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    As Much As I Can微电影广告营销案例




    案例简介:为什么这项工作与品牌内容和娱乐相关? 这种体验与类别极为相关,因为它是我们使用沉浸式体验方式的巨大演变。它将它们从 “陈述” 或视觉上有趣的事物转变为空间,从而从字面上改变了我们的行为和思考方式-变得更好。这也是品牌委托一件艺术品的有力例子,该艺术品具有自己的创作完整性,通过观众反馈和剧院评论家评论证明了这一点。这为同时创造大规模变革、推动品牌增长和支持社区/艺术的能力提供了充分的理由。 描述有关您所在国家/地区的医疗保健/RX/制药通信的任何限制或法规,包括: 所有广告均由FDA OPDP监管,其使命是 “通过确保处方药信息真实,平衡和准确传达来保护公众健康。这是通过全面的监督,执法和教育计划来实现的,并通过促进与医疗保健专业人员/消费者更好地交流标签和促销信息来实现的。” 描述目标受众,以及为什么你的作品与他们相关。 尽可能多的目标受众是代表 “社区” 的利益相关者的横截面,这些利益相关者需要参与才能创造变革。这包括与男性发生性关系的黑人男性、父母、教会领袖、服务提供者、医生/医学界成员和文化影响者。我们通过与广泛的组织合作来招募/吸引我们的受众,包括哈林联合,AMFAR,Native Sons和许多其他受众,从而实现了这一目标。结果,根据纽约市剧院观众的统计数据,我们的观众在种族上更加多样化,30% 比80%,而我们的演员在种族上99% 比35% (典型的纽约市演出) 也更加多样化。 对于社区中的许多人来说,这是他们第一次参加剧院演出,也是他们第一次看到自己在 “主流媒体” 中的代表。他们报告说,这对他们产生了巨大影响,因为这种表示是准确、积极和有力的。该剧包含的场景反映了上述所有主要利益相关者,对他们的行为如何影响男人的身临其境的内心印象非常深刻。对于所有观众来说,这是一个强有力的社区和自我反思点。 背景 这个项目是根据以下统计数据创建的: 如果感染率没有2020年变化,在美国,每2个与男性发生性关系的黑人男性中就有1个会在一生中被诊断出感染艾滋病毒。我们的客户ViiV向我们提供了一个简短的信息,以创建一种 “体验”,该体验不仅会引起人们对这一统计数据的关注,还会引起人们对其背后的故事的关注,并消除了许多普遍对导致这些数字的原因的误解。目标是让社区,男性参与进来,并创造可衡量的变化-特别是通过减少污名,这被证明对感染率有重大影响。 描述创意 AMAIC背后的核心思想是利用空间和沉浸式设计的心理学来改变围绕公共卫生问题 (HIV/AIDS感染) 的感知和行为。此外,我们希望该过程具有与结果一样强大的影响。为了做到这一点,在收集了200多个男人的故事之后,与社区合作创建了体验。该节目的演员几乎完全由来自社区的男性组成,其中许多人是在该节目中接受培训的首次表演者。该场景的体验是有意设计的,目的是利用观众的位置 (透过墙壁上的孔,坐在地板上,坐在场景中) 来模糊现实与幻想之间的界限,并改变观众对故事的看法。这也是一种模块化设计,可以在城市之间快速/高效地旅行。 描述策略 目标是通过参加表演的人以及与体验合作组织的其他活动,将体验用作社区组织和参与工具。某些夜晚,经验完全由一个特定的小组填补,该小组是ViiV和该问题的主要利益相关者。这些团体的范围从AMFAR到Mobi等黑人团体,再到历史悠久的黑人教堂,再到医生/医学专业协会。每次演出结束后,我们都会与观众进行交谈,这使他们有机会反思自己的经历并与其他观众建立联系。在任何给定的夜晚,我们的观众通常都是父母/朋友,医疗专业人员,牧师,黑人同性恋影响者和艾滋病毒/艾滋病患者的横截面。还进行了广播节目采访,社区对话和社交之夜,以赞扬这场奔跑。。 描述执行情况 该体验于冬季2016年在巴尔的摩首次亮相。在接下来的两年中,它作为区域制作巡回演出,访问了杰克逊,圣地亚哥,奥兰多和罗利等城市。在春季2018年,该体验在纽约市首演了三周的演出。顶级媒体参加了这些表演,该节目在纽约时报,Vibe,Billboard等广泛出版物中获得了报道,并在剧院出版物 (如Yes Broadway和the Advocate) 中获得了好评。目前,该体验正在为纽约市秋季2019年的顶级剧院场所之一的公共剧院的Joe's Pub进行有限的放映。 描述结果 AMAIC的影响不仅对观众而且对社区和参与制作的数百名男性都产生了深远的影响。与约翰·霍普金斯 (John's Hopkins) 合作对体验进行了评估,并显示出改变了感知和行为。目前正在撰写几篇科学论文,作为使用沉浸式体验作为有效公共卫生干预措施的首批示范之一。它还在世界医疗保健大会上获得了卓越的患者参与度奖。它在观众参与度调查后获得了98% 分。ViiV在顶级和行业媒体中获得了令人难以置信的积极报道。他们还与对品牌至关重要的组织和影响者建立了新的合作伙伴关系网络。同样重要的是要注意AMAIC对参与其中的人产生的深远影响,从自尊建设到大学出勤率再到恢复建设。


    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Branded Content & Entertainment? This experience is extremely relevant for the category because it’s a huge evolution in the way we use immersive experiences. It changes them from being things that “make a statement” or are visually interesting to spaces the literally change the way we behave and think -- for the better. It is also a powerful example of a brand commissioning a piece of art that has its own creative integrity as demonstrated through audience feedback and theater critic reviews. This makes a strong case for that ability to simultaneously create large scale change, drive brand growth, and support communities/the arts. Describe any restrictions or regulations regarding Healthcare/RX/Pharma communications in your country/region including: All advertising is regulated by the FDA OPDP, whose mission is “to protect public health by assuring prescription drug information is truthful, balanced, and accurately communicated. This is accomplished through comprehensive surveillance, enforcement, and education programs, and by fostering better communication of labeling and promotional information to health care professionals/consumers.” Describe the target audience and why your work is relevant to them. The target audience for As Much As I Can was a cross section of stakeholders that represent the "community" that needs to be engaged in order to create change. This includes black men who have sex with men, parents, leaders from the church, service providers, doctors/members of the medical community, and cultural influencers. We achieved this by partnering with a wide range of organizations to recruit/reach our audiences including Harlem United, AMFAR, Native Sons and many others. As a result, according to NYC theater audience statistics, our audiences were significantly more racially diverse 80+% vs 30% and our cast was also more racially diverse 99% vs 35% (typical NYC shows). For many of the men from the community, this was the first time they had attended theater and the first time they had ever seen themselves represented in "mainstream media". They reported that this had a massive impact on them because that representation was accurate, positive and powerful. The play contains scenes that reflect all the major stakeholders mentioned above, and it was very affecting for them to get an immersive, visceral look at how their behavior impacts the men. It was a powerful point of community and self reflection for all audience members. Background This project was created in response to the following statistic: if infection rates don’t change by 2020, 1 out of every 2 black men who have sex with men in America will be diagnosed with HIV in their lifetime. Our client, ViiV, approached us with a brief to create an “experience” that would bring attention not just to this statistic but to the stories of the men behind it and dispel many commonly held misperceptions about what drove these numbers. The objective was to engage the community, the men, and to create measurable change -- particularly by reducing stigma which was shown to have a significant impact on infection rates. Describe the creative idea The core idea behind AMAIC was to use the psychology of spacial and immersive design to change perception and behavior around a public health issue -- HIV/AIDS infection. In addition we wanted the process to have as powerful an impact as the result. In order to do this, the experience was created in collaboration with the community after gathering the stories of over 200 men. The cast of the show is almost exclusively made up of men from the community, many of which were first time performers who were trained in the show. The set of the experience was intentionally designed to use the placement of the audience (looking through holes in the wall, seated on the floor, seated in the scene) to blur the line between reality and fantasy and change the audience perception of the story. It was also a modular design to enable quick/efficient travel between cities. Describe the strategy The goal was to use the experience as a community organizing and engagement tool both through who attended the performances as well as other events organized in partnership with the experience. Some nights the experience was completely filled by a specific group that was a key stakeholder for ViiV and the issue. These groups ranged from AMFAR to black men’s groups like Mobi to historical black churches to doctor/medical professional associations. After every performance we held talk backs with the audience which gave them an opportunity to reflect on their experience and connect with other audience members. On any given night our audiences were typically a cross section of parents/friends, medical professionals, pastors, gay black influencers and men living with HIV/AIDS. There were also radio show interviews, community conversations and social nights to compliment the run. Describe the execution The experience debuted in Baltimore in the winter of 2016. For the next two years, it toured as a regional production visiting cities such as Jackson, San Diego, Orlando and Raleigh. In the spring of 2018 the experience premiered in New York City to three weeks of sold out performances. These performances were attended by top-tier media and the show received coverage in a wide range of publications such as NYTimes, Vibe, Billboard as well as rave reviews in theater publications such as Yes Broadway and the Advocate. The experience is currently being re-cast for a limited run at Joe’s Pub, at the Public theater, one of NYC’s top theater venues for the fall of 2019. Describe the outcome The impact of AMAIC has been profound not only on audiences but also on the community and the hundreds of men who have been a part of the production. The experience was evaluated in partnership with John’s Hopkins and show to change perception and behavior. Several scientific papers are currently being authored on it as one of the first demonstrations of the use of immersive experience as an effective public health intervention. It also received the Excellence in Patient Engagement award at the World Healthcare Congress. It scored 98% on audience engagement post surveys. ViiV has received incredibly positive coverage in top-tier and industry press. They also formed a network of new partnerships with organizations and influencers critical to the brand. It’s also critical to note the profound impact AMAIC had on the men who participated in it ranging from self-esteem building to college attendance to resume building.

    As Much As I Can

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与品牌内容和娱乐相关? 这种体验与类别极为相关,因为它是我们使用沉浸式体验方式的巨大演变。它将它们从 “陈述” 或视觉上有趣的事物转变为空间,从而从字面上改变了我们的行为和思考方式-变得更好。这也是品牌委托一件艺术品的有力例子,该艺术品具有自己的创作完整性,通过观众反馈和剧院评论家评论证明了这一点。这为同时创造大规模变革、推动品牌增长和支持社区/艺术的能力提供了充分的理由。 描述有关您所在国家/地区的医疗保健/RX/制药通信的任何限制或法规,包括: 所有广告均由FDA OPDP监管,其使命是 “通过确保处方药信息真实,平衡和准确传达来保护公众健康。这是通过全面的监督,执法和教育计划来实现的,并通过促进与医疗保健专业人员/消费者更好地交流标签和促销信息来实现的。” 描述目标受众,以及为什么你的作品与他们相关。 尽可能多的目标受众是代表 “社区” 的利益相关者的横截面,这些利益相关者需要参与才能创造变革。这包括与男性发生性关系的黑人男性、父母、教会领袖、服务提供者、医生/医学界成员和文化影响者。我们通过与广泛的组织合作来招募/吸引我们的受众,包括哈林联合,AMFAR,Native Sons和许多其他受众,从而实现了这一目标。结果,根据纽约市剧院观众的统计数据,我们的观众在种族上更加多样化,30% 比80%,而我们的演员在种族上99% 比35% (典型的纽约市演出) 也更加多样化。 对于社区中的许多人来说,这是他们第一次参加剧院演出,也是他们第一次看到自己在 “主流媒体” 中的代表。他们报告说,这对他们产生了巨大影响,因为这种表示是准确、积极和有力的。该剧包含的场景反映了上述所有主要利益相关者,对他们的行为如何影响男人的身临其境的内心印象非常深刻。对于所有观众来说,这是一个强有力的社区和自我反思点。 背景 这个项目是根据以下统计数据创建的: 如果感染率没有2020年变化,在美国,每2个与男性发生性关系的黑人男性中就有1个会在一生中被诊断出感染艾滋病毒。我们的客户ViiV向我们提供了一个简短的信息,以创建一种 “体验”,该体验不仅会引起人们对这一统计数据的关注,还会引起人们对其背后的故事的关注,并消除了许多普遍对导致这些数字的原因的误解。目标是让社区,男性参与进来,并创造可衡量的变化-特别是通过减少污名,这被证明对感染率有重大影响。 描述创意 AMAIC背后的核心思想是利用空间和沉浸式设计的心理学来改变围绕公共卫生问题 (HIV/AIDS感染) 的感知和行为。此外,我们希望该过程具有与结果一样强大的影响。为了做到这一点,在收集了200多个男人的故事之后,与社区合作创建了体验。该节目的演员几乎完全由来自社区的男性组成,其中许多人是在该节目中接受培训的首次表演者。该场景的体验是有意设计的,目的是利用观众的位置 (透过墙壁上的孔,坐在地板上,坐在场景中) 来模糊现实与幻想之间的界限,并改变观众对故事的看法。这也是一种模块化设计,可以在城市之间快速/高效地旅行。 描述策略 目标是通过参加表演的人以及与体验合作组织的其他活动,将体验用作社区组织和参与工具。某些夜晚,经验完全由一个特定的小组填补,该小组是ViiV和该问题的主要利益相关者。这些团体的范围从AMFAR到Mobi等黑人团体,再到历史悠久的黑人教堂,再到医生/医学专业协会。每次演出结束后,我们都会与观众进行交谈,这使他们有机会反思自己的经历并与其他观众建立联系。在任何给定的夜晚,我们的观众通常都是父母/朋友,医疗专业人员,牧师,黑人同性恋影响者和艾滋病毒/艾滋病患者的横截面。还进行了广播节目采访,社区对话和社交之夜,以赞扬这场奔跑。。 描述执行情况 该体验于冬季2016年在巴尔的摩首次亮相。在接下来的两年中,它作为区域制作巡回演出,访问了杰克逊,圣地亚哥,奥兰多和罗利等城市。在春季2018年,该体验在纽约市首演了三周的演出。顶级媒体参加了这些表演,该节目在纽约时报,Vibe,Billboard等广泛出版物中获得了报道,并在剧院出版物 (如Yes Broadway和the Advocate) 中获得了好评。目前,该体验正在为纽约市秋季2019年的顶级剧院场所之一的公共剧院的Joe's Pub进行有限的放映。 描述结果 AMAIC的影响不仅对观众而且对社区和参与制作的数百名男性都产生了深远的影响。与约翰·霍普金斯 (John's Hopkins) 合作对体验进行了评估,并显示出改变了感知和行为。目前正在撰写几篇科学论文,作为使用沉浸式体验作为有效公共卫生干预措施的首批示范之一。它还在世界医疗保健大会上获得了卓越的患者参与度奖。它在观众参与度调查后获得了98% 分。ViiV在顶级和行业媒体中获得了令人难以置信的积极报道。他们还与对品牌至关重要的组织和影响者建立了新的合作伙伴关系网络。同样重要的是要注意AMAIC对参与其中的人产生的深远影响,从自尊建设到大学出勤率再到恢复建设。

    As Much As I Can

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Branded Content & Entertainment? This experience is extremely relevant for the category because it’s a huge evolution in the way we use immersive experiences. It changes them from being things that “make a statement” or are visually interesting to spaces the literally change the way we behave and think -- for the better. It is also a powerful example of a brand commissioning a piece of art that has its own creative integrity as demonstrated through audience feedback and theater critic reviews. This makes a strong case for that ability to simultaneously create large scale change, drive brand growth, and support communities/the arts. Describe any restrictions or regulations regarding Healthcare/RX/Pharma communications in your country/region including: All advertising is regulated by the FDA OPDP, whose mission is “to protect public health by assuring prescription drug information is truthful, balanced, and accurately communicated. This is accomplished through comprehensive surveillance, enforcement, and education programs, and by fostering better communication of labeling and promotional information to health care professionals/consumers.” Describe the target audience and why your work is relevant to them. The target audience for As Much As I Can was a cross section of stakeholders that represent the "community" that needs to be engaged in order to create change. This includes black men who have sex with men, parents, leaders from the church, service providers, doctors/members of the medical community, and cultural influencers. We achieved this by partnering with a wide range of organizations to recruit/reach our audiences including Harlem United, AMFAR, Native Sons and many others. As a result, according to NYC theater audience statistics, our audiences were significantly more racially diverse 80+% vs 30% and our cast was also more racially diverse 99% vs 35% (typical NYC shows). For many of the men from the community, this was the first time they had attended theater and the first time they had ever seen themselves represented in "mainstream media". They reported that this had a massive impact on them because that representation was accurate, positive and powerful. The play contains scenes that reflect all the major stakeholders mentioned above, and it was very affecting for them to get an immersive, visceral look at how their behavior impacts the men. It was a powerful point of community and self reflection for all audience members. Background This project was created in response to the following statistic: if infection rates don’t change by 2020, 1 out of every 2 black men who have sex with men in America will be diagnosed with HIV in their lifetime. Our client, ViiV, approached us with a brief to create an “experience” that would bring attention not just to this statistic but to the stories of the men behind it and dispel many commonly held misperceptions about what drove these numbers. The objective was to engage the community, the men, and to create measurable change -- particularly by reducing stigma which was shown to have a significant impact on infection rates. Describe the creative idea The core idea behind AMAIC was to use the psychology of spacial and immersive design to change perception and behavior around a public health issue -- HIV/AIDS infection. In addition we wanted the process to have as powerful an impact as the result. In order to do this, the experience was created in collaboration with the community after gathering the stories of over 200 men. The cast of the show is almost exclusively made up of men from the community, many of which were first time performers who were trained in the show. The set of the experience was intentionally designed to use the placement of the audience (looking through holes in the wall, seated on the floor, seated in the scene) to blur the line between reality and fantasy and change the audience perception of the story. It was also a modular design to enable quick/efficient travel between cities. Describe the strategy The goal was to use the experience as a community organizing and engagement tool both through who attended the performances as well as other events organized in partnership with the experience. Some nights the experience was completely filled by a specific group that was a key stakeholder for ViiV and the issue. These groups ranged from AMFAR to black men’s groups like Mobi to historical black churches to doctor/medical professional associations. After every performance we held talk backs with the audience which gave them an opportunity to reflect on their experience and connect with other audience members. On any given night our audiences were typically a cross section of parents/friends, medical professionals, pastors, gay black influencers and men living with HIV/AIDS. There were also radio show interviews, community conversations and social nights to compliment the run. Describe the execution The experience debuted in Baltimore in the winter of 2016. For the next two years, it toured as a regional production visiting cities such as Jackson, San Diego, Orlando and Raleigh. In the spring of 2018 the experience premiered in New York City to three weeks of sold out performances. These performances were attended by top-tier media and the show received coverage in a wide range of publications such as NYTimes, Vibe, Billboard as well as rave reviews in theater publications such as Yes Broadway and the Advocate. The experience is currently being re-cast for a limited run at Joe’s Pub, at the Public theater, one of NYC’s top theater venues for the fall of 2019. Describe the outcome The impact of AMAIC has been profound not only on audiences but also on the community and the hundreds of men who have been a part of the production. The experience was evaluated in partnership with John’s Hopkins and show to change perception and behavior. Several scientific papers are currently being authored on it as one of the first demonstrations of the use of immersive experience as an effective public health intervention. It also received the Excellence in Patient Engagement award at the World Healthcare Congress. It scored 98% on audience engagement post surveys. ViiV has received incredibly positive coverage in top-tier and industry press. They also formed a network of new partnerships with organizations and influencers critical to the brand. It’s also critical to note the profound impact AMAIC had on the men who participated in it ranging from self-esteem building to college attendance to resume building.



    As Much As I Can










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