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    案例简介:是什么让你坚持下去?询问普利司通在服务计划活动中庆祝斋月的圣月 普利司通印刷运动展示了韧性和人类的努力,概括了公司 “无论如何都要继续前进” 的愿景 2020年5月18日迪拜-迪拜服务计划与普利司通中东和非洲FZE合作,在斋月期间发起了一项引人注目的印刷活动,其中讲述了体现该品牌 “无论如何都要坚持下去” 的个人的鼓舞人心的故事。 领先的跨国汽车和卡车零件制造商普利司通 (Bridgestone) 正在庆祝斋月,其运动突出了人类精神的韧性。印刷活动是与Serviceplan Dubai一起开发的,以体现公司 “无论如何都要坚持下去” 的愿景,并认识到人们的旅程及其在挑战中的毅力。不要阻止该信息继续前进。 在斋月的圣月期间,普利司通将重点介绍各种鼓舞人心的人的故事,尽管他们禁食,但仍设法继续工作并继续构成经济的支柱。 据该公司的高级管理人员称,该活动的重点是讲述在斋月期间禁食但不会放慢脚步的日常人们的故事: 这些人是勤奋而鼓舞人心的人,包括以下职业: 教师,建筑师,医生,护士,武装部队,起重机操作员,送货工人和木匠。 迪拜服务计划创意总监安德烈·库托评论道: “过去的几个月对我们所有人来说都是一个警钟。可以公平地说,作为一个集体,我们已经被名人和有影响力的文化所迷住了。我们想退后一步,向幕后工作的人们发光; 挑战和贡献往往下落不明的普通人。这些人是我们社会的中坚力量。我们想听听他们的意见。我们想知道,是什么让他们继续前进?“ 选定的个人将被问到 “是什么让您前进?” 并将被邀请与普利司通分享他们的故事,以及他们的专门设计的照片。该公司邀请公众提名他们认识的任何人,他们的生活故事可以成为榜样,并激发人们对另一个人的生活或整个社区的影响。要了解有关该活动的更多信息,请在 @ bridgestonemea上关注普利司通 # 保持下去 普利司通中东和非洲FZE市场营销主管伯纳·阿金奇 (Berna Akinci) 表示: “当我们聚在一起庆祝斋月的圣月时,普利司通决定推出一项新的活动,突出我们 '无论如何都要坚持下去' 的心态,并旨在讲述像您和我这样的日常生活中的人的故事,他们成功地克服了挑战,并为我们所有人提供了真正的灵感。作为个人,我们为他们的胜利感到高兴,并与您分享他们的故事,不仅是为了激励,也是为了展示人类精神的韧性。“


    案例简介:What Keeps You Going? Asks Bridgestone in Serviceplan Campaign Celebrating Holy Month of Ramadan Bridgestone print campaign showcases resilience and human endeavor, encapsulating the company’s vision to „Keep Going No Matter What“ Dubai, 18 May 2020 — Serviceplan Dubai have worked with Bridgestone Middle East & Africa FZE on a striking print campaign launched during Ramadan and featuring inspiring stories of individuals who embody the brand’s mantra to „Keep going no matter what“. Leading multinational auto and truck parts manufacturer Bridgestone is celebrating the Holy Month of Ramadan with a campaign that highlights resilience of the human spirit. The print campaign was developed with Serviceplan Dubai to embody the company’s vision to ‘Keep going no matter what’, and recognizes the journey of people and their perseverance amidst challenges. The message is not to be deterred to move forward. During the Holy Month of Ramadan, Bridgestone will highlight the stories of various inspiring individuals who, despite fasting, have managed to continue with their work and continue to form the backbone of the economy. According to the company's senior executives, the campaign is focused on telling the stories of everyday people who fast during Ramadan but do not slow down: these are hardworking and inspirational individuals including professions such as; teachers, architects, doctors, nurses, armed forces, crane operators, delivery workers and carpenters. Serviceplan Dubai Creative Director Andre Couto commented: “The last few months have been a bit of a wake-up call for us all. It would be fair to say that we, as a collective, had gotten a bit carried away with celebrity and influencer culture. We wanted to take a step back and shine the light on people working behind the scenes; ordinary people whose challenges and contributions often go unaccounted for. These people are the backbone of our society. We wanted to hear from them for a change. We wanted to find out, what is it, that keeps them going?” Selected individuals will be asked ‚What keeps you going?' and will be invited to share their story with Bridgestone, along with a spcially designed photograph of them. The company invites the public to nominate anyone whom they know whose life story can be an example and inspire people for the impact they have made to another person’s life or to the community in general. To find out more about the campaign, follow Bridgestone on @bridgestonemea #KeepsMeGoing Berna Akinci, Head of Marketing, Bridgestone Middle East & Africa FZE, said, "As we all come together to celebrate the Holy Month of Ramadan, Bridgestone has decided to roll out a new campaign that highlights our 'Keep going no matter what' mindset, and aims to tell the stories of everyday people like you and me who have managed to overcome their challenges and serve as true inspirations for all of us to follow. We take joy in their triumphs as individuals and share their story with you, not only to inspire but also to show the resilience of the human spirit."

    What Keeps You Going?

    案例简介:是什么让你坚持下去?询问普利司通在服务计划活动中庆祝斋月的圣月 普利司通印刷运动展示了韧性和人类的努力,概括了公司 “无论如何都要继续前进” 的愿景 2020年5月18日迪拜-迪拜服务计划与普利司通中东和非洲FZE合作,在斋月期间发起了一项引人注目的印刷活动,其中讲述了体现该品牌 “无论如何都要坚持下去” 的个人的鼓舞人心的故事。 领先的跨国汽车和卡车零件制造商普利司通 (Bridgestone) 正在庆祝斋月,其运动突出了人类精神的韧性。印刷活动是与Serviceplan Dubai一起开发的,以体现公司 “无论如何都要坚持下去” 的愿景,并认识到人们的旅程及其在挑战中的毅力。不要阻止该信息继续前进。 在斋月的圣月期间,普利司通将重点介绍各种鼓舞人心的人的故事,尽管他们禁食,但仍设法继续工作并继续构成经济的支柱。 据该公司的高级管理人员称,该活动的重点是讲述在斋月期间禁食但不会放慢脚步的日常人们的故事: 这些人是勤奋而鼓舞人心的人,包括以下职业: 教师,建筑师,医生,护士,武装部队,起重机操作员,送货工人和木匠。 迪拜服务计划创意总监安德烈·库托评论道: “过去的几个月对我们所有人来说都是一个警钟。可以公平地说,作为一个集体,我们已经被名人和有影响力的文化所迷住了。我们想退后一步,向幕后工作的人们发光; 挑战和贡献往往下落不明的普通人。这些人是我们社会的中坚力量。我们想听听他们的意见。我们想知道,是什么让他们继续前进?“ 选定的个人将被问到 “是什么让您前进?” 并将被邀请与普利司通分享他们的故事,以及他们的专门设计的照片。该公司邀请公众提名他们认识的任何人,他们的生活故事可以成为榜样,并激发人们对另一个人的生活或整个社区的影响。要了解有关该活动的更多信息,请在 @ bridgestonemea上关注普利司通 # 保持下去 普利司通中东和非洲FZE市场营销主管伯纳·阿金奇 (Berna Akinci) 表示: “当我们聚在一起庆祝斋月的圣月时,普利司通决定推出一项新的活动,突出我们 '无论如何都要坚持下去' 的心态,并旨在讲述像您和我这样的日常生活中的人的故事,他们成功地克服了挑战,并为我们所有人提供了真正的灵感。作为个人,我们为他们的胜利感到高兴,并与您分享他们的故事,不仅是为了激励,也是为了展示人类精神的韧性。“

    What Keeps You Going?

    案例简介:What Keeps You Going? Asks Bridgestone in Serviceplan Campaign Celebrating Holy Month of Ramadan Bridgestone print campaign showcases resilience and human endeavor, encapsulating the company’s vision to „Keep Going No Matter What“ Dubai, 18 May 2020 — Serviceplan Dubai have worked with Bridgestone Middle East & Africa FZE on a striking print campaign launched during Ramadan and featuring inspiring stories of individuals who embody the brand’s mantra to „Keep going no matter what“. Leading multinational auto and truck parts manufacturer Bridgestone is celebrating the Holy Month of Ramadan with a campaign that highlights resilience of the human spirit. The print campaign was developed with Serviceplan Dubai to embody the company’s vision to ‘Keep going no matter what’, and recognizes the journey of people and their perseverance amidst challenges. The message is not to be deterred to move forward. During the Holy Month of Ramadan, Bridgestone will highlight the stories of various inspiring individuals who, despite fasting, have managed to continue with their work and continue to form the backbone of the economy. According to the company's senior executives, the campaign is focused on telling the stories of everyday people who fast during Ramadan but do not slow down: these are hardworking and inspirational individuals including professions such as; teachers, architects, doctors, nurses, armed forces, crane operators, delivery workers and carpenters. Serviceplan Dubai Creative Director Andre Couto commented: “The last few months have been a bit of a wake-up call for us all. It would be fair to say that we, as a collective, had gotten a bit carried away with celebrity and influencer culture. We wanted to take a step back and shine the light on people working behind the scenes; ordinary people whose challenges and contributions often go unaccounted for. These people are the backbone of our society. We wanted to hear from them for a change. We wanted to find out, what is it, that keeps them going?” Selected individuals will be asked ‚What keeps you going?' and will be invited to share their story with Bridgestone, along with a spcially designed photograph of them. The company invites the public to nominate anyone whom they know whose life story can be an example and inspire people for the impact they have made to another person’s life or to the community in general. To find out more about the campaign, follow Bridgestone on @bridgestonemea #KeepsMeGoing Berna Akinci, Head of Marketing, Bridgestone Middle East & Africa FZE, said, "As we all come together to celebrate the Holy Month of Ramadan, Bridgestone has decided to roll out a new campaign that highlights our 'Keep going no matter what' mindset, and aims to tell the stories of everyday people like you and me who have managed to overcome their challenges and serve as true inspirations for all of us to follow. We take joy in their triumphs as individuals and share their story with you, not only to inspire but also to show the resilience of the human spirit."



    What Keeps You Going?










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