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    Belief is Everywhere短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:ROTHCO 埃森哲互动和学院将爱尔兰城市景观变成现实生活中的音乐盒,AIB 的 “信仰无处不在” 是一个视觉上和声音上有趣的地方,由学院的 Si & Ad 执导,旨在宣传银行的 “信仰” -- led 抵押贷款服务 ROTHCO | 埃森哲互动和联合爱尔兰银行 (AIB) 发布了一个新的运动,“信仰无处不在”。由学院的 Si & Ad 指导的 60 秒 TVC 领导的综合运动,旨在认识到爱尔兰公众在获得抵押贷款过程中的辛勤工作和信念。TVC 在爱尔兰海岸的一个昏暗的场景中打开。当风景开始在一个看不见的轴上催眠地旋转时,选定的窗户会点亮模糊的 “温柔” 的叮当声。来自爱尔兰各地的房子被无缝地缝合在一起,成一个连续的镜头,这样他们的窗户就可以标记这首歌的音乐盒穿孔卡的确切音符。画外音解释了爱尔兰最大的银行和抵押贷款提供商 AIB 是如何 “背弃信仰” 的。ROTHCO 的创始合伙人兼战略总监 Patrick Ronaldson 评论道: “AIB 在过去 10 年里与客户产生真正共鸣的原因是,他们积极寻求理解和帮助人们创造家园。爱尔兰的住房市场仍然是一个具有挑战性的市场,但人们对寻找和创造住房的信念至关重要。在这场运动中,我们想向信仰创造的许多不同的人和家园展示,并展示 AIB 如何在爱尔兰每天都恢复这种信仰。 “为了使广告真实,制作了一个实际的音乐盒和穿孔卡来播放配乐。然后,音乐盒穿孔卡被用来创建窗户地图,并选择了与音乐盒播放的确切音符相匹配的位置。然后,所有的地点都被拍摄并无缝地缝合在一起,以创建一个单一的镜头,将观众从爱尔兰西海岸带到东海岸。学院导演团队 Si & Ad 说: “罗斯科希望这部电影与整个爱尔兰相关,包括许多不同类型的建筑。为了我们的目的,我们把笔记画在一张穿孔卡片上。然后,这个序列必须被映射为窗户,然后我们粗略地缝合为全景。随着轨道的建立,我们需要更高的建筑来制作所有的音符。爱尔兰的涨幅相对较低,所以这成了一项相当艰巨的任务。幸运的是,我们在水边找到了建筑物,这让我们可以用反射来补充笔记。有了所有这些信息,我们从西部到东海岸寻找我们的位置。“为了捕捉所有的位置,场景从黄昏到黎明被拍摄。Si & Ad 解释道: “最初的计划是在黄昏时分拍摄这些地点。这当然会是一个很长的拍摄。因此,我们决定,当电影从西方旅行到东方时,我们可以从日落开始,在夜晚旅行,在早上太阳升起结束。 “这项运动将在电视上播出,并将通过印刷、视频点播和社交网络进行。


    案例简介:ROTHCO Accenture Interactive and Academy Turn Irish Townscapes into Real-Life Music Box For AIB ‘Belief Is Everywhere’ is a visually and sonically intriguing spot directed by Academy’s Si&Ad to promote the bank’s ‘belief’-led mortgage services ROTHCO | Accenture Interactive and Allied Irish Bank (AIB) have released a new campaign, ‘Belief Is Everywhere’. The integrated campaign led by a 60-second TVC directed by Academy’s Si&Ad, looks to recognise the hard work and belief the Irish public experience on the journey to getting a mortgage. The TVC opens on a dusky scene on the Irish coast. As the landscape begins to rotate hypnotically on an invisible axis, selected windows light up to the sound of a tinkling music-box version of Blur’s ‘Tender’. Houses from all over Ireland are seamlessly stitched together, into one continuous shot, so that their windows mark the exact notes of a music box punch card for the song. The voiceover explains how AIB, as Ireland’s largest bank and mortgage provider, ‘back belief’. Patrick Ronaldson, Founding Partner & Director of Strategy at ROTHCO comments: “The reason AIB have really resonated with customers over the past 10 years is because they have actively sought to understand and help people on the journey to create their homes. The housing market in Ireland continues to be a challenging one but belief in finding and creating a home is critical for people. With this campaign we wanted to show the many different people and homes that have been created by belief and demonstrate how AIB back that belief every day across Ireland.” To make the ad authentic, an actual music box and punch card were created to play the soundtrack. The music box punch card was then used to create a map of windows and the locations were chosen to match the exact notes that the music box plays. All of the locations were then shot and stitched seamlessly together to create a single shot that takes the viewer all the way from the west coast of Ireland to the east coast. Si & Ad, Academy Directing team said: “Rothco wanted the film to relate to the whole of Ireland and with that include as many diverse types of architecture. For our purposes we had the notes plotted onto a punch card. This sequence then had to be mapped out as windows which we then roughly stitched as a panoramic. As the track builds we needed higher buildings for all the notes. Ireland is relatively low rise, so this became quite a task. Luckily, we found buildings by the water which allowed us to use the reflections for the additional notes. With all this information we scouted from the west to the east coast in search of our locations.” In order to capture all of the locations the scene was shot through dusk to dawn. Si&Ad explain: “Initially the plan was to shoot the locations at dusk. This of course would have made for a very long drawn out shoot. We therefore decided that as the film journeys from the west to the east we could begin with a sunset, travel through the night and end with the sun rising in the morning.” The campaign will air on TV and will run on print, VOD and Social.

    Belief is Everywhere

    案例简介:ROTHCO 埃森哲互动和学院将爱尔兰城市景观变成现实生活中的音乐盒,AIB 的 “信仰无处不在” 是一个视觉上和声音上有趣的地方,由学院的 Si & Ad 执导,旨在宣传银行的 “信仰” -- led 抵押贷款服务 ROTHCO | 埃森哲互动和联合爱尔兰银行 (AIB) 发布了一个新的运动,“信仰无处不在”。由学院的 Si & Ad 指导的 60 秒 TVC 领导的综合运动,旨在认识到爱尔兰公众在获得抵押贷款过程中的辛勤工作和信念。TVC 在爱尔兰海岸的一个昏暗的场景中打开。当风景开始在一个看不见的轴上催眠地旋转时,选定的窗户会点亮模糊的 “温柔” 的叮当声。来自爱尔兰各地的房子被无缝地缝合在一起,成一个连续的镜头,这样他们的窗户就可以标记这首歌的音乐盒穿孔卡的确切音符。画外音解释了爱尔兰最大的银行和抵押贷款提供商 AIB 是如何 “背弃信仰” 的。ROTHCO 的创始合伙人兼战略总监 Patrick Ronaldson 评论道: “AIB 在过去 10 年里与客户产生真正共鸣的原因是,他们积极寻求理解和帮助人们创造家园。爱尔兰的住房市场仍然是一个具有挑战性的市场,但人们对寻找和创造住房的信念至关重要。在这场运动中,我们想向信仰创造的许多不同的人和家园展示,并展示 AIB 如何在爱尔兰每天都恢复这种信仰。 “为了使广告真实,制作了一个实际的音乐盒和穿孔卡来播放配乐。然后,音乐盒穿孔卡被用来创建窗户地图,并选择了与音乐盒播放的确切音符相匹配的位置。然后,所有的地点都被拍摄并无缝地缝合在一起,以创建一个单一的镜头,将观众从爱尔兰西海岸带到东海岸。学院导演团队 Si & Ad 说: “罗斯科希望这部电影与整个爱尔兰相关,包括许多不同类型的建筑。为了我们的目的,我们把笔记画在一张穿孔卡片上。然后,这个序列必须被映射为窗户,然后我们粗略地缝合为全景。随着轨道的建立,我们需要更高的建筑来制作所有的音符。爱尔兰的涨幅相对较低,所以这成了一项相当艰巨的任务。幸运的是,我们在水边找到了建筑物,这让我们可以用反射来补充笔记。有了所有这些信息,我们从西部到东海岸寻找我们的位置。“为了捕捉所有的位置,场景从黄昏到黎明被拍摄。Si & Ad 解释道: “最初的计划是在黄昏时分拍摄这些地点。这当然会是一个很长的拍摄。因此,我们决定,当电影从西方旅行到东方时,我们可以从日落开始,在夜晚旅行,在早上太阳升起结束。 “这项运动将在电视上播出,并将通过印刷、视频点播和社交网络进行。

    Belief is Everywhere

    案例简介:ROTHCO Accenture Interactive and Academy Turn Irish Townscapes into Real-Life Music Box For AIB ‘Belief Is Everywhere’ is a visually and sonically intriguing spot directed by Academy’s Si&Ad to promote the bank’s ‘belief’-led mortgage services ROTHCO | Accenture Interactive and Allied Irish Bank (AIB) have released a new campaign, ‘Belief Is Everywhere’. The integrated campaign led by a 60-second TVC directed by Academy’s Si&Ad, looks to recognise the hard work and belief the Irish public experience on the journey to getting a mortgage. The TVC opens on a dusky scene on the Irish coast. As the landscape begins to rotate hypnotically on an invisible axis, selected windows light up to the sound of a tinkling music-box version of Blur’s ‘Tender’. Houses from all over Ireland are seamlessly stitched together, into one continuous shot, so that their windows mark the exact notes of a music box punch card for the song. The voiceover explains how AIB, as Ireland’s largest bank and mortgage provider, ‘back belief’. Patrick Ronaldson, Founding Partner & Director of Strategy at ROTHCO comments: “The reason AIB have really resonated with customers over the past 10 years is because they have actively sought to understand and help people on the journey to create their homes. The housing market in Ireland continues to be a challenging one but belief in finding and creating a home is critical for people. With this campaign we wanted to show the many different people and homes that have been created by belief and demonstrate how AIB back that belief every day across Ireland.” To make the ad authentic, an actual music box and punch card were created to play the soundtrack. The music box punch card was then used to create a map of windows and the locations were chosen to match the exact notes that the music box plays. All of the locations were then shot and stitched seamlessly together to create a single shot that takes the viewer all the way from the west coast of Ireland to the east coast. Si & Ad, Academy Directing team said: “Rothco wanted the film to relate to the whole of Ireland and with that include as many diverse types of architecture. For our purposes we had the notes plotted onto a punch card. This sequence then had to be mapped out as windows which we then roughly stitched as a panoramic. As the track builds we needed higher buildings for all the notes. Ireland is relatively low rise, so this became quite a task. Luckily, we found buildings by the water which allowed us to use the reflections for the additional notes. With all this information we scouted from the west to the east coast in search of our locations.” In order to capture all of the locations the scene was shot through dusk to dawn. Si&Ad explain: “Initially the plan was to shoot the locations at dusk. This of course would have made for a very long drawn out shoot. We therefore decided that as the film journeys from the west to the east we could begin with a sunset, travel through the night and end with the sun rising in the morning.” The campaign will air on TV and will run on print, VOD and Social.



    Belief is Everywhere










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