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    Free Range Humans微电影广告营销案例




    案例简介:在被困在地板上后,全球啤酒品牌CORONA推出了新的原创内容系列 “自由范围的人”,以促进在外部断开的生命 Corona社交频道新系列标志着ABInBev的Corona Studios的推出 纽约,2020年11月23日 -- 平均而言,人们一生中有90% 人在室内度过,在世界各地开始封锁以来的9个月里,这种感觉比以往任何时候都更真实。对许多人来说,这一现实引发了人们日益增长的渴望,希望置身于户外,探索一种远离熟悉的城市丛林,更接近自然的生活方式。这越来越多地导致人口逃离大城市 **,以寻求更充实的生活。 作为一个与海滩和自然相关的品牌,科罗娜正在通过推出其新的原创内容系列 “自由范围人类” 来解决这一转变。这部电视剧庆祝了这一飞跃的现实生活中的人,旨在激励那些在外面追求有意义生活的人,一旦大流行消退,采取下一步行动。科罗娜相信我们最好的自己在外面有经验,正是凭借这句口头禅,该品牌正在提供一个首批实物系列,以提供亟需的逃避现实,并拥有很少人能做到的可信度。该系列是Anheuser Busch InBev (AB InBev) 品牌的第一个全球内容专营权,该品牌专门在美国以外运营和营销Corona。 自由范围的人类是一个由八部分组成的数字内容系列,庆祝那些选择从例行公事中打破的个人,以追求在外面更充实的生活。该系列来自新推出的Corona Studios,标志着该品牌众多以内容为主导的举措中的第一个,该品牌正在扩大其娱乐足迹,让消费者更深入地参与他们的激情点。自由范围人类可以从今天开始在Corona的Youtube频道和其他社交平台上观看。 对许多人来说,轻松、户外的生活方式只是一种白日梦。通过它的6-10分钟的剧集,自由范围的人类为那些在室内的人提供了精神上的脱节,并庆祝世界各地的个人的故事,他们把这变成了现实。他们挑战传统的生活方式,以克服障碍,充分拥抱自己的激情,从水下艺术雕刻到发展一所有影响力的女性冲浪学校。每个故事都提供了洞察力和灵感,当我们刚刚迈出第一步时,一个丰富的生活可能是什么。 自由射程人类第一季特色: 布鲁娜 · 贝萨 (Bruna Bessa) 是一名巴西公关助理,后来成为冲浪教练,也是一个女性赋权冲浪营地,在世界各地举办闭关活动。 哥伦比亚生物学家胡安 · 巴勃罗 · 布埃诺 (Juan Pablo Bueno),他在La Macarena的丛林中建造了一个生态友好的度假胜地,而不会干扰一棵树。 马里奥 · 里格比 (Mario Rigby),加拿大有影响力的人,他放弃了潜在的奥运生涯,成为一名世界旅行者,专注于通过帮助人们发现世界各地的新地方和人们来打破文化观念 艾米丽 · 佩恩 (Emily Penn) 是一位剑桥训练的建筑师,来自英国,他领导航海探险,从我们的海洋中根除塑料。 Jason deCaiaires Taylor,一位英国艺术家,他利用自己的激情和才华创作了成为珊瑚礁和海洋生态系统的水下雕塑。 鲁香娜 · 格雷 (Roushanna Gray) 是一名南非可持续海岸觅食的人,他教育学生关于大自然提供的可食用宝藏。 赞迪尔 · 恩德洛维 (Zandile Ndhlovu),他突破文化障碍成为南非第一位黑人自由潜水教练。 达西 · 刘 (Darci Liu) 是一名舞蹈家,她成为中国第一位职业冲浪者,作为一名冲浪教练、生态企业家和环境倡导者,她用自己的知识来激励和改变人们的看法。 Free Range Humans标志着Corona Studios的正式推出,这是该品牌内的一项新企业,旨在为消费者提供高质量、一致和娱乐性的内容。凭借Corona Studios,该品牌将通过故事引领的内容,跨越旅游、冲浪生活方式、可持续发展、健康和创意艺术的激情点垂直领域,建立更深层次的消费者联系。在过去的九个月里,该品牌为这个平台搭建了舞台,与数十名本地世界级创作者合作制作了30多部电影。随着该平台的扩展,Corona Studios旨在使其内容基础在相关格式和垂直领域变得多样化,从长篇视频到短篇剪辑等。Free Range Humans最初由Wieden + Kennedy Amsterdam构思,由Pereira O'Dell开发为全球娱乐平台。 “这不仅仅是另一个旅游系列。随着今年的事件,我们知道世界各地的人们越来越欣赏外部,并思考替代生活可能是什么样子。这个系列的开发是为了给人们带来新的第一手灵感,一旦封锁消退,它会是什么样子。“全球Corona副总裁菲利佩 · 安布拉 (Felipe Ambra) 说。“我们正在庆祝的人是一个榜样Corona的生活方式,我们希望可以作为其他人在他们有能力的时候追求自然世界及其周围的充实生活的动力。“ 虽然自由射程人类受到传统电视节目形式的启发,但它是专门拍摄的,在整个社会宇宙中原生生活,并有一个连接的支持内容的生态系统。例如,该系列提供了6-10分钟的情节故事,而不是标准的22分钟剧集,总共相当于制作一部故事片,涉及与100多人的合作。每一集都有一系列的促销削减和2-3资产,让好奇的头脑更深入地探索每个演员的激情点。 值得注意的是,该系列由佩雷拉 · 奥戴尔 (Pereira O'Dell) 远程制作,火箭电影 (Rocket Film) 拍摄。选角过程严格,评估500个候选人,拍摄包括在多个时区的六个虚拟编辑室工作的团队,允许编辑,制片人和声音设计之间的灵活,实时协作。后期制作由科斯莫街社论主导,音乐由宁静之城配乐。


    案例简介:AFTER BEING STUCK INDOORS, GLOBAL BEER BRAND CORONA LAUNCHES NEW ORIGINAL CONTENT SERIES “FREE RANGE HUMANS” TO INSPIRE A LIFE OF DISCONNECTION OUTSIDE The New Series on Corona Social Channels Marks the Launch of ABInBev’s Corona Studios NEW YORK, Nov. 23, 2020 -- On average, people spend 90% of their lives indoors*, and in the nine months since lockdowns started around the world, this has felt more real than ever. For many, this reality has sparked a growing desire to be outside and explore a lifestyle away from the familiar urban jungle and closer to nature. Increasingly, this has led to populations fleeing large cities** in search of a more fulfilling life. As a brand linked to the beach and nature, Corona is addressing this shift with the launch of its new original content series, Free Range Humans. The series, which celebrates real-life individuals who made the leap, aims to inspire those pursuing meaningful lives outside to take that next step once the pandemic subsides. Corona believes our best selves are experienced outside, and it is with this mantra that the brand is delivering a first-in-kind series to provide much needed escapism with the credibility that few can. The series is the first global content franchise from the Anheuser Busch InBev (AB InBev) brand, which operates and markets Corona exclusively outside of the US. Free Range Humans is an eight-part digital content series celebrating individuals that chose to break from routine in pursuit of more fulfilling lives outside. The series comes out of the newly launched Corona Studios, and marks the first of many content-led initiatives for the brand, who is expanding its entertainment footprint to engage consumers more deeply across their passion points. Free Range Humans can be viewed on Corona’s Youtube channel and other social platforms starting today. For many, a relaxed, outdoor way of life is a mere daydream. Through its 6-10 minute episodes, Free Range Humans offers mental disconnection for those indoors and celebrates the stories of individuals around the world who made this a reality. They challenged a conventional lifestyle to overcome obstacles and fully embrace their passions, ranging from underwater art sculpting to the development of an influential female surf school. Each story offers insight and inspiration into what a rich life can be when we just make that first step. Free Range Humans season one features: Bruna Bessa, a Brazilian public relations associate turned surf instructor and founder of Mare Alta, a women’s empowerment surf camp that hosts retreats around the world. Juan Pablo Bueno, a Colombian biologist who built an eco-friendly resort in the jungle of La Macarena without disturbing a single tree. Mario Rigby, a Canadian influencer who gave up a potential Olympic career to become a world traveler focused on breaking cultural perceptions by helping people discover new places and people around the world Emily Penn, a Cambridge-trained architect turned ocean advocate from the UK who leads sailing expeditions to eradicate plastic from our oceans. Jason deCaires Taylor, a UK artist who used his passion and talent to create underwater sculptures that become coral reefs and marine ecosystems. Roushanna Gray, a South African sustainable coastal forager who educates students about the edible treasures that nature has to offer. Zandile Ndhlovu, who broke through cultural barriers to become the first Black freediving instructor in South Africa. Darci Liu, a dancer who became China’s first professional surfer, using her knowledge to inspire and change perception as a surf coach, eco-entrepreneur, and environmental advocate. Free Range Humans marks the formal launch of Corona Studios, a new venture within the brand to provide high quality, consistent, and entertaining content to consumers. With Corona Studios, the brand will build deeper consumer connections through story-led content across its passion point verticals of travel, surf lifestyle, sustainability, wellness, and the creative arts. Over the last nine months, the brand has set the stage for this platform, producing over 30 films in collaboration with dozens of local, world class creators. As the platform expands, Corona Studios aims to diversify its content base across relevant formats and verticals, from long form videos to short form clips and more. Free Range Humans was originally conceived by Wieden+Kennedy Amsterdam and developed as a global entertainment platform by Pereira O’Dell. “This is not just another travel series. With the events of this year, we know that people around the world are increasingly appreciative of the outside and pondering what an alternative life could look like. This series was developed to give new, first-hand inspiration on what that could look like once the lockdowns subside” said Felipe Ambra, Global Corona VP. “The people we are celebrating are an embodiment of the Corona lifestyle and we hope can serve as motivation for others to pursue a fulfilling life in and around the natural world when they are able to.” While Free Range Humans is inspired by the traditional television show format, it was specifically shot to live natively across the social universe, with a connected ecosystem of supporting content. Instead of standard 22 minute episodes, for example, the series offers 6-10 minutes episodic stories, collectively equivalent to the production of a feature film, involving collaboration with over 100 people. Each episode is flanked with a range of promotional cuts and 2-3 assets for the curious minds looking to explore each cast members’ passion points more deeply. Notably, the series was produced remotely by Pereira O’Dell and shot by Rocket Film. The casting process was rigorous and assessed 500 candidates, and the shoot included teams working in six virtual edit rooms across multiple time zones, allowing for nimble, real-time collaboration between editors, producers, and sound design daily. Post production was led by Cosmo Street Editorial, with music scored by Quiet City.

    Free Range Humans

    案例简介:在被困在地板上后,全球啤酒品牌CORONA推出了新的原创内容系列 “自由范围的人”,以促进在外部断开的生命 Corona社交频道新系列标志着ABInBev的Corona Studios的推出 纽约,2020年11月23日 -- 平均而言,人们一生中有90% 人在室内度过,在世界各地开始封锁以来的9个月里,这种感觉比以往任何时候都更真实。对许多人来说,这一现实引发了人们日益增长的渴望,希望置身于户外,探索一种远离熟悉的城市丛林,更接近自然的生活方式。这越来越多地导致人口逃离大城市 **,以寻求更充实的生活。 作为一个与海滩和自然相关的品牌,科罗娜正在通过推出其新的原创内容系列 “自由范围人类” 来解决这一转变。这部电视剧庆祝了这一飞跃的现实生活中的人,旨在激励那些在外面追求有意义生活的人,一旦大流行消退,采取下一步行动。科罗娜相信我们最好的自己在外面有经验,正是凭借这句口头禅,该品牌正在提供一个首批实物系列,以提供亟需的逃避现实,并拥有很少人能做到的可信度。该系列是Anheuser Busch InBev (AB InBev) 品牌的第一个全球内容专营权,该品牌专门在美国以外运营和营销Corona。 自由范围的人类是一个由八部分组成的数字内容系列,庆祝那些选择从例行公事中打破的个人,以追求在外面更充实的生活。该系列来自新推出的Corona Studios,标志着该品牌众多以内容为主导的举措中的第一个,该品牌正在扩大其娱乐足迹,让消费者更深入地参与他们的激情点。自由范围人类可以从今天开始在Corona的Youtube频道和其他社交平台上观看。 对许多人来说,轻松、户外的生活方式只是一种白日梦。通过它的6-10分钟的剧集,自由范围的人类为那些在室内的人提供了精神上的脱节,并庆祝世界各地的个人的故事,他们把这变成了现实。他们挑战传统的生活方式,以克服障碍,充分拥抱自己的激情,从水下艺术雕刻到发展一所有影响力的女性冲浪学校。每个故事都提供了洞察力和灵感,当我们刚刚迈出第一步时,一个丰富的生活可能是什么。 自由射程人类第一季特色: 布鲁娜 · 贝萨 (Bruna Bessa) 是一名巴西公关助理,后来成为冲浪教练,也是一个女性赋权冲浪营地,在世界各地举办闭关活动。 哥伦比亚生物学家胡安 · 巴勃罗 · 布埃诺 (Juan Pablo Bueno),他在La Macarena的丛林中建造了一个生态友好的度假胜地,而不会干扰一棵树。 马里奥 · 里格比 (Mario Rigby),加拿大有影响力的人,他放弃了潜在的奥运生涯,成为一名世界旅行者,专注于通过帮助人们发现世界各地的新地方和人们来打破文化观念 艾米丽 · 佩恩 (Emily Penn) 是一位剑桥训练的建筑师,来自英国,他领导航海探险,从我们的海洋中根除塑料。 Jason deCaiaires Taylor,一位英国艺术家,他利用自己的激情和才华创作了成为珊瑚礁和海洋生态系统的水下雕塑。 鲁香娜 · 格雷 (Roushanna Gray) 是一名南非可持续海岸觅食的人,他教育学生关于大自然提供的可食用宝藏。 赞迪尔 · 恩德洛维 (Zandile Ndhlovu),他突破文化障碍成为南非第一位黑人自由潜水教练。 达西 · 刘 (Darci Liu) 是一名舞蹈家,她成为中国第一位职业冲浪者,作为一名冲浪教练、生态企业家和环境倡导者,她用自己的知识来激励和改变人们的看法。 Free Range Humans标志着Corona Studios的正式推出,这是该品牌内的一项新企业,旨在为消费者提供高质量、一致和娱乐性的内容。凭借Corona Studios,该品牌将通过故事引领的内容,跨越旅游、冲浪生活方式、可持续发展、健康和创意艺术的激情点垂直领域,建立更深层次的消费者联系。在过去的九个月里,该品牌为这个平台搭建了舞台,与数十名本地世界级创作者合作制作了30多部电影。随着该平台的扩展,Corona Studios旨在使其内容基础在相关格式和垂直领域变得多样化,从长篇视频到短篇剪辑等。Free Range Humans最初由Wieden + Kennedy Amsterdam构思,由Pereira O'Dell开发为全球娱乐平台。 “这不仅仅是另一个旅游系列。随着今年的事件,我们知道世界各地的人们越来越欣赏外部,并思考替代生活可能是什么样子。这个系列的开发是为了给人们带来新的第一手灵感,一旦封锁消退,它会是什么样子。“全球Corona副总裁菲利佩 · 安布拉 (Felipe Ambra) 说。“我们正在庆祝的人是一个榜样Corona的生活方式,我们希望可以作为其他人在他们有能力的时候追求自然世界及其周围的充实生活的动力。“ 虽然自由射程人类受到传统电视节目形式的启发,但它是专门拍摄的,在整个社会宇宙中原生生活,并有一个连接的支持内容的生态系统。例如,该系列提供了6-10分钟的情节故事,而不是标准的22分钟剧集,总共相当于制作一部故事片,涉及与100多人的合作。每一集都有一系列的促销削减和2-3资产,让好奇的头脑更深入地探索每个演员的激情点。 值得注意的是,该系列由佩雷拉 · 奥戴尔 (Pereira O'Dell) 远程制作,火箭电影 (Rocket Film) 拍摄。选角过程严格,评估500个候选人,拍摄包括在多个时区的六个虚拟编辑室工作的团队,允许编辑,制片人和声音设计之间的灵活,实时协作。后期制作由科斯莫街社论主导,音乐由宁静之城配乐。

    Free Range Humans

    案例简介:AFTER BEING STUCK INDOORS, GLOBAL BEER BRAND CORONA LAUNCHES NEW ORIGINAL CONTENT SERIES “FREE RANGE HUMANS” TO INSPIRE A LIFE OF DISCONNECTION OUTSIDE The New Series on Corona Social Channels Marks the Launch of ABInBev’s Corona Studios NEW YORK, Nov. 23, 2020 -- On average, people spend 90% of their lives indoors*, and in the nine months since lockdowns started around the world, this has felt more real than ever. For many, this reality has sparked a growing desire to be outside and explore a lifestyle away from the familiar urban jungle and closer to nature. Increasingly, this has led to populations fleeing large cities** in search of a more fulfilling life. As a brand linked to the beach and nature, Corona is addressing this shift with the launch of its new original content series, Free Range Humans. The series, which celebrates real-life individuals who made the leap, aims to inspire those pursuing meaningful lives outside to take that next step once the pandemic subsides. Corona believes our best selves are experienced outside, and it is with this mantra that the brand is delivering a first-in-kind series to provide much needed escapism with the credibility that few can. The series is the first global content franchise from the Anheuser Busch InBev (AB InBev) brand, which operates and markets Corona exclusively outside of the US. Free Range Humans is an eight-part digital content series celebrating individuals that chose to break from routine in pursuit of more fulfilling lives outside. The series comes out of the newly launched Corona Studios, and marks the first of many content-led initiatives for the brand, who is expanding its entertainment footprint to engage consumers more deeply across their passion points. Free Range Humans can be viewed on Corona’s Youtube channel and other social platforms starting today. For many, a relaxed, outdoor way of life is a mere daydream. Through its 6-10 minute episodes, Free Range Humans offers mental disconnection for those indoors and celebrates the stories of individuals around the world who made this a reality. They challenged a conventional lifestyle to overcome obstacles and fully embrace their passions, ranging from underwater art sculpting to the development of an influential female surf school. Each story offers insight and inspiration into what a rich life can be when we just make that first step. Free Range Humans season one features: Bruna Bessa, a Brazilian public relations associate turned surf instructor and founder of Mare Alta, a women’s empowerment surf camp that hosts retreats around the world. Juan Pablo Bueno, a Colombian biologist who built an eco-friendly resort in the jungle of La Macarena without disturbing a single tree. Mario Rigby, a Canadian influencer who gave up a potential Olympic career to become a world traveler focused on breaking cultural perceptions by helping people discover new places and people around the world Emily Penn, a Cambridge-trained architect turned ocean advocate from the UK who leads sailing expeditions to eradicate plastic from our oceans. Jason deCaires Taylor, a UK artist who used his passion and talent to create underwater sculptures that become coral reefs and marine ecosystems. Roushanna Gray, a South African sustainable coastal forager who educates students about the edible treasures that nature has to offer. Zandile Ndhlovu, who broke through cultural barriers to become the first Black freediving instructor in South Africa. Darci Liu, a dancer who became China’s first professional surfer, using her knowledge to inspire and change perception as a surf coach, eco-entrepreneur, and environmental advocate. Free Range Humans marks the formal launch of Corona Studios, a new venture within the brand to provide high quality, consistent, and entertaining content to consumers. With Corona Studios, the brand will build deeper consumer connections through story-led content across its passion point verticals of travel, surf lifestyle, sustainability, wellness, and the creative arts. Over the last nine months, the brand has set the stage for this platform, producing over 30 films in collaboration with dozens of local, world class creators. As the platform expands, Corona Studios aims to diversify its content base across relevant formats and verticals, from long form videos to short form clips and more. Free Range Humans was originally conceived by Wieden+Kennedy Amsterdam and developed as a global entertainment platform by Pereira O’Dell. “This is not just another travel series. With the events of this year, we know that people around the world are increasingly appreciative of the outside and pondering what an alternative life could look like. This series was developed to give new, first-hand inspiration on what that could look like once the lockdowns subside” said Felipe Ambra, Global Corona VP. “The people we are celebrating are an embodiment of the Corona lifestyle and we hope can serve as motivation for others to pursue a fulfilling life in and around the natural world when they are able to.” While Free Range Humans is inspired by the traditional television show format, it was specifically shot to live natively across the social universe, with a connected ecosystem of supporting content. Instead of standard 22 minute episodes, for example, the series offers 6-10 minutes episodic stories, collectively equivalent to the production of a feature film, involving collaboration with over 100 people. Each episode is flanked with a range of promotional cuts and 2-3 assets for the curious minds looking to explore each cast members’ passion points more deeply. Notably, the series was produced remotely by Pereira O’Dell and shot by Rocket Film. The casting process was rigorous and assessed 500 candidates, and the shoot included teams working in six virtual edit rooms across multiple time zones, allowing for nimble, real-time collaboration between editors, producers, and sound design daily. Post production was led by Cosmo Street Editorial, with music scored by Quiet City.



    Free Range Humans










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