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    案例简介:相关性 音乐产业是当今最具竞争力的产业之一。找到一种有趣的和可共享的方式来发行单曲可以为任何乐队的成功带来不同。 战略 为了与不同的观众联系,并提供不同程度的沉浸体验,我们将我们的方法建立在三个不同的平台上。谷歌图片 (在项目的网站上): 谷歌是项目的核心平台。AldoFeat.Me 与谷歌的 API 集成,以前所未有的方式显示谷歌图像结果。Chrome 网络商店: 想要深入体验的用户可以安装 AldoFeat。 me Chrome 扩展并享受在互联网上 (YouTube 、 Facebook 等) 唱 “牢不可破” 的嘴。 vevo YouTube 频道: AldoFeat 上搜索最多的一些术语。我的网站已经成为 “牢不可破” 的官方音乐视频。Vevo 在其平台上展示了视频,它是体验的教程/邀请。 结果 不可能这么快就谈论结果。该项目于 4月25日启动,这意味着在这个表格上传前几天。我们现在可以说的是,通过考虑我们计划的公关战略,我们预计在 5 月底/6月初达到项目的全部影响。 活动描述 AldoFeat.Me 是一个数字项目,顽皮地侵入互联网,向全世界展示 ALDO 最新单曲的演唱。通过使用人脸识别技术,我们可以在互联网上的每个人的照片上放置一个虚拟的唱歌嘴。所以: 如果你寻找阿尔伯特 · 爱因斯坦,你会看到他唱这首歌。如果你寻找伊丽莎白女王,你会看到她唱这首歌。如果你搜索色情,嗯,你可能会看到一些色情明星唱这首歌 (只是不要在孩子们面前唱)。体验可以通过三种不同的方式享受: 通过访问 AldoFeat。我的网站; 通过安装浏览器扩展; 或者只是通过观看官方音乐视频。 概要 由兄弟 Andre 和 Murilo Faria 组成的 ALDO 乐队开启了电子音乐和独立摇滚之间的新对话,实现了圣保罗城市的混乱。我们的简报很简单,但具有挑战性: 如何使用奥尔多最新单曲《牢不可破》的发布来扩大乐队在全国和国际上的观众? 执行 一个非常简单和短期项目的非常简单的短期时间表: 1。网站的软发布 (只有来自音乐行业的有影响力的人) 2。在 Chrome Web store3 上启动浏览器扩展。在 Vevo 的 Youtube channel4 上发布音乐视频。Mtv5 音乐视频发布Facebook activation6.新月公关努力和影响者激活传播项目


    案例简介:Relevancy The music industry is one of today's most competitive industries. Finding a fun and shareable way of launching a single can make a difference for any band's success. Strategy To connect with different audiences and offer different levels of immersion into the experience, we based our approach in three different platforms.Google Images (in the project's website): Google is the core platform of the project. AldoFeat.Me is integrated with Google's API to display Google Images results in a way that has never been shown before. Chrome Web Store: users who want to dive deep into the experience can install AldoFeat.Me Chrome Extension and enjoy the mouths singing "Unbreakable" all over the Internet (on YouTube, Facebook, etc).Vevo YouTube Channel: some of the most searched terms on AldoFeat.Me website has become the official music video of "Unbreakable". Vevo is featuring the video on its platform and it works as a tutorial/invitation for the experience. Outcome It's not possible to talk about results so soon. The project was launched on April 25th – which means a few days before this form was uploaded. What we can say now is that, by considering the PR strategy we planned, we expect to reach project's full impact by the end of May / beginning of June. CampaignDescription AldoFeat.Me is a digital project that playfully hacks the Internet to show the whole world singing ALDO's latest single. By using face recognition technology we made it possible to place a virtual singing mouth over everyone's photo on Internet. So: if you search for Albert Einstein, you'll see him singing the song. If you search for Queen Elizabeth, you'll see her singing the song. If you search for porn, well, you'll probably see some porn stars singing the song (just don't do it in front of the kids).The experience could be enjoyed in three different ways: by accessing AldoFeat.Me website; by installing a browser extension; or just by watching the official music video of the tune. Synopsis Formed by brothers Andre and Murilo Faria, ALDO THE BAND opened a new dialogue between electronic music and indie rock, materializing the urban chaos of São Paulo city. Our brief was simple but challenging: how to use the launch of ALDO's latest single – "Unbreakable" – to amplify the band's audience nationally and internationally? Execution A really simple short-term timeline for a really simple and short-term project:1. Soft-launch of the website (only with influencers people from music industry)2. Launch of the browser extension on Chrome Web Store3. Launch of the music video on Vevo's Youtube Channel4. Launch of the music vide on MTV5. Facebook activation6. Crescent PR effort and influencers activation to spread the project


    案例简介:相关性 音乐产业是当今最具竞争力的产业之一。找到一种有趣的和可共享的方式来发行单曲可以为任何乐队的成功带来不同。 战略 为了与不同的观众联系,并提供不同程度的沉浸体验,我们将我们的方法建立在三个不同的平台上。谷歌图片 (在项目的网站上): 谷歌是项目的核心平台。AldoFeat.Me 与谷歌的 API 集成,以前所未有的方式显示谷歌图像结果。Chrome 网络商店: 想要深入体验的用户可以安装 AldoFeat。 me Chrome 扩展并享受在互联网上 (YouTube 、 Facebook 等) 唱 “牢不可破” 的嘴。 vevo YouTube 频道: AldoFeat 上搜索最多的一些术语。我的网站已经成为 “牢不可破” 的官方音乐视频。Vevo 在其平台上展示了视频,它是体验的教程/邀请。 结果 不可能这么快就谈论结果。该项目于 4月25日启动,这意味着在这个表格上传前几天。我们现在可以说的是,通过考虑我们计划的公关战略,我们预计在 5 月底/6月初达到项目的全部影响。 活动描述 AldoFeat.Me 是一个数字项目,顽皮地侵入互联网,向全世界展示 ALDO 最新单曲的演唱。通过使用人脸识别技术,我们可以在互联网上的每个人的照片上放置一个虚拟的唱歌嘴。所以: 如果你寻找阿尔伯特 · 爱因斯坦,你会看到他唱这首歌。如果你寻找伊丽莎白女王,你会看到她唱这首歌。如果你搜索色情,嗯,你可能会看到一些色情明星唱这首歌 (只是不要在孩子们面前唱)。体验可以通过三种不同的方式享受: 通过访问 AldoFeat。我的网站; 通过安装浏览器扩展; 或者只是通过观看官方音乐视频。 概要 由兄弟 Andre 和 Murilo Faria 组成的 ALDO 乐队开启了电子音乐和独立摇滚之间的新对话,实现了圣保罗城市的混乱。我们的简报很简单,但具有挑战性: 如何使用奥尔多最新单曲《牢不可破》的发布来扩大乐队在全国和国际上的观众? 执行 一个非常简单和短期项目的非常简单的短期时间表: 1。网站的软发布 (只有来自音乐行业的有影响力的人) 2。在 Chrome Web store3 上启动浏览器扩展。在 Vevo 的 Youtube channel4 上发布音乐视频。Mtv5 音乐视频发布Facebook activation6.新月公关努力和影响者激活传播项目


    案例简介:Relevancy The music industry is one of today's most competitive industries. Finding a fun and shareable way of launching a single can make a difference for any band's success. Strategy To connect with different audiences and offer different levels of immersion into the experience, we based our approach in three different platforms.Google Images (in the project's website): Google is the core platform of the project. AldoFeat.Me is integrated with Google's API to display Google Images results in a way that has never been shown before. Chrome Web Store: users who want to dive deep into the experience can install AldoFeat.Me Chrome Extension and enjoy the mouths singing "Unbreakable" all over the Internet (on YouTube, Facebook, etc).Vevo YouTube Channel: some of the most searched terms on AldoFeat.Me website has become the official music video of "Unbreakable". Vevo is featuring the video on its platform and it works as a tutorial/invitation for the experience. Outcome It's not possible to talk about results so soon. The project was launched on April 25th – which means a few days before this form was uploaded. What we can say now is that, by considering the PR strategy we planned, we expect to reach project's full impact by the end of May / beginning of June. CampaignDescription AldoFeat.Me is a digital project that playfully hacks the Internet to show the whole world singing ALDO's latest single. By using face recognition technology we made it possible to place a virtual singing mouth over everyone's photo on Internet. So: if you search for Albert Einstein, you'll see him singing the song. If you search for Queen Elizabeth, you'll see her singing the song. If you search for porn, well, you'll probably see some porn stars singing the song (just don't do it in front of the kids).The experience could be enjoyed in three different ways: by accessing AldoFeat.Me website; by installing a browser extension; or just by watching the official music video of the tune. Synopsis Formed by brothers Andre and Murilo Faria, ALDO THE BAND opened a new dialogue between electronic music and indie rock, materializing the urban chaos of São Paulo city. Our brief was simple but challenging: how to use the launch of ALDO's latest single – "Unbreakable" – to amplify the band's audience nationally and internationally? Execution A really simple short-term timeline for a really simple and short-term project:1. Soft-launch of the website (only with influencers people from music industry)2. Launch of the browser extension on Chrome Web Store3. Launch of the music video on Vevo's Youtube Channel4. Launch of the music vide on MTV5. Facebook activation6. Crescent PR effort and influencers activation to spread the project









    广告公司: 韦柯 (巴西 圣保罗) 制作公司: 韦柯 , Slikland




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