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    Closer Than You Think微电影广告营销案例




    案例简介:背景 联合国妇女署是全球性别平等倡导者,致力于制定和维护标准,并创造一个环境,让每个妇女和女孩都能行使自己的人权,充分发挥自己的潜力。自 1989 年以来,冰岛妇女署全国委员会一直致力于提高当地对该组织满足全世界妇女需求的总体目标的认识。 我们熟悉妇女署为提高冰岛境外对基于性别的暴力的认识而开展的成功运动。我们在最初简报中的任务是提高国外对这个问题的认识,通过流行歌星和社交媒体影响者瞄准年轻人。但我们与客户合作,扩大男性人口,并将这个问题带回冰岛,为我们的目标受众扩大信息。 描述你所在地区的文化/社会/政治气候,以及在这种背景下你的竞选活动的重要性 根据WEF全球性别差距指数,冰岛是当今世界上性别最平等的社会。但这种闪亮的声誉也是这个国家的致命弱点: 许多冰岛人认为基于性别的暴力是一个只存在于境外的问题 -- 尤其是冰岛男性。作为回应,联合国妇女署冰岛希望将HeForShe团结运动本地化,以努力让更多的冰岛男子参与反对基于性别的暴力的斗争,而不仅仅是在海外遥远的国家,而且在他们自己的后院。 为此,我们招募了来自冰岛社会不同领域的几个具有高度影响力的人 -- 作为榜样的人,声音被其他冰岛男人注意的男人和为理想化的冰岛男子气概设置标准的男人。他们包括一个年轻的嘻哈明星,一个著名的商业领袖,一个被年轻人崇拜的足球教练,一个受人尊敬的文学人物,一个儿童节目的受人喜爱的主持人和几个普通人。不管他们的背景如何,所有的男人对坐在他们面前的女人都有着同样深刻、发自内心的反应,表现出脆弱和同情。 描述创意 一系列冰岛男性,包括默默无闻的面孔和来自冰岛社会的知名人物,被要求大声朗读世界各地女性真实的、未经审查的基于性别的暴力故事。在完成最后一篇文章后,他们了解到给他们发短信的女人 -- 坐在他们对面的冰岛女人 -- 就是他们刚刚完成故事的女人。对这些人的影响是直接的,无疑是令人心碎的,因为他们的脸记录了他们刚刚说出的故事。反过来,观众体验到男性的真实情感和脆弱性,他们认识到基于性别的暴力与他们有多密切。 最后,观众被引导到冰岛妇女署网站,在那里他们可以注册谴责基于性别的暴力。 描述策略 我们从目标人群开始制定我们的战略: 18 至 65 岁的冰岛男性。我们的主要挑战是,大多数冰岛男子感到与基于性别的暴力问题脱节,因为这往往被视为海外发展中国家的问题。因此,事实证明,冰岛男子,尤其是中年冰岛男子,对以前的努力相当抗拒。 当时,我们的策略是为冰岛人找到一种真实的方式来处理这些问题,从而引发令人信服的情绪反应。我们必须向冰岛男子证明,基于性别的暴力比你想象的更接近。随着新觉醒的意识和参与打击基于性别的暴力的意愿,目标受众被指示采取行动,承诺支持联合国妇女署冰岛网站,并通过所有社交媒体渠道分享信息 (和视频)。 描述执行 我们选择听男人的声音讲述这些故事,这些声音会大声对其他男人说话。然而,我们不希望这场运动是关于男性代表或拯救女性,而是关于男性表现出他们的脆弱性和对基于性别的暴力的真正同情。为了达到这种真实的情感,男人们被置于这样一种境地,他们将不得不面对一个基于性别的暴力故事背后的真正女人。 媒体计划侧重于社交媒体和其他在线平台,在这些平台上,我们可以最大限度地接触目标受众,并受益于观众分享如此引人注目的视频的自然倾向。脸书视频是这场运动的中流砥柱,得到了YouTube和Twitter的支持。该视频还作为电视广告播放了十天,以提高知名度,以及一些支持该活动的户外广告。 描述结果/影响 在最初的 24 小时里,该运动已经达到或超过了其目标,并被冰岛所有主要媒体报道。该视频结束后,人们在网上和社会上都进行了大量的讨论。 联合国妇女组织冰岛网站上的团结承诺 目标: 4,500 结果: 5,364 视频结束后的电话筹款活动 目标: 每月增加捐献者 300 结果: 在 10 天内,2018 年超过 20% 的新捐赠者已经签署,远远超过了目标 视频视图 目标: 100,000 次查看 结果: 来自脸书、YouTube和推特的总浏览量为 385,297 次 (注: 当时冰岛的总人口不到 360,000 人) 接合 目标: 10,000 人参与社交媒体上的内容 结果: 至少超过目标 21,303 或 213% 赢得媒体 目标: 广泛的媒体讨论 结果: 通过 20 家媒体发布报道达到目标


    案例简介:Background UN Women is the global champion for gender equality, working to develop and uphold standards and create an environment in which every woman and girl can exercise her human rights and live up to her full potential. Since 1989, Iceland’s National Committee of UN Women has worked towards raising local awareness of the organization’s overarching goals of meeting the needs of women worldwide. We were familiar with successful campaigns undertaken by UN Women to increase awareness of gender-based violence outside of Iceland. And our task in the original brief was to raise awareness of the issue abroad, targeting young men through pop stars and social media influencers. But we worked with the client to broaden the demographic of men and bring the issue home to Iceland as well to amplify the message for our target audience. Describe the cultural/social/political climate in your region and the significance of your campaign within this context Iceland is the most gender-equal society in the world today according to the WEF Global Gender Gap Index. But this shining reputation is also the nation’s Achilles heel: many Icelanders think of gender-based violence as a problem that exists only beyond its borders—especially Icelandic men. In response, UN Women Iceland wanted to localize the HeForShe solidarity movement in an effort to bring more Icelandic men into the fight against gender-based violence not only in distant nations overseas, but also in their own backyard. To this end, we enlisted the participation of several highly influential men from different arenas of Icelandic society—men who serve as role models, men whose voices are heeded by other Icelandic men and men who set the bar for idealized Icelandic masculinity. They include a young hip-hop star, a celebrated business leader, a football coach admired by young people, a venerated literary figure, the beloved host of a children’s show and a few everyday men. Regardless of their background, all the men shared in the same poignant, heartfelt reaction to the woman sitting in front of them, demonstrating vulnerability and empathy. Describe the creative idea A series of Icelandic men, both unknown faces and well-known figures from across Icelandic society, are asked to read aloud the true, uncensored stories of gender-based violence from women around the world. Upon finishing the last text they learn that the woman who handed them the texts—the Icelandic woman sitting across from them—is the woman whose story they have just finished. The impact on the men is immediate and unmistakably heartbreaking as their faces register whose story they have just uttered. The viewer, in turn, experiences the authentic emotion and vulnerability of men recognizing how close gender-based violence is to them. In closing, viewers are directed to the website for UN Women Iceland where they can register their solidarity in condemning gender-based violence. Describe the strategy We started developing our strategy from the target demographic: Icelandic men from ages 18 to 65. Our main challenge was that most Icelandic men felt disconnected with the issue of gender-based violence as it is often dismissed as a problem for developing nations overseas. As such, Icelandic men, and especially middle-aged Icelandic men, have proven quite resistant to previous efforts. Our strategy was then to find a way for Icelandic men to connect with these issues in an authentic way that would elicit a compelling, emotional response. We had to demonstrate for Icelandic men that gender-based violence is closer than you think. With a newly awakened awareness and willingness to participate in the fight against gender-based violence, the target audience is directed to take action by pledging their support on UN Women Iceland’s site and sharing the message (and video) via all social media channels. Describe the execution We chose to hear these stories told by the voices of men, which would speak loudly to other men. However, we did not want the campaign to be about men representing or saving women, but rather about men showing their vulnerability and an outpouring of authentic empathy for gender-based violence. To achieve this authentic emotion the men were put in a situation where they would have to confront the real woman behind a story of gender-based violence. The media plan focused on social media and other online platforms, where we could have the greatest exposure to our target audience and benefit from viewers’ natural inclination to share such a compelling video. The Facebook video was the mainstay of the campaign, supported by YouTube and Twitter. The video also aired as a television ad for ten days to increase awareness as well as some outdoor advertisements in support of the campaign. Describe the results/impact In the first 24 hours the campaign had already met or exceeded its objectives and was covered by all major media outlets in Iceland. There was both tremendous discussion online and in society in general in the wake of the video. Pledges for solidarity on UN Women Iceland site Objective: 4,500 Outcome: 5,364 Phone fundraiser in wake of video Objective: increase monthly donors by 300 Outcome: in 10 days over 20% of new donors in 2018 had been signed and the objective was far exceeded Video views Objective: 100,000 views Outcome: 385,297 views total from Facebook, YouTube and Twitter (NB: the total population of Iceland at the time was just under 360,000 people) Engagement Objective: 10,000 people engaging with the content on social media Outcome: at least 21,303 or 213% over the target Earned media Objective: widespread media discussion Outcome: Objective reached with 20 media outlets releasing coverage

    Closer Than You Think

    案例简介:背景 联合国妇女署是全球性别平等倡导者,致力于制定和维护标准,并创造一个环境,让每个妇女和女孩都能行使自己的人权,充分发挥自己的潜力。自 1989 年以来,冰岛妇女署全国委员会一直致力于提高当地对该组织满足全世界妇女需求的总体目标的认识。 我们熟悉妇女署为提高冰岛境外对基于性别的暴力的认识而开展的成功运动。我们在最初简报中的任务是提高国外对这个问题的认识,通过流行歌星和社交媒体影响者瞄准年轻人。但我们与客户合作,扩大男性人口,并将这个问题带回冰岛,为我们的目标受众扩大信息。 描述你所在地区的文化/社会/政治气候,以及在这种背景下你的竞选活动的重要性 根据WEF全球性别差距指数,冰岛是当今世界上性别最平等的社会。但这种闪亮的声誉也是这个国家的致命弱点: 许多冰岛人认为基于性别的暴力是一个只存在于境外的问题 -- 尤其是冰岛男性。作为回应,联合国妇女署冰岛希望将HeForShe团结运动本地化,以努力让更多的冰岛男子参与反对基于性别的暴力的斗争,而不仅仅是在海外遥远的国家,而且在他们自己的后院。 为此,我们招募了来自冰岛社会不同领域的几个具有高度影响力的人 -- 作为榜样的人,声音被其他冰岛男人注意的男人和为理想化的冰岛男子气概设置标准的男人。他们包括一个年轻的嘻哈明星,一个著名的商业领袖,一个被年轻人崇拜的足球教练,一个受人尊敬的文学人物,一个儿童节目的受人喜爱的主持人和几个普通人。不管他们的背景如何,所有的男人对坐在他们面前的女人都有着同样深刻、发自内心的反应,表现出脆弱和同情。 描述创意 一系列冰岛男性,包括默默无闻的面孔和来自冰岛社会的知名人物,被要求大声朗读世界各地女性真实的、未经审查的基于性别的暴力故事。在完成最后一篇文章后,他们了解到给他们发短信的女人 -- 坐在他们对面的冰岛女人 -- 就是他们刚刚完成故事的女人。对这些人的影响是直接的,无疑是令人心碎的,因为他们的脸记录了他们刚刚说出的故事。反过来,观众体验到男性的真实情感和脆弱性,他们认识到基于性别的暴力与他们有多密切。 最后,观众被引导到冰岛妇女署网站,在那里他们可以注册谴责基于性别的暴力。 描述策略 我们从目标人群开始制定我们的战略: 18 至 65 岁的冰岛男性。我们的主要挑战是,大多数冰岛男子感到与基于性别的暴力问题脱节,因为这往往被视为海外发展中国家的问题。因此,事实证明,冰岛男子,尤其是中年冰岛男子,对以前的努力相当抗拒。 当时,我们的策略是为冰岛人找到一种真实的方式来处理这些问题,从而引发令人信服的情绪反应。我们必须向冰岛男子证明,基于性别的暴力比你想象的更接近。随着新觉醒的意识和参与打击基于性别的暴力的意愿,目标受众被指示采取行动,承诺支持联合国妇女署冰岛网站,并通过所有社交媒体渠道分享信息 (和视频)。 描述执行 我们选择听男人的声音讲述这些故事,这些声音会大声对其他男人说话。然而,我们不希望这场运动是关于男性代表或拯救女性,而是关于男性表现出他们的脆弱性和对基于性别的暴力的真正同情。为了达到这种真实的情感,男人们被置于这样一种境地,他们将不得不面对一个基于性别的暴力故事背后的真正女人。 媒体计划侧重于社交媒体和其他在线平台,在这些平台上,我们可以最大限度地接触目标受众,并受益于观众分享如此引人注目的视频的自然倾向。脸书视频是这场运动的中流砥柱,得到了YouTube和Twitter的支持。该视频还作为电视广告播放了十天,以提高知名度,以及一些支持该活动的户外广告。 描述结果/影响 在最初的 24 小时里,该运动已经达到或超过了其目标,并被冰岛所有主要媒体报道。该视频结束后,人们在网上和社会上都进行了大量的讨论。 联合国妇女组织冰岛网站上的团结承诺 目标: 4,500 结果: 5,364 视频结束后的电话筹款活动 目标: 每月增加捐献者 300 结果: 在 10 天内,2018 年超过 20% 的新捐赠者已经签署,远远超过了目标 视频视图 目标: 100,000 次查看 结果: 来自脸书、YouTube和推特的总浏览量为 385,297 次 (注: 当时冰岛的总人口不到 360,000 人) 接合 目标: 10,000 人参与社交媒体上的内容 结果: 至少超过目标 21,303 或 213% 赢得媒体 目标: 广泛的媒体讨论 结果: 通过 20 家媒体发布报道达到目标

    Closer Than You Think

    案例简介:Background UN Women is the global champion for gender equality, working to develop and uphold standards and create an environment in which every woman and girl can exercise her human rights and live up to her full potential. Since 1989, Iceland’s National Committee of UN Women has worked towards raising local awareness of the organization’s overarching goals of meeting the needs of women worldwide. We were familiar with successful campaigns undertaken by UN Women to increase awareness of gender-based violence outside of Iceland. And our task in the original brief was to raise awareness of the issue abroad, targeting young men through pop stars and social media influencers. But we worked with the client to broaden the demographic of men and bring the issue home to Iceland as well to amplify the message for our target audience. Describe the cultural/social/political climate in your region and the significance of your campaign within this context Iceland is the most gender-equal society in the world today according to the WEF Global Gender Gap Index. But this shining reputation is also the nation’s Achilles heel: many Icelanders think of gender-based violence as a problem that exists only beyond its borders—especially Icelandic men. In response, UN Women Iceland wanted to localize the HeForShe solidarity movement in an effort to bring more Icelandic men into the fight against gender-based violence not only in distant nations overseas, but also in their own backyard. To this end, we enlisted the participation of several highly influential men from different arenas of Icelandic society—men who serve as role models, men whose voices are heeded by other Icelandic men and men who set the bar for idealized Icelandic masculinity. They include a young hip-hop star, a celebrated business leader, a football coach admired by young people, a venerated literary figure, the beloved host of a children’s show and a few everyday men. Regardless of their background, all the men shared in the same poignant, heartfelt reaction to the woman sitting in front of them, demonstrating vulnerability and empathy. Describe the creative idea A series of Icelandic men, both unknown faces and well-known figures from across Icelandic society, are asked to read aloud the true, uncensored stories of gender-based violence from women around the world. Upon finishing the last text they learn that the woman who handed them the texts—the Icelandic woman sitting across from them—is the woman whose story they have just finished. The impact on the men is immediate and unmistakably heartbreaking as their faces register whose story they have just uttered. The viewer, in turn, experiences the authentic emotion and vulnerability of men recognizing how close gender-based violence is to them. In closing, viewers are directed to the website for UN Women Iceland where they can register their solidarity in condemning gender-based violence. Describe the strategy We started developing our strategy from the target demographic: Icelandic men from ages 18 to 65. Our main challenge was that most Icelandic men felt disconnected with the issue of gender-based violence as it is often dismissed as a problem for developing nations overseas. As such, Icelandic men, and especially middle-aged Icelandic men, have proven quite resistant to previous efforts. Our strategy was then to find a way for Icelandic men to connect with these issues in an authentic way that would elicit a compelling, emotional response. We had to demonstrate for Icelandic men that gender-based violence is closer than you think. With a newly awakened awareness and willingness to participate in the fight against gender-based violence, the target audience is directed to take action by pledging their support on UN Women Iceland’s site and sharing the message (and video) via all social media channels. Describe the execution We chose to hear these stories told by the voices of men, which would speak loudly to other men. However, we did not want the campaign to be about men representing or saving women, but rather about men showing their vulnerability and an outpouring of authentic empathy for gender-based violence. To achieve this authentic emotion the men were put in a situation where they would have to confront the real woman behind a story of gender-based violence. The media plan focused on social media and other online platforms, where we could have the greatest exposure to our target audience and benefit from viewers’ natural inclination to share such a compelling video. The Facebook video was the mainstay of the campaign, supported by YouTube and Twitter. The video also aired as a television ad for ten days to increase awareness as well as some outdoor advertisements in support of the campaign. Describe the results/impact In the first 24 hours the campaign had already met or exceeded its objectives and was covered by all major media outlets in Iceland. There was both tremendous discussion online and in society in general in the wake of the video. Pledges for solidarity on UN Women Iceland site Objective: 4,500 Outcome: 5,364 Phone fundraiser in wake of video Objective: increase monthly donors by 300 Outcome: in 10 days over 20% of new donors in 2018 had been signed and the objective was far exceeded Video views Objective: 100,000 views Outcome: 385,297 views total from Facebook, YouTube and Twitter (NB: the total population of Iceland at the time was just under 360,000 people) Engagement Objective: 10,000 people engaging with the content on social media Outcome: at least 21,303 or 213% over the target Earned media Objective: widespread media discussion Outcome: Objective reached with 20 media outlets releasing coverage



    Closer Than You Think






    广告公司: TBWA (冰岛 Reykjavik) 制作公司: 腾迈 , PIPAR




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