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    案例简介:背景 如今,在法国,10个失聪儿童中有9个配备了助听器,以改善沟通。然而,这些设备只允许他们听到声音,而不允许音乐。 国家青年聋人协会 (INJS) 和Damien Quintard (在艾美奖上颁发的音响师) 已经进行了研究,让聋人能够感受到音乐频率,这要归功于一个振动系统,随着时间的推移,该系统将设置在音乐厅中。 但这种创新并不便宜。 我们必须找到一种方法来筹集资金,为这项技术创新的研究和部署提供资金。所有这一切,没有INJS花费一欧元。 描述创意 为了资助聋人的这一重大进步,INJS通过推出 “D.E.A.F” 专辑来选择了艺术之路: 第一个捐赠活动,你没有任何成本来做出改变。 在Spotify上提供,每次播放专辑时,流媒体的收入都会捐赠来支持这项研究。 专辑由7首空曲目组成,充满意义。 1.播放这张专辑。 2.反复播放。 3.就这样。 4.你已经捐款了 5.使聋人 6.第一次听到现场音乐。 7.有关INJS-PARIS.FR的更多信息 专辑播放得越多,获得的知名度就越多。 专辑播放得越多,产生的捐款就越多。专辑播放得越多,房间就会配备得越多。 描述策略 Y & Z世代是参与社会事业最多的两代人。由于社交媒体,他们知道如何快速有效地动员起来。 对于这几代人来说,承诺必须像推文、点击change.org甚至在Facebook墙上分享请愿书一样简单。然而,这几代人不一定是财力最多的一代。 因此,我们的方法是创造一种不敏感的参与方式,高度整合在他们的使用中,并真正产生资金。 通过与Spotify France合作 (9.6M每月用户,其中47% 人年龄在25岁以下 *),我们允许这些世代通过简单地提供他们的收听时间来产生捐款。事实上,每一条流都会产生一笔转化为捐赠的报酬。 * 来源: Spotify Internal 2019,Comscore,法国,Janvier 2019,每月独特访客 描述执行 这项运动分三个阶段进行。 1/未保护 与Spotify & Universal合作,INJS得以发行专辑D.E.A.F. 在INJS网站上发布了一份解释该行动的概念及其目的的新闻稿,并发送给记者、意见领袖和政治的目标受众。 2/媒体放大 除了有机广播外,20家媒体还慷慨地开放了广告空间,让活动变得有了知名度。 3/刺激/鼓动 在为期一周半的竞选活动后,接近目标的有影响力的人开始参与其中。他们的每一条信息,都适应了他们各自的主题。在这种情况下,游戏玩家在他们的Twitch生活期间邀请他们的社区播放专辑; Cinema YouTuber要求他们的追随者一进入电影院就播放专辑。 列出结果 在五月的第一周,专辑已经播放了超过200 000次。而且,这只是一场竞选的开始,它将无休止地活着。 此外,已经有数百万人接触到该行动 (感谢捐赠的媒体植入 & PR)。在法国,这种大规模的接触提高了人们对聋人条件的认识。 更具体地说,捐赠的媒体植入涉及: -234个购物中心 -35个商业画廊 -20个网站 (Yahoo,Figaro,Figaro madame,JDN,L'internaut,Les Echos,Le Parisien,L'Equipe,Sport & Style,法国足球,Marie Claire,Cosmopolitan,Magic Maman,Konbini,Melty,Gustave & Rosalie,MyTF1) -累计观众价值12亿-120K € 捐赠媒体 最后,这场运动在不到24小时的时间里自动融资。


    案例简介:Background Today, in France, 9 out of 10 deaf children are equipped with hearing aids to improve communication. However, these devices only allow them to hear voices, but not music. The National Institute of Young Deaf People (INJS) & Damien Quintard (sound engineer awarded at the Emmy Awards) have conducted research to allow deaf people to feel musical frequencies thanks to a vibration system that will, over time, be set-up in concert halls. But this innovation doesn’t come cheap. We had to find a way to raise money to finance the research and the deployment of this technological innovation. All this, without the INJS spending a single euro. Describe the creative idea To finance this major advancement for deaf people, INJS has chosen the artistic road by launching: the “D.E.A.F” album: the first donation campaign that costs you nothing to make a difference. Available on Spotify, each time the album is played, the revenue of the streaming will be donated to support this research. The album is composed of 7 empty tracks, full of meaning. 1. Play this album. 2. Play it over and over again. 3. That's it. 4. You’ve already made a donation 5. To enable deaf people 6. To hear live music for the first time. 7. More info on INJS-PARIS.FR The more the album is played, the more visibility it gains. The more the album is played, the more donations it generates. The more the album is played, the more rooms will be equipped. Describe the strategy Generations Y & Z are two of the generations that are most involved in social causes. They know how to mobilize quickly and effectively thanks to social media, digital. For these generations, the commitment must be as simple as a tweet, a click on change.org or even a sharing of petitions on a Facebook wall. However, these generations are not necessarily the ones with the most financial resources. Our approach was therefore to create an insensitive way of engaging, highly integrated in their usages and that really generate funds. By partnering with Spotify France (9.6M monthly users, 47% of whom are under 25 years old*), we allow these generations to generate donations by simply offering their listening time. Indeed, each stream generates a remuneration converted into a donation. *Source : Spotify Internal 2019, Comscore, France, Janvier 2019, Monthly Unique Visitor Describe the execution The campaign was conducted in three phases. 1/ UNVEILING In collaboration with Spotify & Universal, INJS was able to release its album D.E.A.F. A press release explaining the concept of the operation and its purpose was published on the INJS website and sent to a targeted audience of journalists, opinion leaders and politics. 2/ MEDIA AMPLIFICATION In addition to organic broadcasting, 20 media have graciously opened their advertising spaces to give visibility to the campaign. 3/ STIMULUS / BOOSTING After one and a half week of campaign, influencers, close to the target, became involved. Each one of their messages, was adapted to their respective thematic. In this case, gamers invited their communities to play the album during their Twitch lives; Cinema YouTubers asked their followers to play the album as soon as they entered a movie theater. List the results Within the first week of May, the album has been played more than 200 000 times. And, this is just the beginning of a campaign, that will live endlessly. In addition, millions of people have already been exposed to the operation (thanks to donated media placement & PR). This massive exposure improved awareness of deaf people conditions, in France. More specifically, the donated media placement involved: - 234 Shopping centres - 35 commercial galleries - 20 websites (Yahoo, Figaro, Figaro madame, JDN, L'internaute, Les Echos, Le Parisien, L'Equipe, Sport & Style, France football, Marie Claire, Cosmopolitan, Magic Maman, Konbini, Melty, Gustave & Rosalie, Hygge, MyTF1) - A cumulative audience of 1.2 billion - 120K€ worth of donated media Finally, this campaign has been auto-financed in less than 24 hours.

    The Deaf Album

    案例简介:背景 如今,在法国,10个失聪儿童中有9个配备了助听器,以改善沟通。然而,这些设备只允许他们听到声音,而不允许音乐。 国家青年聋人协会 (INJS) 和Damien Quintard (在艾美奖上颁发的音响师) 已经进行了研究,让聋人能够感受到音乐频率,这要归功于一个振动系统,随着时间的推移,该系统将设置在音乐厅中。 但这种创新并不便宜。 我们必须找到一种方法来筹集资金,为这项技术创新的研究和部署提供资金。所有这一切,没有INJS花费一欧元。 描述创意 为了资助聋人的这一重大进步,INJS通过推出 “D.E.A.F” 专辑来选择了艺术之路: 第一个捐赠活动,你没有任何成本来做出改变。 在Spotify上提供,每次播放专辑时,流媒体的收入都会捐赠来支持这项研究。 专辑由7首空曲目组成,充满意义。 1.播放这张专辑。 2.反复播放。 3.就这样。 4.你已经捐款了 5.使聋人 6.第一次听到现场音乐。 7.有关INJS-PARIS.FR的更多信息 专辑播放得越多,获得的知名度就越多。 专辑播放得越多,产生的捐款就越多。专辑播放得越多,房间就会配备得越多。 描述策略 Y & Z世代是参与社会事业最多的两代人。由于社交媒体,他们知道如何快速有效地动员起来。 对于这几代人来说,承诺必须像推文、点击change.org甚至在Facebook墙上分享请愿书一样简单。然而,这几代人不一定是财力最多的一代。 因此,我们的方法是创造一种不敏感的参与方式,高度整合在他们的使用中,并真正产生资金。 通过与Spotify France合作 (9.6M每月用户,其中47% 人年龄在25岁以下 *),我们允许这些世代通过简单地提供他们的收听时间来产生捐款。事实上,每一条流都会产生一笔转化为捐赠的报酬。 * 来源: Spotify Internal 2019,Comscore,法国,Janvier 2019,每月独特访客 描述执行 这项运动分三个阶段进行。 1/未保护 与Spotify & Universal合作,INJS得以发行专辑D.E.A.F. 在INJS网站上发布了一份解释该行动的概念及其目的的新闻稿,并发送给记者、意见领袖和政治的目标受众。 2/媒体放大 除了有机广播外,20家媒体还慷慨地开放了广告空间,让活动变得有了知名度。 3/刺激/鼓动 在为期一周半的竞选活动后,接近目标的有影响力的人开始参与其中。他们的每一条信息,都适应了他们各自的主题。在这种情况下,游戏玩家在他们的Twitch生活期间邀请他们的社区播放专辑; Cinema YouTuber要求他们的追随者一进入电影院就播放专辑。 列出结果 在五月的第一周,专辑已经播放了超过200 000次。而且,这只是一场竞选的开始,它将无休止地活着。 此外,已经有数百万人接触到该行动 (感谢捐赠的媒体植入 & PR)。在法国,这种大规模的接触提高了人们对聋人条件的认识。 更具体地说,捐赠的媒体植入涉及: -234个购物中心 -35个商业画廊 -20个网站 (Yahoo,Figaro,Figaro madame,JDN,L'internaut,Les Echos,Le Parisien,L'Equipe,Sport & Style,法国足球,Marie Claire,Cosmopolitan,Magic Maman,Konbini,Melty,Gustave & Rosalie,MyTF1) -累计观众价值12亿-120K € 捐赠媒体 最后,这场运动在不到24小时的时间里自动融资。

    The Deaf Album

    案例简介:Background Today, in France, 9 out of 10 deaf children are equipped with hearing aids to improve communication. However, these devices only allow them to hear voices, but not music. The National Institute of Young Deaf People (INJS) & Damien Quintard (sound engineer awarded at the Emmy Awards) have conducted research to allow deaf people to feel musical frequencies thanks to a vibration system that will, over time, be set-up in concert halls. But this innovation doesn’t come cheap. We had to find a way to raise money to finance the research and the deployment of this technological innovation. All this, without the INJS spending a single euro. Describe the creative idea To finance this major advancement for deaf people, INJS has chosen the artistic road by launching: the “D.E.A.F” album: the first donation campaign that costs you nothing to make a difference. Available on Spotify, each time the album is played, the revenue of the streaming will be donated to support this research. The album is composed of 7 empty tracks, full of meaning. 1. Play this album. 2. Play it over and over again. 3. That's it. 4. You’ve already made a donation 5. To enable deaf people 6. To hear live music for the first time. 7. More info on INJS-PARIS.FR The more the album is played, the more visibility it gains. The more the album is played, the more donations it generates. The more the album is played, the more rooms will be equipped. Describe the strategy Generations Y & Z are two of the generations that are most involved in social causes. They know how to mobilize quickly and effectively thanks to social media, digital. For these generations, the commitment must be as simple as a tweet, a click on change.org or even a sharing of petitions on a Facebook wall. However, these generations are not necessarily the ones with the most financial resources. Our approach was therefore to create an insensitive way of engaging, highly integrated in their usages and that really generate funds. By partnering with Spotify France (9.6M monthly users, 47% of whom are under 25 years old*), we allow these generations to generate donations by simply offering their listening time. Indeed, each stream generates a remuneration converted into a donation. *Source : Spotify Internal 2019, Comscore, France, Janvier 2019, Monthly Unique Visitor Describe the execution The campaign was conducted in three phases. 1/ UNVEILING In collaboration with Spotify & Universal, INJS was able to release its album D.E.A.F. A press release explaining the concept of the operation and its purpose was published on the INJS website and sent to a targeted audience of journalists, opinion leaders and politics. 2/ MEDIA AMPLIFICATION In addition to organic broadcasting, 20 media have graciously opened their advertising spaces to give visibility to the campaign. 3/ STIMULUS / BOOSTING After one and a half week of campaign, influencers, close to the target, became involved. Each one of their messages, was adapted to their respective thematic. In this case, gamers invited their communities to play the album during their Twitch lives; Cinema YouTubers asked their followers to play the album as soon as they entered a movie theater. List the results Within the first week of May, the album has been played more than 200 000 times. And, this is just the beginning of a campaign, that will live endlessly. In addition, millions of people have already been exposed to the operation (thanks to donated media placement & PR). This massive exposure improved awareness of deaf people conditions, in France. More specifically, the donated media placement involved: - 234 Shopping centres - 35 commercial galleries - 20 websites (Yahoo, Figaro, Figaro madame, JDN, L'internaute, Les Echos, Le Parisien, L'Equipe, Sport & Style, France football, Marie Claire, Cosmopolitan, Magic Maman, Konbini, Melty, Gustave & Rosalie, Hygge, MyTF1) - A cumulative audience of 1.2 billion - 120K€ worth of donated media Finally, this campaign has been auto-financed in less than 24 hours.



    The Deaf Album






    广告公司: Marcel (法国 巴黎) 制作公司: HKI , Prodigious




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