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    案例简介:概要 500万骑自行车的人每天都在波兰的道路上骑行。每年都会买 100万辆新自行车。由于道路基础设施不适应新的城市通勤者的需求,骑自行车的人骑在共享的道路上,给他们自己和司机都带来了新的危险。15% 的道路事故涉及骑自行车的人,但是尽管汽车保险是强制性的标准,骑自行车的人对保险不感兴趣。安盛正在为骑自行车的人引入新的保险 -- 智能自行车。但是如何让现代城市自行车手关注他们拒绝考虑的问题 -- 道路安全标准? 活动描述 由于安盛是世界上最大的保险公司,致力于重新定义更好的日常生活标准,我们决定通过升级自行车唯一的安全功能来让骑车人关注安全问题: 自行车铃。这就是聪明的贝尔想法诞生的时候。智能铃铛是一种新型的自行车铃铛,它与正常的自行车铃铛声音一起,使用调频频率通过半径 5米范围内的汽车收音机传输信号。Smart Bell 中断无线电信号,通过汽车扬声器传输铃声。智能铃铛使用 RDS 交通公告协议传输铃铛信号,即使 MP3 、 CD 或 AUX 打开。Smart Bell 使用与 MP3 发射器相同的功率,以确保符合欧盟法律。 简要解释 BriefWithProjectedOutcomes 在波兰,每辆汽车都必须投保碰撞保险。相反,自行车和骑自行车的人没有义务有这种保险,尽管他们共用相同的道路。 结果 超过 1000 名骑自行车的人测试了 smart bell,AXA 在自行车展期间有 50 000 名销售联系人。Smart bell 仅在 4月21日推出,但已经引起了城市自行车手对 AXA 产品和安全标准的关注,在最初的 72 小时内,平均每 25 秒就收到一次信息请求。第一次重新定义了众所周知的安全标准,以使司机听到骑自行车的人的声音,骑自行车的人在共享道路上更好地与司机沟通,并使自行车铃铛适应真实情况每天有数百万骑自行车的人。Smart bell 让 AXA 品牌与新的理想目标群体 -- 现代城市通勤者进行了真正的对话。 战略 我们的策略是吸引一个非常困难的目标群体的注意力 -- 来自大城市的城市通勤者,他们每年春天都会把汽车换成自行车。尽管他们是最脆弱的道路使用者,涉及骑自行车的事故数量每年都在增加,但他们没有法律义务投保, 他们拒绝认识到他们每天给自己带来的危险。骑自行车的人甚至没有意识到从汽车司机的角度来看,他们有多沉默,以及作为唯一一个听不见的道路使用者,他们有多危险。安盛的战略不是用后果吓唬他们,而是提供一个创新的解决方案来提高认识,吸引消费者的注意力,并将安盛介绍为自行车运动员新安全标准的提供者。 执行 2017年4月,波兰最大的自行车展 -- 华沙自行车博览会上推出了智能贝尔和智能自行车保险。随着激活在华沙举行,smart bell 被设置为覆盖该地区 82% 汽车司机观众的当地广播电台。智能铃铛被分发给游客,目标是参观自行车展的城市骑自行车者和有影响力的人。在 smartbell.pl 网站上,人们可以订阅请求自己的 smart bell,了解安全标准,并购买智能自行车保险。记录智能铃声和人们反应的视频被放在网上,以进一步促进骑自行车者关于道路安全的对话。


    案例简介:Synopsis 5 million cyclists ride everyday on Polish roads. Every year 1 million new bicycles are bought. And as the road infrastructure is not adapted to the needs of new urban commuters, the cyclist ride on shared roads, creating new dangers for both themselves and the drivers. 15% of road accidents involve cyclist, but while the insurance for cars are obligatory standard, cyclists are not interested in having insurance.AXA was introducing new insurance for cyclist – Smart Bike. But how to get the attention of the modern urban cyclist to the matter they refuse to think about –safety standards on the road? CampaignDescription As AXA is the world’s biggest insurance company, dedicated to redefine standards for better everyday life, we decided to get the cyclist attention on the safety issues by upgrading the only safety feature bicycle have: the bike bell. That’s when the smart bell idea was born. The Smart Bell is a new type of bicycle bell, that along with the normal bike bell sound, use FM frequencies to transmit the signal through the car radios within the radius of 5 meters. Smart Bell disrupts radio signal to transmit bell sound through the car’s speakers. The smart bell uses RDS Traffic Announcement protocol to transmit the bell signal even if MP3, CD or AUX is on. Smart Bell uses the same power as MP3 transmitters, to assure conformity with the EU laws. BriefExplanation BriefWithProjectedOutcomes In Poland, every car has to be insured in case of a collision. In contrary bicycles and cyclist are not obliged to have this kind of insurance, despite they are sharing the same roads. Outcome Over 1000 cyclist tested the smart bell and AXA had 50 000 sales contacts during the Bike Show. Smart bell was launched only on 21st April, but already got attention of the urban cyclist to AXA products and safety standards, with request for information coming on average every 25 second in the first 72 hours. For the first time the well-known safety standard was redefined to make drivers hear the cyclist and the cyclist communicate better with the drivers on the shared roads and make a bicycle bell adapted to the real conditions millions of cyclists ride every day. Smart bell got the AXA brand into real conversation with the new desired target group – modern urban commuters. Strategy Our strategy was to get the attention of a very difficult target group – the urban commuters from big cities, who every spring changes cars to bikes. Although they are the most vulnerable road users, and the number of incidents involving cyclist raise every year, there are no legal obligation for them to have the insurance, and they refuse to recognise the danger they put themselves in every day. Cyclists don’t even realize how silent they are from the car driver’s perspective and how being the only road user who is not audible, put them in danger. AXA strategy was not to scare them with consequences, but to offer an innovative solution to raise awareness, catch the consumers’ attention and present AXA as the provider of the new safety standards for cyclist. Execution The smart bell together with Smart Bike Insurance was launched at the biggest Polish Bike Show – Warsaw Bike Expo, 21-23rd of April, 2017. As the activation was held in Warsaw, smart bell was set to local radio stations covering 82% of car drivers’ audience in the area. Smart bells were handed out to the visitors, targeting the urban cyclist and influencers who visited the Bike Show. On the smartbell.pl website people could subscribe to request their own smart bell, learn about safety standards, and buy Smart Bike insurance. The video documenting the smart bell rides and people reactions were put on-line to further foster the conversation on road safety for cyclists.

    Smart Bell

    案例简介:概要 500万骑自行车的人每天都在波兰的道路上骑行。每年都会买 100万辆新自行车。由于道路基础设施不适应新的城市通勤者的需求,骑自行车的人骑在共享的道路上,给他们自己和司机都带来了新的危险。15% 的道路事故涉及骑自行车的人,但是尽管汽车保险是强制性的标准,骑自行车的人对保险不感兴趣。安盛正在为骑自行车的人引入新的保险 -- 智能自行车。但是如何让现代城市自行车手关注他们拒绝考虑的问题 -- 道路安全标准? 活动描述 由于安盛是世界上最大的保险公司,致力于重新定义更好的日常生活标准,我们决定通过升级自行车唯一的安全功能来让骑车人关注安全问题: 自行车铃。这就是聪明的贝尔想法诞生的时候。智能铃铛是一种新型的自行车铃铛,它与正常的自行车铃铛声音一起,使用调频频率通过半径 5米范围内的汽车收音机传输信号。Smart Bell 中断无线电信号,通过汽车扬声器传输铃声。智能铃铛使用 RDS 交通公告协议传输铃铛信号,即使 MP3 、 CD 或 AUX 打开。Smart Bell 使用与 MP3 发射器相同的功率,以确保符合欧盟法律。 简要解释 BriefWithProjectedOutcomes 在波兰,每辆汽车都必须投保碰撞保险。相反,自行车和骑自行车的人没有义务有这种保险,尽管他们共用相同的道路。 结果 超过 1000 名骑自行车的人测试了 smart bell,AXA 在自行车展期间有 50 000 名销售联系人。Smart bell 仅在 4月21日推出,但已经引起了城市自行车手对 AXA 产品和安全标准的关注,在最初的 72 小时内,平均每 25 秒就收到一次信息请求。第一次重新定义了众所周知的安全标准,以使司机听到骑自行车的人的声音,骑自行车的人在共享道路上更好地与司机沟通,并使自行车铃铛适应真实情况每天有数百万骑自行车的人。Smart bell 让 AXA 品牌与新的理想目标群体 -- 现代城市通勤者进行了真正的对话。 战略 我们的策略是吸引一个非常困难的目标群体的注意力 -- 来自大城市的城市通勤者,他们每年春天都会把汽车换成自行车。尽管他们是最脆弱的道路使用者,涉及骑自行车的事故数量每年都在增加,但他们没有法律义务投保, 他们拒绝认识到他们每天给自己带来的危险。骑自行车的人甚至没有意识到从汽车司机的角度来看,他们有多沉默,以及作为唯一一个听不见的道路使用者,他们有多危险。安盛的战略不是用后果吓唬他们,而是提供一个创新的解决方案来提高认识,吸引消费者的注意力,并将安盛介绍为自行车运动员新安全标准的提供者。 执行 2017年4月,波兰最大的自行车展 -- 华沙自行车博览会上推出了智能贝尔和智能自行车保险。随着激活在华沙举行,smart bell 被设置为覆盖该地区 82% 汽车司机观众的当地广播电台。智能铃铛被分发给游客,目标是参观自行车展的城市骑自行车者和有影响力的人。在 smartbell.pl 网站上,人们可以订阅请求自己的 smart bell,了解安全标准,并购买智能自行车保险。记录智能铃声和人们反应的视频被放在网上,以进一步促进骑自行车者关于道路安全的对话。

    Smart Bell

    案例简介:Synopsis 5 million cyclists ride everyday on Polish roads. Every year 1 million new bicycles are bought. And as the road infrastructure is not adapted to the needs of new urban commuters, the cyclist ride on shared roads, creating new dangers for both themselves and the drivers. 15% of road accidents involve cyclist, but while the insurance for cars are obligatory standard, cyclists are not interested in having insurance.AXA was introducing new insurance for cyclist – Smart Bike. But how to get the attention of the modern urban cyclist to the matter they refuse to think about –safety standards on the road? CampaignDescription As AXA is the world’s biggest insurance company, dedicated to redefine standards for better everyday life, we decided to get the cyclist attention on the safety issues by upgrading the only safety feature bicycle have: the bike bell. That’s when the smart bell idea was born. The Smart Bell is a new type of bicycle bell, that along with the normal bike bell sound, use FM frequencies to transmit the signal through the car radios within the radius of 5 meters. Smart Bell disrupts radio signal to transmit bell sound through the car’s speakers. The smart bell uses RDS Traffic Announcement protocol to transmit the bell signal even if MP3, CD or AUX is on. Smart Bell uses the same power as MP3 transmitters, to assure conformity with the EU laws. BriefExplanation BriefWithProjectedOutcomes In Poland, every car has to be insured in case of a collision. In contrary bicycles and cyclist are not obliged to have this kind of insurance, despite they are sharing the same roads. Outcome Over 1000 cyclist tested the smart bell and AXA had 50 000 sales contacts during the Bike Show. Smart bell was launched only on 21st April, but already got attention of the urban cyclist to AXA products and safety standards, with request for information coming on average every 25 second in the first 72 hours. For the first time the well-known safety standard was redefined to make drivers hear the cyclist and the cyclist communicate better with the drivers on the shared roads and make a bicycle bell adapted to the real conditions millions of cyclists ride every day. Smart bell got the AXA brand into real conversation with the new desired target group – modern urban commuters. Strategy Our strategy was to get the attention of a very difficult target group – the urban commuters from big cities, who every spring changes cars to bikes. Although they are the most vulnerable road users, and the number of incidents involving cyclist raise every year, there are no legal obligation for them to have the insurance, and they refuse to recognise the danger they put themselves in every day. Cyclists don’t even realize how silent they are from the car driver’s perspective and how being the only road user who is not audible, put them in danger. AXA strategy was not to scare them with consequences, but to offer an innovative solution to raise awareness, catch the consumers’ attention and present AXA as the provider of the new safety standards for cyclist. Execution The smart bell together with Smart Bike Insurance was launched at the biggest Polish Bike Show – Warsaw Bike Expo, 21-23rd of April, 2017. As the activation was held in Warsaw, smart bell was set to local radio stations covering 82% of car drivers’ audience in the area. Smart bells were handed out to the visitors, targeting the urban cyclist and influencers who visited the Bike Show. On the smartbell.pl website people could subscribe to request their own smart bell, learn about safety standards, and buy Smart Bike insurance. The video documenting the smart bell rides and people reactions were put on-line to further foster the conversation on road safety for cyclists.



    Smart Bell










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