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    Bixby Voice Forever微电影广告营销案例




    案例简介:为什么这项工作与公关相关? 创造世界上第一个个性化的A.I.一名MND患者的语音助理在印度市场引起了极大的轰动。目前,所有A.I.语音助手有自己的个性,但没有一个是针对用户的个性化。这个项目展示了一个情商的新时代,在这个时代,人们可以与他们的人工智能语音助理建立更亲密、更有意义的关系。 背景 我们的使命是创造三星A.I.的意识。印度语音助理 “比克斯比”,同时重申三星利用变革性未来技术创造有意义创新的目的。创新不仅是为了它,也是为了赋予最需要它的人权力。 描述创意 (20% 的选票) Bixby Voice Forever是世界上第一个个性化语音助手。第一个装置是为Sonal创造的; 两个孩子的母亲和运动神经元疾病患者。所有MND患者失去说话能力。在Sonal失去她的演讲之前,我们设计了她自己的个性化语音助手,这样她就可以在她的孩子的智能手机和所有三星家用电器中保留她的自然声音。我们首先记录了她的声音,并合成了所有的音调,音高和独特的特征,以创建一个逼真的语音文件,我们可以集成到Bixby的a.I.代码中; 让她的声音成为Bixby的声音。然后,我们个性化了从 “Hi Bixby” 到 “Hi Mama” 的唤醒命令,并个性化了回答,因此它总是用她孩子的名字和个人信息来回答。这项创新抓住了印度公众的心,显示三星是一个不仅仅关心利润的品牌。 描述公关策略 (30% 的选票) 我们的策略是通过非常规和有意义的营销努力,在印度建立三星Bixby a.I.语音助理的大众意识。通过创建有史以来第一个个性化的A.I.语音助手,并使用它来帮助将失去声音的MND患者,我们可以展示这项技术对患者家庭产生重大影响的潜力,同时展示了比克斯比提升人们生活的力量。 描述PR执行 (20% 的选票) 这部电影于2018年9月12日在YouTube,Facebook和Twitter上推出。它立即成为一个病毒式的成功,超过10000万个视图在不到7天。 列出结果 (30% 的选票) 您必须至少包括以下两层: 该活动提高了印度各地对MND的认识,并成为推特几周以来的热门话题。YouTube视频在不到7天的时间内达到了100次以上的浏览量,到目前为止已经超过201次以上的浏览量; 使其成为历史上最具病毒式的广告之一。此外,观众还制作了许多具有数千视图的反应视频。但最重要的是,我们实现了这一前所未有的技术成为现实,并给世界各地的MND患者带来了希望。


    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for PR? Creating the world’s first personalized A.I. Voice Assistant for an MND patient created a major buzz in the Indian market. Currently, all A.I. Voice Assistants have their own personalities attached to them, but none of them are personalized to the user. This project shows a new era of emotional intelligence, where people can achieve more intimate and meaningful relationships with their A.I. voice assistants. Background Our mission was to create awareness of Samsung’s A.I. Voice Assistant ‘Bixby‘ in India while reiterating Samsung’s purpose of creating meaningful innovations using transformative future technologies. Innovation not just for the sake of it, but to empower those who need it the most. Describe the creative idea (20% of vote) Bixby Voice Forever is the world’s first personalized Voice Assistant. The first device was created for Sonal; a mother of two and Motor Neurone Disease patient. All MND patients lose their ability to speak. Before Sonal lost her speech, we engineered her own personalized Voice Assistant so she can leave her natural voice alive in her children’s smartphones and throughout all of their Samsung home appliances. We first recorded her voice and synthesized all tones, pitches and unique characteristics to create a realistic voice file we could integrate into Bixby’s A.I. code; to make her voice, the voice of Bixby. Then, we personalized the wake-up command from “Hi Bixby” to “Hi Mama,” and personalized the responses, so it always answers with her children’s names and personal information. This innovation captured the hearts of the Indian public, showing Samsung as a brand that cares for more than just profits. Describe the PR strategy (30% of vote) Our strategy was to build mass awareness of Samsung’s Bixby A.I. voice assistant in India, using an unconventional and meaningful marketing effort. By creating the first-ever personalized A.I. Voice assistant and using it to help an MND patient who will lose their voice, we can show the potential this technology can have to significantly impact the patient’s family, while at the same time showing the power of Bixby to enhance people’s lives. Describe the PR execution (20% of vote) The film was launched on the 12th of September 2018 on YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter. It immediately became a viral success with more than 100 million views in less than 7 days. List the results (30% of vote) – must include at least two of the following tiers: The campaign raised awareness of MND across India and became a top Twitter trending topic for weeks. The YouTube video reached 100+ million views in less than 7 days and more than 201+ million views to date; making it one of the most viral commercials in history. Additionally, audiences created numerous reaction videos with thousands of views. But most importantly, we achieved in making this never before seen technology a reality and giving hope to MND patients around the world.

    Bixby Voice Forever

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与公关相关? 创造世界上第一个个性化的A.I.一名MND患者的语音助理在印度市场引起了极大的轰动。目前,所有A.I.语音助手有自己的个性,但没有一个是针对用户的个性化。这个项目展示了一个情商的新时代,在这个时代,人们可以与他们的人工智能语音助理建立更亲密、更有意义的关系。 背景 我们的使命是创造三星A.I.的意识。印度语音助理 “比克斯比”,同时重申三星利用变革性未来技术创造有意义创新的目的。创新不仅是为了它,也是为了赋予最需要它的人权力。 描述创意 (20% 的选票) Bixby Voice Forever是世界上第一个个性化语音助手。第一个装置是为Sonal创造的; 两个孩子的母亲和运动神经元疾病患者。所有MND患者失去说话能力。在Sonal失去她的演讲之前,我们设计了她自己的个性化语音助手,这样她就可以在她的孩子的智能手机和所有三星家用电器中保留她的自然声音。我们首先记录了她的声音,并合成了所有的音调,音高和独特的特征,以创建一个逼真的语音文件,我们可以集成到Bixby的a.I.代码中; 让她的声音成为Bixby的声音。然后,我们个性化了从 “Hi Bixby” 到 “Hi Mama” 的唤醒命令,并个性化了回答,因此它总是用她孩子的名字和个人信息来回答。这项创新抓住了印度公众的心,显示三星是一个不仅仅关心利润的品牌。 描述公关策略 (30% 的选票) 我们的策略是通过非常规和有意义的营销努力,在印度建立三星Bixby a.I.语音助理的大众意识。通过创建有史以来第一个个性化的A.I.语音助手,并使用它来帮助将失去声音的MND患者,我们可以展示这项技术对患者家庭产生重大影响的潜力,同时展示了比克斯比提升人们生活的力量。 描述PR执行 (20% 的选票) 这部电影于2018年9月12日在YouTube,Facebook和Twitter上推出。它立即成为一个病毒式的成功,超过10000万个视图在不到7天。 列出结果 (30% 的选票) 您必须至少包括以下两层: 该活动提高了印度各地对MND的认识,并成为推特几周以来的热门话题。YouTube视频在不到7天的时间内达到了100次以上的浏览量,到目前为止已经超过201次以上的浏览量; 使其成为历史上最具病毒式的广告之一。此外,观众还制作了许多具有数千视图的反应视频。但最重要的是,我们实现了这一前所未有的技术成为现实,并给世界各地的MND患者带来了希望。

    Bixby Voice Forever

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for PR? Creating the world’s first personalized A.I. Voice Assistant for an MND patient created a major buzz in the Indian market. Currently, all A.I. Voice Assistants have their own personalities attached to them, but none of them are personalized to the user. This project shows a new era of emotional intelligence, where people can achieve more intimate and meaningful relationships with their A.I. voice assistants. Background Our mission was to create awareness of Samsung’s A.I. Voice Assistant ‘Bixby‘ in India while reiterating Samsung’s purpose of creating meaningful innovations using transformative future technologies. Innovation not just for the sake of it, but to empower those who need it the most. Describe the creative idea (20% of vote) Bixby Voice Forever is the world’s first personalized Voice Assistant. The first device was created for Sonal; a mother of two and Motor Neurone Disease patient. All MND patients lose their ability to speak. Before Sonal lost her speech, we engineered her own personalized Voice Assistant so she can leave her natural voice alive in her children’s smartphones and throughout all of their Samsung home appliances. We first recorded her voice and synthesized all tones, pitches and unique characteristics to create a realistic voice file we could integrate into Bixby’s A.I. code; to make her voice, the voice of Bixby. Then, we personalized the wake-up command from “Hi Bixby” to “Hi Mama,” and personalized the responses, so it always answers with her children’s names and personal information. This innovation captured the hearts of the Indian public, showing Samsung as a brand that cares for more than just profits. Describe the PR strategy (30% of vote) Our strategy was to build mass awareness of Samsung’s Bixby A.I. voice assistant in India, using an unconventional and meaningful marketing effort. By creating the first-ever personalized A.I. Voice assistant and using it to help an MND patient who will lose their voice, we can show the potential this technology can have to significantly impact the patient’s family, while at the same time showing the power of Bixby to enhance people’s lives. Describe the PR execution (20% of vote) The film was launched on the 12th of September 2018 on YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter. It immediately became a viral success with more than 100 million views in less than 7 days. List the results (30% of vote) – must include at least two of the following tiers: The campaign raised awareness of MND across India and became a top Twitter trending topic for weeks. The YouTube video reached 100+ million views in less than 7 days and more than 201+ million views to date; making it one of the most viral commercials in history. Additionally, audiences created numerous reaction videos with thousands of views. But most importantly, we achieved in making this never before seen technology a reality and giving hope to MND patients around the world.



    Bixby Voice Forever










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