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    IKEA Bedtime海报/平面广告营销案例




    案例简介:为什么这项工作与媒体相关? 随着新的床垫初创企业通过大众意识运动覆盖每个消费者接触点,我们需要找到一种新的相关方式与消费者联系。因此,我们精心挑选了媒体渠道,让我们能够在消费者避免睡觉的时间和地点与他们准确交谈。我们的活动每天晚上都采取全国性的、永远在线的方式,针对观看深夜YouTube视频的消费者,他们提供独特的个性化信息,呼吁准确时间,并与国家时间触发的广告牌相结合。由于我们定制的媒体策略,我们与消费者建立了上下文关联,使我们的信息得以突破。 背景 床垫类别在过去十年发生了巨大的变化。过去是由少数品牌 (包括宜家) 主导的触觉、面对面体验现在的标准是在你尝试178多个品牌为你的美元而战之前购买。 睡眠已经成为大企业,有直接面向消费者的破坏者,比如卡斯珀,开实体店,增加营销支出。感觉就像你看的任何地方都有一个盒子里床垫的广告。 为了突破这一日益混乱的景观,宜家需要开辟一种自己的方式来谈论与消费者直接相关的床垫系列。 描述创意/见解 (30% 的选票) 睡眠不仅仅是大生意,在当今社会也是一个大问题。我们正处于睡眠不足的流行病之中。人们忽视了睡眠的重要性,把疲惫视为地位的象征。因此,超过3分之1的加拿大人睡眠时间少于建议的每晚7小时。 有很多东西让我们无法入睡。我们告诉自己的事情比睡觉更重要。但是这些分心的事情大多不如睡眠重要。 所以我们决定提醒人们在他们避免睡眠的确切时间睡觉的重要性。结果是宜家的就寝时间,一系列极具针对性的上下文信息告诉人们停止疯狂,去睡觉。 描述策略 (20% 的选票) 随着竞争的加剧,我们知道综合运动的通常公式不足以让宜家脱颖而出。所以我们选择了可以让我们在观众避免睡觉的时间和地点拦截他们的频道。 在我们的竞争对手在下午10:30到上午3:30之间睡觉后,我们开始工作。我们创建了一系列时间触发的家庭外和数字信息,询问消费者为什么他们仍然醒着。 我们把努力集中在一个我们知道是让人们晚上睡不着觉的最大罪魁祸首之一的环境中。当我们应该睡觉的时候,我们都因为掉进了YouTube兔子洞,看了一个又一个毫无意义内容的视频而感到内疚。因此,我们与谷歌合作,利用他们的VOGON平台创建了一系列上下文相关的广告。 描述执行情况 (20% 的选票) 从2019年2月开始,到8月结束,该运动采取了一种全国性的、始终在线的方式,每天晚上从下午10:30到上午3:30。 在YouTube上,我们创建了个性化的视频,讲述晚上的确切时间和他们正在观看的内容类型,确保为每个观众定制完全独特的信息。我们甚至问他们是否还醒着,因为他们没有舒适的宜家床垫,告诉他们离宜家开业还有多少时间,这样他们就可以去买一个了。所有这些都是由一个熟悉的瑞典声音传递的,这直接归因于宜家,乔纳斯-宜家过去17年的发言人。 在DOOH上,我们将我们的信息与national OOH buy集成在一起,其中包含特定于分钟的时间触发的广告牌,整个晚上都在播放,喊出确切的时间并告诉人们睡觉。 列出结果 (30% 的选票) 通过在正确的时间在正确的环境中实现我们的目标,我们创建了个性化连接。我们收到了大量的评论、推文和反应视频,人们对活动的简单性和准确性以及宜家如何确切知道时间和地点感到震惊和印象深刻,确切地说,他们在看什么,确切地说,还有多少时间,直到宜家早上开门。 但是我们的观众不仅对我们的方法感到满意,他们还会立即对我们的信息做出反应。在竞选的头几周,谷歌称赞了这场竞选,宣布他们 “从未见过任何产品兴趣如此之高” 关键字 “宜家床垫” 令人震惊的 + 673%。谷歌还报告了品牌指标的强劲提升,品牌兴趣提升了 + 108.4%,所有广告召回和购买意图的最高四分之一提升令人印象深刻。


    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Media? With new mattress start-ups blanketing every consumer touch-point with mass awareness campaigns, we needed to find a new and relevant way to connect with consumers. So we carefully selected media channels that allowed us to talk to consumers precisely when and where they were avoiding going to sleep. Our campaign took a national, always-on approach every night, targeting consumers watching late-night YouTube videos with uniquely personalized messages calling out the exact time, integrated with national time-triggered billboards. As a result of our customized media strategy, we built contextual relevance with consumers, allowing our message to break through. Background The mattress category has changed dramatically over the past decade. What used to be a tactile, in-person experience dominated by a handful of brands (including IKEA) is now one where the norm is to buy before you try with over 178 brands fighting for your dollars. Sleep has become big business with direct-to-consumer disruptors like Casper opening bricks-and-mortar stores and ramping up their marketing spend. It feels like everywhere you look there’s an ad for a mattress-in-a-box. To breakthrough in this increasingly cluttered landscape, IKEA needed to carve out an ownable way to talk about their mattress range that connected directly with consumers. Describe the creative idea/insights (30% of vote) Sleep isn’t just big business, it’s also a big issue in today’s society. We’re in the midst of a sleep-loss epidemic. People overlook the importance of sleep and see exhaustion as a status symbol. As a result, over one-third of Canadians sleep less than the recommended 7 hours per night. There are many things that keep us from sleeping. Things we tell ourselves are more important than going to bed. But most of these distractions aren’t as important as sleep. So we decided to remind people of the importance of sleep at the exact time they were avoiding it. The result was IKEA Bedtime, a series of highly-targeted contextual messages telling people to stop acting crazy and go to sleep. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) With increased competition, we knew the usual formula for an integrated campaign wasn’t enough for IKEA to stand out. So we selected channels that would allow us to intercept our audience when and where they were avoiding sleep. After our competitors had gone to sleep between the hours of 10:30PM and 3:30AM, we got to work. We created a series of time-triggered out-of-home and digital messages asking consumers why they were still awake. We focused our efforts in an environment we knew was one of the biggest culprits for keeping people awake at night. We’ve all been guilty of falling down a YouTube rabbit hole, watching video after video of meaningless content when we should have gone to sleep. So we partnered with Google and utilized their VOGON platform to create a series of contextually relevant ads. Describe the execution (20% of vote) The campaign took a national, always-on approach running every night from the hours of 10:30PM to 3:30AM, starting in February and ending in August 2019. On YouTube, we created personalized videos calling out the exact time of night and the type of content they were watching, ensuring totally unique messages customized to each viewer. We even asked if they were still awake because they didn’t have a comfy IKEA mattress, telling them exactly how much time was left until IKEA opened so they could go buy one. All of this was delivered by a familiar Swedish voice that's immediately attributable to IKEA, Jonas — IKEA's spokesperson for the past 17 years. On DOOH, we integrated our messages with a national OOH buy with minute-specific time-triggered billboards that ran through the whole night, calling out the exact time and telling people to go sleep. List the results (30% of vote) By addressing our target in the right environment at the right time, we created a personalized connection. We received an outpouring of comments, tweets, and reaction videos of people shocked and truly impressed by the simplicity and accuracy of the campaign and how IKEA knew exactly what time it was and where they were, exactly what they were watching, and exactly how much time was left until IKEA opened in the morning. But our audience wasn’t just entertained by our approach, they immediately reacted to our message. After just the first few weeks of the campaign, Google praised the campaign, announcing that they’ve “NEVER seen any product interest lift so high, EVER.” at an astounding +673% for the keyword “IKEA mattress”. Google also reported an extremely strong lift in brand measures with a +108.4% lift in brand interest and impressive top-quartile lift across all ad recall and purchase intent.

    IKEA Bedtime

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与媒体相关? 随着新的床垫初创企业通过大众意识运动覆盖每个消费者接触点,我们需要找到一种新的相关方式与消费者联系。因此,我们精心挑选了媒体渠道,让我们能够在消费者避免睡觉的时间和地点与他们准确交谈。我们的活动每天晚上都采取全国性的、永远在线的方式,针对观看深夜YouTube视频的消费者,他们提供独特的个性化信息,呼吁准确时间,并与国家时间触发的广告牌相结合。由于我们定制的媒体策略,我们与消费者建立了上下文关联,使我们的信息得以突破。 背景 床垫类别在过去十年发生了巨大的变化。过去是由少数品牌 (包括宜家) 主导的触觉、面对面体验现在的标准是在你尝试178多个品牌为你的美元而战之前购买。 睡眠已经成为大企业,有直接面向消费者的破坏者,比如卡斯珀,开实体店,增加营销支出。感觉就像你看的任何地方都有一个盒子里床垫的广告。 为了突破这一日益混乱的景观,宜家需要开辟一种自己的方式来谈论与消费者直接相关的床垫系列。 描述创意/见解 (30% 的选票) 睡眠不仅仅是大生意,在当今社会也是一个大问题。我们正处于睡眠不足的流行病之中。人们忽视了睡眠的重要性,把疲惫视为地位的象征。因此,超过3分之1的加拿大人睡眠时间少于建议的每晚7小时。 有很多东西让我们无法入睡。我们告诉自己的事情比睡觉更重要。但是这些分心的事情大多不如睡眠重要。 所以我们决定提醒人们在他们避免睡眠的确切时间睡觉的重要性。结果是宜家的就寝时间,一系列极具针对性的上下文信息告诉人们停止疯狂,去睡觉。 描述策略 (20% 的选票) 随着竞争的加剧,我们知道综合运动的通常公式不足以让宜家脱颖而出。所以我们选择了可以让我们在观众避免睡觉的时间和地点拦截他们的频道。 在我们的竞争对手在下午10:30到上午3:30之间睡觉后,我们开始工作。我们创建了一系列时间触发的家庭外和数字信息,询问消费者为什么他们仍然醒着。 我们把努力集中在一个我们知道是让人们晚上睡不着觉的最大罪魁祸首之一的环境中。当我们应该睡觉的时候,我们都因为掉进了YouTube兔子洞,看了一个又一个毫无意义内容的视频而感到内疚。因此,我们与谷歌合作,利用他们的VOGON平台创建了一系列上下文相关的广告。 描述执行情况 (20% 的选票) 从2019年2月开始,到8月结束,该运动采取了一种全国性的、始终在线的方式,每天晚上从下午10:30到上午3:30。 在YouTube上,我们创建了个性化的视频,讲述晚上的确切时间和他们正在观看的内容类型,确保为每个观众定制完全独特的信息。我们甚至问他们是否还醒着,因为他们没有舒适的宜家床垫,告诉他们离宜家开业还有多少时间,这样他们就可以去买一个了。所有这些都是由一个熟悉的瑞典声音传递的,这直接归因于宜家,乔纳斯-宜家过去17年的发言人。 在DOOH上,我们将我们的信息与national OOH buy集成在一起,其中包含特定于分钟的时间触发的广告牌,整个晚上都在播放,喊出确切的时间并告诉人们睡觉。 列出结果 (30% 的选票) 通过在正确的时间在正确的环境中实现我们的目标,我们创建了个性化连接。我们收到了大量的评论、推文和反应视频,人们对活动的简单性和准确性以及宜家如何确切知道时间和地点感到震惊和印象深刻,确切地说,他们在看什么,确切地说,还有多少时间,直到宜家早上开门。 但是我们的观众不仅对我们的方法感到满意,他们还会立即对我们的信息做出反应。在竞选的头几周,谷歌称赞了这场竞选,宣布他们 “从未见过任何产品兴趣如此之高” 关键字 “宜家床垫” 令人震惊的 + 673%。谷歌还报告了品牌指标的强劲提升,品牌兴趣提升了 + 108.4%,所有广告召回和购买意图的最高四分之一提升令人印象深刻。

    IKEA Bedtime

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Media? With new mattress start-ups blanketing every consumer touch-point with mass awareness campaigns, we needed to find a new and relevant way to connect with consumers. So we carefully selected media channels that allowed us to talk to consumers precisely when and where they were avoiding going to sleep. Our campaign took a national, always-on approach every night, targeting consumers watching late-night YouTube videos with uniquely personalized messages calling out the exact time, integrated with national time-triggered billboards. As a result of our customized media strategy, we built contextual relevance with consumers, allowing our message to break through. Background The mattress category has changed dramatically over the past decade. What used to be a tactile, in-person experience dominated by a handful of brands (including IKEA) is now one where the norm is to buy before you try with over 178 brands fighting for your dollars. Sleep has become big business with direct-to-consumer disruptors like Casper opening bricks-and-mortar stores and ramping up their marketing spend. It feels like everywhere you look there’s an ad for a mattress-in-a-box. To breakthrough in this increasingly cluttered landscape, IKEA needed to carve out an ownable way to talk about their mattress range that connected directly with consumers. Describe the creative idea/insights (30% of vote) Sleep isn’t just big business, it’s also a big issue in today’s society. We’re in the midst of a sleep-loss epidemic. People overlook the importance of sleep and see exhaustion as a status symbol. As a result, over one-third of Canadians sleep less than the recommended 7 hours per night. There are many things that keep us from sleeping. Things we tell ourselves are more important than going to bed. But most of these distractions aren’t as important as sleep. So we decided to remind people of the importance of sleep at the exact time they were avoiding it. The result was IKEA Bedtime, a series of highly-targeted contextual messages telling people to stop acting crazy and go to sleep. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) With increased competition, we knew the usual formula for an integrated campaign wasn’t enough for IKEA to stand out. So we selected channels that would allow us to intercept our audience when and where they were avoiding sleep. After our competitors had gone to sleep between the hours of 10:30PM and 3:30AM, we got to work. We created a series of time-triggered out-of-home and digital messages asking consumers why they were still awake. We focused our efforts in an environment we knew was one of the biggest culprits for keeping people awake at night. We’ve all been guilty of falling down a YouTube rabbit hole, watching video after video of meaningless content when we should have gone to sleep. So we partnered with Google and utilized their VOGON platform to create a series of contextually relevant ads. Describe the execution (20% of vote) The campaign took a national, always-on approach running every night from the hours of 10:30PM to 3:30AM, starting in February and ending in August 2019. On YouTube, we created personalized videos calling out the exact time of night and the type of content they were watching, ensuring totally unique messages customized to each viewer. We even asked if they were still awake because they didn’t have a comfy IKEA mattress, telling them exactly how much time was left until IKEA opened so they could go buy one. All of this was delivered by a familiar Swedish voice that's immediately attributable to IKEA, Jonas — IKEA's spokesperson for the past 17 years. On DOOH, we integrated our messages with a national OOH buy with minute-specific time-triggered billboards that ran through the whole night, calling out the exact time and telling people to go sleep. List the results (30% of vote) By addressing our target in the right environment at the right time, we created a personalized connection. We received an outpouring of comments, tweets, and reaction videos of people shocked and truly impressed by the simplicity and accuracy of the campaign and how IKEA knew exactly what time it was and where they were, exactly what they were watching, and exactly how much time was left until IKEA opened in the morning. But our audience wasn’t just entertained by our approach, they immediately reacted to our message. After just the first few weeks of the campaign, Google praised the campaign, announcing that they’ve “NEVER seen any product interest lift so high, EVER.” at an astounding +673% for the keyword “IKEA mattress”. Google also reported an extremely strong lift in brand measures with a +108.4% lift in brand interest and impressive top-quartile lift across all ad recall and purchase intent.



    IKEA Bedtime










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