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    #Restartaheart - The World's First Twitter Campaign Powered by Hearts短视频,活动广告营销案例



    # Restartaheart-世界上第一个由红心驱动的推特活动

    案例简介:执行 他们在上午7:30 宣传并锁定了发布的推特,这导致了他们的发言人出现在早餐电视上的兴趣激增。随着时间的推移,我们使用标签推出了一整套内容,确保我们所有的信息都能够从发布推特产生的光环效应中受益。这些内容包括信息图表和现场直播的心肺复苏培训课程。 timelinePrimary 的重点是重新开始心脏日 -- 2016年10月18日,以配合其他公关和体验活动。 scaleThe 发布 Tweet call-to-action 专注于驾驶喜欢的发布 Tweet。这被提升到他们的追随者和更广泛的推特观众,以推动参与。当天还起草了额外的社交团队支持,以确保任何对该活动有疑问或评论的人都能在推特上得到亲自回答,从而推动更多的参与。 活动描述 创造性的想法 (<140 个字符) 是世界上第一个由红心驱动的推特活动。# RestartAHeartThe 发布推特副本: “你在推特 [手机表情符号上] 你的 [心脏表情符号] 停止你进入心脏骤停 [心脏表情符号] 这条推特上,看看接下来会发生什么。# RestartAHeart “我们创建了一个有影响力的自动响应活动,旨在重现现实世界的赔率 (不到十分之一) 从医院外心脏骤停的生存推特 engagers。不到十分之一的人收到了生存的信息,而其他人收到了一个发人深省的事实,即没有必要的心肺复苏术,他们就没有幸存下来。用一个简单的,本质上共享的想法 # RestartAHeart 被一条强大的推特和一个迷人的行动号召激活。以前从未使用心脏按钮在推特上触发过一个动作。让 # RestartAHeart 成为世界上第一个由红心驱动的推特活动。 概要 在英国,每年有 30,000 以上的心脏骤停发生在医院外,只有不到十分之一的人幸存下来。推特如何帮助我们 (英国心脏基金会) 教育人们,通过心肺复苏术训练,存活率可能会高得多? 目标慈善机构的目标是创建一个救命之国。这项运动的具体目标是提高对心肺复苏术培训至关重要的需求的认识,让人们谈论这个问题,并推动报名参加课程。这场运动需要非常有影响力和令人难忘,而不耸人听闻。 战略 目标观众在英国的每个人。目标媒体、地区和社交媒体/广告行业媒体。 # RestartAHeart Day 是英国心脏基金会的一个重要公关时刻,全天覆盖全国印刷媒体和电视节目。除了呼应传统公关的具体信息之外,他们创建了一个推特计划,该计划将直接导致培训注册。BHF 和推特通信团队将社交媒体创新故事植入媒体媒体规划团队正在优化推广的推特活动,以提高支出效率,并确保最大数量的人看到并参与了活动发布的推特。已经提前创建了大型的目标群体来宣传这条推文,包括那些关注 @ TheBHF 和近年来提到心肺复苏术和心脏骤停的人。 相关性 CIPR 将公关定义为: “公共关系是关于声誉的 -- 你做了什么,你说了什么,别人对你说了什么。 “我们在 # RestartAHeart 活动中做的是一个鼓舞人心的、引人入胜的推特。我们说的是创建一个完整的救命之国的野心,英国心脏基金会希望接触到新的观众,并教育他们; 只有十分之一的人在院外心脏骤停中幸存下来。其他人对此说的话 “对 @ TheBHF # RestartAHeart 活动印象深刻,我现在已经给 Heartstart East London 发邮件报名参加了一门课程”-@ catdeakin 结果 媒体输出了各种各样的贸易报道 -- 运动、传染、鼓、 PA/Snappa 、曼彻斯特晚报、 BT.com。所有这些都突出了运动的创新和引人注目的性质。关于运动的推特 https://twitter.com/search?f=tweets&vertical=default&q=%23RestartAHeart%20Campaign&src=typdTarget 观众结果-# RestartAHeart 在英国的趋势是在发布推特直播后几分钟内。 -28,600 + 总活动喜欢 (有些人多次喜欢和不喜欢推特,以获得他们想要的回应)。 7 天内全球有 47,000 多次提到 # RestartAHeart(英国 38k +)。 -1163% 在发布日 2016 和 2015,英国对 # RestartAHeart 的提及同比增加。 -9,000 + 提到 @ TheBHF (433% Y-O-Y 增加)-2,800 +转发发送给 engagers 的个性化回复 -- 帮助传播竞选信息。-4,000 多名网站访问者通过推特 j 访问定制的幸运和不幸的竞选登陆页面Ourney-446 有影响力的核实账户参与了从品牌、名人、推特创始人和议员 (包括伦敦市长萨迪克 · 汗)。 -活动发布推特是慈善机构有史以来最成功的推特 -- 在撰写时,它有 22,000 多个赞和 2,800 多个转发。

    # Restartaheart-世界上第一个由红心驱动的推特活动

    案例简介:Execution They promoted and pinned the launch tweet at 7:30am which lead to a huge spike in interest whilst their spokespeople were appearing on Breakfast television.As the day progressed we pushed out a whole suite of content using the hashtag ensuring that all of our messaging was able to benefit from the halo effect generated by the launch tweet. This content included infographics and live-streamed CPR training sessions.TimelinePrimary focus was on Restart A Heart Day - 18 October 2016 to coincide with other PR and experiential activities.ScaleThe launch Tweet call-to-action focused on driving likes on the launch Tweet. This was promoted to their followers and to a much wider Twitter audience to drive engagement.Additional social team support was drafted in for the day to ensure that anyone with questions or comments about the campaign could get them personally answered on Twitter - driving more engagement. CampaignDescription The Creative Idea (in < 140 characters)The world's first Twitter campaign powered by hearts. #RestartAHeartThe launch Tweet copy:"You're on Twitter [phone emoji]Your [heart emoji] stopsYou go into cardiac arrest[heart emoji] this Tweet to see what happens next. #RestartAHeart"We created an impactful auto-response campaign that was designed to recreate the real world odds (less than one-in-ten) of survival from an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest for Twitter engagers.Less than one-in-ten people received a message of survival whilst others received a thought provoking truth that without the necessary CPR they had not survived.With a simple, inherently sharable idea #RestartAHeart was activated by one powerful Tweet and a captivating call to action. Never before had the heart button been used to trigger an action on Twitter. Making #RestartAHeart the world's first Twitter campaign powered by hearts. Synopsis SituationIn the UK more than 30,000 cardiac arrests happen out of hospital each year, with less than one in ten of people surviving.The BriefHow can Twitter help us (The British Heart Foundation) educate people that with CPR training the survival rate could be far higher?ObjectivesThe charity's goal is to create a nation of lifesavers. The specific aim of the campaign was to raise awareness of the vital need for CPR training, get people talking about this issue and drive sign ups to courses.The campaign needed to be highly impactful and memorable without sensationalising the issue. Strategy Target AudienceEveryone in the UK.Target MediaNational, regional and social media / advertising trade press.#RestartAHeart Day is a big PR moment for The British Heart Foundation with coverage across national print media as well as television spots throughout the day. In addition to echoing the specific messaging of the traditional PR, they created a Twitter plan that would lead directly to training sign ups.Whilst the social media innovation story was seeded to the press by both the BHF and Twitter comms teams the media planning team were optimising the promoted Twitter campaigns to drive efficiencies in the spend and ensure the maximum amount of people saw and engaged with the campaign launch Tweet. Large targeting groups had been created in advance to promote the Tweet to - including those that followed @TheBHF and people who have mentioned CPR and cardiac arrests in recent years. Relevancy CIPR define PR as:"Public Relations is about reputation - the result of what you do, what you say and what others say about you."What We DidThe #RestartAHeart campaign was an inspiring and engaging Twitter first. What We SaidWith the ambition of creating an entire nation of lifesavers, The British Heart Foundation wanted to reach a new audience and educate them that; only one-in-ten people survive an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.What Others Said About It"SO impressed by @TheBHF #RestartAHeart campaign that I've emailed Heartstart East London right now to sign up to a course"- @catdeakin Outcome Media OutputsVarious pieces of trade coverage - Campaign, Contagious, The Drum, PA / Snappa, Manchester Evening News, BT.com.All highlighted the innovative and compelling nature of the campaign.Tweets about the campaignhttps://twitter.com/search?f=tweets&vertical=default&q=%23RestartAHeart%20Campaign&src=typdTarget Audience Outcomes- #RestartAHeart trended in the UK within minutes of the launch Tweet going live.- 28,600+ total campaign likes (with some people liking and unliking the Tweet multiple times to get the response they wanted).- There were 47,000+ mentions of #RestartAHeart globally over seven days (38k+ in the UK).- 1163% year on year increase in UK mentions of #RestartAHeart on launch day 2016 vs 2015.- 9,000+ mentions of @TheBHF (433% Y-O-Y increase) on the day- 2,800+ retweets of the personalised responses that were sent to engagers - helping to spread the campaign messaging.- 4,000+ website visitors driven to the bespoke lucky and unlucky campaign landing pages via the Twitter journey- 446 influential verified accounts took part ranging from brands, celebrities, Twitter Founders and MPs (including the Mayor of London - Sadiq Khan).- The campaign launch Tweet was the charity's most successful Tweet ever - at time of writing it's had - 22,000+ Likes and 2,800+ ReTweets.

    #Restartaheart - The World's First Twitter Campaign Powered by Hearts

    案例简介:执行 他们在上午7:30 宣传并锁定了发布的推特,这导致了他们的发言人出现在早餐电视上的兴趣激增。随着时间的推移,我们使用标签推出了一整套内容,确保我们所有的信息都能够从发布推特产生的光环效应中受益。这些内容包括信息图表和现场直播的心肺复苏培训课程。 timelinePrimary 的重点是重新开始心脏日 -- 2016年10月18日,以配合其他公关和体验活动。 scaleThe 发布 Tweet call-to-action 专注于驾驶喜欢的发布 Tweet。这被提升到他们的追随者和更广泛的推特观众,以推动参与。当天还起草了额外的社交团队支持,以确保任何对该活动有疑问或评论的人都能在推特上得到亲自回答,从而推动更多的参与。 活动描述 创造性的想法 (<140 个字符) 是世界上第一个由红心驱动的推特活动。# RestartAHeartThe 发布推特副本: “你在推特 [手机表情符号上] 你的 [心脏表情符号] 停止你进入心脏骤停 [心脏表情符号] 这条推特上,看看接下来会发生什么。# RestartAHeart “我们创建了一个有影响力的自动响应活动,旨在重现现实世界的赔率 (不到十分之一) 从医院外心脏骤停的生存推特 engagers。不到十分之一的人收到了生存的信息,而其他人收到了一个发人深省的事实,即没有必要的心肺复苏术,他们就没有幸存下来。用一个简单的,本质上共享的想法 # RestartAHeart 被一条强大的推特和一个迷人的行动号召激活。以前从未使用心脏按钮在推特上触发过一个动作。让 # RestartAHeart 成为世界上第一个由红心驱动的推特活动。 概要 在英国,每年有 30,000 以上的心脏骤停发生在医院外,只有不到十分之一的人幸存下来。推特如何帮助我们 (英国心脏基金会) 教育人们,通过心肺复苏术训练,存活率可能会高得多? 目标慈善机构的目标是创建一个救命之国。这项运动的具体目标是提高对心肺复苏术培训至关重要的需求的认识,让人们谈论这个问题,并推动报名参加课程。这场运动需要非常有影响力和令人难忘,而不耸人听闻。 战略 目标观众在英国的每个人。目标媒体、地区和社交媒体/广告行业媒体。 # RestartAHeart Day 是英国心脏基金会的一个重要公关时刻,全天覆盖全国印刷媒体和电视节目。除了呼应传统公关的具体信息之外,他们创建了一个推特计划,该计划将直接导致培训注册。BHF 和推特通信团队将社交媒体创新故事植入媒体媒体规划团队正在优化推广的推特活动,以提高支出效率,并确保最大数量的人看到并参与了活动发布的推特。已经提前创建了大型的目标群体来宣传这条推文,包括那些关注 @ TheBHF 和近年来提到心肺复苏术和心脏骤停的人。 相关性 CIPR 将公关定义为: “公共关系是关于声誉的 -- 你做了什么,你说了什么,别人对你说了什么。 “我们在 # RestartAHeart 活动中做的是一个鼓舞人心的、引人入胜的推特。我们说的是创建一个完整的救命之国的野心,英国心脏基金会希望接触到新的观众,并教育他们; 只有十分之一的人在院外心脏骤停中幸存下来。其他人对此说的话 “对 @ TheBHF # RestartAHeart 活动印象深刻,我现在已经给 Heartstart East London 发邮件报名参加了一门课程”-@ catdeakin 结果 媒体输出了各种各样的贸易报道 -- 运动、传染、鼓、 PA/Snappa 、曼彻斯特晚报、 BT.com。所有这些都突出了运动的创新和引人注目的性质。关于运动的推特 https://twitter.com/search?f=tweets&vertical=default&q=%23RestartAHeart%20Campaign&src=typdTarget 观众结果-# RestartAHeart 在英国的趋势是在发布推特直播后几分钟内。 -28,600 + 总活动喜欢 (有些人多次喜欢和不喜欢推特,以获得他们想要的回应)。 7 天内全球有 47,000 多次提到 # RestartAHeart(英国 38k +)。 -1163% 在发布日 2016 和 2015,英国对 # RestartAHeart 的提及同比增加。 -9,000 + 提到 @ TheBHF (433% Y-O-Y 增加)-2,800 +转发发送给 engagers 的个性化回复 -- 帮助传播竞选信息。-4,000 多名网站访问者通过推特 j 访问定制的幸运和不幸的竞选登陆页面Ourney-446 有影响力的核实账户参与了从品牌、名人、推特创始人和议员 (包括伦敦市长萨迪克 · 汗)。 -活动发布推特是慈善机构有史以来最成功的推特 -- 在撰写时,它有 22,000 多个赞和 2,800 多个转发。

    #Restartaheart - The World's First Twitter Campaign Powered by Hearts

    案例简介:Execution They promoted and pinned the launch tweet at 7:30am which lead to a huge spike in interest whilst their spokespeople were appearing on Breakfast television.As the day progressed we pushed out a whole suite of content using the hashtag ensuring that all of our messaging was able to benefit from the halo effect generated by the launch tweet. This content included infographics and live-streamed CPR training sessions.TimelinePrimary focus was on Restart A Heart Day - 18 October 2016 to coincide with other PR and experiential activities.ScaleThe launch Tweet call-to-action focused on driving likes on the launch Tweet. This was promoted to their followers and to a much wider Twitter audience to drive engagement.Additional social team support was drafted in for the day to ensure that anyone with questions or comments about the campaign could get them personally answered on Twitter - driving more engagement. CampaignDescription The Creative Idea (in < 140 characters)The world's first Twitter campaign powered by hearts. #RestartAHeartThe launch Tweet copy:"You're on Twitter [phone emoji]Your [heart emoji] stopsYou go into cardiac arrest[heart emoji] this Tweet to see what happens next. #RestartAHeart"We created an impactful auto-response campaign that was designed to recreate the real world odds (less than one-in-ten) of survival from an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest for Twitter engagers.Less than one-in-ten people received a message of survival whilst others received a thought provoking truth that without the necessary CPR they had not survived.With a simple, inherently sharable idea #RestartAHeart was activated by one powerful Tweet and a captivating call to action. Never before had the heart button been used to trigger an action on Twitter. Making #RestartAHeart the world's first Twitter campaign powered by hearts. Synopsis SituationIn the UK more than 30,000 cardiac arrests happen out of hospital each year, with less than one in ten of people surviving.The BriefHow can Twitter help us (The British Heart Foundation) educate people that with CPR training the survival rate could be far higher?ObjectivesThe charity's goal is to create a nation of lifesavers. The specific aim of the campaign was to raise awareness of the vital need for CPR training, get people talking about this issue and drive sign ups to courses.The campaign needed to be highly impactful and memorable without sensationalising the issue. Strategy Target AudienceEveryone in the UK.Target MediaNational, regional and social media / advertising trade press.#RestartAHeart Day is a big PR moment for The British Heart Foundation with coverage across national print media as well as television spots throughout the day. In addition to echoing the specific messaging of the traditional PR, they created a Twitter plan that would lead directly to training sign ups.Whilst the social media innovation story was seeded to the press by both the BHF and Twitter comms teams the media planning team were optimising the promoted Twitter campaigns to drive efficiencies in the spend and ensure the maximum amount of people saw and engaged with the campaign launch Tweet. Large targeting groups had been created in advance to promote the Tweet to - including those that followed @TheBHF and people who have mentioned CPR and cardiac arrests in recent years. Relevancy CIPR define PR as:"Public Relations is about reputation - the result of what you do, what you say and what others say about you."What We DidThe #RestartAHeart campaign was an inspiring and engaging Twitter first. What We SaidWith the ambition of creating an entire nation of lifesavers, The British Heart Foundation wanted to reach a new audience and educate them that; only one-in-ten people survive an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.What Others Said About It"SO impressed by @TheBHF #RestartAHeart campaign that I've emailed Heartstart East London right now to sign up to a course"- @catdeakin Outcome Media OutputsVarious pieces of trade coverage - Campaign, Contagious, The Drum, PA / Snappa, Manchester Evening News, BT.com.All highlighted the innovative and compelling nature of the campaign.Tweets about the campaignhttps://twitter.com/search?f=tweets&vertical=default&q=%23RestartAHeart%20Campaign&src=typdTarget Audience Outcomes- #RestartAHeart trended in the UK within minutes of the launch Tweet going live.- 28,600+ total campaign likes (with some people liking and unliking the Tweet multiple times to get the response they wanted).- There were 47,000+ mentions of #RestartAHeart globally over seven days (38k+ in the UK).- 1163% year on year increase in UK mentions of #RestartAHeart on launch day 2016 vs 2015.- 9,000+ mentions of @TheBHF (433% Y-O-Y increase) on the day- 2,800+ retweets of the personalised responses that were sent to engagers - helping to spread the campaign messaging.- 4,000+ website visitors driven to the bespoke lucky and unlucky campaign landing pages via the Twitter journey- 446 influential verified accounts took part ranging from brands, celebrities, Twitter Founders and MPs (including the Mayor of London - Sadiq Khan).- The campaign launch Tweet was the charity's most successful Tweet ever - at time of writing it's had - 22,000+ Likes and 2,800+ ReTweets.

    # Restartaheart-世界上第一个由红心驱动的推特活动


    #Restartaheart - The World's First Twitter Campaign Powered by Hearts






    广告公司: Twitter (英国 伦敦) 制作公司: Twitter , Hobbynote




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