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    案例简介:概要 墨西哥一家致力于汽车安全的跟踪系统公司注意到,由于其工作,街道上的汽车盗窃率已经下降,然而, 近年来,对妇女的暴力行为呈指数级增长。墨西哥跟踪系统认为,现在是不仅为汽车,也为妇女提供安全的时候了。 战略 街头警卫首先在墨西哥城最暴力的街区之一,Ecatepec。该试点方案向所有年龄的妇女分发了便携式设备,向她们解释如何使用,并向她们警告该国妇女暴力的实际情况。 相关性 我们开发了一个想法,不仅拯救了生命,还改变了社区的动态。街头警卫让犯罪小组转移到其他城市地区。这个想法仍然没有引起任何逮捕,但是我们已经在潜在的犯罪现场增加了警察力量。花很少的钱,我们可以让人们互相看着对方,并利用挤满汽车的街道的问题让社会意识到妇女在街上遭受的所有暴力。 结果 我们开发了一个想法,不仅从字面上拯救了生命,还改变了社区动态发展的方式,它使犯罪细胞转移到其他城市地区, 法律案件中的证人数量,迫使当地警方在社交媒体之前到达犯罪现场。不仅价格便宜,而且还利用城市的一个问题来解决另一个问题,即街道上大量的汽车,以及妇女在街道上遭受的暴力。 执行 我们开发了一种在 25 米范围内触发汽车警报的设备。它不会干扰汽车的电脑或闹钟,因为它是一个独立的设备,向闹钟发出脉冲。街头警卫伪造了开门报警的信息,所以它开始响起。2 分钟后,警报传感器再次进行扫描,感觉到车门实际上已经关闭并停止。洞察力是利用邻居的好奇心,当汽车警报开始响起时,他们总是冲向窗户。街头警卫将得到对妇女犯罪应有的关注和关注。因为预防犯罪的最好方法是在犯罪发生之前就采取行动。 活动描述 Streetguard 是一种便携式设备,由一名处于严重危险中的妇女触发 25 米范围内的汽车警报。它可以通过在所有已经雇佣了墨西哥警报系统的汽车上做一个小的增强来实现。这不会影响汽车电脑、常规报警系统或车辆的一般功能。街头警卫触发了警报,从而引起了街道上的人和邻近家庭居民的注意,试图避免可能的犯罪。


    案例简介:Synopsis Tracking Systems de México, a company dedicated to automotive safety in Mexico, has noted that thanks to its work, the rate of car theft in streets has decreased, however, the violence against women have increased exponentially in recent years. Tracking Systems of Mexico believes that it is time to provide safety not only for cars but also to women. Strategy Streetguard were applied first in one of the most violent neighborhoods in Mexico City, Ecatepec. The pilot program had distributed the portable devices to women of all ages, explaining to them how to use it and warning them the actual situation of Woman Violence in the country. Relevancy We’ve developed an idea that not only saved lives but also changed the dynamics of a community. Streetguard is making crime cells move to other city areas. The idea still hasn't occasioned any arrest, but we have increased the police force in potential crime scenes. For a small cost, we could make people look at each other backs, and use the problem of streets crowded with cars to aware society of all the violence that women suffer on the streets. Outcome We developed an idea that not only saved lifes, literally, but also change the way how community dynamics develop, it make the crime cells to move to other city areas, the amount of witness in legal cases and pushed the local police to get to the crime scene before the social media. Not only at a cheap price, but also using a problem for the city, to solve another, the high amount of cars in the streets, and violence women suffer on the streets. Execution We developed a device that triggers the car alarms in a 25-meter range. It doesn’t interfere the car's computer or its alarm, because it is an independent device that sends an impulse to the alarm. Streetguard fakes the information of an open door to the car's alarm so it starts to sound. After 2 minutes, the alarm sensor makes a scan again, perceiving that the car's door is actually closed and ceases it. The insight is to use the curiosity of neighbors that always goes at the window when a car alarm begins to sound. Streetguard will get the proper attention and visibility that crimes against women deserve. Because the best way to prevent a crime is to act before it even happened. CampaignDescription Streetguard is a portable device that triggers the alarm of cars in a 25-meter range by a woman who is in grave danger. It can be possible by a small enhancement made in all cars that have hired Alarm Systems de México. This doesn't affect the car computers, the regular alarm system nor the general functioning of the vehicles. Streetguard triggers the alarm, thus obtaining the attention of people in streets and the residents in adjacent homes, trying to avoid possible crimes.


    案例简介:概要 墨西哥一家致力于汽车安全的跟踪系统公司注意到,由于其工作,街道上的汽车盗窃率已经下降,然而, 近年来,对妇女的暴力行为呈指数级增长。墨西哥跟踪系统认为,现在是不仅为汽车,也为妇女提供安全的时候了。 战略 街头警卫首先在墨西哥城最暴力的街区之一,Ecatepec。该试点方案向所有年龄的妇女分发了便携式设备,向她们解释如何使用,并向她们警告该国妇女暴力的实际情况。 相关性 我们开发了一个想法,不仅拯救了生命,还改变了社区的动态。街头警卫让犯罪小组转移到其他城市地区。这个想法仍然没有引起任何逮捕,但是我们已经在潜在的犯罪现场增加了警察力量。花很少的钱,我们可以让人们互相看着对方,并利用挤满汽车的街道的问题让社会意识到妇女在街上遭受的所有暴力。 结果 我们开发了一个想法,不仅从字面上拯救了生命,还改变了社区动态发展的方式,它使犯罪细胞转移到其他城市地区, 法律案件中的证人数量,迫使当地警方在社交媒体之前到达犯罪现场。不仅价格便宜,而且还利用城市的一个问题来解决另一个问题,即街道上大量的汽车,以及妇女在街道上遭受的暴力。 执行 我们开发了一种在 25 米范围内触发汽车警报的设备。它不会干扰汽车的电脑或闹钟,因为它是一个独立的设备,向闹钟发出脉冲。街头警卫伪造了开门报警的信息,所以它开始响起。2 分钟后,警报传感器再次进行扫描,感觉到车门实际上已经关闭并停止。洞察力是利用邻居的好奇心,当汽车警报开始响起时,他们总是冲向窗户。街头警卫将得到对妇女犯罪应有的关注和关注。因为预防犯罪的最好方法是在犯罪发生之前就采取行动。 活动描述 Streetguard 是一种便携式设备,由一名处于严重危险中的妇女触发 25 米范围内的汽车警报。它可以通过在所有已经雇佣了墨西哥警报系统的汽车上做一个小的增强来实现。这不会影响汽车电脑、常规报警系统或车辆的一般功能。街头警卫触发了警报,从而引起了街道上的人和邻近家庭居民的注意,试图避免可能的犯罪。


    案例简介:Synopsis Tracking Systems de México, a company dedicated to automotive safety in Mexico, has noted that thanks to its work, the rate of car theft in streets has decreased, however, the violence against women have increased exponentially in recent years. Tracking Systems of Mexico believes that it is time to provide safety not only for cars but also to women. Strategy Streetguard were applied first in one of the most violent neighborhoods in Mexico City, Ecatepec. The pilot program had distributed the portable devices to women of all ages, explaining to them how to use it and warning them the actual situation of Woman Violence in the country. Relevancy We’ve developed an idea that not only saved lives but also changed the dynamics of a community. Streetguard is making crime cells move to other city areas. The idea still hasn't occasioned any arrest, but we have increased the police force in potential crime scenes. For a small cost, we could make people look at each other backs, and use the problem of streets crowded with cars to aware society of all the violence that women suffer on the streets. Outcome We developed an idea that not only saved lifes, literally, but also change the way how community dynamics develop, it make the crime cells to move to other city areas, the amount of witness in legal cases and pushed the local police to get to the crime scene before the social media. Not only at a cheap price, but also using a problem for the city, to solve another, the high amount of cars in the streets, and violence women suffer on the streets. Execution We developed a device that triggers the car alarms in a 25-meter range. It doesn’t interfere the car's computer or its alarm, because it is an independent device that sends an impulse to the alarm. Streetguard fakes the information of an open door to the car's alarm so it starts to sound. After 2 minutes, the alarm sensor makes a scan again, perceiving that the car's door is actually closed and ceases it. The insight is to use the curiosity of neighbors that always goes at the window when a car alarm begins to sound. Streetguard will get the proper attention and visibility that crimes against women deserve. Because the best way to prevent a crime is to act before it even happened. CampaignDescription Streetguard is a portable device that triggers the alarm of cars in a 25-meter range by a woman who is in grave danger. It can be possible by a small enhancement made in all cars that have hired Alarm Systems de México. This doesn't affect the car computers, the regular alarm system nor the general functioning of the vehicles. Streetguard triggers the alarm, thus obtaining the attention of people in streets and the residents in adjacent homes, trying to avoid possible crimes.









    广告公司: 奥美 (墨西哥 墨西哥城) 制作公司: 奥美




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