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    The Algorithm of Life短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:25 年前,摇滚历史上最独特、最有影响力的声音之一保持沉默。27 岁的库尔特 · 科本被广泛认为是他那一代最伟大的音乐天才之一,当他的乐队涅槃在世界音乐的顶端时,他自杀了。科本的死亡周年纪念日令人悲伤地提醒我们,抑郁症是如何终结年轻人才的 -- 因此,它继续提出极其紧迫的问题。一刻钟后,问: 我们真的能做些什么来识别、治疗和预防新的自杀病例吗?2018 年,全世界共有 100万人自杀。每 40 秒就有一人死亡。根据世界卫生组织进行的一项研究,根据防止自杀: 全球当务之急的数据,对于每一个自杀的人来说,已经有 20 人试图这样做。在这种关键的情况下,不同的研究提出了识别问题和防止悲剧发生的新方法。例如,一些心理健康专家目前正在关注抑郁症患者使用的语言, 其中经常包含反复出现的单词和短语,可以表明精神状况 (即使在早期阶段)。这种 “抑郁的语言” 可以在日常生活中找到,也可以在社交媒体上看到。这些研究是生命算法的主要灵感来源,生命算法是由广告公司非洲公司为巴西的滚石公司开发的一个项目。首先,设计了一种能够分析公共推特帖子并识别大量与抑郁症状相关的单词、表达和句子的算法。在这个初始阶段之后,一个特别的团队仔细评估了结果,这样这个工具就可以解释背景、讽刺、复发和频率。当一个潜在的抑郁症病例被发现时, 一个专门为该项目创建的推特档案,由一组训练有素的专业人员管理,通过直接信息联系用户,并建议他们联系巴西 24/7 生命线服务。圣保罗大学医学院的精神病学家和教授丹尼尔 · 巴罗斯说: “夺取生命的愿望总是模糊的。”。巴罗斯先生是项目团队的顾问。“这些人认为生活不值得,” 他继续说道,“但他们也在不断寻找一线希望,这可能会帮助他们继续前进。这就是为什么像生命算法这样的计划如此重要。知道有人在外面听你说话,并且可能有另一种解决你问题的方法 -- 这可能会完全改变那些正在考虑自杀的人的事情。毫无疑问,在我看来,生命将会得到拯救,许多痛苦将通过这个工具得以避免。 “生命算法自 1月以来一直在工作,它已经检测到超过 300,000 个包含抑郁语言一部分的单词和短语的提及。该项目的推特档案已经联系了这些用户,指导他们如何获得专业帮助。


    案例简介:25 years ago, one of the most unique and influential voices in the history of rock went silent. Widely considered to be one of the greatest musical geniuses of his generation, 27-year-old Kurt Cobain committed suicide when his band, Nirvana, was at the very top of world music. Cobain’s death anniversary is a sad reminder of how depression can put an end to young talents—and as such, it continues to raise extremely urgent questions. A quarter of a century later, it’s never been more important to ask: can we actually do something to identify, treat and prevent new suicide cases? In 2018, a total of one million people across the world took their own lives. That’s one death every 40 seconds. For every person who commits suicide, 20 others have already attempted to do the same, according to data from Preventing Suicide: A Global Imperative, a study conducted by the World Health Organization. In this critical scenario, different studies have suggested new ways to identify the issue and prevent tragedies from happening. For instance, a number of mental health specialists are currently focusing on the language used by people in depression, which frequently contains recurring words and expressions that could indicate a mental condition (even in its early stages). This “language of depression” can be found in everyday situations and is also present, as one would expect, in social media. These studies have been the main source of inspiration for Algorithm of Life, a project developed by advertising agency Africa for Rolling Stone in Brazil. First, an algorithm capable of analyzing public Twitter posts and identifying an enormous variety of words, expressions and sentences that could be related to the symptoms of depression was designed. After this initial phase, a special team carefully evaluates the results so that the tool can account for context, irony, recurrence and frequency. When a potential case of depression is identified, a Twitter profile created specifically for the project—and managed by a team of trained professionals—contacts the user through direct message and suggests that they contact a Brazil 24/7 Lifeline service. “The desire to take one’s life is always an ambiguous one,” says Daniel Barros, a psychiatrist and professor at the University of Sao Paulo’s Medical School. Mr. Barros is an advisor to the project’s team. “These people don’t think life is worth living,” he continues, “but they’re also constantly looking for a ray of hope that might help them go on. That’s why it’s so important to have initiatives like Algorithm of Life. Knowing that someone is out there listening to you, and that there might be another way out of your problems—that could completely change things for people who are contemplating suicide. There’s no doubt in my mind that lives will be saved and that much suffering will be avoided through this tool.” Algorithm of Life has been working since January, and it has already detected more than 300 thousand mentions containing words and expressions that are part of the language of depression. The project’s Twitter profile has contacted these users to instruct them on how to get professional help.

    The Algorithm of Life

    案例简介:25 年前,摇滚历史上最独特、最有影响力的声音之一保持沉默。27 岁的库尔特 · 科本被广泛认为是他那一代最伟大的音乐天才之一,当他的乐队涅槃在世界音乐的顶端时,他自杀了。科本的死亡周年纪念日令人悲伤地提醒我们,抑郁症是如何终结年轻人才的 -- 因此,它继续提出极其紧迫的问题。一刻钟后,问: 我们真的能做些什么来识别、治疗和预防新的自杀病例吗?2018 年,全世界共有 100万人自杀。每 40 秒就有一人死亡。根据世界卫生组织进行的一项研究,根据防止自杀: 全球当务之急的数据,对于每一个自杀的人来说,已经有 20 人试图这样做。在这种关键的情况下,不同的研究提出了识别问题和防止悲剧发生的新方法。例如,一些心理健康专家目前正在关注抑郁症患者使用的语言, 其中经常包含反复出现的单词和短语,可以表明精神状况 (即使在早期阶段)。这种 “抑郁的语言” 可以在日常生活中找到,也可以在社交媒体上看到。这些研究是生命算法的主要灵感来源,生命算法是由广告公司非洲公司为巴西的滚石公司开发的一个项目。首先,设计了一种能够分析公共推特帖子并识别大量与抑郁症状相关的单词、表达和句子的算法。在这个初始阶段之后,一个特别的团队仔细评估了结果,这样这个工具就可以解释背景、讽刺、复发和频率。当一个潜在的抑郁症病例被发现时, 一个专门为该项目创建的推特档案,由一组训练有素的专业人员管理,通过直接信息联系用户,并建议他们联系巴西 24/7 生命线服务。圣保罗大学医学院的精神病学家和教授丹尼尔 · 巴罗斯说: “夺取生命的愿望总是模糊的。”。巴罗斯先生是项目团队的顾问。“这些人认为生活不值得,” 他继续说道,“但他们也在不断寻找一线希望,这可能会帮助他们继续前进。这就是为什么像生命算法这样的计划如此重要。知道有人在外面听你说话,并且可能有另一种解决你问题的方法 -- 这可能会完全改变那些正在考虑自杀的人的事情。毫无疑问,在我看来,生命将会得到拯救,许多痛苦将通过这个工具得以避免。 “生命算法自 1月以来一直在工作,它已经检测到超过 300,000 个包含抑郁语言一部分的单词和短语的提及。该项目的推特档案已经联系了这些用户,指导他们如何获得专业帮助。

    The Algorithm of Life

    案例简介:25 years ago, one of the most unique and influential voices in the history of rock went silent. Widely considered to be one of the greatest musical geniuses of his generation, 27-year-old Kurt Cobain committed suicide when his band, Nirvana, was at the very top of world music. Cobain’s death anniversary is a sad reminder of how depression can put an end to young talents—and as such, it continues to raise extremely urgent questions. A quarter of a century later, it’s never been more important to ask: can we actually do something to identify, treat and prevent new suicide cases? In 2018, a total of one million people across the world took their own lives. That’s one death every 40 seconds. For every person who commits suicide, 20 others have already attempted to do the same, according to data from Preventing Suicide: A Global Imperative, a study conducted by the World Health Organization. In this critical scenario, different studies have suggested new ways to identify the issue and prevent tragedies from happening. For instance, a number of mental health specialists are currently focusing on the language used by people in depression, which frequently contains recurring words and expressions that could indicate a mental condition (even in its early stages). This “language of depression” can be found in everyday situations and is also present, as one would expect, in social media. These studies have been the main source of inspiration for Algorithm of Life, a project developed by advertising agency Africa for Rolling Stone in Brazil. First, an algorithm capable of analyzing public Twitter posts and identifying an enormous variety of words, expressions and sentences that could be related to the symptoms of depression was designed. After this initial phase, a special team carefully evaluates the results so that the tool can account for context, irony, recurrence and frequency. When a potential case of depression is identified, a Twitter profile created specifically for the project—and managed by a team of trained professionals—contacts the user through direct message and suggests that they contact a Brazil 24/7 Lifeline service. “The desire to take one’s life is always an ambiguous one,” says Daniel Barros, a psychiatrist and professor at the University of Sao Paulo’s Medical School. Mr. Barros is an advisor to the project’s team. “These people don’t think life is worth living,” he continues, “but they’re also constantly looking for a ray of hope that might help them go on. That’s why it’s so important to have initiatives like Algorithm of Life. Knowing that someone is out there listening to you, and that there might be another way out of your problems—that could completely change things for people who are contemplating suicide. There’s no doubt in my mind that lives will be saved and that much suffering will be avoided through this tool.” Algorithm of Life has been working since January, and it has already detected more than 300 thousand mentions containing words and expressions that are part of the language of depression. The project’s Twitter profile has contacted these users to instruct them on how to get professional help.



    The Algorithm of Life










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