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    案例简介:为什么这项工作与直接相关? 随着大麻合法化的临近,好时的巧克力棒品牌Oh Henry!知道越来越多的加拿大人很快就会遇到零食 (又名大麻引起的饥饿)。我们千禧年的目标已经建立了零食,但是没有针对这种饥饿的量身定制的产品。 为了利用此空白,我们创建了一种新产品,专为4:20后5分钟达到的强烈饥饿而设计: Oh Henry!4:25酒吧。为大麻爱好者重新设计了7克肠道填充蛋白和包装,100万条酒吧通过一项全国性的活动进入商店,旨在在供应持续的情况下让石头进入商店。 背景 在20世纪90年代初,哦亨利!发起了一项标志性的活动,巩固了该品牌,将其作为加拿大年轻人的饥饿解决方案。但是20年后,我们全国销量的大部分 (65%) 来自那些忠诚的人,现在已经45岁了。哦,亨利!的35岁及以下家庭渗透率为1.2,而类别领导者士力架为1.6 (2016,2017) 为了增加份额,我们必须招募20-35名喜欢士力架的新一代忠实拥护者。 进入2018,大麻合法化是加拿大文化的首要考虑因素。33% 的千禧一代使用大麻。18% 每周使用一次。23% 计划在合法化后增加消费。通过利用大麻文化,我们知道我们可以与我们的千禧一代目标联系起来。 建立kpi是为了衡量成功: + 0.2分家庭在千禧2018年中的渗透率 1700万人从传统的,针对大麻的和/或社交媒体中获得印象 70% 积极/中性消费者情绪 描述创意 (投票30%) 哦亨利!4:25酒吧是专门为4:20后5分钟达到的强烈饥饿而制定的 (4:20 = 大麻使用代码)。 我们剥离了巧克力的原始棒,添加了25% 多花生7克蛋白质。为了在货架上向大麻致敬,我们改变了哦亨利!的商标黄色包装绿色。包装副本中注入了内部俚语 (“我们最dankest的成分”)。 在4/25/2018上,我们预览了一家品牌药房的酒吧,距离现有的大麻药房有几步之遥。YouTube传奇史诗餐时间为现场粉丝和媒体创建了一个100磅的4:25酒吧。 我们还参加了2018的全球大麻游行,下午4:20后五分钟分发了15,000条酒吧。 然后,通过全国营销活动 (OLV,social,Epic Meal Time品牌内容,OOH) 在加拿大各地推出了100万个酒吧。大麻合法化正式生效后的第二天早上,付费媒体开始直播。 描述策略 (投票20%) 哦亨利!目标是加拿大千禧一代,偏斜的男性,年龄在20-35岁之间。他们对成年人的身体有十几岁的态度。在原始本能的刺激下,他们的心态使他们寻求身体 (而不是大脑) 所说的任何需要。这就是为什么他们寻找甜咸的零食,而不是更健康的替代品来抑制饥饿的原因。当他们饿的时候,这就是他们能想到的。哦亨利!4:25的目标扩大了受众范围,包括大麻中性和对大麻友好的千禧一代。 哦,亨利!4:25开始拦截变高的仪式。为了实现这一目标,实施了 “在强烈绝食的时间和地点出现” 的通信原则,以在他们最容易接受的时刻达到目标。这直接影响了我们的上市方式,包括4/25年的药房,在大麻游行的下午4:25上露面,以及在合法化宣布后的第二天发布内容。 描述执行 (投票20%) 4月25日-5月5日: 酒吧启动多伦多 @ 4:25 “药房” 该空间的设计感觉像是真正的大麻药房,玻璃罐中陈列着酒吧。YouTube传奇史诗晚餐时间 [EMT] 帮助启动了药房,为粉丝创建了一个100磅的4:25酒吧。当4:25在全国范围内上市时,目标哦进行了沟通。 5月3日-多伦多全球大麻游行 我们推出了药房的移动版本,正好下午4:25分发15,000条。 6月22日-9月-国家付费社会 + OLV: 合法化正式通过后的第二天,媒体推动在加拿大各地购买100万个酒吧。OLV/社交内容分为消费者参与录像和提高意识的产品教育视频。 4月-五月-EMT国家品牌内容 这些斯通纳文化的主要内容制作了一个7分钟的视频,记录了一个100磅4:25的酒吧的创建,并放大了 社会。 列出结果 (投票30%) 哦,亨利!4:25超过了所有基准: 100万条酒吧售罄,包装盒在ebay上的零售价高达3倍 获得6900多万媒体印象 (在一个约3500万的国家) + 0.4分千禧一代家庭渗透。在此期间,士力架千禧年渗透率下降了0.3分 #1 on /r/funny (一个受欢迎的订阅用户2000万,以讨厌广告而臭名昭著) Improved品牌健康: 母品牌提高了感知意义 (+ 6分) 和差异化 (+ 12) 在意识到4:25酒吧与总人口的人群中 整个投资组合的增长: 常规单条 + 1%,花生酱单条: + 5% 在线消费者情绪93% 积极/中性情绪 400 + 大麻社区Instagram照片描绘哦亨利!4:25是他们个人4:20仪式的字面上的一部分


    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Direct? With cannabis legalization approaching, Hershey’s chocolate bar brand Oh Henry! knew more Canadians would soon be experiencing the munchies (AKA hunger caused by marijuana). Our millennial target had established munchies snacks, but no tailor-made product for this type of hunger existed. To tap into this whitespace, we created a new product designed for the intense hunger that hits 5 minutes after 4:20: the Oh Henry! 4:25 bar. With 7g of gut-filling protein and packaging redesigned for cannabis enthusiasts, 1 million bars were launched into stores with a national campaign designed to get stoners into stores while supplies lasted. Background In the early 1990s, Oh Henry! launched an iconic campaign that cemented the brand as a go-to hunger solution for young Canadians. But 20+ years later the majority (65%) of our national sales volume was from those loyalists, now 45+ years old. Oh Henry!’s 35-and-under household penetration was 1.2, compared to category leader Snickers at 1.6 (2016, 2017) To grow share, we had to recruit a new generation of 20–35 loyalists who preferred Snickers. Heading into 2018, cannabis legalization was top of mind in Canadian culture. 33% of millennials had used cannabis. 18% used weekly. 23% planned on increasing their consumption following legalization. By tapping into cannabis culture, we knew we could connect with our millennial target. KPIs were established to measure success: +0.2 pts household penetration among millenials in 2018 17M earned impressions from traditional, cannabis-specific and/or social media 70% positive/neutral consumer sentiment Describe the creative idea (30% of vote) The Oh Henry! 4:25 bar was specially formulated for the intense hunger that hits 5 minutes after 4:20 (4:20 = code for marijuana use). We stripped the original bar of chocolate, adding 25% more peanuts for 7g of protein. To nod to cannabis on shelves, we changed Oh Henry!’s trademark yellow packaging green. Packaging copy was infused with insider slang (“Our dankest ingredients yet”). On 4/25/2018, we previewed the bar at a branded dispensary, steps from existing cannabis dispensaries. YouTube legends Epic Meal Time created a 100lb 4:25 bar for fans & media on site. We also joined 2018’s Global Marijuana March, distributing 15,000 bars five minutes after 4:20 pm. 1M bars were then rolled out across Canada with a national marketing campaign (OLV, social, Epic Meal Time branded content, OOH). Paid media went live the morning after cannabis legalization became official. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) The Oh Henry! target is Canadian millennials, skewing male, aged 20–35. They have a teen attitude in an adult’s body. Spurred by a primal instinct, their mentality makes them seek whatever their body (not brain) says it needs. It’s why they seek out sweet and salty snacks instead of a healthier alternative to curb their hunger. When they’re hungry it’s all they can think about. The Oh Henry! 4:25 target expanded the audience to include cannabis-neutral and cannabis-friendly millennials. Oh Henry! 4:25 set out to intercept the ritual of getting high. To achieve this, the communications principle of “appearing when and where intense hunger strikes” was implemented to reach the target in moments where they’d be most receptive. This directly influenced our go-to-market approach, including the dispensary on 4/25, appearing at 4:25 pm at the Marijuana March, and releasing content a day after the legalization announcement. Describe the execution (20% of vote) April 25 - May 5: Bar launch Toronto @ 4:25 ‘Dispensary’ The space was designed to feel like a real marijuana dispensary, with bars on display in glass jars. YouTube legends Epic Meal Time [EMT] helped launched the dispensary, creating a 100lb 4:25 bar for fans. Targeted OOH communicated when 4:25 would be available nationally. May 3rd - Toronto Global Marijuana March We unveiled a mobile version of the dispensary at exactly 4:25 pm to distribute 15,000 bars. June 22 - September - National Paid Social + OLV: Media driving purchase of 1M bars across Canada went live the day after legalization officially passed. OLV/social content was split between consumer engagement footage and awareness-building product education videos. April - May - EMT National Branded Content These staples of stoner culture created a 7 minute video documenting the creation of a 100lb 4:25 bar, amplified on social. List the results (30% of vote) Oh Henry! 4:25 surpassed all benchmarks: 1M bars sold out, with boxes going on ebay for up to 3x retail price 69+ million earned media impressions (in a country of ~35M) +0.4 pts millennial household penetration. During this period, Snickers millennial penetration decreased by 0.3 pts #1 on /r/funny (a popular Subreddit with 20 million subscribers, notorious for hating ads) Improved Brand Health: parent brand improved perceived meaning (+6 points) and differentiation (+12) among those aware of the 4:25 bar vs. total population Growth across the entire portfolio:Regular Single Bar +1%, Peanut Butter Single Bar: +5% Online Consumer Sentiment 93% positive/neutral sentiment 400+ cannabis community Instagram photos depicting Oh Henry! 4:25 as a literal part of their personal 4:20 ritual

    Oh Henry! 4:25

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与直接相关? 随着大麻合法化的临近,好时的巧克力棒品牌Oh Henry!知道越来越多的加拿大人很快就会遇到零食 (又名大麻引起的饥饿)。我们千禧年的目标已经建立了零食,但是没有针对这种饥饿的量身定制的产品。 为了利用此空白,我们创建了一种新产品,专为4:20后5分钟达到的强烈饥饿而设计: Oh Henry!4:25酒吧。为大麻爱好者重新设计了7克肠道填充蛋白和包装,100万条酒吧通过一项全国性的活动进入商店,旨在在供应持续的情况下让石头进入商店。 背景 在20世纪90年代初,哦亨利!发起了一项标志性的活动,巩固了该品牌,将其作为加拿大年轻人的饥饿解决方案。但是20年后,我们全国销量的大部分 (65%) 来自那些忠诚的人,现在已经45岁了。哦,亨利!的35岁及以下家庭渗透率为1.2,而类别领导者士力架为1.6 (2016,2017) 为了增加份额,我们必须招募20-35名喜欢士力架的新一代忠实拥护者。 进入2018,大麻合法化是加拿大文化的首要考虑因素。33% 的千禧一代使用大麻。18% 每周使用一次。23% 计划在合法化后增加消费。通过利用大麻文化,我们知道我们可以与我们的千禧一代目标联系起来。 建立kpi是为了衡量成功: + 0.2分家庭在千禧2018年中的渗透率 1700万人从传统的,针对大麻的和/或社交媒体中获得印象 70% 积极/中性消费者情绪 描述创意 (投票30%) 哦亨利!4:25酒吧是专门为4:20后5分钟达到的强烈饥饿而制定的 (4:20 = 大麻使用代码)。 我们剥离了巧克力的原始棒,添加了25% 多花生7克蛋白质。为了在货架上向大麻致敬,我们改变了哦亨利!的商标黄色包装绿色。包装副本中注入了内部俚语 (“我们最dankest的成分”)。 在4/25/2018上,我们预览了一家品牌药房的酒吧,距离现有的大麻药房有几步之遥。YouTube传奇史诗餐时间为现场粉丝和媒体创建了一个100磅的4:25酒吧。 我们还参加了2018的全球大麻游行,下午4:20后五分钟分发了15,000条酒吧。 然后,通过全国营销活动 (OLV,social,Epic Meal Time品牌内容,OOH) 在加拿大各地推出了100万个酒吧。大麻合法化正式生效后的第二天早上,付费媒体开始直播。 描述策略 (投票20%) 哦亨利!目标是加拿大千禧一代,偏斜的男性,年龄在20-35岁之间。他们对成年人的身体有十几岁的态度。在原始本能的刺激下,他们的心态使他们寻求身体 (而不是大脑) 所说的任何需要。这就是为什么他们寻找甜咸的零食,而不是更健康的替代品来抑制饥饿的原因。当他们饿的时候,这就是他们能想到的。哦亨利!4:25的目标扩大了受众范围,包括大麻中性和对大麻友好的千禧一代。 哦,亨利!4:25开始拦截变高的仪式。为了实现这一目标,实施了 “在强烈绝食的时间和地点出现” 的通信原则,以在他们最容易接受的时刻达到目标。这直接影响了我们的上市方式,包括4/25年的药房,在大麻游行的下午4:25上露面,以及在合法化宣布后的第二天发布内容。 描述执行 (投票20%) 4月25日-5月5日: 酒吧启动多伦多 @ 4:25 “药房” 该空间的设计感觉像是真正的大麻药房,玻璃罐中陈列着酒吧。YouTube传奇史诗晚餐时间 [EMT] 帮助启动了药房,为粉丝创建了一个100磅的4:25酒吧。当4:25在全国范围内上市时,目标哦进行了沟通。 5月3日-多伦多全球大麻游行 我们推出了药房的移动版本,正好下午4:25分发15,000条。 6月22日-9月-国家付费社会 + OLV: 合法化正式通过后的第二天,媒体推动在加拿大各地购买100万个酒吧。OLV/社交内容分为消费者参与录像和提高意识的产品教育视频。 4月-五月-EMT国家品牌内容 这些斯通纳文化的主要内容制作了一个7分钟的视频,记录了一个100磅4:25的酒吧的创建,并放大了 社会。 列出结果 (投票30%) 哦,亨利!4:25超过了所有基准: 100万条酒吧售罄,包装盒在ebay上的零售价高达3倍 获得6900多万媒体印象 (在一个约3500万的国家) + 0.4分千禧一代家庭渗透。在此期间,士力架千禧年渗透率下降了0.3分 #1 on /r/funny (一个受欢迎的订阅用户2000万,以讨厌广告而臭名昭著) Improved品牌健康: 母品牌提高了感知意义 (+ 6分) 和差异化 (+ 12) 在意识到4:25酒吧与总人口的人群中 整个投资组合的增长: 常规单条 + 1%,花生酱单条: + 5% 在线消费者情绪93% 积极/中性情绪 400 + 大麻社区Instagram照片描绘哦亨利!4:25是他们个人4:20仪式的字面上的一部分

    Oh Henry! 4:25

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Direct? With cannabis legalization approaching, Hershey’s chocolate bar brand Oh Henry! knew more Canadians would soon be experiencing the munchies (AKA hunger caused by marijuana). Our millennial target had established munchies snacks, but no tailor-made product for this type of hunger existed. To tap into this whitespace, we created a new product designed for the intense hunger that hits 5 minutes after 4:20: the Oh Henry! 4:25 bar. With 7g of gut-filling protein and packaging redesigned for cannabis enthusiasts, 1 million bars were launched into stores with a national campaign designed to get stoners into stores while supplies lasted. Background In the early 1990s, Oh Henry! launched an iconic campaign that cemented the brand as a go-to hunger solution for young Canadians. But 20+ years later the majority (65%) of our national sales volume was from those loyalists, now 45+ years old. Oh Henry!’s 35-and-under household penetration was 1.2, compared to category leader Snickers at 1.6 (2016, 2017) To grow share, we had to recruit a new generation of 20–35 loyalists who preferred Snickers. Heading into 2018, cannabis legalization was top of mind in Canadian culture. 33% of millennials had used cannabis. 18% used weekly. 23% planned on increasing their consumption following legalization. By tapping into cannabis culture, we knew we could connect with our millennial target. KPIs were established to measure success: +0.2 pts household penetration among millenials in 2018 17M earned impressions from traditional, cannabis-specific and/or social media 70% positive/neutral consumer sentiment Describe the creative idea (30% of vote) The Oh Henry! 4:25 bar was specially formulated for the intense hunger that hits 5 minutes after 4:20 (4:20 = code for marijuana use). We stripped the original bar of chocolate, adding 25% more peanuts for 7g of protein. To nod to cannabis on shelves, we changed Oh Henry!’s trademark yellow packaging green. Packaging copy was infused with insider slang (“Our dankest ingredients yet”). On 4/25/2018, we previewed the bar at a branded dispensary, steps from existing cannabis dispensaries. YouTube legends Epic Meal Time created a 100lb 4:25 bar for fans & media on site. We also joined 2018’s Global Marijuana March, distributing 15,000 bars five minutes after 4:20 pm. 1M bars were then rolled out across Canada with a national marketing campaign (OLV, social, Epic Meal Time branded content, OOH). Paid media went live the morning after cannabis legalization became official. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) The Oh Henry! target is Canadian millennials, skewing male, aged 20–35. They have a teen attitude in an adult’s body. Spurred by a primal instinct, their mentality makes them seek whatever their body (not brain) says it needs. It’s why they seek out sweet and salty snacks instead of a healthier alternative to curb their hunger. When they’re hungry it’s all they can think about. The Oh Henry! 4:25 target expanded the audience to include cannabis-neutral and cannabis-friendly millennials. Oh Henry! 4:25 set out to intercept the ritual of getting high. To achieve this, the communications principle of “appearing when and where intense hunger strikes” was implemented to reach the target in moments where they’d be most receptive. This directly influenced our go-to-market approach, including the dispensary on 4/25, appearing at 4:25 pm at the Marijuana March, and releasing content a day after the legalization announcement. Describe the execution (20% of vote) April 25 - May 5: Bar launch Toronto @ 4:25 ‘Dispensary’ The space was designed to feel like a real marijuana dispensary, with bars on display in glass jars. YouTube legends Epic Meal Time [EMT] helped launched the dispensary, creating a 100lb 4:25 bar for fans. Targeted OOH communicated when 4:25 would be available nationally. May 3rd - Toronto Global Marijuana March We unveiled a mobile version of the dispensary at exactly 4:25 pm to distribute 15,000 bars. June 22 - September - National Paid Social + OLV: Media driving purchase of 1M bars across Canada went live the day after legalization officially passed. OLV/social content was split between consumer engagement footage and awareness-building product education videos. April - May - EMT National Branded Content These staples of stoner culture created a 7 minute video documenting the creation of a 100lb 4:25 bar, amplified on social. List the results (30% of vote) Oh Henry! 4:25 surpassed all benchmarks: 1M bars sold out, with boxes going on ebay for up to 3x retail price 69+ million earned media impressions (in a country of ~35M) +0.4 pts millennial household penetration. During this period, Snickers millennial penetration decreased by 0.3 pts #1 on /r/funny (a popular Subreddit with 20 million subscribers, notorious for hating ads) Improved Brand Health: parent brand improved perceived meaning (+6 points) and differentiation (+12) among those aware of the 4:25 bar vs. total population Growth across the entire portfolio:Regular Single Bar +1%, Peanut Butter Single Bar: +5% Online Consumer Sentiment 93% positive/neutral sentiment 400+ cannabis community Instagram photos depicting Oh Henry! 4:25 as a literal part of their personal 4:20 ritual



    Oh Henry! 4:25










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