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    新娘制服 | The Bridal Uniform装置,活动广告营销案例



    案例简介:为什么这项工作与品牌内容和娱乐相关? 巴基斯坦的婚礼和婚姻是娱乐的主要来源,尤其是在举办以新娘服装为特色的时装秀时-这些都是精心制作的事务,顶级名人参加了这些事务,并在全国范围内受到新闻媒体的报道。我们劫持了这些节目中最大的一个,通过现场观众经历的特技来发表关于童婚的声明。 描述有关您所在国家/地区的健康与健康通信的任何限制或法规,包括: 出于宗教原因,巴基斯坦经常允许童婚。人权团体试图将最低结婚年龄提高到18岁的尝试已被宗教团体关闭。有关禁止童婚的任何交流都立即被视为非伊斯兰教徒。 健康与保健工作必须证明它如何满足 “改变生活的创造力” 的标准。为什么你的工作与健康相关? 根据许多医学研究报告,童婚会给女孩带来非常复杂的健康问题: 身体和精神。我们的竞选活动的目标是使政府将最低结婚年龄定为18岁,这是法律规定的: 这一举动将改变成千上万的巴基斯坦女孩的生活。 背景 巴基斯坦是世界上最糟糕的童婚记录之一。在过去十年中,几乎四分之一的巴基斯坦妇女在18岁之前就已经结婚,有些甚至在6岁。早婚导致的怀孕会导致严重的健康并发症-18岁以下的女孩死于分娩的可能性是后者的两倍,而16岁以下的母亲所生的婴儿死亡的机会60%。 尽管如此,将法定结婚年龄提高到18岁的法案此前已被政府以宗教为由拒绝。 我们的目标是: -围绕这个问题引起轰动,最终影响国会议员提高最低结婚年龄。 -提高人们对这个问题的认识并改变人们的心态,以便他们实际上教育女儿而不是让他们结婚。 描述创意 对创意的战略见解来自典型的巴基斯坦新娘精心制作的婚礼服装。每年,巴基斯坦新娘服装业都会举办大型活动,名人参加,并有广泛的媒体报道。可以说新娘礼服本身被视为新娘的制服。 我们了解了观众的见识,并将其与女孩穿的另一种制服联系起来: 到她的学校。通过将两者合并,我们通过教育的论点形成了一种对抗早婚的新战略方式: 新娘制服是通过将婚纱刺绣与女学生的制服融合而产生的。 描述策略 世界银行的报告指出,结束童婚的最好方法之一是让女孩继续上学。女孩在学校停留的时间越长,她在18岁之前结婚并在青少年时期生孩子的可能性就越小。我们的策略是专注于女学生,并强调早婚带来的教育损失。 作为一种媒体策略,通过破坏像新娘时装周这样的平台,在那里庆祝新娘,我们能够搭载事件之后的媒体浪潮,完全劫持了围绕它的对话。 该运动针对两个层面的人们。通过特技,我们首先针对巴基斯坦的有影响力的人和媒体人员,他们可以传播对话,从而产生影响决策者的压力。其次,通过实地会议,直接向这些做法广泛流行的群众发表讲话。 描述执行情况 我们与该国领先的新娘服装设计师Ali Xeeshan合作制作了新娘制服: Ali精心研究了新娘刺绣图案,以在校服和新娘礼服之间找到适当的平衡。金色刺绣被手工播种到典型的政府校服中。 然后,我们劫持了该国最大的新娘时装秀的平台: 新娘时装秀。作为当晚的热门节目,在穿着精美礼服的珠宝成年新娘中,以及全国顶级时尚博客的录音中,一个小女孩穿着女学生的制服,上面装饰着美丽的传统新娘图案,震惊了现场观众和观看广播。 特技导致了在线请愿,随后是地面教育活动。 描述结果 破坏性的现场特技迅速传播开来,并产生了几乎500,000,000的社交和新闻媒体印象,比巴基斯坦为此目的开展的任何运动都要多。 参议员S.Kamran在提出一项将法定结婚年龄提高到18岁的法案时注意到了我们的竞选活动。伊斯兰理事会反过来提议一项具有开创性的修正案: 在18岁之前,女孩将被法律允许离开父母的婚姻房屋。最近,巴基斯坦参议院批准了一项将结婚年龄提高到18岁的法案。这场运动进一步导致警察不再对未成年婚姻视而不见: 逮捕了参与这种做法的人。 值得注意的是,尽管该活动产生了数百万美元的媒体报道,但使用现有的校服样品和廉价的新娘刺绣图案,这件衣服的制作成本仅不到100美元。

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Branded Content & Entertainment? Weddings and marriages in Pakistan are major sources of entertainments, especially when it comes to fashion shows which feature bridal outfits - these are elaborate affairs which are attended by top celebrities and covered nationally by news media. We hijacked the largest of these shows to make a statement about child marriages through a stunt experienced by a live audience. Describe any restrictions or regulations regarding Health & Wellness communications in your country/region including: Child marriages are frequently permitted in Pakistan under religious reasons. Attempts by human-rights groups to raise the minimum age of marriage to 18 have been shut down by religious groups. Any communication around banning child marriages are immediately attacked as unIslamic. Health & Wellness work must demonstrate how it meets the criteria 'life-changing creativity'. Why is your work relevant for Health & Wellness? According to numerous medical research reports, child marriages lead to highly complicated health issues for girls: both physical and mental. Our campaign's goal was to get the government to implement a minimum marriageable age of 18 as law: an act that would be incredibly life-changing for thousands of Pakistani girls. Background Pakistan has one of the worst records of child marriages in the world. Almost a quarter of all Pakistani women in the last ten years have been married before the age of 18, some even at the age of 6. Pregnancies resulting from early marriages cause severe health complications - girls under 18 years are twice as likely to die in childbirth, while infants born to mothers under 16 have a 60% chance of death. Despite this, bills to raise the legal marriage age to 18 have been rejected previously by the government on religious grounds. Our objectives were to: - Create a stir around the issue that would reach parliamentary figures, and ultimately influence lawmakers to raise the minimum marriage age. - Raise awareness and change people’s mindset regarding this issue so they actually educate their daughters rather than getting them married. Describe the creative idea The strategic insight to the creative idea came from the typical Pakistani bride's elaborate wedding outfit. Every year, the Pakistani bridal-wear industry hosts large events which are attended by celebrities and have extensive media coverage. One could say that the bridal gown is treated itself as a uniform for a bride. We took this audience insight and connected it to the other uniform a girl wears: to her school. By merging the two, we formed a new strategic way into fighting early marriages - through the argument of education: the Bridal Uniform was thus created by fusing wedding gown embroidery with a schoolgirl's uniform. Describe the strategy The World Bank Report states that one of the best ways to end child marriage is to keep girls in school. The longer a girl stays in school, the less likely she is to be married before the age of 18 and have children during her teenage years. Our strategy was to focus on the girl student and highlight the loss of education through early marriages. As a media strategy, by disrupting a platform like the Bridal Couture Week, where brides are meant to be celebrated, we were able to piggyback on the media wave that followed the event, completely hijacking the conversation around it. The campaign targeted people on two levels. Through the stunt, we first targeted Pakistani influencers and media personnel who could spread the conversation that built pressure to influence policymakers. And second, through on-ground sessions, directly addressing the masses where these practices were widely prevalent. Describe the execution We collaborated with the country's leading bridal-wear designer Ali Xeeshan to create The Bridal Uniform: Ali meticulously researched bridal embroidery patterns to find the right balance between a school uniform and a bride's gown. Golden embroidery was hand sown into a typical government school uniform. We then hijacked the platform of the country’s biggest bridal fashion show: The Bridal Couture Show. As the showstopper of the night, amidst bejeweled adult brides in elaborate gowns, and with the nation's top fashion bloggers recording, out walked on the ramp a little girl wearing a schoolgirl's uniform embellished with beautiful traditional bridal motifs, shocking audiences both live and watching on broadcast. The stunt led to an online petition and was followed by on ground educational activations. Describe the outcome The disruptive live stunt went viral and generated almost 500,000,000 social and news-media impressions, more than any campaign for this cause has ever done in Pakistan. Senator S.Kamran took note of our campaign by name while proposing a bill to raise the legal marriage age to 18. The Islamic Council in turn proposed a groundbreaking amendment: a girl will not be legally allowed to leave her parents’ house in marriage until she turned 18. More recently, the Pakistani Senate approved a bill for raising the marriageable age to 18. The campaign further led to the police no longer turning a blind eye to underage marriages: arrests were made of people who were involved in such practices. It is pertinent to note that while the campaign generated millions of dollars in media coverage, the dress cost only under $100 to make, using existing school uniform samples and inexpensive bridal embroidery motifs.

    新娘制服 | The Bridal Uniform

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与品牌内容和娱乐相关? 巴基斯坦的婚礼和婚姻是娱乐的主要来源,尤其是在举办以新娘服装为特色的时装秀时-这些都是精心制作的事务,顶级名人参加了这些事务,并在全国范围内受到新闻媒体的报道。我们劫持了这些节目中最大的一个,通过现场观众经历的特技来发表关于童婚的声明。 描述有关您所在国家/地区的健康与健康通信的任何限制或法规,包括: 出于宗教原因,巴基斯坦经常允许童婚。人权团体试图将最低结婚年龄提高到18岁的尝试已被宗教团体关闭。有关禁止童婚的任何交流都立即被视为非伊斯兰教徒。 健康与保健工作必须证明它如何满足 “改变生活的创造力” 的标准。为什么你的工作与健康相关? 根据许多医学研究报告,童婚会给女孩带来非常复杂的健康问题: 身体和精神。我们的竞选活动的目标是使政府将最低结婚年龄定为18岁,这是法律规定的: 这一举动将改变成千上万的巴基斯坦女孩的生活。 背景 巴基斯坦是世界上最糟糕的童婚记录之一。在过去十年中,几乎四分之一的巴基斯坦妇女在18岁之前就已经结婚,有些甚至在6岁。早婚导致的怀孕会导致严重的健康并发症-18岁以下的女孩死于分娩的可能性是后者的两倍,而16岁以下的母亲所生的婴儿死亡的机会60%。 尽管如此,将法定结婚年龄提高到18岁的法案此前已被政府以宗教为由拒绝。 我们的目标是: -围绕这个问题引起轰动,最终影响国会议员提高最低结婚年龄。 -提高人们对这个问题的认识并改变人们的心态,以便他们实际上教育女儿而不是让他们结婚。 描述创意 对创意的战略见解来自典型的巴基斯坦新娘精心制作的婚礼服装。每年,巴基斯坦新娘服装业都会举办大型活动,名人参加,并有广泛的媒体报道。可以说新娘礼服本身被视为新娘的制服。 我们了解了观众的见识,并将其与女孩穿的另一种制服联系起来: 到她的学校。通过将两者合并,我们通过教育的论点形成了一种对抗早婚的新战略方式: 新娘制服是通过将婚纱刺绣与女学生的制服融合而产生的。 描述策略 世界银行的报告指出,结束童婚的最好方法之一是让女孩继续上学。女孩在学校停留的时间越长,她在18岁之前结婚并在青少年时期生孩子的可能性就越小。我们的策略是专注于女学生,并强调早婚带来的教育损失。 作为一种媒体策略,通过破坏像新娘时装周这样的平台,在那里庆祝新娘,我们能够搭载事件之后的媒体浪潮,完全劫持了围绕它的对话。 该运动针对两个层面的人们。通过特技,我们首先针对巴基斯坦的有影响力的人和媒体人员,他们可以传播对话,从而产生影响决策者的压力。其次,通过实地会议,直接向这些做法广泛流行的群众发表讲话。 描述执行情况 我们与该国领先的新娘服装设计师Ali Xeeshan合作制作了新娘制服: Ali精心研究了新娘刺绣图案,以在校服和新娘礼服之间找到适当的平衡。金色刺绣被手工播种到典型的政府校服中。 然后,我们劫持了该国最大的新娘时装秀的平台: 新娘时装秀。作为当晚的热门节目,在穿着精美礼服的珠宝成年新娘中,以及全国顶级时尚博客的录音中,一个小女孩穿着女学生的制服,上面装饰着美丽的传统新娘图案,震惊了现场观众和观看广播。 特技导致了在线请愿,随后是地面教育活动。 描述结果 破坏性的现场特技迅速传播开来,并产生了几乎500,000,000的社交和新闻媒体印象,比巴基斯坦为此目的开展的任何运动都要多。 参议员S.Kamran在提出一项将法定结婚年龄提高到18岁的法案时注意到了我们的竞选活动。伊斯兰理事会反过来提议一项具有开创性的修正案: 在18岁之前,女孩将被法律允许离开父母的婚姻房屋。最近,巴基斯坦参议院批准了一项将结婚年龄提高到18岁的法案。这场运动进一步导致警察不再对未成年婚姻视而不见: 逮捕了参与这种做法的人。 值得注意的是,尽管该活动产生了数百万美元的媒体报道,但使用现有的校服样品和廉价的新娘刺绣图案,这件衣服的制作成本仅不到100美元。

    新娘制服 | The Bridal Uniform

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Branded Content & Entertainment? Weddings and marriages in Pakistan are major sources of entertainments, especially when it comes to fashion shows which feature bridal outfits - these are elaborate affairs which are attended by top celebrities and covered nationally by news media. We hijacked the largest of these shows to make a statement about child marriages through a stunt experienced by a live audience. Describe any restrictions or regulations regarding Health & Wellness communications in your country/region including: Child marriages are frequently permitted in Pakistan under religious reasons. Attempts by human-rights groups to raise the minimum age of marriage to 18 have been shut down by religious groups. Any communication around banning child marriages are immediately attacked as unIslamic. Health & Wellness work must demonstrate how it meets the criteria 'life-changing creativity'. Why is your work relevant for Health & Wellness? According to numerous medical research reports, child marriages lead to highly complicated health issues for girls: both physical and mental. Our campaign's goal was to get the government to implement a minimum marriageable age of 18 as law: an act that would be incredibly life-changing for thousands of Pakistani girls. Background Pakistan has one of the worst records of child marriages in the world. Almost a quarter of all Pakistani women in the last ten years have been married before the age of 18, some even at the age of 6. Pregnancies resulting from early marriages cause severe health complications - girls under 18 years are twice as likely to die in childbirth, while infants born to mothers under 16 have a 60% chance of death. Despite this, bills to raise the legal marriage age to 18 have been rejected previously by the government on religious grounds. Our objectives were to: - Create a stir around the issue that would reach parliamentary figures, and ultimately influence lawmakers to raise the minimum marriage age. - Raise awareness and change people’s mindset regarding this issue so they actually educate their daughters rather than getting them married. Describe the creative idea The strategic insight to the creative idea came from the typical Pakistani bride's elaborate wedding outfit. Every year, the Pakistani bridal-wear industry hosts large events which are attended by celebrities and have extensive media coverage. One could say that the bridal gown is treated itself as a uniform for a bride. We took this audience insight and connected it to the other uniform a girl wears: to her school. By merging the two, we formed a new strategic way into fighting early marriages - through the argument of education: the Bridal Uniform was thus created by fusing wedding gown embroidery with a schoolgirl's uniform. Describe the strategy The World Bank Report states that one of the best ways to end child marriage is to keep girls in school. The longer a girl stays in school, the less likely she is to be married before the age of 18 and have children during her teenage years. Our strategy was to focus on the girl student and highlight the loss of education through early marriages. As a media strategy, by disrupting a platform like the Bridal Couture Week, where brides are meant to be celebrated, we were able to piggyback on the media wave that followed the event, completely hijacking the conversation around it. The campaign targeted people on two levels. Through the stunt, we first targeted Pakistani influencers and media personnel who could spread the conversation that built pressure to influence policymakers. And second, through on-ground sessions, directly addressing the masses where these practices were widely prevalent. Describe the execution We collaborated with the country's leading bridal-wear designer Ali Xeeshan to create The Bridal Uniform: Ali meticulously researched bridal embroidery patterns to find the right balance between a school uniform and a bride's gown. Golden embroidery was hand sown into a typical government school uniform. We then hijacked the platform of the country’s biggest bridal fashion show: The Bridal Couture Show. As the showstopper of the night, amidst bejeweled adult brides in elaborate gowns, and with the nation's top fashion bloggers recording, out walked on the ramp a little girl wearing a schoolgirl's uniform embellished with beautiful traditional bridal motifs, shocking audiences both live and watching on broadcast. The stunt led to an online petition and was followed by on ground educational activations. Describe the outcome The disruptive live stunt went viral and generated almost 500,000,000 social and news-media impressions, more than any campaign for this cause has ever done in Pakistan. Senator S.Kamran took note of our campaign by name while proposing a bill to raise the legal marriage age to 18. The Islamic Council in turn proposed a groundbreaking amendment: a girl will not be legally allowed to leave her parents’ house in marriage until she turned 18. More recently, the Pakistani Senate approved a bill for raising the marriageable age to 18. The campaign further led to the police no longer turning a blind eye to underage marriages: arrests were made of people who were involved in such practices. It is pertinent to note that while the campaign generated millions of dollars in media coverage, the dress cost only under $100 to make, using existing school uniform samples and inexpensive bridal embroidery motifs.


    新娘制服 | The Bridal Uniform










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