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    Freddie's Old Fashioned Soda微电影广告营销案例




    案例简介:创意机构Cornett正在帮助Buffalo Trace Distillery推出Freddie的老式苏打水,这是一个工艺苏打水品牌,以纪念其长期的导游和波旁名人堂成员Freddie Johnson而得名。任务是将弗雷迪的个性提炼成全国性的苏打品牌。 科内特 (Cornett) 设计了包装,网站和社交媒体活动以及渠道,在这些渠道中,群居的角色-肯塔基州中部的一个色彩缤纷,知名的人物-扮演主角。约翰逊 (Johnson) 是第三代布法罗 (Buffalo Trace) 酿酒厂的员工,对波旁威士忌有丰富的知识和热情,这使他成为了备受喜爱的酿酒厂偶像。 Buffalo Trace看到了超越礼品店新颖性的机会,因此Cornett精心打造了一个品牌形象,可以不辜负其同名品牌,甚至可以单独作为不熟悉Johnson或bourbon品牌的苏打水品牌。Buffalo Trace是世界上获奖最多的酿酒厂,位于肯塔基州的法兰克福。 弗雷迪 (Freddie) 的老式汽水以三种sku推出,分别是根啤酒,姜汁汽水和姜汁啤酒,其区别在于棕色,白色和绿色瓶子。设计元素最少,有趣且有趣: 瓶子上有约翰逊的插图和一个气球,他在其中吐出他最喜欢的台词之一,“嘿爸爸!” 瓶颈具有更多的Freddiespeak功能,例如 “这有多酷?” “保持冷静!” 或者 “那不是很整洁吗?” 文字很少; 除了产品名称外,标签还提到弗雷迪的是12盎司。并用天然草药和成分制成。 Cornett的ECD Tim Jones说: “Freddie的苏打水是关于故事的: 分享,制作和讲述一个伟大的故事,同时与朋友一起享受冷苏打水。”“我们试图用弗雷迪钓鱼、在酿酒厂周围工作、在水塔上骑着标志性的水牛的图像来捕捉这一点。” 约翰逊热情快乐的个性在科内特的创意中闪耀。在一个地方,他回想起他小时候与父亲和爷爷一起进行的钓鱼之旅-他拥有的一些最美好的回忆-总是涉及一个装满霜冻根啤酒的浴缸。正如他所做的那样,相机聚焦于瓶子打开时发出的冷蒸气,以及当他添加一勺香草冰淇淋时,根啤酒如何改变颜色。 他注意了弗雷迪 (Freddie) 的老式风格,以及它如何使人们大笑和分享故事。约翰逊说: “当你品尝我的苏打水时,你会开始回忆起来。”“即使你意识到瓶子是空的,那些记忆,那一刻也会继续存在。” 他的出现遍布Facebook、Instagram和Twitter。


    案例简介:Creative agency Cornett is helping Buffalo Trace Distillery launch Freddie’s Old Fashioned Soda, a craft soda brand named in honor of its long-time tour guide and Bourbon Hall of Famer Freddie Johnson. The assignment was to distill Freddie’s personality into a national soda brand. Cornett designed packaging, a website and a social media campaign and channels in which the gregarious character—a colorful, well-known figure around Central Kentucky—plays a starring role. A third-generation Buffalo Trace Distillery employee, Johnson has a knowledge and passion for bourbon that have made him a beloved Distillery icon. Buffalo Trace saw a shot to grow beyond a gift shop novelty, so Cornett crafted a brand image that could live up to its namesake or even stand alone as a strong soda brand for those unfamiliar with Johnson or the bourbon brand. Buffalo Trace is the world’s most award-winning distillery, and it’s located in Frankfort, Kentucky. Freddie’s Old Fashioned Soda are launching in three SKUs, Root Beer, Ginger Ale, and Ginger Beer, which are differentiated by brown, white, and green bottles. Design elements are minimal, fun, and playful: Bottles feature an illustration of Johnson and a word balloon in which he’s spouting one of his favorite lines, “Hey Daddy-O!” Bottlenecks feature more Freddiespeak, such as “How Cool is That?” “Stay Cool!” or “Isn’t That Neat?” Text is minimal; other than the product name, the label mentions that Freddie’s is 12 oz. and made with natural herbs and ingredients. “Freddie’s Sodas is all about stories: Sharing, making, and telling a great story while enjoying a cold soda with friends,” said Cornett’s ECD Tim Jones. “We tried to capture that on the six-pack and case with images of Freddie fishing, working around the distillery, and riding the iconic buffalo on the water tower.” Johnson’s warm, joyful personality shines through in Cornett’s creative. In one spot, he reminisces about the fishing trips he went on with his dad and granddad as a boy— some of the best memories he has—which always involved a tub filled with frosty root beer. As he does, the camera focuses on the cold vapor that emits when the bottle opens and how the root beer changes color when he adds a scoop of vanilla ice cream. He segues to Freddie’s Old Fashioned and how it allows folks to laugh and share stories. “When you taste my sodas, you’ll start to reminisce,” Johnson says. “Even when you realize the bottle is empty, those memories, that moment will live on.” His presence is seen all over Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

    Freddie's Old Fashioned Soda

    案例简介:创意机构Cornett正在帮助Buffalo Trace Distillery推出Freddie的老式苏打水,这是一个工艺苏打水品牌,以纪念其长期的导游和波旁名人堂成员Freddie Johnson而得名。任务是将弗雷迪的个性提炼成全国性的苏打品牌。 科内特 (Cornett) 设计了包装,网站和社交媒体活动以及渠道,在这些渠道中,群居的角色-肯塔基州中部的一个色彩缤纷,知名的人物-扮演主角。约翰逊 (Johnson) 是第三代布法罗 (Buffalo Trace) 酿酒厂的员工,对波旁威士忌有丰富的知识和热情,这使他成为了备受喜爱的酿酒厂偶像。 Buffalo Trace看到了超越礼品店新颖性的机会,因此Cornett精心打造了一个品牌形象,可以不辜负其同名品牌,甚至可以单独作为不熟悉Johnson或bourbon品牌的苏打水品牌。Buffalo Trace是世界上获奖最多的酿酒厂,位于肯塔基州的法兰克福。 弗雷迪 (Freddie) 的老式汽水以三种sku推出,分别是根啤酒,姜汁汽水和姜汁啤酒,其区别在于棕色,白色和绿色瓶子。设计元素最少,有趣且有趣: 瓶子上有约翰逊的插图和一个气球,他在其中吐出他最喜欢的台词之一,“嘿爸爸!” 瓶颈具有更多的Freddiespeak功能,例如 “这有多酷?” “保持冷静!” 或者 “那不是很整洁吗?” 文字很少; 除了产品名称外,标签还提到弗雷迪的是12盎司。并用天然草药和成分制成。 Cornett的ECD Tim Jones说: “Freddie的苏打水是关于故事的: 分享,制作和讲述一个伟大的故事,同时与朋友一起享受冷苏打水。”“我们试图用弗雷迪钓鱼、在酿酒厂周围工作、在水塔上骑着标志性的水牛的图像来捕捉这一点。” 约翰逊热情快乐的个性在科内特的创意中闪耀。在一个地方,他回想起他小时候与父亲和爷爷一起进行的钓鱼之旅-他拥有的一些最美好的回忆-总是涉及一个装满霜冻根啤酒的浴缸。正如他所做的那样,相机聚焦于瓶子打开时发出的冷蒸气,以及当他添加一勺香草冰淇淋时,根啤酒如何改变颜色。 他注意了弗雷迪 (Freddie) 的老式风格,以及它如何使人们大笑和分享故事。约翰逊说: “当你品尝我的苏打水时,你会开始回忆起来。”“即使你意识到瓶子是空的,那些记忆,那一刻也会继续存在。” 他的出现遍布Facebook、Instagram和Twitter。

    Freddie's Old Fashioned Soda

    案例简介:Creative agency Cornett is helping Buffalo Trace Distillery launch Freddie’s Old Fashioned Soda, a craft soda brand named in honor of its long-time tour guide and Bourbon Hall of Famer Freddie Johnson. The assignment was to distill Freddie’s personality into a national soda brand. Cornett designed packaging, a website and a social media campaign and channels in which the gregarious character—a colorful, well-known figure around Central Kentucky—plays a starring role. A third-generation Buffalo Trace Distillery employee, Johnson has a knowledge and passion for bourbon that have made him a beloved Distillery icon. Buffalo Trace saw a shot to grow beyond a gift shop novelty, so Cornett crafted a brand image that could live up to its namesake or even stand alone as a strong soda brand for those unfamiliar with Johnson or the bourbon brand. Buffalo Trace is the world’s most award-winning distillery, and it’s located in Frankfort, Kentucky. Freddie’s Old Fashioned Soda are launching in three SKUs, Root Beer, Ginger Ale, and Ginger Beer, which are differentiated by brown, white, and green bottles. Design elements are minimal, fun, and playful: Bottles feature an illustration of Johnson and a word balloon in which he’s spouting one of his favorite lines, “Hey Daddy-O!” Bottlenecks feature more Freddiespeak, such as “How Cool is That?” “Stay Cool!” or “Isn’t That Neat?” Text is minimal; other than the product name, the label mentions that Freddie’s is 12 oz. and made with natural herbs and ingredients. “Freddie’s Sodas is all about stories: Sharing, making, and telling a great story while enjoying a cold soda with friends,” said Cornett’s ECD Tim Jones. “We tried to capture that on the six-pack and case with images of Freddie fishing, working around the distillery, and riding the iconic buffalo on the water tower.” Johnson’s warm, joyful personality shines through in Cornett’s creative. In one spot, he reminisces about the fishing trips he went on with his dad and granddad as a boy— some of the best memories he has—which always involved a tub filled with frosty root beer. As he does, the camera focuses on the cold vapor that emits when the bottle opens and how the root beer changes color when he adds a scoop of vanilla ice cream. He segues to Freddie’s Old Fashioned and how it allows folks to laugh and share stories. “When you taste my sodas, you’ll start to reminisce,” Johnson says. “Even when you realize the bottle is empty, those memories, that moment will live on.” His presence is seen all over Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.



    Freddie's Old Fashioned Soda










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