typefaces that are professional yet friendly. The website’s pages are airy—there’s plenty of white space and the language isn’t too lofty. Images show happy, secure and diverse families enjoying the digital world and Aura officemates working to protect consumers from the threat of cyber-security breaches. Aura uses adaptive technology, so its easy-to-use interface learns from the user to continually improve security and the experience. Its near real-time alerts inform customers, so they can act quickly if their personal information is breached. Circus Maximus also created the tagline for Aura: “Your Digital Halo.” “We know that finding and articulating a brand’s empathy is the key to their consumer appeal, and long-term success,” said Ryan Kutscher, Circus Maximus founder and chief creative officer. “Aura represents how we implement that process in a category that falls into the trapping of fear tactics all too easily. We’re excited for the wonderful team at Aura as they launch this unique brand.” Aura provides a host of personal-identity protection offerings, including monthly credit scores and annual credit reports with information from Equifax, Experian and TransUnion, social media insights, dark web monitoring, bank account takeover alerts, cyberbullying alerts and intelligent antivirus scanning. “Technology has become an ever-increasing presence in our lives,” said Hari Ravichandran, CEO and founder of Aura. “Aura is the digital halo that empowers people with tools, data, notifications, knowledge and relentless customer service to help them use their technology and devices freely.”

    Brand Identity

    案例简介:屡获殊荣的品牌和广告代理商Circus Maximus为本月推出的数字安全品牌科技公司Aura创建了鲜明的人类品牌标识。Aura的产品将智能扫描防病毒软件与先进的数据支持技术相结合,该技术使用人工智能来监视,管理和保护敏感信息。 Aura是提供企业级安全解决方案的一站式集成产品。Intrusta和Identity Guard的网络安全和身份盗窃产品为消费者提供了保护的光环,因此他们可以无所畏惧地享受技术带来的好处。Aura是由iSubscribed和Intersections Inc与合作伙伴WndrCo和General Catalyst组成的合并业务实体。 虽然大多数网络安全品牌都喜欢黑暗、可怕的愿景和高科技的矩阵信息,但Aura却像对待…… 人一样对待人。该公司的使命是为所有人开辟数字自由,使人们能够简单而无恐惧地享受技术的好处。Aura的品牌原则包括 “关怀” 、 “人性” 、 “坦率” 和 “警惕”。 Circus Maximus创建了命名,品牌,网站和其他材料-从版式,调色板,徽标,在公司网站的 “品牌风格指南” 中详细介绍了图像和其他资产,消费者可以在其中查看Aura的安全服务-以补充该品牌 “简化现代生活的数字安全” 的目标。 配色方案 (日出,茄,桃色和渐变) 温暖,自然,易于使用专业但友好的清晰字体。网站的页面很通风-有很多空白,而且语言也不太崇高。图像显示快乐,安全和多样化的家庭享受数字世界,Aura办公室成员致力于保护消费者免受网络安全漏洞的威胁。 Aura使用自适应技术,因此其易于使用的界面向用户学习,以不断提高安全性和体验。它近乎实时的警报会通知客户,因此如果客户的个人信息被泄露,他们可以迅速采取行动。 马戏团马克西姆斯还为光环创造了标语: “你的数字光环。” Circus Maximus创始人兼首席创意官Ryan Kutscher说: “我们知道,找到并表达品牌的同理心是其消费者吸引力和长期成功的关键。”“光环代表了我们如何在一个非常容易陷入恐惧策略的类别中实施这一过程。我们为Aura出色的团队推出这个独特的品牌感到兴奋。“ Aura提供了一系列个人身份保护服务,包括每月信用评分和年度信用报告,其中包含来自Equifax,Experian和tranunion的信息,社交媒体见解,暗网络监控,银行帐户接管警报,网络欺凌警报和智能防病毒扫描。 “技术已经成为我们生活中日益增长的存在,” Aura首席执行官兼创始人Hari Ravichandran说。“Aura是数字光环,它为人们提供工具、数据、通知、知识和无情的客户服务,帮助他们自由使用他们的技术和设备。”

    Brand Identity

    案例简介:Award-winning branding and advertising agency Circus Maximus has created a distinctly human brand identity for tech company Aura, a digital-security brand that launched this month. Aura’s offering pairs intelligent-scanning antivirus software with an advanced data-enabled technology that uses artificial intelligence to monitor, manage and protect sensitive information. Aura is a one-stop shop of integrated products that provides enterprise-grade security solutions. Intrusta and Identity Guard’s cybersecurity and identity-theft products give consumers a halo of protection, so they can enjoy the benefits of technology without fear. Aura is a combined business entity formed by iSubscribed and Intersections Inc with partners WndrCo and General Catalyst. While most cyber-security brands favor a dark, scary vision and a high-tech Matrix message, Aura is treating people like...people. The company’s mission is to pioneer digital freedom for all and enable people to enjoy the benefits of technology simply and without fear. Aura’s brand principles include “caring,” “human,” “candid” and “vigilant.” Circus Maximus created the naming, branding, website, and other materials—from the typography, color palette, logos, imagery and other assets detailed in the brand style guide to the corporate website where consumers can view Aura’s security services—to complement the brand’s goal of “simplifying digital security for our modern lives.” The color scheme (Sunrise, Nightshade, Peach and Gradient) is warm, natural and accessible with crisp typefaces that are professional yet friendly. The website’s pages are airy—there’s plenty of white space and the language isn’t too lofty. Images show happy, secure and diverse families enjoying the digital world and Aura officemates working to protect consumers from the threat of cyber-security breaches. Aura uses adaptive technology, so its easy-to-use interface learns from the user to continually improve security and the experience. Its near real-time alerts inform customers, so they can act quickly if their personal information is breached. Circus Maximus also created the tagline for Aura: “Your Digital Halo.” “We know that finding and articulating a brand’s empathy is the key to their consumer appeal, and long-term success,” said Ryan Kutscher, Circus Maximus founder and chief creative officer. “Aura represents how we implement that process in a category that falls into the trapping of fear tactics all too easily. We’re excited for the wonderful team at Aura as they launch this unique brand.” Aura provides a host of personal-identity protection offerings, including monthly credit scores and annual credit reports with information from Equifax, Experian and TransUnion, social media insights, dark web monitoring, bank account takeover alerts, cyberbullying alerts and intelligent antivirus scanning. “Technology has become an ever-increasing presence in our lives,” said Hari Ravichandran, CEO and founder of Aura. “Aura is the digital halo that empowers people with tools, data, notifications, knowledge and relentless customer service to help them use their technology and devices freely.”



    Brand Identity










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