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    Three Lions rewritten as Three Lionesses微电影广告营销案例




    案例简介:回家了!: “三只狮子” 在2019年国际足联女子世界杯足球赛前写了 “三只狮子” -Baddiel和Skinner为支持英格兰狮子而改写的经典- -Lucozade Sports为女性提供9万分钟的免费足球- 英格兰最著名的足球歌曲 “三狮军团” 被改写为狮子乐队,以激励全国在今年夏天的国际足联女足世界杯之前支持英格兰女队。 Lucozade Sport重新制作了这首歌,作为今年夏天激发对狮子乐队支持活动的一部分。这种标志性的运动饮料还通过Powerleague和Goven足球中心在全国范围内提供了9万分钟的免费投球时间,为女性提供了尝试足球的机会。 原来的 “三狮” 中包括的名字,如加里 · 莱因克 (Gary Lineker) 、诺比 · 斯泰尔斯 (Nobsy) 和鲍比 · 摩尔 (Bobsy) 和杰德 · 摩尔 (Bobsy Baddiel和Skinner已经获得了特别许可,可以重新录制1996年的原著,原著被用作Lucozade Sports新广告的配乐,讲述了女足球员克服偏见,登上国际舞台的故事。 清新的歌词以 “同样的骄傲。同样的意思…… 从来没有阻止过我们的梦想 ”,“ 我们仍然看到摩尔的铲球,当尼基塔进球时,斯蒂菲的系带球,诺比在跳舞 ”,以支持球队。 Lucozade Sports营销主管克莱尔 · 基文 (Claire Keaveny) 评论道: “可以说 '三狮' 是英格兰最具标志性的歌曲,所以我们很自豪能够给它一个狮子的转折,以支持球队和女子比赛。”我们的 目的是激起对狮子队的支持,但也激励一代人感动并尝试足球。“ 乔丹 · 诺布斯 (Jordan Nobbs),一名53次国家队的狮子女,评论: “我知道球员们喜欢 '三狮' 赛道,我希望它激励球队走向世界杯的荣耀。”对于女足来说,这是一个令人难以置信的时刻,因为知名度和人气继续增长,例如9万个免费分钟等举措使更多的女性比以往任何时候都更容易让足球走下去。“


    案例简介:IT’S COMING HOME!: ‘THREE LIONS’ REWRITTEN TO ‘THREE LIONESSES’ AHEAD OF FIFA WOMEN’S WORLD CUP 2019 – Baddiel and Skinner’s classic rewritten in support of England Lionesses – – Lucozade Sport gives 90,000 minutes of free football to women – England’s most famous football song, ‘Three Lions’, has been rewritten with a Lionesses twist to inspire the nation to get behind the England Women’s team ahead of the FIFA Women’s World Cup this summer. Lucozade Sport has reworked the original song as part of its campaign to inspire support for the Lionesses this summer. The iconic sports drink is also offering women to try football by giving away 90,000 minutes of free pitch time nationwide through Powerleague and Goals football centres. Names included in the original ‘Three Lions’ such as Gary Lineker, Nobby Stiles and Bobby Moore have been replaced by Lionesses Steph Houghton OBE, Jordan Nobbs (Nobbsy) and Jade Moore in an effort to make the women as much household names as their male counterparts. Special permission has been granted by Baddiel and Skinner to rerecord the 1996 original, which is being used as the soundtrack to Lucozade Sport’s new advert that tells the story of women footballers overcoming prejudices to make it to the international stage. The fresh-look lyrics feature the lines “Same pride. Same meaning…Never stopped us dreaming” and “we still see that tackle by Moore, And when Nikita scored, Stephy’s belting the ball, And Nobbsy dancing” in support of the team. Claire Keaveny, head of marketing at Lucozade Sport, comments: “Arguably ‘Three Lions’ is the most iconic England song so we’re proud to be able to give it a Lionesses twist in support of the team and the women’s game in general. Our aim is to stir up support for the Lionesses, but also inspire a generation to get moving and try football.” Jordan Nobbs, an England Lioness with 53 caps, comments: “I know the players love the ‘Three Lionesses’ track and I hope it inspires the team to World Cup glory. This is an incredible time for women’s football as awareness and popularity continues to grow and initiatives such as the 90,000 free minutes make it easier than ever for more women to give football a go.”

    Three Lions rewritten as Three Lionesses

    案例简介:回家了!: “三只狮子” 在2019年国际足联女子世界杯足球赛前写了 “三只狮子” -Baddiel和Skinner为支持英格兰狮子而改写的经典- -Lucozade Sports为女性提供9万分钟的免费足球- 英格兰最著名的足球歌曲 “三狮军团” 被改写为狮子乐队,以激励全国在今年夏天的国际足联女足世界杯之前支持英格兰女队。 Lucozade Sport重新制作了这首歌,作为今年夏天激发对狮子乐队支持活动的一部分。这种标志性的运动饮料还通过Powerleague和Goven足球中心在全国范围内提供了9万分钟的免费投球时间,为女性提供了尝试足球的机会。 原来的 “三狮” 中包括的名字,如加里 · 莱因克 (Gary Lineker) 、诺比 · 斯泰尔斯 (Nobsy) 和鲍比 · 摩尔 (Bobsy) 和杰德 · 摩尔 (Bobsy Baddiel和Skinner已经获得了特别许可,可以重新录制1996年的原著,原著被用作Lucozade Sports新广告的配乐,讲述了女足球员克服偏见,登上国际舞台的故事。 清新的歌词以 “同样的骄傲。同样的意思…… 从来没有阻止过我们的梦想 ”,“ 我们仍然看到摩尔的铲球,当尼基塔进球时,斯蒂菲的系带球,诺比在跳舞 ”,以支持球队。 Lucozade Sports营销主管克莱尔 · 基文 (Claire Keaveny) 评论道: “可以说 '三狮' 是英格兰最具标志性的歌曲,所以我们很自豪能够给它一个狮子的转折,以支持球队和女子比赛。”我们的 目的是激起对狮子队的支持,但也激励一代人感动并尝试足球。“ 乔丹 · 诺布斯 (Jordan Nobbs),一名53次国家队的狮子女,评论: “我知道球员们喜欢 '三狮' 赛道,我希望它激励球队走向世界杯的荣耀。”对于女足来说,这是一个令人难以置信的时刻,因为知名度和人气继续增长,例如9万个免费分钟等举措使更多的女性比以往任何时候都更容易让足球走下去。“

    Three Lions rewritten as Three Lionesses

    案例简介:IT’S COMING HOME!: ‘THREE LIONS’ REWRITTEN TO ‘THREE LIONESSES’ AHEAD OF FIFA WOMEN’S WORLD CUP 2019 – Baddiel and Skinner’s classic rewritten in support of England Lionesses – – Lucozade Sport gives 90,000 minutes of free football to women – England’s most famous football song, ‘Three Lions’, has been rewritten with a Lionesses twist to inspire the nation to get behind the England Women’s team ahead of the FIFA Women’s World Cup this summer. Lucozade Sport has reworked the original song as part of its campaign to inspire support for the Lionesses this summer. The iconic sports drink is also offering women to try football by giving away 90,000 minutes of free pitch time nationwide through Powerleague and Goals football centres. Names included in the original ‘Three Lions’ such as Gary Lineker, Nobby Stiles and Bobby Moore have been replaced by Lionesses Steph Houghton OBE, Jordan Nobbs (Nobbsy) and Jade Moore in an effort to make the women as much household names as their male counterparts. Special permission has been granted by Baddiel and Skinner to rerecord the 1996 original, which is being used as the soundtrack to Lucozade Sport’s new advert that tells the story of women footballers overcoming prejudices to make it to the international stage. The fresh-look lyrics feature the lines “Same pride. Same meaning…Never stopped us dreaming” and “we still see that tackle by Moore, And when Nikita scored, Stephy’s belting the ball, And Nobbsy dancing” in support of the team. Claire Keaveny, head of marketing at Lucozade Sport, comments: “Arguably ‘Three Lions’ is the most iconic England song so we’re proud to be able to give it a Lionesses twist in support of the team and the women’s game in general. Our aim is to stir up support for the Lionesses, but also inspire a generation to get moving and try football.” Jordan Nobbs, an England Lioness with 53 caps, comments: “I know the players love the ‘Three Lionesses’ track and I hope it inspires the team to World Cup glory. This is an incredible time for women’s football as awareness and popularity continues to grow and initiatives such as the 90,000 free minutes make it easier than ever for more women to give football a go.”



    Three Lions rewritten as Three Lionesses






    广告公司: 葛瑞 (英国 伦敦) 制作公司: Academy




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