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    案例简介:英国肌肉萎缩症已与创意机构Atomic London合作,开展了一项创新的新活动,以筹集100万英镑用于收入损失。该慈善机构领导了与60种影响英国7万多人的罕见和非常罕见的肌肉消瘦疾病的斗争,该慈善机构鼓励伦敦人在新型冠状病毒肺炎期间远离拥挤的管子,并通过捐赠他们的3 gb管子票价与卡梅拉一起虚拟步行上班。该活动将在户外,数字和社交媒体上进行。Carmela Chillery-Watson是一位来自Devizes的坚定而引人入胜的6岁孩子,自3月以来一直处于完全封锁状态 (称为屏蔽),无法离开她的房子。卡梅拉 (Carmela) 三年前被诊断出患有非常罕见的先天性肌营养不良症,并继续为英国的肌营养不良症筹集了数千英镑。但她的情况意味着,即使封锁缓解,人们开始重返工作或学校,卡梅拉和成千上万的像她这样的人将继续在家里呆上几个月。像许多慈善机构一样,自冠状病毒大流行以来,英国肌肉萎缩症的捐款损失巨大,总额超过280万英镑,而且非常有可能耗尽资金来支持像卡梅拉这样的英国7万人。为了筹集这些急需的资金,Atomic London提出了 “走最后一点” 的想法。该活动将看到Carmela进入自己的数字8位版本,走过由数字艺术家Eboy创建并出现在标志性的Piccadilly Lights广告牌上的伦敦8位像素艺术地图。伦敦人将被邀请 “与她同行”,步行最后一英里去上班,并通过短信捐赠3英镑的地铁票价。作为每笔捐款的回报,一个数字人将与卡梅拉一起被添加到广告牌上,试图为慈善机构筹集前所未有的100万英镑。创意合作伙伴盖伊 · 布拉德伯里 (Guy Bradbury) 说: “随着我们的行业和许多其他类似行业重返工作岗位,我们希望利用COVID 19周围的现有行为,让每个人都走最后一点去工作,为那些做不到的人。通过捐赠他们节省下来的钱,他们将确保7万人不会落伍。“英国肌肉萎缩症的营销和传播总监斯蒂芬 · 穆尼 (Stephen Mooney) 补充说: “在她身体上不可能离开家的时候,看到卡梅拉几乎走在伦敦的街道上,这是一种可爱的力量和深度。”在她为英国肌肉萎缩症所做的所有令人惊叹的筹款活动之后,我们很高兴能够给卡梅拉一个机会在欧洲最大的数字广告牌上亮相。“除了皮卡迪利灯广告牌,该活动旨在通过在社交平台上进行促销来创建Carmela收购,并在合作伙伴媒体领域和主要影响者之间进行宣传,以鼓励全国各地的人们步行上班。因为如果卡梅拉能走一英里,我们都可以。加入Carmela和text WALK到70140捐赠您的 £ 3 tube票价,并看到自己的8位版本加入这个标志性的广告牌。


    案例简介:Muscular Dystrophy UK has teamed up with creative agency Atomic London to create an innovative new campaign to raise £1m towards lost income. The charity, which leads the fight against 60 rare and very rare muscle-wasting conditions that affect more than 70,000 people in the UK, is encouraging Londoners to stay away from packed tubes during Covid-19 and join Carmela in a virtual walk to work by donating their £3 tube fare. The campaign will feature across outdoor, digital and social media. Carmela Chillery-Watson, a determined and engaging six-year-old from Devizes, has been in complete lockdown – called shielding – since March and cannot leave her house. Carmela was diagnosed three years ago with a very rare congenital muscular dystrophy and has gone on to raise thousands of pounds for Muscular Dystrophy UK. But her condition means that even when lockdown eases and people begin to return to work or school, Carmela and many thousands like her will continue to stay shielded at home for many more months. Like many charities, Muscular Dystrophy UK has suffered a huge loss in donations since the coronavirus pandemic hit, totalling more than £2.8m, and is at very real risk of running out of funds to support the 70,000 people in the UK like Carmela. In a bid to raise these much- needed funds, Atomic London has come up with the idea to ‘Walk the last bit’. The campaign will see Carmela turned in to a digital 8-bit version of herself, walking through an 8-bit Pixel Art map of London, created by the digital artists Eboy and featured on the iconic Piccadilly Lights billboard. Londoners will be invited to ‘walk with her’ by walking the last mile to work and donating their £3 tube fare via text. In return for each donation, a digital person will be added to the billboard alongside Carmela in an attempt to raise an unprecedented £1m for the charity. Creative partner Guy Bradbury said “As our industry and many others like it return to work, we want to tap into existing behaviour around COVID 19 and get everyone to walk the last little bit to work, for those who can’t. By donating the money they save they will ensure 70,000 people don’t get left behind”. Stephen Mooney, Director of Marketing and Communications at Muscular Dystrophy UK, added: “There is lovely strength and depth to the idea of seeing Carmela virtually walk the streets of London, during a time when it is not physically possible for her to leave her house. We’re thrilled to be able to give Carmela the chance to feature on Europe’s largest digital billboard after all the amazing fundraising she has done for Muscular Dystrophy UK.” Beyond the Piccadilly Lights billboard, the campaign is bidding to create a Carmela takeover with promotion on social platforms and feature across partnering media space and key influencers to encourage people across the country to walk to work. Because if Carmela can walk a mile, we all can. Join Carmela and text WALK to 70140 to donate your £3 tube fare and see an 8-bit version of yourself join this iconic billboard.

    Walk your bit

    案例简介:英国肌肉萎缩症已与创意机构Atomic London合作,开展了一项创新的新活动,以筹集100万英镑用于收入损失。该慈善机构领导了与60种影响英国7万多人的罕见和非常罕见的肌肉消瘦疾病的斗争,该慈善机构鼓励伦敦人在新型冠状病毒肺炎期间远离拥挤的管子,并通过捐赠他们的3 gb管子票价与卡梅拉一起虚拟步行上班。该活动将在户外,数字和社交媒体上进行。Carmela Chillery-Watson是一位来自Devizes的坚定而引人入胜的6岁孩子,自3月以来一直处于完全封锁状态 (称为屏蔽),无法离开她的房子。卡梅拉 (Carmela) 三年前被诊断出患有非常罕见的先天性肌营养不良症,并继续为英国的肌营养不良症筹集了数千英镑。但她的情况意味着,即使封锁缓解,人们开始重返工作或学校,卡梅拉和成千上万的像她这样的人将继续在家里呆上几个月。像许多慈善机构一样,自冠状病毒大流行以来,英国肌肉萎缩症的捐款损失巨大,总额超过280万英镑,而且非常有可能耗尽资金来支持像卡梅拉这样的英国7万人。为了筹集这些急需的资金,Atomic London提出了 “走最后一点” 的想法。该活动将看到Carmela进入自己的数字8位版本,走过由数字艺术家Eboy创建并出现在标志性的Piccadilly Lights广告牌上的伦敦8位像素艺术地图。伦敦人将被邀请 “与她同行”,步行最后一英里去上班,并通过短信捐赠3英镑的地铁票价。作为每笔捐款的回报,一个数字人将与卡梅拉一起被添加到广告牌上,试图为慈善机构筹集前所未有的100万英镑。创意合作伙伴盖伊 · 布拉德伯里 (Guy Bradbury) 说: “随着我们的行业和许多其他类似行业重返工作岗位,我们希望利用COVID 19周围的现有行为,让每个人都走最后一点去工作,为那些做不到的人。通过捐赠他们节省下来的钱,他们将确保7万人不会落伍。“英国肌肉萎缩症的营销和传播总监斯蒂芬 · 穆尼 (Stephen Mooney) 补充说: “在她身体上不可能离开家的时候,看到卡梅拉几乎走在伦敦的街道上,这是一种可爱的力量和深度。”在她为英国肌肉萎缩症所做的所有令人惊叹的筹款活动之后,我们很高兴能够给卡梅拉一个机会在欧洲最大的数字广告牌上亮相。“除了皮卡迪利灯广告牌,该活动旨在通过在社交平台上进行促销来创建Carmela收购,并在合作伙伴媒体领域和主要影响者之间进行宣传,以鼓励全国各地的人们步行上班。因为如果卡梅拉能走一英里,我们都可以。加入Carmela和text WALK到70140捐赠您的 £ 3 tube票价,并看到自己的8位版本加入这个标志性的广告牌。

    Walk your bit

    案例简介:Muscular Dystrophy UK has teamed up with creative agency Atomic London to create an innovative new campaign to raise £1m towards lost income. The charity, which leads the fight against 60 rare and very rare muscle-wasting conditions that affect more than 70,000 people in the UK, is encouraging Londoners to stay away from packed tubes during Covid-19 and join Carmela in a virtual walk to work by donating their £3 tube fare. The campaign will feature across outdoor, digital and social media. Carmela Chillery-Watson, a determined and engaging six-year-old from Devizes, has been in complete lockdown – called shielding – since March and cannot leave her house. Carmela was diagnosed three years ago with a very rare congenital muscular dystrophy and has gone on to raise thousands of pounds for Muscular Dystrophy UK. But her condition means that even when lockdown eases and people begin to return to work or school, Carmela and many thousands like her will continue to stay shielded at home for many more months. Like many charities, Muscular Dystrophy UK has suffered a huge loss in donations since the coronavirus pandemic hit, totalling more than £2.8m, and is at very real risk of running out of funds to support the 70,000 people in the UK like Carmela. In a bid to raise these much- needed funds, Atomic London has come up with the idea to ‘Walk the last bit’. The campaign will see Carmela turned in to a digital 8-bit version of herself, walking through an 8-bit Pixel Art map of London, created by the digital artists Eboy and featured on the iconic Piccadilly Lights billboard. Londoners will be invited to ‘walk with her’ by walking the last mile to work and donating their £3 tube fare via text. In return for each donation, a digital person will be added to the billboard alongside Carmela in an attempt to raise an unprecedented £1m for the charity. Creative partner Guy Bradbury said “As our industry and many others like it return to work, we want to tap into existing behaviour around COVID 19 and get everyone to walk the last little bit to work, for those who can’t. By donating the money they save they will ensure 70,000 people don’t get left behind”. Stephen Mooney, Director of Marketing and Communications at Muscular Dystrophy UK, added: “There is lovely strength and depth to the idea of seeing Carmela virtually walk the streets of London, during a time when it is not physically possible for her to leave her house. We’re thrilled to be able to give Carmela the chance to feature on Europe’s largest digital billboard after all the amazing fundraising she has done for Muscular Dystrophy UK.” Beyond the Piccadilly Lights billboard, the campaign is bidding to create a Carmela takeover with promotion on social platforms and feature across partnering media space and key influencers to encourage people across the country to walk to work. Because if Carmela can walk a mile, we all can. Join Carmela and text WALK to 70140 to donate your £3 tube fare and see an 8-bit version of yourself join this iconic billboard.



    Walk your bit






    广告公司: Atomic (英国 伦敦)




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