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    The Life Saving Tv Project短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:执行 我们已经为我们的目标创建了通过移动消息和IPTV无缝通信的渠道。我们还创建了解释整个活动的内容,将它们分发给我们自己的SNS频道、网站和YouTube,我们的大众目标经常访问这些频道、网站和YouTube,并实施SNS目标广告,以有效传达我们的信息。 结果 (1) 运动的目标参与者: 该项目使社会工作者的行为发生了重大变化,从而提高了独居老人的精神卫生。社会工作者行为的变化:O300% 文本消息数量增加o400% 呼叫数量增加o125% 访问数量增加独居老人的精神卫生变化: o12 % 焦虑指数水平下降30% 孤独指数水平下降 (2) 质量目标:该项目已被媒体广泛引入,并看到主要广播公司的持续报道。在其广泛的有利响应的支持下,来自包括Imjado在内的其他地区的调查不断进入,扩大了项目的实施 (安装)。由45家媒体覆盖,包括电视和新闻报道Facebook、YouTube和企业网站oAwareness关于独居老人的状况: 20%->100参加志愿工作的意愿: 30%->90% oBrand偏好在100% 的消费者观看视频 策略 洞察: 审视独居老人的生活方式 :( A) 大多数独居老人都有电视机,(B) 他们每天早上做的第一件事,正在打开电视。战略: 利用我们的技术,我们开发了一种新的服务,可以照顾老人,而不会给他们的日常生活带来任何不便的改变。特别是新开发的服务,旨在通过IPTV和移动电话之间的网络连接提供无缝服务来吸引立即参与/行动。理念: 应用可自发用于IPTV业务的无缝技术,我们开发了一种新的服务,简单的打开电视的动作会自动向指定护理人员的手机发送短信,以检查老年人的安全。(A) 当电视第一次打开时,会自动向指定的社会工作者发送短信。(B)当超过24小时没有电视活动时,会自动向指定的社会工作者发送短信,以检查相关老年人。特别是,短信的使用有助于社会工作者高效、便捷地检查独居老人的安全,并引导他们更频繁地打电话或来访。 机密信息 N/A


    案例简介:Execution We have created the channel for our target participating to the campaign to seamlessly communicate through mobile messaging and IPTV. We have also created contents that explain the entire campaign, distributed them to our own SNS channels, websites and YouTube, which our mass target frequently visit, and implemented SNS target advertising to get our message across effectively. Outcome (1) Target participants of the campaign: The project has brought about significant changes in the behavior of social workers, thereby improving the mental health of the elderly living alone.Changes in social workers’ behavior: o300% increase in the number of text messageso400% increase in the number of calls o125% increase in the number of visits Changes in the mental health of elderly living alone: o12% decline in anxiety index levelo30% decline in loneliness index level(2) Mass target: The project has been widely introduced by the media and is seeing continued coverage from major broadcasting companies. Backed by its wide-spread favorable response inquiries from other regions including Imjado keep coming in, expanding the project’s implementation (installation).oCovered by 45 media outlets including both TV and newspaperopostings on Facebook, YouTube and corporate website oAwareness on the condition of elderly living alone :20%->100%oWillingness to participate in volunteer work : 30%->90%oBrand preference has increased after 100% of consumers watch the video Strategy Insight: examine the lifestyle of senior cizitens living alone:(A) The majority of elderly living alone have a TV set,(B) The first thing they always do every morning, is turning on the TV.Strategy: Capitalizing on our technologies, we developed a new service that can take care of the elderly without causing any inconvenient change in their daily lives. The newly developed service, in particular, aims to draw immediate participation/actions by providing seamless services through network connection between IPTV and mobile phone.Idea: Applying seamless technologies that can be spontaneously used on IPTV services, we have developed a new service in which the simple act of turning on the TV automatically sends a text message to the mobile phone of a designated caregiver to check the safety of the elderly.(A) When a TV is turned on for the first time, a text message is automatically sent to a designated social worker.(B) When there is no TV activity for more than 24 hours, a text message is automatically sent to a designated social worker to check on the relevant elderly person.In particular, the use of text messages helps social workers to efficiently and conveniently check the safety of the elderly living alone and leads them to call or visit more often. Confidential Information N/A

    The Life Saving Tv Project

    案例简介:执行 我们已经为我们的目标创建了通过移动消息和IPTV无缝通信的渠道。我们还创建了解释整个活动的内容,将它们分发给我们自己的SNS频道、网站和YouTube,我们的大众目标经常访问这些频道、网站和YouTube,并实施SNS目标广告,以有效传达我们的信息。 结果 (1) 运动的目标参与者: 该项目使社会工作者的行为发生了重大变化,从而提高了独居老人的精神卫生。社会工作者行为的变化:O300% 文本消息数量增加o400% 呼叫数量增加o125% 访问数量增加独居老人的精神卫生变化: o12 % 焦虑指数水平下降30% 孤独指数水平下降 (2) 质量目标:该项目已被媒体广泛引入,并看到主要广播公司的持续报道。在其广泛的有利响应的支持下,来自包括Imjado在内的其他地区的调查不断进入,扩大了项目的实施 (安装)。由45家媒体覆盖,包括电视和新闻报道Facebook、YouTube和企业网站oAwareness关于独居老人的状况: 20%->100参加志愿工作的意愿: 30%->90% oBrand偏好在100% 的消费者观看视频 策略 洞察: 审视独居老人的生活方式 :( A) 大多数独居老人都有电视机,(B) 他们每天早上做的第一件事,正在打开电视。战略: 利用我们的技术,我们开发了一种新的服务,可以照顾老人,而不会给他们的日常生活带来任何不便的改变。特别是新开发的服务,旨在通过IPTV和移动电话之间的网络连接提供无缝服务来吸引立即参与/行动。理念: 应用可自发用于IPTV业务的无缝技术,我们开发了一种新的服务,简单的打开电视的动作会自动向指定护理人员的手机发送短信,以检查老年人的安全。(A) 当电视第一次打开时,会自动向指定的社会工作者发送短信。(B)当超过24小时没有电视活动时,会自动向指定的社会工作者发送短信,以检查相关老年人。特别是,短信的使用有助于社会工作者高效、便捷地检查独居老人的安全,并引导他们更频繁地打电话或来访。 机密信息 N/A

    The Life Saving Tv Project

    案例简介:Execution We have created the channel for our target participating to the campaign to seamlessly communicate through mobile messaging and IPTV. We have also created contents that explain the entire campaign, distributed them to our own SNS channels, websites and YouTube, which our mass target frequently visit, and implemented SNS target advertising to get our message across effectively. Outcome (1) Target participants of the campaign: The project has brought about significant changes in the behavior of social workers, thereby improving the mental health of the elderly living alone.Changes in social workers’ behavior: o300% increase in the number of text messageso400% increase in the number of calls o125% increase in the number of visits Changes in the mental health of elderly living alone: o12% decline in anxiety index levelo30% decline in loneliness index level(2) Mass target: The project has been widely introduced by the media and is seeing continued coverage from major broadcasting companies. Backed by its wide-spread favorable response inquiries from other regions including Imjado keep coming in, expanding the project’s implementation (installation).oCovered by 45 media outlets including both TV and newspaperopostings on Facebook, YouTube and corporate website oAwareness on the condition of elderly living alone :20%->100%oWillingness to participate in volunteer work : 30%->90%oBrand preference has increased after 100% of consumers watch the video Strategy Insight: examine the lifestyle of senior cizitens living alone:(A) The majority of elderly living alone have a TV set,(B) The first thing they always do every morning, is turning on the TV.Strategy: Capitalizing on our technologies, we developed a new service that can take care of the elderly without causing any inconvenient change in their daily lives. The newly developed service, in particular, aims to draw immediate participation/actions by providing seamless services through network connection between IPTV and mobile phone.Idea: Applying seamless technologies that can be spontaneously used on IPTV services, we have developed a new service in which the simple act of turning on the TV automatically sends a text message to the mobile phone of a designated caregiver to check the safety of the elderly.(A) When a TV is turned on for the first time, a text message is automatically sent to a designated social worker.(B) When there is no TV activity for more than 24 hours, a text message is automatically sent to a designated social worker to check on the relevant elderly person.In particular, the use of text messages helps social workers to efficiently and conveniently check the safety of the elderly living alone and leads them to call or visit more often. Confidential Information N/A



    The Life Saving Tv Project






    广告公司: Korea Telecom (韩国) 制作公司: Rocket




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