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    Epic Option微电影广告营销案例




    案例简介:Koda和ROSAPARK推出了汽车制造商的最新史诗选择 在过去的一年中,š koda庆祝了其125年,该品牌比以往任何时候都更加充满活力和活力! 证明这一点的是,最近推出了第四代最畅销的斯柯达奥克塔维亚,这家汽车制造商进入了电动汽车市场,最终推出了其首款100% 电动SUV,斯柯达ENYAQ iV。 凭借这一激动人心的消息,š koda期待着一个充满雄心的2021。因此,很自然地,为了开始与经纪公司Rosapark合作的第5年,该品牌再次推出了其独特的另类和原创广告系列之一,与最近的广告系列 “90年代丑陋” 、 “犹豫” 和侦探史诗 “威尔和查克” 相一致。 对于这款新作品,ROSAPARK和 š koda希望通过展示一个经常被忽视的USP品牌,再次强调 š koda的创新定位及其不断适应消费者使用的能力,该品牌几乎是无生态的,但在这种情况下,最终将避免驾驶员之间的冲突。 小费?它就藏在你的门里… 门卫保护! 在这个令人难以置信的无聊的名字背后隐藏着一个选项,它实际上可以减轻许多驾驶员在停车场打开车门的可怕恐惧。 。 谁没有经历过那个臭名昭著的祸害,那个令人痛心的打击...当你开门有点太快,瞧,你刮擦了附近的车。不过请不要担心,因为 š koda在那里为您服务! 正如ROSAPARK董事总经理Sacha Lacroix解释的那样,有趣的是,基于如此小的细节,这种选择在多大程度上确实使日常生活变得更容易,而且它的发明再次是由 š koda进行的探索性工作的结果,他们一直在寻找强大的消费者洞察力。 法国koda营销总监Paul Barrocas补充道: “该品牌的强大价值之一是“ 关注 ”,我们努力不断倾听和服务我们的消费者,以便为他们提供实用的解决方案,将舒适和轻松结合在一起。 这家捷克制造商为我们提供了新鲜的空气,而电影爱好者的新电影则以80年代的黑手党电影为风格,不会引起电影爱好者的注意。 从一对年轻夫妇开始,Epic Option向我们展示了 š koda的车载设备如何为我们节省很多麻烦。在经过一个几乎空无一人的停车场后,这对年轻夫妇停在一辆我们知道属于一群黑手党的人坐在附近一家咖啡馆的露台上的车辆旁边。然后,相机停在角色的硬凝视上,担心他们的车辆,然后专注于 š koda的车门保护,这成为了自己的角色。慢动作,紧张的脸上的紧身镜头以及理查德·瓦格纳 (Richard Wagner) 的《步行者之旅》 (Ride of the Walkyries) 汇聚在一起,使这部电影成为真正的电影力量。 为了实现这一目标,š koda和Rosapark得到了我们这一代最有前途的电影制作二人之一Bukherma兄弟的帮助。在《奇幻文学》和《电影》中长大的双胞胎Ludovic和Zoran已经制作了在电影界脱颖而出的故事片 (在多维尔美国电影节上获奖的Willy 1er和2020入选戛纳电影节的Teddy),这是这对夫妇的第一个广告。 该活动于3月1日在社交媒体上以 # MakeItEpic标签启动,并以60'' 和30'' 格式进行数字显示。


    案例简介:ŠKODA AND ROSAPARK UNVEIL THE AUTOMOBILE MAKER’S LATEST « EPIC OPTION » This past year, ŠKODA celebrated its 125th year and the brand is more energetic and dynamic than ever ! Proof of this is the recent launch of the fourth generation of its bestselling ŠKODA OCTAVIA, the car manufacturer’s entry into the e-mobililty market, culminating in the upcoming release of its first ever 100% electric SUV, the ŠKODA ENYAQ iV. On the strength of this exciting news, ŠKODA is looking forward to a 2021 full of ambitions. So naturally, to begin the 5th year of its collaboration with agency Rosapark, the brand is once again launching one of its characteristically offbeat and original campaigns, in line with its recent campaigns, « Ugly in the 90s », « Hesitation », and the detective epic « Will and Chuck ». For this new opus, ROSAPARK and ŠKODA wanted to again highlight ŠKODA's innovative positioning and its ability to constantly adapt to its consumers’ uses by showcasing a frequently overlooked brand USP, one that’s almost anecodotal, but which, in this case, will ultimately avoid clashes between drivers. A tip ? It’s hiding just inside your door… door guard protection ! Behind that incredibly boring name lies an option that can actually relieve many drivers of the terrible apprehension of opening a car door in a parking lot. . Who hasn't experienced that infamous scourge, that harrowing blow... When you open your door just a little too fast, and voilà, you’ve scratched the neighboring car. Don’t worry though, because ŠKODA is there for you! As Sacha Lacroix, Managing Director of ROSAPARK explains, « It’s interesting to see to what extent this option, based on such a small detail, really does that makes everyday life easier, and that once again, its invention is the result of exploratory work by ŠKODA, who’s constantly looking for strong consumer insights. » Paul Barrocas, Marketing Director of ŠKODA France adds : « One of the strong values of the brand is 'attention', and we strive to be constantly listening to and serving our consumers in order to provide them with practical solutions that combine comfort and ease at the wheel on a daily basis. » The Czech manufacturer offers us a breath of fresh air that won't go unnoticed by cinema lovers with their new film, styled after ‘80s mafia movies. Starting with a young couple, Epic Option shows us how ŠKODA's on-board equipment can save us a lot of trouble. After maneuvering through an almost empty parking lot, the young couple parks next to a vehicle that we understand belongs to a group of mafia guys sitting on the terrace of a café nearby. The camera then stops on the characters' hard stares, fearing for their vehicle, before focusing on ŠKODA’s door protection, which becomes a character of its own. Slow motion, tight shots on tense faces, and Richard Wagner's Ride of the Walkyries come together to make this film a real cinematic force. To achieve this, ŠKODA and Rosapark were helped by one of the most promising filmmaking duos of our generation, the Bukherma brothers. Raised on fantastic literature and cinema, the twins Ludovic and Zoran have already made feature films that have stood out in the world of cinema (Willy 1er, awarded at the Deauville American Film Festival, and Teddy, selected for the Cannes Film Festival 2020), and this is the pair’s first advertisement. The campaign launches March 1 on social media with the hashtag #MakeItEpic, and digitally in 60'' and 30'' formats.

    Epic Option

    案例简介:Koda和ROSAPARK推出了汽车制造商的最新史诗选择 在过去的一年中,š koda庆祝了其125年,该品牌比以往任何时候都更加充满活力和活力! 证明这一点的是,最近推出了第四代最畅销的斯柯达奥克塔维亚,这家汽车制造商进入了电动汽车市场,最终推出了其首款100% 电动SUV,斯柯达ENYAQ iV。 凭借这一激动人心的消息,š koda期待着一个充满雄心的2021。因此,很自然地,为了开始与经纪公司Rosapark合作的第5年,该品牌再次推出了其独特的另类和原创广告系列之一,与最近的广告系列 “90年代丑陋” 、 “犹豫” 和侦探史诗 “威尔和查克” 相一致。 对于这款新作品,ROSAPARK和 š koda希望通过展示一个经常被忽视的USP品牌,再次强调 š koda的创新定位及其不断适应消费者使用的能力,该品牌几乎是无生态的,但在这种情况下,最终将避免驾驶员之间的冲突。 小费?它就藏在你的门里… 门卫保护! 在这个令人难以置信的无聊的名字背后隐藏着一个选项,它实际上可以减轻许多驾驶员在停车场打开车门的可怕恐惧。 。 谁没有经历过那个臭名昭著的祸害,那个令人痛心的打击...当你开门有点太快,瞧,你刮擦了附近的车。不过请不要担心,因为 š koda在那里为您服务! 正如ROSAPARK董事总经理Sacha Lacroix解释的那样,有趣的是,基于如此小的细节,这种选择在多大程度上确实使日常生活变得更容易,而且它的发明再次是由 š koda进行的探索性工作的结果,他们一直在寻找强大的消费者洞察力。 法国koda营销总监Paul Barrocas补充道: “该品牌的强大价值之一是“ 关注 ”,我们努力不断倾听和服务我们的消费者,以便为他们提供实用的解决方案,将舒适和轻松结合在一起。 这家捷克制造商为我们提供了新鲜的空气,而电影爱好者的新电影则以80年代的黑手党电影为风格,不会引起电影爱好者的注意。 从一对年轻夫妇开始,Epic Option向我们展示了 š koda的车载设备如何为我们节省很多麻烦。在经过一个几乎空无一人的停车场后,这对年轻夫妇停在一辆我们知道属于一群黑手党的人坐在附近一家咖啡馆的露台上的车辆旁边。然后,相机停在角色的硬凝视上,担心他们的车辆,然后专注于 š koda的车门保护,这成为了自己的角色。慢动作,紧张的脸上的紧身镜头以及理查德·瓦格纳 (Richard Wagner) 的《步行者之旅》 (Ride of the Walkyries) 汇聚在一起,使这部电影成为真正的电影力量。 为了实现这一目标,š koda和Rosapark得到了我们这一代最有前途的电影制作二人之一Bukherma兄弟的帮助。在《奇幻文学》和《电影》中长大的双胞胎Ludovic和Zoran已经制作了在电影界脱颖而出的故事片 (在多维尔美国电影节上获奖的Willy 1er和2020入选戛纳电影节的Teddy),这是这对夫妇的第一个广告。 该活动于3月1日在社交媒体上以 # MakeItEpic标签启动,并以60'' 和30'' 格式进行数字显示。

    Epic Option

    案例简介:ŠKODA AND ROSAPARK UNVEIL THE AUTOMOBILE MAKER’S LATEST « EPIC OPTION » This past year, ŠKODA celebrated its 125th year and the brand is more energetic and dynamic than ever ! Proof of this is the recent launch of the fourth generation of its bestselling ŠKODA OCTAVIA, the car manufacturer’s entry into the e-mobililty market, culminating in the upcoming release of its first ever 100% electric SUV, the ŠKODA ENYAQ iV. On the strength of this exciting news, ŠKODA is looking forward to a 2021 full of ambitions. So naturally, to begin the 5th year of its collaboration with agency Rosapark, the brand is once again launching one of its characteristically offbeat and original campaigns, in line with its recent campaigns, « Ugly in the 90s », « Hesitation », and the detective epic « Will and Chuck ». For this new opus, ROSAPARK and ŠKODA wanted to again highlight ŠKODA's innovative positioning and its ability to constantly adapt to its consumers’ uses by showcasing a frequently overlooked brand USP, one that’s almost anecodotal, but which, in this case, will ultimately avoid clashes between drivers. A tip ? It’s hiding just inside your door… door guard protection ! Behind that incredibly boring name lies an option that can actually relieve many drivers of the terrible apprehension of opening a car door in a parking lot. . Who hasn't experienced that infamous scourge, that harrowing blow... When you open your door just a little too fast, and voilà, you’ve scratched the neighboring car. Don’t worry though, because ŠKODA is there for you! As Sacha Lacroix, Managing Director of ROSAPARK explains, « It’s interesting to see to what extent this option, based on such a small detail, really does that makes everyday life easier, and that once again, its invention is the result of exploratory work by ŠKODA, who’s constantly looking for strong consumer insights. » Paul Barrocas, Marketing Director of ŠKODA France adds : « One of the strong values of the brand is 'attention', and we strive to be constantly listening to and serving our consumers in order to provide them with practical solutions that combine comfort and ease at the wheel on a daily basis. » The Czech manufacturer offers us a breath of fresh air that won't go unnoticed by cinema lovers with their new film, styled after ‘80s mafia movies. Starting with a young couple, Epic Option shows us how ŠKODA's on-board equipment can save us a lot of trouble. After maneuvering through an almost empty parking lot, the young couple parks next to a vehicle that we understand belongs to a group of mafia guys sitting on the terrace of a café nearby. The camera then stops on the characters' hard stares, fearing for their vehicle, before focusing on ŠKODA’s door protection, which becomes a character of its own. Slow motion, tight shots on tense faces, and Richard Wagner's Ride of the Walkyries come together to make this film a real cinematic force. To achieve this, ŠKODA and Rosapark were helped by one of the most promising filmmaking duos of our generation, the Bukherma brothers. Raised on fantastic literature and cinema, the twins Ludovic and Zoran have already made feature films that have stood out in the world of cinema (Willy 1er, awarded at the Deauville American Film Festival, and Teddy, selected for the Cannes Film Festival 2020), and this is the pair’s first advertisement. The campaign launches March 1 on social media with the hashtag #MakeItEpic, and digitally in 60'' and 30'' formats.



    Epic Option










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