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    Put That S#!t on Twitter微电影广告营销案例




    案例简介:背景 弗兰克的红辣酱是美国排名第一的辣酱,受到全国和世界数百万人的喜爱。我们被告知要开发一个超级碗计划,该计划通过现有的社交渠道来推动消费者的参与度,品牌的热爱以及最终品牌的销售。弗兰克 (Frank) 的RedHot面临着来自竞争对手的越来越大的压力,需要在这个重要的销售时期突破。 多年来,弗兰克的红热一直在吹捧他们的品牌口号和消费者真相 -- “我把这句话 #!什么都不要。” 我们挑战自己,以证明你真的可以把s #!在美国一年中最大的运动 (和零食) 日,一切都在t上。 描述创意 (30% 的选票) 超级碗充斥着大品牌,他们制作了华而不实的广告,试图让您喜欢它们。我们喜欢这样。因为事实证明,您可以将Frank的红火放在所有这些大品牌上,包括您从未期望过的品牌。 我们将通过为游戏中广告的每个品牌创建自定义内容来证明这一点,将Frank's与该品牌产品毫不客气地配对,无论他们是销售糖果,汽车还是税务服务。他们的广告播出后,我们会在推特上发布内容以回应他们的广告,并在Twitter上标记他们以开始对话。虽然品牌只是在兜售他们的产品,但我们可以利用他们的媒体作为我们分享信息的机会。简而言之,我们计划使用Twitter将我们的s #!t放在他们的广告中。 描述策略 (20% 的选票) 在有限的有偿社会支持下,我们需要利用我们拥有的渠道来最大程度地提高游戏日的知名度和参与度。我们的目标受众是第二屏幕观众,他们将在社交媒体上非常活跃。 我们知道,71% 的第二屏幕用户在现场活动期间使用手机参与社交媒体。在以前的超级碗中,有38% 的人使用它来分享他们对广告的想法,而32% 的人则对游戏做出反应。我们将重点放在Twitter上,因为它认为大型游戏期间的独特访问量比竞争对手高13%。作为电视活动的补充,它的参与度也增加了31%。 描述执行 (20% 的选票) 在长达4小时的超级碗 (Super Bowl) 的每个商业休息期间,我们都会在广告出现时召集观察员,并立即用我们的自定义内容对每个广告做出回应。 我们的作战室包括摄影师,编辑和创意人员,以调整资产并根据持续监控的文化时刻和社交对话创建新内容。当G.O.T. 发布他们的惊喜广告时,我们创建了自定义内容,并在几分钟内做出了回应。我们撕破的瓶子标签的快速照片使我们参与了 “哦,哇,亚当-莱文-赤裸上身” 的对话。无论游戏或文化中发生了什么,我们都将Frank放在上面。 我们利用Twitter将Frank's插入对话中,使消费者不仅有理由与我们互动: 30个广告,而且在播出的每个广告中。我们将弗兰克 (Frank) 的产品提升到辣酱类别之上,并向消费者展示您确实可以将其放在所有内容上。 列出结果 (30% 的选票) Twitter品牌碗53拦截奖-授予在没有超级碗广告的情况下在Twitter上推动品牌对话最多的品牌 品牌参与-在游戏中与45个品牌互动 参与-247,000个参与; 2.67亿印象; 120万视频观看次数; 每次观看成本 $0.03; Twitter上 @ FranksRedHot的平均每日提及次数增加了43倍 品牌爱-推特上99% 的积极情绪 销售-帮助弗兰克达到4年来最好的第一季度销售


    案例简介:Background Frank’s RedHot is America’s #1 hot sauce and beloved by millions both across the country and the world. We were briefed to develop a Super Bowl program that drives consumer engagement, brand love, and ultimately sales of the brand using existing social channels. Frank’s RedHot is facing increased pressure from competitors and needed to break through during this important sales period. For years, Frank’s RedHot has been touting their brand tagline and consumer truth — “I Put That S#!t On Everything.” We challenged ourselves to prove that you really can put that s#!t on everything during the biggest sporting (and snacking) day of the year in the United States. Describe the creative idea (30% of vote) The Super Bowl is inundated with big brands creating flashy commercials trying to get you to like them. Well, we love that. Because as it turns out you can put Frank’s RedHot on all of those big brands, including ones you would never, ever expect. We would prove this out by creating custom content for each brand that was advertising during the game, irreverently pairing Frank’s with that brand product, no matter if they were selling candy, cars, or tax services. As soon as their ad aired, we would tweet the content in response to their ads, tagging them on Twitter to start a conversation. While brands were only touting their products, we could leverage their media as a chance for us to share our message. In a nutshell, we planned to put our s#!t all over their commercials using Twitter. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) With limited paid social support, we needed to leverage our owned channels to maximize awareness and engagement on game day. Our target audience was second screen viewers who would be heavily active on social media. We knew that 71% of second screen users are using their phones during live events to engage on Social Media. And in previous Super Bowls, 38% use it to share their thoughts about commercials and 32% to react to the game. We focused on Twitter based on the fact that it sees a 13% higher spike in unique visits during the big game than competitors. It also sees a 31% increase in engagement when used as a complement to a television event. Describe the execution (20% of vote) During every commercial break of the 4-hour long Super Bowl, we had spotters call out when ads appeared and immediately responded to each with our custom content. Our War Room included a photographer, editors, and creatives to tweak assets and create new content based on cultural moments and social conversation that was consistently monitored. When G.O.T. released their surprise ad, we created custom content and responded within minutes. A quick photo of our torn bottle label got us in on the “Oh-wow-Adam-Levine-is-shirtless” conversation. No matter what was happening in the game or culture, we put Frank’s on it. We leveraged Twitter to insert Frank’s into the conversation giving consumers a reason to interact with us not just for one :30 ad, but during every ad that aired. We elevated Frank’s above just the Hot Sauce category and show consumers you truly can Put That S#!t on Everything. List the results (30% of vote) Twitter Brand Bowl 53 Interception Award - Given to the brand that drove the most % brand conversation on Twitter without a Super Bowl Ad Brand Engagements – Engaged with 45 Brands during the Game Engagement – 247,000 engagements; 267 million Impressions; 1.2 Million Video Views; Cost Per View $0.03; 43x increase in average daily mentions of @FranksRedHot on Twitter Brand Love – 99% Positive Sentiment on Twitter Sales – Helped Frank’s reach best Q1 sales in 4 Years

    Put That S#!t on Twitter

    案例简介:背景 弗兰克的红辣酱是美国排名第一的辣酱,受到全国和世界数百万人的喜爱。我们被告知要开发一个超级碗计划,该计划通过现有的社交渠道来推动消费者的参与度,品牌的热爱以及最终品牌的销售。弗兰克 (Frank) 的RedHot面临着来自竞争对手的越来越大的压力,需要在这个重要的销售时期突破。 多年来,弗兰克的红热一直在吹捧他们的品牌口号和消费者真相 -- “我把这句话 #!什么都不要。” 我们挑战自己,以证明你真的可以把s #!在美国一年中最大的运动 (和零食) 日,一切都在t上。 描述创意 (30% 的选票) 超级碗充斥着大品牌,他们制作了华而不实的广告,试图让您喜欢它们。我们喜欢这样。因为事实证明,您可以将Frank的红火放在所有这些大品牌上,包括您从未期望过的品牌。 我们将通过为游戏中广告的每个品牌创建自定义内容来证明这一点,将Frank's与该品牌产品毫不客气地配对,无论他们是销售糖果,汽车还是税务服务。他们的广告播出后,我们会在推特上发布内容以回应他们的广告,并在Twitter上标记他们以开始对话。虽然品牌只是在兜售他们的产品,但我们可以利用他们的媒体作为我们分享信息的机会。简而言之,我们计划使用Twitter将我们的s #!t放在他们的广告中。 描述策略 (20% 的选票) 在有限的有偿社会支持下,我们需要利用我们拥有的渠道来最大程度地提高游戏日的知名度和参与度。我们的目标受众是第二屏幕观众,他们将在社交媒体上非常活跃。 我们知道,71% 的第二屏幕用户在现场活动期间使用手机参与社交媒体。在以前的超级碗中,有38% 的人使用它来分享他们对广告的想法,而32% 的人则对游戏做出反应。我们将重点放在Twitter上,因为它认为大型游戏期间的独特访问量比竞争对手高13%。作为电视活动的补充,它的参与度也增加了31%。 描述执行 (20% 的选票) 在长达4小时的超级碗 (Super Bowl) 的每个商业休息期间,我们都会在广告出现时召集观察员,并立即用我们的自定义内容对每个广告做出回应。 我们的作战室包括摄影师,编辑和创意人员,以调整资产并根据持续监控的文化时刻和社交对话创建新内容。当G.O.T. 发布他们的惊喜广告时,我们创建了自定义内容,并在几分钟内做出了回应。我们撕破的瓶子标签的快速照片使我们参与了 “哦,哇,亚当-莱文-赤裸上身” 的对话。无论游戏或文化中发生了什么,我们都将Frank放在上面。 我们利用Twitter将Frank's插入对话中,使消费者不仅有理由与我们互动: 30个广告,而且在播出的每个广告中。我们将弗兰克 (Frank) 的产品提升到辣酱类别之上,并向消费者展示您确实可以将其放在所有内容上。 列出结果 (30% 的选票) Twitter品牌碗53拦截奖-授予在没有超级碗广告的情况下在Twitter上推动品牌对话最多的品牌 品牌参与-在游戏中与45个品牌互动 参与-247,000个参与; 2.67亿印象; 120万视频观看次数; 每次观看成本 $0.03; Twitter上 @ FranksRedHot的平均每日提及次数增加了43倍 品牌爱-推特上99% 的积极情绪 销售-帮助弗兰克达到4年来最好的第一季度销售

    Put That S#!t on Twitter

    案例简介:Background Frank’s RedHot is America’s #1 hot sauce and beloved by millions both across the country and the world. We were briefed to develop a Super Bowl program that drives consumer engagement, brand love, and ultimately sales of the brand using existing social channels. Frank’s RedHot is facing increased pressure from competitors and needed to break through during this important sales period. For years, Frank’s RedHot has been touting their brand tagline and consumer truth — “I Put That S#!t On Everything.” We challenged ourselves to prove that you really can put that s#!t on everything during the biggest sporting (and snacking) day of the year in the United States. Describe the creative idea (30% of vote) The Super Bowl is inundated with big brands creating flashy commercials trying to get you to like them. Well, we love that. Because as it turns out you can put Frank’s RedHot on all of those big brands, including ones you would never, ever expect. We would prove this out by creating custom content for each brand that was advertising during the game, irreverently pairing Frank’s with that brand product, no matter if they were selling candy, cars, or tax services. As soon as their ad aired, we would tweet the content in response to their ads, tagging them on Twitter to start a conversation. While brands were only touting their products, we could leverage their media as a chance for us to share our message. In a nutshell, we planned to put our s#!t all over their commercials using Twitter. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) With limited paid social support, we needed to leverage our owned channels to maximize awareness and engagement on game day. Our target audience was second screen viewers who would be heavily active on social media. We knew that 71% of second screen users are using their phones during live events to engage on Social Media. And in previous Super Bowls, 38% use it to share their thoughts about commercials and 32% to react to the game. We focused on Twitter based on the fact that it sees a 13% higher spike in unique visits during the big game than competitors. It also sees a 31% increase in engagement when used as a complement to a television event. Describe the execution (20% of vote) During every commercial break of the 4-hour long Super Bowl, we had spotters call out when ads appeared and immediately responded to each with our custom content. Our War Room included a photographer, editors, and creatives to tweak assets and create new content based on cultural moments and social conversation that was consistently monitored. When G.O.T. released their surprise ad, we created custom content and responded within minutes. A quick photo of our torn bottle label got us in on the “Oh-wow-Adam-Levine-is-shirtless” conversation. No matter what was happening in the game or culture, we put Frank’s on it. We leveraged Twitter to insert Frank’s into the conversation giving consumers a reason to interact with us not just for one :30 ad, but during every ad that aired. We elevated Frank’s above just the Hot Sauce category and show consumers you truly can Put That S#!t on Everything. List the results (30% of vote) Twitter Brand Bowl 53 Interception Award - Given to the brand that drove the most % brand conversation on Twitter without a Super Bowl Ad Brand Engagements – Engaged with 45 Brands during the Game Engagement – 247,000 engagements; 267 million Impressions; 1.2 Million Video Views; Cost Per View $0.03; 43x increase in average daily mentions of @FranksRedHot on Twitter Brand Love – 99% Positive Sentiment on Twitter Sales – Helped Frank’s reach best Q1 sales in 4 Years



    Put That S#!t on Twitter










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