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    案例简介:美国太空部队 (USSF),武装部队的最新分支,及其创意伙伴,德克萨斯州奥斯汀的机构,GSD & M,正在推出 “创造历史”,首次展示 USSF 为 Z 世代提供的独特世代机会,因为空间创新和进步迅速改变了可能的情况。该活动还强调了 USSF 组织、训练和装备太空部队的关键任务,以保护美国和盟军在太空中的利益,并向美国其他军事部门提供太空能力。通过消费者研究,USSF 发现 Z 世代对太空有着浓厚的兴趣,也渴望更好地了解太空系统如何促进地球上的日常生活,而许多倾向于 STEM 的 Z 一代则更进一步,对与空间相关的职业持开放态度或积极考虑。虽然前几代人问他们在这个星球上的目的是什么,但这是第一代有理由质疑他们的目的是否可能完全超出这个星球的人。考虑到这一点,“创造历史” 直接与在 STEM 领域具有教育、经验、兴趣和/或技能的人交谈,他们符合精神,为国家服务所需的道德和身体要求。“由于美国太空部队的所作所为,太空及其为我们提供的能力非常奇怪和迷人。GSD & M 集团创意总监杰夫 · 马基说: “空间不仅对我们的日常生活至关重要,而且对我们如何开战也至关重要。”“自动取款机、气泵、全球定位系统、电网、手机、通信,它们都依赖于太空部队的任务。这就是为什么我们在这场运动中激起最优秀和最聪明的年轻人的利益是如此重要。"然而,招聘这支高度专业化的部队带来了挑战 -- 这些有才华的人需求量很大,受到航空航天、技术和其他私营部门雇主的大力追捧。此外,USSF 需要高度专业化的技能以及精神和身体才能,这使得招聘池相对较小。这就是为什么 “创造历史” 旨在展示 USSF 如何提供 GenZ 在其他地方无法获得的独特就业机会。这也意味着要接触美国公众,因为他们在潜在服务成员的生活中扮演着导师和影响者的重要角色。美国 GSD & M 为美国太空部队制作的电影广告,类别包括: 公共利益,非政府组织。


    案例简介:The ​U.S. Space Force​ (USSF), the newest branch of the Armed Forces, along with its creative partner, Austin, Texas -based agency, ​GSD&M​, is launching “Make History” showcasing, for the first time, the unique generational opportunity USSF offers to Gen Z as space innovations and advancements rapidly change what is possible. The campaign also highlights USSF’s ​critical mission of organizing, training, and equipping space forces in order to protect U.S. and allied interests in space and ​to provide space capabilities to other U.S. military branches. Through consumer research the USSF found that Gen Z has a strong interest in space as well as a desire to better understand how systems in space facilitate daily life on earth, while ​many STEM-inclined Gen Z take that interest a step further and are open to, or actively considering, a space related career. ​While previous generations asked what their purpose is on this planet, this is the first generation with reason to question if their purpose might be beyond this planet entirely. With this in mind, “Make History” speaks directly to GenZers with education, experience, interest and/or skills in STEM fields, who meet the mental, moral and physical requirements needed to serve their country. “There’s something very curious and fascinating about space and the capabilities it provides us thanks to what the U.S. Space Force does. Space is essential to not only how we live our daily lives but how we go to war,” said Jeff Maki, Group Creative Director, GSD&M. “ATM’s, gas pumps, GPS, power grids, cellphones, communications, they all depend on the mission of the Space Force. That’s why it’s so important that we pique the interests of the best and brightest young people with this campaign.” However, recruiting for this highly specialized force presents challenges -- These talented individuals are in high demand and heavily sought by aerospace, technology and other private sector employers. Additionally,​USSF requires highly specialized skill sets as well as mental and physical aptitude, making for a relatively small recruiting pool. That’s why​ “Make History” is designed to show how the USSF offers a unique employment opportunity that GenZ can’t get anywhere else. It’s also meant to reach the American public as they play an important role serving as mentors and influencers in the lives of potential service members. Film advertisement created by GSD&M, United States for U.S. Space Force, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.

    Make History

    案例简介:美国太空部队 (USSF),武装部队的最新分支,及其创意伙伴,德克萨斯州奥斯汀的机构,GSD & M,正在推出 “创造历史”,首次展示 USSF 为 Z 世代提供的独特世代机会,因为空间创新和进步迅速改变了可能的情况。该活动还强调了 USSF 组织、训练和装备太空部队的关键任务,以保护美国和盟军在太空中的利益,并向美国其他军事部门提供太空能力。通过消费者研究,USSF 发现 Z 世代对太空有着浓厚的兴趣,也渴望更好地了解太空系统如何促进地球上的日常生活,而许多倾向于 STEM 的 Z 一代则更进一步,对与空间相关的职业持开放态度或积极考虑。虽然前几代人问他们在这个星球上的目的是什么,但这是第一代有理由质疑他们的目的是否可能完全超出这个星球的人。考虑到这一点,“创造历史” 直接与在 STEM 领域具有教育、经验、兴趣和/或技能的人交谈,他们符合精神,为国家服务所需的道德和身体要求。“由于美国太空部队的所作所为,太空及其为我们提供的能力非常奇怪和迷人。GSD & M 集团创意总监杰夫 · 马基说: “空间不仅对我们的日常生活至关重要,而且对我们如何开战也至关重要。”“自动取款机、气泵、全球定位系统、电网、手机、通信,它们都依赖于太空部队的任务。这就是为什么我们在这场运动中激起最优秀和最聪明的年轻人的利益是如此重要。"然而,招聘这支高度专业化的部队带来了挑战 -- 这些有才华的人需求量很大,受到航空航天、技术和其他私营部门雇主的大力追捧。此外,USSF 需要高度专业化的技能以及精神和身体才能,这使得招聘池相对较小。这就是为什么 “创造历史” 旨在展示 USSF 如何提供 GenZ 在其他地方无法获得的独特就业机会。这也意味着要接触美国公众,因为他们在潜在服务成员的生活中扮演着导师和影响者的重要角色。美国 GSD & M 为美国太空部队制作的电影广告,类别包括: 公共利益,非政府组织。

    Make History

    案例简介:The ​U.S. Space Force​ (USSF), the newest branch of the Armed Forces, along with its creative partner, Austin, Texas -based agency, ​GSD&M​, is launching “Make History” showcasing, for the first time, the unique generational opportunity USSF offers to Gen Z as space innovations and advancements rapidly change what is possible. The campaign also highlights USSF’s ​critical mission of organizing, training, and equipping space forces in order to protect U.S. and allied interests in space and ​to provide space capabilities to other U.S. military branches. Through consumer research the USSF found that Gen Z has a strong interest in space as well as a desire to better understand how systems in space facilitate daily life on earth, while ​many STEM-inclined Gen Z take that interest a step further and are open to, or actively considering, a space related career. ​While previous generations asked what their purpose is on this planet, this is the first generation with reason to question if their purpose might be beyond this planet entirely. With this in mind, “Make History” speaks directly to GenZers with education, experience, interest and/or skills in STEM fields, who meet the mental, moral and physical requirements needed to serve their country. “There’s something very curious and fascinating about space and the capabilities it provides us thanks to what the U.S. Space Force does. Space is essential to not only how we live our daily lives but how we go to war,” said Jeff Maki, Group Creative Director, GSD&M. “ATM’s, gas pumps, GPS, power grids, cellphones, communications, they all depend on the mission of the Space Force. That’s why it’s so important that we pique the interests of the best and brightest young people with this campaign.” However, recruiting for this highly specialized force presents challenges -- These talented individuals are in high demand and heavily sought by aerospace, technology and other private sector employers. Additionally,​USSF requires highly specialized skill sets as well as mental and physical aptitude, making for a relatively small recruiting pool. That’s why​ “Make History” is designed to show how the USSF offers a unique employment opportunity that GenZ can’t get anywhere else. It’s also meant to reach the American public as they play an important role serving as mentors and influencers in the lives of potential service members. Film advertisement created by GSD&M, United States for U.S. Space Force, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.



    Make History






    广告公司: GSD&M




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