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    案例简介:为什么这项工作与媒体有关? 这项工作使用了历史上一直为啤酒行业保留的媒体: 六包。 但是,以完全不同的方式推广牛奶品牌。这项工作打破了牛奶广告的计划,并以一种新的方式使用传统媒体与足球迷交谈,就像啤酒通常所做的那样。 背景 Lala是墨西哥最大的乳制品品牌,拥有99% 多个市场渗透率。从历史上看,在广告方面,拉拉一直非常保守和守旧。 这个拥有68年历史的墨西哥品牌的信息一直以家庭为中心,其传播围绕着家庭健康和产品的健康益处。 但是2018年事情发生了变化。对于Fifa世界杯,Lala希望成为每个人都在谈论的品牌,并与新的观众互动: 足球迷。 要从所有其他品牌中脱颖而出并赢得新型消费者的心,这将比该品牌的传统广告要多得多。 我们不得不采取大胆的行动。 描述创意/见解 (投票30%) 在墨西哥,在俄罗斯FIFA世界杯2018期间,啤酒品牌面临着一个问题。 由于时区的差异,在墨西哥,比赛总是在清晨举行。 通讯法禁止在早上宣传酒精饮料。此外,酒吧和酒吧都关闭了。人们将在自己的房屋或办公室观看比赛。长话短说,看起来这将是一场没有啤酒的世界杯。 那么,我们早上喝什么?牛奶。 在本届世界杯期间,Lala将占据啤酒留下的空间,为该类别和品牌的历史进行开创性的宣传。 我们将牛奶品牌转变为2018 Fifa世界杯的 “啤酒”。 描述策略 (投票20%) 从历史上看,在广告方面,拉拉一直非常保守和守旧。这个拥有68年历史的墨西哥品牌的信息一直以家庭为中心,其传播围绕着家庭健康和产品的健康益处。 要从所有其他品牌中脱颖而出并赢得新型消费者的心,这将比该品牌的传统广告要多得多。我们需要重塑我们的品牌,并提出更新鲜的语调。这就是为什么在FIFA世界杯期间,我们采取了与啤酒世界相关的所有陈词滥调和图标来建立一场运动,就像啤酒品牌与足球迷交谈时所做的那样。 描述执行情况 (投票20%) 首先,我们对瓶子进行了改造。 我们创造了一个特别版的3设计,灵感来自啤酒品牌。 然后,我们开发了一种传统上与啤酒相关的新产品: 六装啤酒。 我们推出了自己的六包牛奶,作为通过不同渠道扩展信息的一种方式。 为了推广它,我们使用啤酒广告的所有刻板印象做了一个商业广告,比如慢动作美女镜头和朋友庆祝酒吧,但是用我们的牛奶。 我们在FIFA世界杯比赛的早晨投放广告 在墨西哥最大的体育节目中。 我们的六包被分发给体育影响者和著名的体育记者,以帮助我们在许多体育平台上分享我们的信息。 列出结果 (投票30%) 拉拉接过了世界杯的谈话。 社交媒体对我们的竞选活动充满了积极的情绪,在赢得的媒体中达到了4700万的印象。 我们的竞选活动遍布当地和全国新闻。体育记者甚至著名的足球运动员都在谈论拉拉如何为世界杯发挥了大胆的举动。 牛奶六包是成功的,并在活动的第二周销售一空。 在YouTube上,这则广告有3500万的观点 -- 这本身就是一个里程碑 -- 变成了Lala历史上收视率最高的广告。 我们重塑了Lala的理念.我们解构了这样一种观念,即Lala被限制在传统的家中,而是可以冒险进入酒吧或足球场,从而影响了数百万的球迷。2018,该品牌在墨西哥足球支持者的心中找到了一个新的特殊位置。


    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Media? This work uses a media that historically has been reserved for the beer industry: The Six Pack. But, in a whole different way, to promote a milk brand. This work breaks the scheme of milk advertising and uses of a traditional media in a fresh way to speak to football fans, as beers usually do. Background Lala is the biggest dairy brand in Mexico, with more than 99 percent market penetration. Historically, when it comes to advertising, Lala has always been very conservative and old-fashioned. The 68-year-old Mexican brand’s messaging has always been very household-centric, with its communication revolving around wellness at home and the health benefits of its products. But in 2018 things changed. For the Fifa World Cup, Lala wanted to be the brand that everyone would be talking about and to engage with a new audience: Football Fans. To stand out from all the other brands and to win the heart of a new type of consumer, it would take a lot more than the brand's traditional advertising. We had to come out with a bold move. Describe the creative idea/insights (30% of vote) In México, during the Russia FIFA World Cup 2018, beer brands were facing a problem. Due to the time zone differences, in Mexico, the games always took place early in the morning. Communication laws forbid to advertise alcoholic beverages during the morning. In addition, bars and pubs were closed. People were going to watch the games at their houses or their offices. Long story short, it looked like this was going to be a World Cup without beer. So, what do we drink in the morning? Milk. During this World Cup, Lala would occupy the space that beer had left behind with a groundbreaking campaign for the category and for the history of the brand. We transformed our milk brand into the go-to “beer” of the 2018 Fifa World Cup. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) Historically, when it comes to advertising, Lala has always been very conservative and old-fashioned. The 68-year-old Mexican brand’s messaging has always been very household-centric, with its communication revolving around wellness at home and the health benefits of its products. To stand out from all the other brands and to win the heart of a new type of consumer, it would take a lot more than the brand's traditional advertising. We needed to reinvent our brand and come up with a fresher tone of voice. That's why, during the FIFA World Cup, we took all the cliches and icons related to the beer world to build a campaign exactly as beer brands do when they talk to football fans. Describe the execution (20% of vote) First, we did a makeover for our bottles. We create a special edition of 3 designs that were inspired by beer brands. Then, we developed a new product traditionally associate with beers: the six-pack. We launched our own milk-six-pack as a way to expand our message through different channels. To promote it, we did a commercial using all the stereotypes of beer ads like slow motion beauty shots and friends celebrating a bar, but with our milk. We place our advertising during the morning of the games of the FIFA World Cup and during the biggest sports shows in Mexico. Our Six Pack was distributed to sports influencers and famous sports journalist for them to help us share our message in many sports platforms. List the results (30% of vote) Lala took over the World Cup conversation. Social media was filled with positive sentiment for our campaign, reaching 47 million impressions in earned media. Our campaign was all over local and national news. Sports journalists and even famous football players talked about how Lala played a bold move for the World Cup. The Milk Six Pack was a success and sold out in just the second week of the campaign. On YouTube, the commercial had 35 million views -- a milestone in itself -- turning into the most watched ad in the history of Lala. We reinvented the idea of Lala. We deconstructed the notion that Lala was confined to a traditional home, and instead could venture into a bar or a football stadium, impacting millions of fans. In 2018, the brand found itself a new and special place in the heart of Mexican football supporters.

    The Beer Of The World Cup

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与媒体有关? 这项工作使用了历史上一直为啤酒行业保留的媒体: 六包。 但是,以完全不同的方式推广牛奶品牌。这项工作打破了牛奶广告的计划,并以一种新的方式使用传统媒体与足球迷交谈,就像啤酒通常所做的那样。 背景 Lala是墨西哥最大的乳制品品牌,拥有99% 多个市场渗透率。从历史上看,在广告方面,拉拉一直非常保守和守旧。 这个拥有68年历史的墨西哥品牌的信息一直以家庭为中心,其传播围绕着家庭健康和产品的健康益处。 但是2018年事情发生了变化。对于Fifa世界杯,Lala希望成为每个人都在谈论的品牌,并与新的观众互动: 足球迷。 要从所有其他品牌中脱颖而出并赢得新型消费者的心,这将比该品牌的传统广告要多得多。 我们不得不采取大胆的行动。 描述创意/见解 (投票30%) 在墨西哥,在俄罗斯FIFA世界杯2018期间,啤酒品牌面临着一个问题。 由于时区的差异,在墨西哥,比赛总是在清晨举行。 通讯法禁止在早上宣传酒精饮料。此外,酒吧和酒吧都关闭了。人们将在自己的房屋或办公室观看比赛。长话短说,看起来这将是一场没有啤酒的世界杯。 那么,我们早上喝什么?牛奶。 在本届世界杯期间,Lala将占据啤酒留下的空间,为该类别和品牌的历史进行开创性的宣传。 我们将牛奶品牌转变为2018 Fifa世界杯的 “啤酒”。 描述策略 (投票20%) 从历史上看,在广告方面,拉拉一直非常保守和守旧。这个拥有68年历史的墨西哥品牌的信息一直以家庭为中心,其传播围绕着家庭健康和产品的健康益处。 要从所有其他品牌中脱颖而出并赢得新型消费者的心,这将比该品牌的传统广告要多得多。我们需要重塑我们的品牌,并提出更新鲜的语调。这就是为什么在FIFA世界杯期间,我们采取了与啤酒世界相关的所有陈词滥调和图标来建立一场运动,就像啤酒品牌与足球迷交谈时所做的那样。 描述执行情况 (投票20%) 首先,我们对瓶子进行了改造。 我们创造了一个特别版的3设计,灵感来自啤酒品牌。 然后,我们开发了一种传统上与啤酒相关的新产品: 六装啤酒。 我们推出了自己的六包牛奶,作为通过不同渠道扩展信息的一种方式。 为了推广它,我们使用啤酒广告的所有刻板印象做了一个商业广告,比如慢动作美女镜头和朋友庆祝酒吧,但是用我们的牛奶。 我们在FIFA世界杯比赛的早晨投放广告 在墨西哥最大的体育节目中。 我们的六包被分发给体育影响者和著名的体育记者,以帮助我们在许多体育平台上分享我们的信息。 列出结果 (投票30%) 拉拉接过了世界杯的谈话。 社交媒体对我们的竞选活动充满了积极的情绪,在赢得的媒体中达到了4700万的印象。 我们的竞选活动遍布当地和全国新闻。体育记者甚至著名的足球运动员都在谈论拉拉如何为世界杯发挥了大胆的举动。 牛奶六包是成功的,并在活动的第二周销售一空。 在YouTube上,这则广告有3500万的观点 -- 这本身就是一个里程碑 -- 变成了Lala历史上收视率最高的广告。 我们重塑了Lala的理念.我们解构了这样一种观念,即Lala被限制在传统的家中,而是可以冒险进入酒吧或足球场,从而影响了数百万的球迷。2018,该品牌在墨西哥足球支持者的心中找到了一个新的特殊位置。

    The Beer Of The World Cup

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Media? This work uses a media that historically has been reserved for the beer industry: The Six Pack. But, in a whole different way, to promote a milk brand. This work breaks the scheme of milk advertising and uses of a traditional media in a fresh way to speak to football fans, as beers usually do. Background Lala is the biggest dairy brand in Mexico, with more than 99 percent market penetration. Historically, when it comes to advertising, Lala has always been very conservative and old-fashioned. The 68-year-old Mexican brand’s messaging has always been very household-centric, with its communication revolving around wellness at home and the health benefits of its products. But in 2018 things changed. For the Fifa World Cup, Lala wanted to be the brand that everyone would be talking about and to engage with a new audience: Football Fans. To stand out from all the other brands and to win the heart of a new type of consumer, it would take a lot more than the brand's traditional advertising. We had to come out with a bold move. Describe the creative idea/insights (30% of vote) In México, during the Russia FIFA World Cup 2018, beer brands were facing a problem. Due to the time zone differences, in Mexico, the games always took place early in the morning. Communication laws forbid to advertise alcoholic beverages during the morning. In addition, bars and pubs were closed. People were going to watch the games at their houses or their offices. Long story short, it looked like this was going to be a World Cup without beer. So, what do we drink in the morning? Milk. During this World Cup, Lala would occupy the space that beer had left behind with a groundbreaking campaign for the category and for the history of the brand. We transformed our milk brand into the go-to “beer” of the 2018 Fifa World Cup. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) Historically, when it comes to advertising, Lala has always been very conservative and old-fashioned. The 68-year-old Mexican brand’s messaging has always been very household-centric, with its communication revolving around wellness at home and the health benefits of its products. To stand out from all the other brands and to win the heart of a new type of consumer, it would take a lot more than the brand's traditional advertising. We needed to reinvent our brand and come up with a fresher tone of voice. That's why, during the FIFA World Cup, we took all the cliches and icons related to the beer world to build a campaign exactly as beer brands do when they talk to football fans. Describe the execution (20% of vote) First, we did a makeover for our bottles. We create a special edition of 3 designs that were inspired by beer brands. Then, we developed a new product traditionally associate with beers: the six-pack. We launched our own milk-six-pack as a way to expand our message through different channels. To promote it, we did a commercial using all the stereotypes of beer ads like slow motion beauty shots and friends celebrating a bar, but with our milk. We place our advertising during the morning of the games of the FIFA World Cup and during the biggest sports shows in Mexico. Our Six Pack was distributed to sports influencers and famous sports journalist for them to help us share our message in many sports platforms. List the results (30% of vote) Lala took over the World Cup conversation. Social media was filled with positive sentiment for our campaign, reaching 47 million impressions in earned media. Our campaign was all over local and national news. Sports journalists and even famous football players talked about how Lala played a bold move for the World Cup. The Milk Six Pack was a success and sold out in just the second week of the campaign. On YouTube, the commercial had 35 million views -- a milestone in itself -- turning into the most watched ad in the history of Lala. We reinvented the idea of Lala. We deconstructed the notion that Lala was confined to a traditional home, and instead could venture into a bar or a football stadium, impacting millions of fans. In 2018, the brand found itself a new and special place in the heart of Mexican football supporters.



    The Beer Of The World Cup






    广告公司: Circus (墨西哥)




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