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    缓解吸大麻以后的饥饿 | Oh Henry! 4:25短视频广告营销案例



    案例简介:哦,亨利!是千禧一代雄性饥饿时会用到的第一个巧克力棒。随着加拿大大麻合法化的临近,我们看到了哦,亨利!和母公司好时。随着越来越多的人开始吸食大麻,我们也知道很快会有更多饥饿的加拿大人,因为当人们变得兴奋时,他们会得到零食。 所以我们创造了哦亨利!4:25,一个全新的酒吧,特别为 4:20 后的 5 分钟制定 (这是任何时候大麻使用者点燃的斯通俚语)。这个重新设计的哦亨利!剥去巧克力,加入 25% 的咸花生和 7 克肠道填充蛋白。 为了在全国范围内推出该酒吧,我们给了我们的目标品尝哦,亨利的机会!4:25 在肯辛顿市场与 Mint (好时的 XM 和公关机构) 合作创建的品牌 “药房” 上的酒吧,安大略省大麻文化的归零地,以及现有大麻药房的步骤。这个空间被设计成看起来和感觉都像一个高端的药房,玻璃台面下和墙上的玻璃罐里都有酒吧, 斯托纳美食传奇史诗般的用餐时间的特别亮相,他在 4/25/2018 为热心的粉丝创建了一个百磅的 4:25 酒吧,帮助推出了这个弹出窗口。除了药房之外,我们还在下午4:25 出席了 2018 届全球大麻游行,共分发了 15,000 根酒吧。 这两个活动的预告内容拍摄是为了宣布酒吧即将在全国范围内推出, 在加拿大参议院通过法案 C-45 向世界宣布后的第二天早上,全国付费媒体开始直播,就在围绕合法休闲大麻的对话和热情达到顶峰的时候。 迄今为止,该运动已经获得了近 4400万的媒体印象,包括传统出版物和大麻出版物,近 3 百万视频浏览量,超过 15k 的社会反应、评论和分享, 并在/r/funny (一个拥有 2000万多个订阅者的受欢迎的子 Reddit) 上获得了第一名,在一个众所周知批评广告的社区中获得了超过 36k 的选票。

    案例简介:Oh Henry! is the #1 chocolate bar millennial males turn to when they get hungry. And with the approaching national legalization of marijuana in Canada, we saw a big opportunity for Oh Henry! and parent brand Hershey's. With more people on track to smoke marijuana than ever before, we also knew there soon would be more hungry Canadians out there, because when people get high, they get the munchies. So we created Oh Henry! 4:25, a brand new bar specially formulated for 5 minutes after 4:20 (which is stoner slang for anytime cannabis users light up). This redesigned Oh Henry! stripped away the chocolate and added 25% more salty peanuts and 7 grams of gut-filling protein. To launch the bar ahead of a national rollout, we gave our target the chance to sample Oh Henry! 4:25 bars at a branded 'dispensary' created in partnership with Mint (Hershey's XM and PR agency) in Kensington Market, ground zero for cannabis culture in Ontario and steps from existing cannabis dispensaries. The space was designed to look and feel like a higher-end dispensary, with bars on display under glass countertops and in glass jars along the wall, and a special appearance by stoner food legends Epic Meal Time who helped launch the pop-up on 4/25/2018 by creating a hundred-pound 4:25 bar for eager fans. In addition to the dispensary, we showed up at the 2018 Global Marijuana March at 4:25PM to distribute a total of 15,000 bars. Teaser content shot at both events was created to announce the upcoming national launch of the bar, with paid nationwide media going live the morning after the passing of Bill C-45 through the Canadian Senate was announced to the world, right when conversations and enthusiasm around legal recreational marijuana were at their peak. To date, the campaign has garnered nearly 44 million earned media impressions across both traditional and cannabis-oriented publications, nearly 3M video views, over 15k social reactions, comments and shares, and reached #1 on /r/funny (a popular sub-Reddit with 20million+ subscribers) with over 36k upvotes in a community notoriously critical of advertising.

    缓解吸大麻以后的饥饿 | Oh Henry! 4:25

    案例简介:哦,亨利!是千禧一代雄性饥饿时会用到的第一个巧克力棒。随着加拿大大麻合法化的临近,我们看到了哦,亨利!和母公司好时。随着越来越多的人开始吸食大麻,我们也知道很快会有更多饥饿的加拿大人,因为当人们变得兴奋时,他们会得到零食。 所以我们创造了哦亨利!4:25,一个全新的酒吧,特别为 4:20 后的 5 分钟制定 (这是任何时候大麻使用者点燃的斯通俚语)。这个重新设计的哦亨利!剥去巧克力,加入 25% 的咸花生和 7 克肠道填充蛋白。 为了在全国范围内推出该酒吧,我们给了我们的目标品尝哦,亨利的机会!4:25 在肯辛顿市场与 Mint (好时的 XM 和公关机构) 合作创建的品牌 “药房” 上的酒吧,安大略省大麻文化的归零地,以及现有大麻药房的步骤。这个空间被设计成看起来和感觉都像一个高端的药房,玻璃台面下和墙上的玻璃罐里都有酒吧, 斯托纳美食传奇史诗般的用餐时间的特别亮相,他在 4/25/2018 为热心的粉丝创建了一个百磅的 4:25 酒吧,帮助推出了这个弹出窗口。除了药房之外,我们还在下午4:25 出席了 2018 届全球大麻游行,共分发了 15,000 根酒吧。 这两个活动的预告内容拍摄是为了宣布酒吧即将在全国范围内推出, 在加拿大参议院通过法案 C-45 向世界宣布后的第二天早上,全国付费媒体开始直播,就在围绕合法休闲大麻的对话和热情达到顶峰的时候。 迄今为止,该运动已经获得了近 4400万的媒体印象,包括传统出版物和大麻出版物,近 3 百万视频浏览量,超过 15k 的社会反应、评论和分享, 并在/r/funny (一个拥有 2000万多个订阅者的受欢迎的子 Reddit) 上获得了第一名,在一个众所周知批评广告的社区中获得了超过 36k 的选票。

    缓解吸大麻以后的饥饿 | Oh Henry! 4:25

    案例简介:Oh Henry! is the #1 chocolate bar millennial males turn to when they get hungry. And with the approaching national legalization of marijuana in Canada, we saw a big opportunity for Oh Henry! and parent brand Hershey's. With more people on track to smoke marijuana than ever before, we also knew there soon would be more hungry Canadians out there, because when people get high, they get the munchies. So we created Oh Henry! 4:25, a brand new bar specially formulated for 5 minutes after 4:20 (which is stoner slang for anytime cannabis users light up). This redesigned Oh Henry! stripped away the chocolate and added 25% more salty peanuts and 7 grams of gut-filling protein. To launch the bar ahead of a national rollout, we gave our target the chance to sample Oh Henry! 4:25 bars at a branded 'dispensary' created in partnership with Mint (Hershey's XM and PR agency) in Kensington Market, ground zero for cannabis culture in Ontario and steps from existing cannabis dispensaries. The space was designed to look and feel like a higher-end dispensary, with bars on display under glass countertops and in glass jars along the wall, and a special appearance by stoner food legends Epic Meal Time who helped launch the pop-up on 4/25/2018 by creating a hundred-pound 4:25 bar for eager fans. In addition to the dispensary, we showed up at the 2018 Global Marijuana March at 4:25PM to distribute a total of 15,000 bars. Teaser content shot at both events was created to announce the upcoming national launch of the bar, with paid nationwide media going live the morning after the passing of Bill C-45 through the Canadian Senate was announced to the world, right when conversations and enthusiasm around legal recreational marijuana were at their peak. To date, the campaign has garnered nearly 44 million earned media impressions across both traditional and cannabis-oriented publications, nearly 3M video views, over 15k social reactions, comments and shares, and reached #1 on /r/funny (a popular sub-Reddit with 20million+ subscribers) with over 36k upvotes in a community notoriously critical of advertising.


    缓解吸大麻以后的饥饿 | Oh Henry! 4:25










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