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    6 Beers of Separation短视频广告营销案例



    6 瓶分离啤酒

    案例简介:描述客户的简报: Tooheys Extra Dry (TED) 希望在 18-24 年的目标市场中保持他们的品牌新鲜、突出和创新。所以我们的目标是: 1。更深层次的品牌互动 -- 超越酒吧和酒类商店 2。鼓励消费者互动 -- 开发一种新的方式来参与我们的目标 3。增加销售和市场份额 (+ 5%) 创意执行: 啤酒是社会润滑剂。经常是在喝啤酒的时候,我们会赶上朋友,结交新朋友。所以,我们想以一种独特而有趣的方式在此基础上再接再厉,挑战我们的四名目标观众,尝试通过啤酒交谈来结识他们的偶像。 描述简短/目标的创造性解决方案。 我们都知道你可以在啤酒上遇见有趣的人,但是我们想看看你是否能遇见世界上的任何人。所以我们创造了 “6 瓶分离啤酒”,目标市场面临挑战,试图通过啤酒来满足他们的偶像。它基于 “6 度分离” 理论,该理论指出地球上的每个人都由不超过六个步骤联系在一起。四名幸运的申请人被选中参加,他们的旅程被拍摄下来。然后将其作为娱乐产品分发回目标市场。 尽可能详细地描述结果。 在线剧集的浏览量超过 700,000 次。《分离啤酒》是澳大利亚有史以来第五大付费 YouTube 频道。6 杯啤酒的分离电影可以在 iTunes 上买到,超过 150,000 张 dvd 被分发,购买了 Tooheys Extra Dry。超过 1,500 人申请参加这个节目,其中 4 人开始了一生的旅程,去见他们的英雄。Tooheys Extra Dry 销售额增长了 9.5%,品牌知名度达到历史新高,市场份额增长了 15%。

    6 瓶分离啤酒

    案例简介:Describe the brief from the client: Tooheys Extra Dry (TED) wanted to keep their brand fresh, salient and innovative amongst their 18-24 year-old target market. So our objectives were: 1. Attain deeper brand interaction - take the brand beyond the pub and liquor store 2. Encourage consumer interaction - develop a new way to engage our target 3. Increase sales and grow market share (+5%) Creative Execution: Beer is a social lubricant. It’s often while drinking beer that we catch up with our friends and make new ones. So, we wanted to build on this in a unique and interesting way, by challenging four of our target audience to try and meet their idols using little more than conversations over a beer. Describe the creative solution to the brief/objective. We all know you can meet interesting people over a beer, but we wanted to see if you could meet anyone in the world. So we created '6 Beers of Separation', whereby the target market were challenged to try and meet their idol over a beer. It's based on the theory of '6 degrees of separation', which states everyone on earth is linked by no more than six steps. Four lucky applicants were chosen to take part and their journeys were filmed. This was then distributed back to the target market as entertainment. Describe the results in as much detail as possible. Online episodes were viewed more than 700,000 times. 6 Beers of Separation is the fifth most subscribed sponsored YouTube channel in Australia of all time. The 6 Beers of Separation feature film is available on iTunes and more than 150,000 DVDs were distributed with the purchase of Tooheys Extra Dry. Over 1,500 people applied to be in the show, and 4 of them got to go on the journey of a lifetime to meet their heroes. Tooheys Extra Dry sales up by 9.5%, brand awareness at an all-time high, and market share grew by 15%.

    6 Beers of Separation

    案例简介:描述客户的简报: Tooheys Extra Dry (TED) 希望在 18-24 年的目标市场中保持他们的品牌新鲜、突出和创新。所以我们的目标是: 1。更深层次的品牌互动 -- 超越酒吧和酒类商店 2。鼓励消费者互动 -- 开发一种新的方式来参与我们的目标 3。增加销售和市场份额 (+ 5%) 创意执行: 啤酒是社会润滑剂。经常是在喝啤酒的时候,我们会赶上朋友,结交新朋友。所以,我们想以一种独特而有趣的方式在此基础上再接再厉,挑战我们的四名目标观众,尝试通过啤酒交谈来结识他们的偶像。 描述简短/目标的创造性解决方案。 我们都知道你可以在啤酒上遇见有趣的人,但是我们想看看你是否能遇见世界上的任何人。所以我们创造了 “6 瓶分离啤酒”,目标市场面临挑战,试图通过啤酒来满足他们的偶像。它基于 “6 度分离” 理论,该理论指出地球上的每个人都由不超过六个步骤联系在一起。四名幸运的申请人被选中参加,他们的旅程被拍摄下来。然后将其作为娱乐产品分发回目标市场。 尽可能详细地描述结果。 在线剧集的浏览量超过 700,000 次。《分离啤酒》是澳大利亚有史以来第五大付费 YouTube 频道。6 杯啤酒的分离电影可以在 iTunes 上买到,超过 150,000 张 dvd 被分发,购买了 Tooheys Extra Dry。超过 1,500 人申请参加这个节目,其中 4 人开始了一生的旅程,去见他们的英雄。Tooheys Extra Dry 销售额增长了 9.5%,品牌知名度达到历史新高,市场份额增长了 15%。

    6 Beers of Separation

    案例简介:Describe the brief from the client: Tooheys Extra Dry (TED) wanted to keep their brand fresh, salient and innovative amongst their 18-24 year-old target market. So our objectives were: 1. Attain deeper brand interaction - take the brand beyond the pub and liquor store 2. Encourage consumer interaction - develop a new way to engage our target 3. Increase sales and grow market share (+5%) Creative Execution: Beer is a social lubricant. It’s often while drinking beer that we catch up with our friends and make new ones. So, we wanted to build on this in a unique and interesting way, by challenging four of our target audience to try and meet their idols using little more than conversations over a beer. Describe the creative solution to the brief/objective. We all know you can meet interesting people over a beer, but we wanted to see if you could meet anyone in the world. So we created '6 Beers of Separation', whereby the target market were challenged to try and meet their idol over a beer. It's based on the theory of '6 degrees of separation', which states everyone on earth is linked by no more than six steps. Four lucky applicants were chosen to take part and their journeys were filmed. This was then distributed back to the target market as entertainment. Describe the results in as much detail as possible. Online episodes were viewed more than 700,000 times. 6 Beers of Separation is the fifth most subscribed sponsored YouTube channel in Australia of all time. The 6 Beers of Separation feature film is available on iTunes and more than 150,000 DVDs were distributed with the purchase of Tooheys Extra Dry. Over 1,500 people applied to be in the show, and 4 of them got to go on the journey of a lifetime to meet their heroes. Tooheys Extra Dry sales up by 9.5%, brand awareness at an all-time high, and market share grew by 15%.

    6 瓶分离啤酒


    6 Beers of Separation










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