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    案例简介:为什么这项工作与钛相关? 在 “就这么做” 30周年之际,耐克庆祝了运动员和他们疯狂的梦想。这场运动是由备受争议的NFL四分卫科林·凯珀尼克 (Colin Kaepernick) 领导的,他在国歌中跪下抗议警察的暴行时,为了更大的梦想而牺牲了自己的梦想。当一些人抵制耐克并烧毁他们的鞋子时,数百万人为该品牌辩护,并称赞该运动站在 “历史的正确一边”。这不仅仅是一个品牌为自己的底线做正确的事情,而是一个品牌做正确的事情。期。 背景 在 “Just Do It” 成立30周年之际,耐克希望激发新一代的年轻运动员和年轻人通过运动实现自己的潜力。耐克 (Nike) 是体育运动的第一大品牌,它希望以一种全新的方式将其标志性的理念和路线 “Just Do It” 变为现实,与青年运动员以及整个文化息息相关。 描述创意 “疯狂梦想” 活动庆祝鼓舞人心的运动员,这些运动员推动了他们的运动 (有时甚至是世界) 向前发展,从塞雷娜·威廉姆斯 (Serena Williams) 和勒布朗·詹姆斯 (Lebron James) 等家喻户晓的名字,到一个梦想在高中足球队扮演后卫的女孩。这场竞选活动由备受争议的NFL四分卫科林·凯珀尼克 (Colin Kaepernick) 领导,他在国歌中跪下抗议警察的暴行时,为了更大的梦想而牺牲了自己的梦想。这不仅仅是一个品牌为自己的底线做正确的事情,而是一个品牌做正确的事情。期。 描述策略 为了激励下一代运动员 “疯狂梦想”,我们庆祝了那些忽视传统思维并因此推动世界前进的真正运动员。而且由于没有哪个运动员比Colin Kaepernick更疯狂,因此我们使他成为整个竞选活动的代言人。 描述执行情况 这场运动始于科林·卡佩尼克 (Colin Kaepernick) 的一条推文,然后我们在NFL赛季开始时推出了一部2分钟的电影。这部电影由凯珀尼克 (Kaepernick) 配音,通过庆祝那些无视惯例并推动其运动向前发展的运动员,包括塞雷娜·威廉姆斯 (Serena Williams),Shaquem Griffin,莱西·贝克 (Lacey Baker),以赛亚·伯德 (Isaiah Bird) 等,鼓励了新一代运动员 “疯狂梦想”。然后,我们用广告牌和庆祝这些运动员的海报覆盖主要城市,包括针对特定地点的处决。例如,在旧金山放置了Colin Kaepernick广告牌,而在加利福尼亚州康普顿 (她的家乡) 竖立了Serena Williams广告牌。 列出结果 这场运动立即引发了全国乃至全世界的辩论。但是,当一些人和新闻网络发起抵制耐克并烧毁他们的鞋子时,数百万人为该品牌辩护,并称赞该运动处于 “历史的正确一边”。该活动使耐克的股价升至历史最高水平,并创造了60亿美元的品牌价值,使其成为该品牌历史上最成功的活动。


    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Titanium? For the 30th Anniversary of “Just Do it,” Nike celebrated athletes and their crazy dreams. The campaign was led by Colin Kaepernick, the controversial NFL quarterback who sacrificed his dream for a bigger one when he knelt during the national anthem to protest police brutality. While some launched a boycott against the Nike and burned their shoes, millions came to the brand’s defense and praised the campaign for being on “the right side of history”. This wasn’t just about a brand doing the right thing for its bottom line, it was about a brand doing the right thing. Period. Background For the 30th Anniversary of “Just Do It”, Nike wanted to inspire a new generation of young athletes and youth overall to realize their potential through sport. Nike, the number one sports brand, wanted to bring to life its iconic idea and line, “Just Do It” in a fresh way, relevant to youth athletes as well as culture at large. Describe the creative idea The “Dream Crazy” campaign celebrates inspirational athletes that have pushed their sports (and sometimes the world) forward, from household names like Serena Williams and Lebron James, to a girl who dreamed of playing linebacker on a high-school football team. The campaign was led by Colin Kaepernick, the controversial NFL quarterback who sacrificed his dream for an even bigger one when he knelt during the national anthem to protest police brutality. This wasn’t just about a brand doing the right thing for its bottom line, it was about a brand doing the right thing. Period. Describe the strategy To inspire the next generation of athletes to “dream crazy”, we celebrated real athletes that have ignored conventional thinking and as a result have pushed the world forward. And because no athlete has dreamed crazier than Colin Kaepernick, we made him the face of the entire campaign. Describe the execution The campaign started with a tweet from Colin Kaepernick, before we launched a 2-minute film during the opening of the NFL season. Voiced by Kaepernick, the film encouraged a new generation of athletes to “dream crazy” by celebrating athletes that ignored convention and pushed their sports forward including Serena Williams, Shaquem Griffin, Lacey Baker, Isaiah Bird and more. We then blanketed major cities with billboards and posters celebrating those athletes, including location-specific executions. For example, a Colin Kaepernick billboard was placed in San Francisco, while a Serena Williams billboard was erected in Compton, California (her hometown). List the results The campaign immediately ignited debate across the country and throughout the world. But while some people and news networks launched a boycott against the Nike and burned their shoes, millions came to the brand’s defense and praised the campaign for being on “the right side of history”. The campaign saw Nike’s stock price rise to an all-time high and created $6 billion in brand value, making it the most successful campaign in the brand’s history.

    Nike Dream Crazy

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与钛相关? 在 “就这么做” 30周年之际,耐克庆祝了运动员和他们疯狂的梦想。这场运动是由备受争议的NFL四分卫科林·凯珀尼克 (Colin Kaepernick) 领导的,他在国歌中跪下抗议警察的暴行时,为了更大的梦想而牺牲了自己的梦想。当一些人抵制耐克并烧毁他们的鞋子时,数百万人为该品牌辩护,并称赞该运动站在 “历史的正确一边”。这不仅仅是一个品牌为自己的底线做正确的事情,而是一个品牌做正确的事情。期。 背景 在 “Just Do It” 成立30周年之际,耐克希望激发新一代的年轻运动员和年轻人通过运动实现自己的潜力。耐克 (Nike) 是体育运动的第一大品牌,它希望以一种全新的方式将其标志性的理念和路线 “Just Do It” 变为现实,与青年运动员以及整个文化息息相关。 描述创意 “疯狂梦想” 活动庆祝鼓舞人心的运动员,这些运动员推动了他们的运动 (有时甚至是世界) 向前发展,从塞雷娜·威廉姆斯 (Serena Williams) 和勒布朗·詹姆斯 (Lebron James) 等家喻户晓的名字,到一个梦想在高中足球队扮演后卫的女孩。这场竞选活动由备受争议的NFL四分卫科林·凯珀尼克 (Colin Kaepernick) 领导,他在国歌中跪下抗议警察的暴行时,为了更大的梦想而牺牲了自己的梦想。这不仅仅是一个品牌为自己的底线做正确的事情,而是一个品牌做正确的事情。期。 描述策略 为了激励下一代运动员 “疯狂梦想”,我们庆祝了那些忽视传统思维并因此推动世界前进的真正运动员。而且由于没有哪个运动员比Colin Kaepernick更疯狂,因此我们使他成为整个竞选活动的代言人。 描述执行情况 这场运动始于科林·卡佩尼克 (Colin Kaepernick) 的一条推文,然后我们在NFL赛季开始时推出了一部2分钟的电影。这部电影由凯珀尼克 (Kaepernick) 配音,通过庆祝那些无视惯例并推动其运动向前发展的运动员,包括塞雷娜·威廉姆斯 (Serena Williams),Shaquem Griffin,莱西·贝克 (Lacey Baker),以赛亚·伯德 (Isaiah Bird) 等,鼓励了新一代运动员 “疯狂梦想”。然后,我们用广告牌和庆祝这些运动员的海报覆盖主要城市,包括针对特定地点的处决。例如,在旧金山放置了Colin Kaepernick广告牌,而在加利福尼亚州康普顿 (她的家乡) 竖立了Serena Williams广告牌。 列出结果 这场运动立即引发了全国乃至全世界的辩论。但是,当一些人和新闻网络发起抵制耐克并烧毁他们的鞋子时,数百万人为该品牌辩护,并称赞该运动处于 “历史的正确一边”。该活动使耐克的股价升至历史最高水平,并创造了60亿美元的品牌价值,使其成为该品牌历史上最成功的活动。

    Nike Dream Crazy

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Titanium? For the 30th Anniversary of “Just Do it,” Nike celebrated athletes and their crazy dreams. The campaign was led by Colin Kaepernick, the controversial NFL quarterback who sacrificed his dream for a bigger one when he knelt during the national anthem to protest police brutality. While some launched a boycott against the Nike and burned their shoes, millions came to the brand’s defense and praised the campaign for being on “the right side of history”. This wasn’t just about a brand doing the right thing for its bottom line, it was about a brand doing the right thing. Period. Background For the 30th Anniversary of “Just Do It”, Nike wanted to inspire a new generation of young athletes and youth overall to realize their potential through sport. Nike, the number one sports brand, wanted to bring to life its iconic idea and line, “Just Do It” in a fresh way, relevant to youth athletes as well as culture at large. Describe the creative idea The “Dream Crazy” campaign celebrates inspirational athletes that have pushed their sports (and sometimes the world) forward, from household names like Serena Williams and Lebron James, to a girl who dreamed of playing linebacker on a high-school football team. The campaign was led by Colin Kaepernick, the controversial NFL quarterback who sacrificed his dream for an even bigger one when he knelt during the national anthem to protest police brutality. This wasn’t just about a brand doing the right thing for its bottom line, it was about a brand doing the right thing. Period. Describe the strategy To inspire the next generation of athletes to “dream crazy”, we celebrated real athletes that have ignored conventional thinking and as a result have pushed the world forward. And because no athlete has dreamed crazier than Colin Kaepernick, we made him the face of the entire campaign. Describe the execution The campaign started with a tweet from Colin Kaepernick, before we launched a 2-minute film during the opening of the NFL season. Voiced by Kaepernick, the film encouraged a new generation of athletes to “dream crazy” by celebrating athletes that ignored convention and pushed their sports forward including Serena Williams, Shaquem Griffin, Lacey Baker, Isaiah Bird and more. We then blanketed major cities with billboards and posters celebrating those athletes, including location-specific executions. For example, a Colin Kaepernick billboard was placed in San Francisco, while a Serena Williams billboard was erected in Compton, California (her hometown). List the results The campaign immediately ignited debate across the country and throughout the world. But while some people and news networks launched a boycott against the Nike and burned their shoes, millions came to the brand’s defense and praised the campaign for being on “the right side of history”. The campaign saw Nike’s stock price rise to an all-time high and created $6 billion in brand value, making it the most successful campaign in the brand’s history.



    Nike Dream Crazy






    广告公司: 韦柯 (美国 波特兰) 制作公司: Park Pictures




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